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BELOE (E. M., F.S.A.). The Mortuary or Absolution Cross. Norfolk Archeology, xi. 303-319.

BENSLY (W. T., LL.D., F.S.A.). On some sculptured alabaster panels in Norwich. Norfolk Archeology, xi. 352-358.

BENT (J. T.). Journey in Cilicia Tracheia. Jour. Hell. Stud. xii.


BERRY (H. F.). The water supply of ancient Dublin. Roy. Soc.

Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 557-573.

BIRCH (W. DE GRAY). Some private grants of armorial bearings. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 323-326.

BLACKMORE (H. P., M.D.). On a Barrow near Old Sarum, Wilts. Salisbury Field Club, i. 49-51.

BLAKEWAY (REV. J. B., M.A.). History of Shrewsbury Hundred or Liberties. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii, 329-362.

BLANCHET (J. A.). Inedited Gold Crown of James V. with the name of John, Duke of Albany. Jour. Numis. Soc. 3rd S. xi. 203-204.

BOLINGBROKE (L. G.). Pre-Elizabethan Plays and Players in
Norfolk. Norfolk Archæology, xi. 332-351.
BOUGHTON (THOMAS). Confession and Abjuration of Heresy, 1499.
Salisbury Field Club, i. 15-18.

BOURKE (CAPT. T. G.). The religion of the Apache Indians.
Folklore, ii. 419-454.

BOWER (REV. R.). Piscinas in the Diocese of Carlisle. Trans.
Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 206-211.
BOYLE (J. R., F.S.A.). Christopher Hunter's copy of Bourne's
History of Newcastle. Arch. Eliana, N.S. xv. 167–191.
BRAMBLE (COL. J. R., F.S.A.). Ancient Bristol Documents-VIII.
Three Civil War Retournes. Proc. Clifton Antiq. Club, ii.

BREWER (H. B.). Churches in the neighbourhood of Cleves.
Trans. R.I.B.A., N.S. vii. 301–319.

BRIDGEMAN (HON. AND REV. G. T.O.). Supplt. to History of the Manor and Parish of Blymhill, Staffs. Collns. for Hist. of Staffordshire (Wm. Salt Arch. Soc.), xii. pt. ii. 3-16.

Some account of the Family of Forester of Watling Street, and now of Willey, co. Salop. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 151-184.

BRIGGS (H. B.). History and characteristics of Plainsong. Trans. St. Pauls Eccl. Soc. iii. 27-33.

A 2

BROCK (E. P. LOFTUS, F.S.A.). Churches of Middlesex. Trans.
St. Pauls Eccl. Soc. iii. 21-26.

BRODRICK (HON. G. C.). The ancient buildings and statutes of
Merton College. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 1-11.
BROOKE (THOS., F.S.A.). Advowson of Rotherham Church. Yorks
Arch. and Topog. Jour. xi. 202-203.

BROWN (WILLIAM). Pedes Finium Ebor. temp. Ricardi Primi.
Yorks Arch. and Topog. Jour. xi. 174-188.

BROWNE (CHARLES, M.A., F.S.A.). The Knights of the Teutonic
Order. Trans. St. Pauls Eccl. Soc. iii. 1-15.

BROWNE (REV. G. F., B.D., F.S.A.). Stone with Runic inscription
from Cheshire; Stone with Ogham inscription; and an altar
slab in St. Benet's Church, Cambridge. Proc. Cambridge
Antiq. Soc. vii. 86-92.

BROWNING (A. G.), and KIRK (R. E. G.). The early history of
Battersea. Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 205-254.

BROWNLOW (REV. CANON). St. Willibald, a west country pilgrim of
the 8th century. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 212-228.
BRUSHFIELD (T. N.). A perforated stone implement found in the
parish of Withycombe Raleigh. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 208-211.
Notes on the parish of East Budleigh. Devon. Assoc. xxii.


