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The following pages must be regarded in the light of a fragment. A complete History of the Town of Ipswich was at first designed, but found to involve a larger amount of pecuniary outlay than would probably have been returned. The first idea was therefore abandoned and the volume took the form and title it now bears.

It has been the object of the author to confine his authorities as far as possible to those hitherto unknown, partially explored, or not easily accessible. Published matter has been avoided except where reference to any printed work was required for the elucidation of original documents.

Through the kindness of the Corporation of Ipswich, a large portion of the Town Records have been examined. Those which chiefly occupied the attention of the author were the books of Accounts of the ancient Chamberlains-the Great Domesday Book of Ipswich, a thick vellum volume re-compiled in 1521 by Richard Percyvale-such of the Great Court Books as remain in the custody of the Corporation—and the folio manuscript gathered from the then existing muniments by Nicholas Bacon, Recorder of Ipswich, and one of its Representatives in the Long Parliament. Other authorities comprize MSS. in the British Museum-MSS. connected with the College of Cardinal Wolsey, among the Chapter House Papers and those at the Rolls' Office MSS. in the Augmentation Office, and the various Churchwardens Books

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and Parochial Registers belonging to the Churches of the


Such are the principal public sources from which information has been derived. The author is bound however, both by friendship and gratitude, to acknowledge the assistance received from the large local collection of Mr. W. S. Fitch, a gentleman to whom the possession of an unequalled body of documentary evidence connected with Suffolk, illustrated by many volumes of drawings and engravings, has not been

"As is a landscape to a blind man's eye;"

but one of use, instruction, and pleasure-while feeling the value of his own antiquarian stores and indefatigable personal exertions in throwing light upon the History of his native county, he has at all times been liberal in imparting his accumulated knowledge to those capable of appreciating its value.

"Munos Appoline Dignum."

My best thanks are also due to Mr. S. A. Notcutt, and Mr. J. E. Sparrowe, for their courtesy and kindness with reference to the examination of the Town Records, during the period when these gentlemen severally filled the office of Town Clerk.

I am also bound to acknowledge the attention shewn me by D. E. Davy, Esq. of Ufford, another Suffolk collector, for replies to enquiries,-and also to Sir F. Palgrave at the Rolls' Office, and the Rev. Joseph Hunter, at the Augmentation Office, for liberally advancing my researches in the vast depositories of the National Records committed to their care.

September, 1850.


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