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differing in diameter by the Tooth or the roboth of an inch, were given to his workmen, with the result that a degree of accuracy inconceivable to the ordinary mind became the rule of the shop.

To render the construction of accurate gauges possible Whitworth devised his measuring machine, in which the movement was effected by a screw; by this means the distance between two true planes might be measured to the one-millionth of an inch.

These advances in precision of measurement have enabled the degree of accuracy which was formerly limited to the mathematical-instrument maker to become the common property of every machine shop. And not only is the latest form of steam-engine, in the accuracy of its workmanship, little behind the chronometer of the early part of the century, but the accuracy in the construction of experimental apparatus which has thus been introduced has rendered possible recent advances in many lines of research.

Lord Kelvin said in his Presidential Address at Edinburgh, Nearly all the grandest discoveries of science have been but the rewards of accurate measurement and patient, long-continued labour in the sifting of numerical results.' The discovery of argon, for which Lord Rayleigh and Professor Ramsay have been awarded the Hodgkin prize by the Smithsonian Institution, affords a remarkable illustration of the truth of this remark. Indeed, the provision of accurate standards not only of length, but of weight, capacity, temperature, force, and energy, are amongst the foundations of scientific investigation.

In 1842 the British Association obtained the opportunity of extending its usefulness in this direction.

In that year the Government gave up the Royal Observatory at Kew, and offered it to the Royal Society, who declined it. But the British Association accepted the charge. Their first object was to continue Sabine's valuable observations upon the vibrations of a pendulum in various gases, and to promote pendulum observations in various parts of the world. They subsequently extended it into an observatory for comparing and verifying the various instruments which recent discoveries in physical science had suggested for continuous meteorological and magnetic observations, for observations and experiments on atmospheric electricity, and for the study of solar physics.

This new departure afforded a means for ascertaining the advantages and disadvantages of the several varieties of scientific instruments; as well as for standardising and testing instruments, not only for instrumentmakers, but especially for observers by whom simultaneous observations were then being carried on in different parts of the world; and also for training observers proceeding abroad on scientific expeditions.

Its special object was to promote original research, and expenditure was not to be incurred on apparatus merely intended to exhibit the necessary consequences of known laws.

The rapid strides in electrical science had attracted attention to the

measurement of electrical resistances, and in 1859 the British Association appointed a special committee to devise a standard. The standard of resistance proposed by that committee became the generally accepted standard, until the requirements of that advancing science led to the adoption of an international standard.

In 1866 the Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade entered into close relations with the Kew Observatory.

And in 1871 Mr. Gassiot transferred 10,000l. upon trust to the Royal Society for the maintenance of the Kew Observatory, for the purpose of assisting in carrying on magnetical, meteorological, and other physical observations. The British Association thereupon, after having maintained this Observatory for nearly thirty years, at a total expenditure of about 12,000l., handed the Observatory over to the Royal Society.

The 'Transactions' of the British Association are a catalogue of its efforts in every branch of science, both to promote experimental research and to facilitate the application of the results to the practical uses of life.

But probably the marvellous development in science which has accompanied the life-history of the Association will be best appreciated by a brief allusion to the condition of some of the branches of science in 1831 as compared with their present state.



At the foundation of the Association geology was assuming a prominent position in science. The main features of English geology had been illustrated as far back as 1821, and, among the founders of the British Association, Murchison and Phillips, Buckland, Sedgwick and Conybeare, Lyell and De la Beche, were occupied in investigating the data necessary for perfecting a geological chronology by the detailed observations of the various British deposits, and by their co-relation with the Continental strata. They were thus preparing the way for those large generalisations which have raised geology to the rank of an inductive science.

In 1831 the Ordnance maps published for the southern counties had enabled the Government to recognise the importance of a geological survey by the appointment of Mr. De la Beche to affix geological colours to the maps of Devonshire and portions of Somerset, Dorset and Cornwall; and in 1835 Lyell, Buckland and Sedgwick induced the Government to establish the Geological Survey Department, not only for promoting geological science, but on account of its practical bearing on agriculture, mining, the making of roads, railways and canals, and on other branches of national industry.


The Ordnance Survey appears to have had its origin in a proposal of the French Government to make a joint-measurement of an arc of the meridian. This proposal fell through at the outbreak of the Revolution n; but the measurement of the base for that object was taken as a foundation for a national survey. In 1831, however, the Ordnance Survey had only published the 1-inch map for the southern portion of England, and the great triangulation of the kingdom was still incomplete.

In 1834 the British Association urged upon the Government that the advancement of various branches of science was greatly retarded by the want of an accurate map of the whole of the British Isles; and that, consequently, the engineer and the meteorologist, the agriculturist and the geologist, were each fettered in their scientific investigations by the absence of those accurate data which now lie ready to his hand for the measurement of length, of surface, and of altitude.

Yet the first decade of the British Association was coincident with a considerable development of geographical research. The Association was persistent in pressing on the Government the scientific importance of sending the expedition of Ross to the Antarctic and of Franklin to the Arctic regions. We may trust that we are approaching a solution of the geography of the North Pole ; but the Antarctic regions still present a field for the researches of the meteorologist, the geologist, the biologist, and the magnetic observer, which the recent voyage of M. Borchgrevink leads us to hope may not long remain unexplored.