BRUTON (E. G.). The town walls of Oxford. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. xlvii. 109-119.

BUCKLE (EDMUND, M.A.). The Old Archdeaconry, Wells. Proc.
Somerset Arch. and N. H. Soc. xxxvii. pt. 2, 119-126.
BUDGE (E. A. WALLIS, M.A., F.S.A.). On the Hieratic Papyrus
of Nesi-Amsu, a scribe in the temple of Amen-Ra at Thebes,
с. в.с. 305. Archæologia, lii. 393-608.

Syriac and Coptic legends of St. George. Proc. Cam-
bridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 133-135.

BUICK (REV. G. R.). Fresh facts about prehistoric pottery. Roy.
Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 433-442.

An ancient wooden trap, probably used for catching
otters. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 536-541.
BULKELEY-OWEN (HON. MRS.). History of the parish of Selattyn,
Shropshire. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii.

BULLEID (J. G. L.). The Benefice and Parish Church of Saint
John the Baptist, Glastonbury. Glastonbury Antiq. Soc. 19-50.
BURKE (H. F.). Funeral certificate of Sir Nicholas Heron, 1568.
Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 140-142.

BURNARD (R.). Dartmoor Kistvaens. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 200-207.
C. Scottish Heraldry and Genealogy. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 426-


CALVERLEY (REV. W. S., F.S.A.). Fragments of pre-Norman
Crosses at Workington and Bromfield, and the standing cross
at Rocliffe. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc.
xii. 171-176.

Bewcastle Cross. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and
Arch. Soc. xii. 243-246.

CANHAM (A. S.). The Archeology of Crowland. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. xlvii. 286-300.

CARLISLE (BISHOP OF). Opening address of Architectural Section
at Edinburgh Meeting of the Royal Archæological Institute.
Arch. Jour. xlviii. 274-282.

CARTWRIGHT (J. J., F.S.A.). Inventory of the goods of Sir Cotton
Gargrave, of Nostell, Yorks, in 1588. Yorks Arch. and Tород.
Jour. xi. 279-286.

CAVE-BROWNE (REV. J.). Penenden Heath.

Assoc. xlvii. 260-267.

Jour. Brit. Arch.

The Abbots of Boxley. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii.


CHANCELLOR (F.). Shenfield Church, Essex. Trans. St. Pauls
Eccl. Soc. iii. vi-vii.

CHANTER (J. R.). Second report of the Committee on Devonshire

Records. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 59-65.

CHURCH (REV. C. M., M.A., F.S.A.). Savaric, Bishop of Bath and
Glastonbury, 1192-1205. Archæologia, li. 73–106.


Jocelin, Bishop of Bath, 1206-42. Archæologia, li. 281-

Roger of Salisbury, 1st Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1244-
47. Archæologia, lii. 89-112.

CLARK (G. T., F.S.A.). Annals of the House of Percy; by E. B.
de Fonblanque. Yorks Arch. and Top. Jour. xi. 1-16.

Lands of Henry, Duke of Suffolk, in the manor of
Lutterworth. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 190-192.

- CLARK (JOSEPH). The finding of King Arthur's remains at Glas-
tonbury. Glastonbury Antiq. Soc. 1-4.

- CLARK (J. W., M.A., F.S.A.). Hammond's map of Cambridge.
1592. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 13-14.

A Consuetudinary of an English house of Black Canons.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 242-244.


CLARKE (J. F. MOSTYN). The Geology of the Bridgwater Railway:
a brief account of Lias cuttings through the Poeden Hills in
Somerset. Bath Field Club Proc. vii.

CLARKE (SOMERS, F.S.A.). Fall of one of the central pillars of
Seville Cathedral. Trans. R.I.B.A. N.S. vii. 169-194.

Collapse of a portion of the Cathedral Church of Seville.

Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 72-81.

CLARKSON (S. FLINT). The connection of Hitchin with Elstow.
Trans. St. Albans Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 71-76.

