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" He acts upon the principle that if a thing is worth doing at all it is worth doing well : — and the thing that he " does" especially well is the public. "
Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London - Page xli
by Huguenot Society of London - 1894
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The Spy, Volumes 2-4

1912 - 344 pages
...matters of legislation, there has been altogether too much inconsistency. Someone, I think, has said that if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. Rather than do it half-way, do not do it at all. We should never enter into anything in a legislative...
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Private Education, Or, A Practical Plan for the Studies of Young Ladies ...

Elizabeth Appleton, Elizabeth Lachlan - 1815 - 362 pages
...may be in haste when there is a necessity for it, but never in a hurry (which you often are); for, if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well." ther they are matters from which one may draw a good inference. I am fond of noticing goodness of heart...
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American Baptist Missionary Magazine and Missionary Intelligencer, Volume 4

1823 - 484 pages
...wish to produce the greatest effect, we must limit ourselves to one. Or to advert to a common adage, " if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well." If a doctrine is important enough to Ъе inculcated, it is important enough to be inculcated thoroughly....
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The American Baptist Magazine, and Missionary Intelligencer, Volume 4

1823 - 450 pages
...divided, 'or let more time be devoted to the objects of its meeting. It is an old and useful adage, if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. Or if neither of these courses sf cm advisable, let the business commence at 9 o'clock on the tirst...
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The Gardener's Magazine and Register of Rural & Domestic Improvement, Volume 8

1832 - 780 pages
...this may possibly, to some, appear to have more of craft than utility in it : to which I say, first, if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing rightly ; and, next, if it serves no other purpose, it will be a good exercise of thought, &c., to...
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The Gardener's Magazine, and Register of Rural & Domestic Improvement, Volume 8

1832 - 778 pages
...this may possibly, to some, appear to have more of craft than utility in it: to which I say, first, if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing rightly; and, next, if it serves no other purpose, it will be a good exercise of thought, &c., to young...
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Chess Made Easy: Being a New Introduction to the Rudiments of that ...

George Walker - 1836 - 156 pages
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Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Volume 55

Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain) - 1879 - 484 pages Liverpool, and one who sought to excel in all that ho undertook. But as his favourite maxim was " If a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well," profit was often lost sight of in the desire to attain this object. The subject of this notice was...
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Total abolition of personal restraint in the treatment of the insane, a lect ...

Robert Gardiner Hill - 1839 - 222 pages
...Attendants, as may ensure persons of character and respectability. But here it may be truly said, ' If a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well ! ' If it be worth while to provide an Asylum for the Insane, it is worth while also to render that...
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Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England

Royal Agricultural Society of England - 1872 - 906 pages
...attention than the cattle-stock, and are as varied in colour as they are untraceable in breed. Surely, if a thing is worth doing at all it is worth doing well, and we would strongly urge the desirability of bestowing more pains on these useful and highly profitable...
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