CHURCH marks of the irons which originally fastened on the cover are SOOKHOLM plainly to be seen, but the lead lining is gone, leaving the old tool marks visible. The stem and base are either entirely new or have been thoroughly re-worked. Of the Decorated period, two windows remain in the nave, one in the south wall near the chancel arch, and the other at the west end. This latter was luckily moved intact when the shortening of the nave took place, any newness observable being due to the restoration, the door underneath the window also is as it was, a corbel lintel, for there is not sufficient space between its head and the cill of the window for any but one of the flat-headed type. The interior arch of the Decorated window in the south wall, with its deep splay, is an interesting example of how the Gothic builders overcame the difficulty of shortness of head room, and may possibly be older than the tracery. Early in the 14th century the chapel was re-roofed, and two tie beams remain, that near the chancel arch being decorated in the centre with a rudely carved head of Christ with an extremely spiked halo, and the other having a roughly carved boss of foliage. On the south wall of the chancel is a piscina with a trefoil head and large bowl, the latter scalloped inside and ornamented with a band of cable moulding on the outside, Near this is a small plain sedile, and on the north side of the chancel is an aumbry. A small plain bracket is on the east wall towards the north side, but there is no corresponding one on the south. On the south side of the chancel is a 15th century twolight window, the only relic of the Perpendicular period. At the restoration of 1893, the debased east window was removed, and the three round-headed lights inserted with a view to restoring the chancel to somewhat of its original Norman appearance. When the Gothic spirit was dying out, the two-light window in the south wall of the nave, near the west end, was inserted, probably in the 16th century, as it partakes more of |