St. Mary's Church, Hitchin. Trans. St. Albans Archit.
and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 64-70.

Stones found in the Abbey Orchard Field, St. Albans.
Trans. St. Albans Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 59-63.
CLODE (C. M., F.S.A.). Sir John Yorke, Sheriff of London (temp.
Henry VIII.- Mary). Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 278-


CLOTHIER (J. W. C.). Roman villas in the neighbourhood of
Glastonbury. Glastonbury Antiq. Soc. 56-64.

Cocks (A. H., M.A.). Local Words of S. Bucks, especially the
Thames Valley. Records of Bucks, vii. 61-70.

CODRINGTON (REV. R. H., D.D.). On the traditional connexion of
the Sussex and Gloucestershire families of Selwyn. Sussex
Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 163-165.

COOPER (REV. T. S.). The Church plate of Surrey. Surrey Arch.
Soc. x. 316-368.
Germany and Austria.
COWPER (H. S., F.S.A.).
Jour. xlviii. 194-196.

Arsenals and Armourers in Southern
Arch. Jour. xlviii. 117-136.
Bone chessmen and draughtsmen. Arch.

The domestic candlestick of iron in Cumberland,
Westmorland, and Furness. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq.
and Arch. Soc. xii. 105-127.

Hudleston Monuments and Heraldry at Millom, Cumber-
land. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii.

and MAXWELL (SIR H. E., BART., M.P.). Hardknott
Castle, Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and
Arch. Soc. xii. 228-233.

COX (REV. J. CHARLES, LL.D., F.S.A.). Benefactions of Thomas
Heywood, Dean (1457-1492) to the Cathedral Church
Lichfield. Archæologia, lii. 617-646.

COX (REV. J. CHARLES, LL.D., F.SA.). Sheriffs' precepts for the
county of Derby, temp. Commonwealth. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd
S. xiii. 69-72.

An Anglo-Saxon cemetery near Saxby, Leicestershire.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 331-335.

Seal of the Hundred of Langley, Glouc. Trans. Bristol
and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xv. 190-194.

CRIPPS (WILFRED, C.B., F.S.A.). Bronze grave-chalice from Hex-
ham Priory Church. Arch. Æliana, N.S. xv. 192–194.
CRISP (F. A.). Surrey Wills. Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 143-149,

CROSSMAN (MAJOR-GENERAL SIR W.). Recent excavations at Holy
Island Priory. Berwickshire Nat. Club, xiii. 225-240.

Chapel of St. Cuthbert in the sea. Berwickshire Nat.

Club, xiii. 241-242.

CROWTHER (H.). The Pozo Pictorial inscribed stone. Roy. Inst.
Corn. x. 403-417.

CROWTHER (G. F.). A pax penny attributed to Witney. Jour.
Numis. Soc. 3rd S. xi. 161-163.

Pennies of William I and William II. Jour. Numis.
Soc. 3rd S. xi. 25-33.

CUMING (H. S.). Syllabub and Syllabub vessels. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. xlvii. 212-215.

Vessels of Samian Ware. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii.




towards a Wiltshire Glossary. Wilts Arch. and N. H. Mag.
xxvi. 84-169.

DASENT (A. I.). Church Plate in Berks. Quart. Jour. Berks A.
and A. Soc. ii. 76-82.

DAVEY (W. E.). (Bronze) antiquities found near Lampeter. Arch.
Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 235.

DAVIES (A. M.). Some Norman details in Romsey Abbey. Hants

Field Club, ii. 8-14.


Ewloe Castle, Flintshire. Arch. Cam-

brensis, 5th S. viii. 1-7.
DAVIS (C. T.). Monumental Brasses of Gloucestershire. Arch.

Jour. xlviii. 19-28.


On St. Helen's Church, and the

ecclesiastical history of Wheathampstead. Trans. St. Albans
Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 12-22.

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