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" ... first form is that which is permanent in the animalcule. His organization gradually passes through conditions generally resembling a fish, a reptile, a bird, and the lower mammalia, before it attains its specific maturity. At one of the last stages... "
Medico-chirurgical Review and Journal of Medical Science - Page 148
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Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation

Robert Chambers - 1844 - 402 pages
...its specific maturity. At one of the last stages of his fcetal career, he exhibits an intermaxillary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape;...the highest point yet attained in the animal scale. To come to particular points of the organization. The brain of man, which exceeds that of all other...
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The North American Review, Volume 60

Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, James Russell Lowell, Henry Cabot Lodge - 1845 - 540 pages
...its specific maturity. At one of the last stages of his fcetal career, he exhibits an intermaxillary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape ;...the highest point yet attained in the animal scale. " To come to particular points of the organization. The brain of man, which exceeds that of all other...
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Creation by the Immediate Agency of God, as Opposed to Creation by Natural ...

Thomas Monck Mason - 1845 - 208 pages
...its specific maturity. At one of the last stages of his foetal career, he exhibits an intermaxillary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape ;...the simial type, and become a true human creature.' (p. 158, 159.) These changes as regards the brain, more particularly of man, are thus concisely given...
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The North British Review, Volume 3

1845 - 546 pages
...its specific maturity. At one of the last stages of his foetal career he exhibits an intermaxillary bone which is characteristic of the perfect ape ;...the simial type, and become a true human creature !" Sex, too, our author maintains, " is fully ascertained to be a matter of development. All beings...
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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review

1845 - 532 pages
...its specific maturity. At one of the last stages of his foetal career, he exhibits an intermaxilliary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape ;...the simial type, and become a true human creature. The brain of man, which exceeds that of all other animals in complexity of organization and fullness...
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The Medico-chirurgical Review and Journal of Practical Medicine, Volume 46

1845 - 610 pages
...its specific maturity. Atone of the last stages of his foetal career, he exhibits an intermaxillary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape :...the simial type, and become a true human creature. Kven, as we shall see, the varieties of his race are represented in the progressive development of...
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Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine

1845 - 530 pages
...its specific maturity. At one of the last stages of his foetal career, he exhibits an intermaxilliary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape ;...the simial type, and become a true human creature. The brain of man, which exceeds that of all other animals in complexity of organization and fullness...
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Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation

Robert Chambers - 1845 - 342 pages
...specific maturity. At one of the last stages of his fatal • ,;_ ; career, he exhibits an intermaxillary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape ; this is suppressed, and he jnay then be said to take leave of the simial type, and ,"-' • become a true human creature. Kvcn,...
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Vestige of the Natural History of Creation: With a Sequel

Robert Chambers - 1846 - 318 pages
...its specific maturity. At one of ihe last stages of his fojtal career, he exhibits an intermaxillary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape ;...the highest point yet attained in the animal scale. To come to particular points of the organization. The brain of man, which exceeds that of all other...
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The North American Review, Volume 62

Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, James Russell Lowell, Henry Cabot Lodge - 1846 - 548 pages
...mammalia, before it attains its specific maturity. At one of the last stages he exhibits an intermaxillary bone, which is characteristic of the perfect ape ;...the simial type and become a true human creature." — Vestiges, 1st ed., p. 151. We cannot say much for the writer's candor in his new volume ; but he...
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