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The following beautiful and desirable editions of the celebrated English Classic Authors, are printed from new stereotype plates, clear open type, and bound in uniform binding; they are the most desirable and convenient editions of these great and popular authors, whose works are so indispensable to every well-selected library. They are now ready, except "Smollett" and "Johnson," which will follow later in

the season.

The Works of Joseph Ad

dison, including the whole Contents of Bishop Hurd's edition, with Letters and other Pieces not found in any previous collection, and Macaulay's Essay on his Life and Works. Edited, with Critical and Explanatory Notes, by G. Washington Greene, with portrait and plates, complete in 6 vols. 12mo. ...Cloth, 7 50 Sheep, library style, 9 00 Half calf, extra or antique, 18 50

The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, comprising a variety of pieces now first collected, with copious Notes, by James Prior. Steel portrait and vignettes, complete in 4 vols. 12mo. ..Cloth, 5 00 Sheep, library style, 6 00 Half calf, extra or antique, 940

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The Works of Tobias Smollett, with a Memoir of his Life and Works, by Thomas Roscoe. These volumes contain "Roderick Ran

dom," "Humphrey Clinker,'

"Peregrine Pickle," "Count Fathom," &c. First complete American edition, with portrait on steel, 6 vols. 12mo... .. Cloth, 7 50 Sheep, library style, 9 00 Half calf, extra or antique, 18 50 The Works of Laurence Sterne, comprising "Tristram Shandy, "'"Sentimental Journey,"

"Sermons and Letters." First complete American edition, with a Life of the Author and portrait on steel, 2 vols. 12mo.

2 50 8 00


Cloth, Sheep, library style, Half calf, extra or antique, The Works of Dean Swift, including "Gulliver's Travels,' "Tale of a Tub," "Battle of the Books," and his Thoughts and Essays on various subjects, with a Life of the Author, by Rev. Johp Mitford, and copious Notes, by W C. Taylor, LL. D., portrait of 2 vols. 12mo. .. Cloth 850 Sheep, library style, 3 00 Half calf, extra or antique, 4 50 Works of Charles Lamn, comprising his Letters, Poems, Assays of Elia, Essays upon Shakspese, Hogarth, &c., and a Sketch is Life, with the Final Memoriais, by T. Noon Talfourd. with a portit, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 2 50 Sheep, library style, 3 00 alf, extra or antique, 4 50


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This is the first Complete American Edition of Capt. Marryatt's popular works, printed from new stereotype plates, long primer leaded, matching in size the popular 12mo. edition of Irving, Cooper, Dickens, &c

Jacob Faithful. 2. Peter Simple. 3. Naval Officer, 4. King's Own. 5. Japhet in Search of a Father. 6. Midshipman Easy. 7. Newton Forster. 8. Pacha of Marv Tales. 9. The l'oacher. 10. The Phantom Ship. 11. Snarley yow. 12. Percival Keene. "Captain Marryatt is the best painter of sea characters since Smollett."-Chambers'e Cyclopedia of English Literature.



Ten Volumes, each volume with Colored Frontispiece. 12mo., Cloth, gilt back $1.

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The Sparrowgrass Papers, by F. S. Cozzens, illustrated by Darley, 12mo......... ....Cloth, 1 00

The Puddleford Papers; or, Humors of the West, 12mo. illustrated,...........Cloth, 100

The Bunsby Papers; or, Irish Echoes, by John Brougham, 12mo. llustrated,.....Cloth, 100

1 06

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Rhymes with Reason and without, by B. P. Shillaber (Mrs. Partington), 12mo. portrait, Neat cloth Gerald Massey's Poems, 12mo....... Neat cloth, The Balloon Travels of Robert Merry and his Young Friends over various Countries of Europe, by Peter Parley, with eight illustrations, 12mo. Cloth, gilt back, 100 Full gilt sides and edges, 1 50 Gilbert Go-Ahead's Adventures and Travels in Foreign Parts, by Peter Parley, eight illustrations, 12mo.

Cloth, gilt back, 100 Full gilt sides and edges, 1 50



The Star and the Cloud;

or, A Daughter's Love, by

A. S. Roe, 12mo. ........... Cloth, 1 25

A Long Look Ahead; or,
The First Stroke and the

Silverwood. A Book of Memo-
ries, by a Lady of Virginia,..Cloth, 100
Daisy's Necklace; and
What Came of It, by T. B.
Aldrich, author of "Babie Bell and
other Poems," 12mo.