In the same decade the question of an alternative route to India by means of a communication between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf was also receiving attention, and in 1835 the Government employed Colonel Chesney to make a survey of the Euphrates valley in order to ascertain whether that river would enable a practicable route to be formed from Iskanderoon, or Tripoli, opposite Cyprus, to the Persian Gulf. His valuable surveys are not, however, on a sufficiently extensive scale to enable an opinion to be formed as to whether a navigable waterway through Asia Minor is physically practicable, or whether the cost of establishing it might not be prohibitive.

The advances of Russia in Central Asia have made it imperative to provide an easy, rapid, and alternative line of communication with our Eastern possessions, so as not to be dependent upon the Suez Canal in time of war. If a navigation cannot be established, a railway between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf has been shown by the recent investigations of Messrs. Hawkshaw and Hayter, following on those of others, to be perfectly practicable and easy of accomplishment; such an undertaking would not only be of strategical value, but it is believed it would be commercially remunerative.

Speke and Grant brought before the Association, at its meeting at Newcastle in 1863, their solution of the mystery of the Nile basin, which

had puzzled geographers from the days of Herodotus; and the efforts. of Livingstone and Stanley and others have opened out to us the interior of Africa. I cannot refrain here from expressing the deep regret which geologists and geographers, and indeed all who are interested in the progress of discovery, feel at the recent death of Joseph Thomson. His extensive, accurate, and trustworthy observations added much to our knowledge of Africa, and by his premature death we have lost one of its most competent explorers.



The report made to the Association on the state of the chemical sciences in 1832, says that the efforts of investigators were then being directed to determining with accuracy the true nature of the substances which compose the various products of the organic and inorganic kingdoms, and the exact ratios by weight which the different constituents of these substances bear to each other.

But since that day the science of chemistry has far extended its boundaries. The barrier has vanished which was supposed to separate the products of living organisms from the substances of which minerals consist, or which could be formed in the laboratory. The number of distinct carbon compounds obtainable from organisms has greatly increased; but it is small when compared with the number of such compounds which have been artificially formed. The methods of analysis have been perfected. The physical, and especially the optical, properties of the various forms of matter have been closely studied, and many fruitful generalisations have been made. The form in which these generalisations would now be stated may probably change, some, perhaps, by the overthrow or disuse of an ingenious guess at Nature's workings, but more by that change which is the ordinary growth of science-namely, inclusion in some simpler and more general view.

In these advances the chemist has called the spectroscope to his aid. Indeed, the existence of the British Association has been practically coterminous with the comparatively newly developed science of spectrum analysis, for though Newton, Wollaston, Fraunhofer, and Fox Talbot had worked at the subject long ago, it was not till Kirchhoff and Bunsen set a seal on the prior labours of Stokes, Angström, and Balfour Stewart that the spectra of terrestrial elements have been mapped out and grouped; that by its help new elements have been discovered, and that the idea has been suggested that the various orders of spectra of the same

1 Joannes Marcus Marci, of Kronland in Bohemia, was the only predecessor of Newton who had any knowledge of the formation of a spectrum by a prism. He not only observed that the coloured rays diverged as they left the prism, but that a coloured ray did not change in colour after transmission through a prism. His book, Thaumantias, liber de arcu colesti deque colorum apparentium natura, Prag, 1618, was, however, not known to Newton, and had no influence upon future discoveries.

element are due to the existence of the element in different molecular forms-allotropic or otherwise at different temperatures.

But great as have been the advances of terrestrial chemistry through its assistance, the most stupendous advance which we owe to the spectroscope lies in the celestial direction.


At the third meeting of the Association, at Cambridge, in 1833, Dr. Whewell said that astronomy is not only the queen of science, but the only perfect science, which was 'in so elevated a state of flourishing maturity that all that remained was to determine with the extreme of accuracy the consequences of its rules by the profoundest combinations of mathematics; the magnitude of its data by the minutest scrupulousness of observation.' But in the previous year, Airy, in his report to the Association on the progress of Astronomy, had pointed out that the observations of the planet Uranus could not be united in one elliptic orbit; a remark which turned the attention of Adams to the discovery of Neptune.

In his report on the recent progress of Optics, Brewster in 1832 suggested that with the assistance of adequate instruments 'it would be possible to study the action of the elements of material bodies upon rays of artificial light, and thereby to discover the analogies between their affinities and those which produce the fixed lines in the spectra of the stars; and thus to study the effects of the combustions which light up the suns of other systems.'

This idea has now been realised. All the stars which shine brightly enough to impress an image of the spectrum upon a photographic plate have been classified on a chemical basis. The close connection between stars and nebula has been demonstrated; and while the modern science of thermodynamics has shown that the hypothesis of Kant and Laplace on stellar formation, so far as it assumed a fiery cloud for the beginning, is no longer tenable, but that in all probability it gives the true explana tion of stellar evolution, if for the fiery cloud we substitute cold meteoric particles, as suggested by Waterston and by Lord Kelvin 2 at the Liverpool meeting of the British Association in 1854.

We now know that the spectra of many of the terrestrial elements in the chromosphere of the sun differ from those familiar to us in our laboratories. We begin to glean the fact that the chromospheric spectra are similar to those indicated by the absorption going on in the hottest stars, and Lockyer has not hesitated to affirm that these facts would indicate that in those localities we are in the presence of the actions of temperatures suffi

In Note L on a paper on The Physics of Media,' communicated to the Royal Society, December 11. 1815, read March 5, 1846, and published, in 1892, in the Transactions, with an introduction by Lord Rayleigh.

2 Brit. Assoc. Report, 1854, Pt. II., pp. 59–63; Mathematical and Physical Papers, vol. ii., art. lxix., p. 40.

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