(INAUGURATED APRIL 15, 1885.) Objects. (1) The interchange and publication of knowledge relating to (A) The History of the Huguenots in France : (B) The Huguenot Emigrations from France and adjoining countries: (c) The Refugee Settlements throughout the world, particularly those in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands, and the resulting effects of those Settlements upon the Professions, Manufactures, Commerce, and Social Life of the several places in which they were made : (D) Huguenot Genealogy and Heraldry, and Huguenot Church and other Registers. (2) To form a bond of fellowship among some of those who desire to perpetuate the memory of their Huguenot ancestors, or who admire the characteristic Huguenot virtues. ÉCOLE DE CHARITÉ PROTESTANTE FRANCAISE DE WESTMINSTER, BLOOMSBURY STREET, W. C. This School was established in 1747 for the education and maintenance of girls of French Protestant Refugee descent. Children are admissible between the ages of 7 and 11, and are elected by the votes of the subscribers and donors. The number at present in the school is fifteen. Subscriptions and donations will be gratefully received, and full particulars of the school afforded, by the Treasurer, R. ST. A. ROUMIEU, Esq., 10 Lancaster Place, Strand, W.C., and the Hon. Secretary, W. M. BEAUFORT, Esq., 18 Piecadilly, W. THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF LONDON. President. The Right Hon. Sir HENRY AUSTEN LAYARD, G.C.B., &c. Vice-Presidents. Sir HENRY WILLIAM PEEK, Bart. ARTHUR GIRAUD BROWNING, F.S.A. Council for 1893-94. WILLIAM J. COLLINS, M.D. RICHARD HERBERT LAPAGE. T. MILLER MAGUIRE, LL.D. WILLIAM PAGE, F.S.A. WILLIAM CHAPMAN WALLER, M.A. Treasurer. REGINALD ST. AUBYN ROUMIEU, 10 Lancaster Place, Strand, W.C. Hon. Secretary. REGINALD S. FABER, M.Α., 10 Primrose Hill Road, N.W. Assistant-Secretary. G. H. OVEREND, F.S.A., Bankers. Messrs. BARCLAY, BEVAN, TRITTON, RANSOM, BOUVERIE, & Co.. 1 Pall Mall East, S.W. THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF LONDON. SESSION 1892-93. FIRST ORDINARY MEETING. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1892. SECOND ORDINARY MEETING. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1893. THIRD ORDINARY MEETING. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1893. NINTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. VOL. IV-NO. II. LIBRARI UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNAN DAVIS a |