Last, by A. S. Roe, 12mo..Cloth, 1 25 Married, not Mated; or,

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Mary and Hugo. A Christmas
Legend, by Mrs. E. Oakes Smith,
Illustrations by Darley, 12mo. Cloth
Bertha and Lily; or, The
Parsonage of Beech
Glen, by Mrs. E. Oakes Smith,
4th edition, 12mo. illustrated, Cloth, 1 00
The Newsboy, by Mrs. E. Oakes
Smith, 12th edition, 12mo. illus-
. Cloth, 1 00
Isora's Child, by Harriet A. 01-
cott, 6th edition, 12mo...... Cloth, 125
The Torchlight; or,
Through the Wood, bý
H. A. Olcott, 12mo....... Cloth, 1 25
Alone, by Marion Harland, 24th
edition, 12mo..
..Cloth, 1 25
The Hidden Path, by Marion
Harland, Author of "Alone," 23d
edition, 12mo.
.. Cloth, 1 25

Victoria; or, The World
Overcome, by Caroline Chese-

bro' 12mo.

..Cloth, 1 25

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[blocks in formation]

The American Gentleman's Guide to Politeness and Fashion, by Harry Lunettes, 12mo. .Cloth, 1 25



The Rainbow Around the Tomb. A Book for Mourners, by Emily Thornwell, 12mo... Cloth, Young Lady's Guide to Perfect Gentility. A New Book of Etiquette, by Emily Thornwell, 12mo. ..Cloth, gilt back, Young Lady's Own Book. An Offering of Love and Sympathy, by Emily Thornwell, illustrated, 12mo. .Cloth, gilt back, 1 06 Stephen's Egypt and the Holy Land. With Maps and Engravings. 8vo. .Cloth, 200 One of the most brilliant and fascinating books of travel ever published. The account of the visit to the city of Petræa, which is excavated in the solid rock, and had not before been visited for centuries by any European traveller, is most deeply interesting. The Merchant's and Bank er's Annual Register for 1857, by J. Smith Homans, editor of "The Banker's Magazine," 8vo. 1 00 Cotton is King. The Culture of Cotton and its relation to Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce, and also to the Free Colored People of the United States, and those who hold that Slavery is in itself sinful, by David Christy. Second and revised and enlarged edition, with Tables, 12mo.....


The Rifle, Axe, and Saddle-
Bags, and other lectures, by Rev.
W. H. Milburn, the eloquent blind
Preacher. With an Introduction by
Rev. John McClintock, D.D. With
a portrait on steel, 12mo.....Cloth, 100


Star Papers; or, Experi-
ences of Art and Nature,
by Henry Ward Beecher, 26th edi-
tion, 12mo..
.Cloth, 1 25
Turkey morocco, antique, portrait, 8 50
Lectures to Young Men
on various Important
Henry Ward
Subjects, by

Beecher, 26th thousand, 12mo. Cloth

An Encyclopedia of Instruction on Man and Manners, by A. B. Johnson, author of "Physiology of the Senses," 12mo...

Physiology of the Senses; or, How and What we Hear, See, Taste, Feel and Smell, by A. B. Johnson,



Webster's Family Encyclo-
pædia of Useful Know-
ledge; or, Book of 7,223
Receipts and Facts.
whole library of subjects useful to
every individual, illustrated with
nearly one thousand engravings,
1,288 pages, 8vo. illuminated backs
or sides in gilt,
This is a valuable and truly useful
work, comprising everything
needful to be known in domestic
economy essential to the comfort,
convenience, utility, and enjoy-
ment of a family. In fact, there
is nothing in the entire range of
the domestic economy of a family
that cannot be found in this book.
It contains nearly 1250 pages, with
a copious index, and is profusely
illustrated. It is a work which
every husband should buy for
his wife, and every father for his


1 25

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My Courtship and its Con-
sequences, by Henry Wikoff.
A true account of the Author's Ad-
ventures in England, Switzerland,
and Italy, with Miss J. C. Gamble,
of Portland Place, London, 12mo.
Cloth, 125

75 The House I Livg In; or,
The Human Body, by Wm.
A. Alcott, M.D., 1 vol. 18mo..
The American Gift Book.
A Perpetual Souvenir, with six
elegant steel engravings, 12mo.

8 00

2 25

Wau Bun; or, The "Early
Day" in the Northwest,
by Mrs. John H. Kinzie, of Chicago,
illustrated, Svo.......
Country Margins and Sum-
mer Rambles, by S. H. Ham-
mond, and L. W. Mansfield, 12mo.
Neat cloth, 100

Ewbank's Hydraulics and
Mechanics, containing De-
scriptive and Historical Accounts
of Hydraulic and other Machines
for raising Water, with Observa-
tions on various subjects connected
with the Mechanic Arts, illustrated
by nearly 800 engravings, 8vo.
Cloth, gilt back, 2 50


Cloth, 1 00

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