A TREATISE OF ALGEBRA In Two BOOKS: The First treating of the Arithmetical, and the The SECOND EDITION with ADDITIONS. By PHILIP RONAYNE, Gent. LONDON: Printed for WILLIAM and JOHN INNYS, M. DCXXVIII. 1738 His Excellency Alan Lord Brodrick, Baron of Middleton, one of the Lords Juftices, and Lord High-Chancellor of the Kingdom of Ireland. May it please Your Excellency, T HE following Treatise might justly be intitled to your Patronage, were the Performance suitable to the Dignity of the Subject, which is a Science, that exceeds all others in Certainty and Clearness, and, by a Natural and Regular Method, cor duces much to the opening and enlarging of the Mind. BUT, tho' this small Volume can't pretend to any fuch Perfection, yet, as it may, in fome Meafure, advance so useful a part of Learning, I take the Liberty to put it under your Protection, My Lord, who gave early Proots of a clear Understanding, an exact Judgment, and a vast Genius capable of comprehending and im proving the most abstruse Sciences. A 2 |