Page images
[blocks in formation]

Bible, the, translation of, 90.

of the Fourth Foreign Church of
Dover, 143, 143 note.

Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, iii, vii.
Bidellus, Joannes, 87.
Binckus, Joannes, 87.
Birac, Ester, 203.

Birago, Carlo, 77, 81, 84, 85.

Ludovico, xxxix.

Birch, 51.
Birkbeck, Christopherus, 88.
Birckbetus, Christopherus, 87.
Biron, Maréchal de, 313,
Biseley, Richardus, 89.
Blain, Château de, 275.
Blanchard, Jn., 173.
Blenheim, battle of, 316, 327.
Blois, 191.

Blommaert, Philippe, 37.
Blond, Nicolas, 175.
Blondel, Aaron, 211.
John, 347.

Blondelle, Anne, 174.
Capt., 179.

Blood's, Brigadier, regiment, 75.
Bloomsbury, Records of the French

Protestant School of, 355.

Bloterthal, 318.
Boadicea, Queen, 47, 48.
Bode, Pasteur, xviii.
Bodleian Library, viii, 42.
Bodley, Sir Thomas, 42.
Bohemia, 27, 260, 302.

Boisseau, Seigneur de, 349.
Bolbec, 376.

Bologna, 301.

Bonabel, David, 339.
Bondon, Mary, 343.
Bonnet, Jules, vii, xi.
Bonpain, Pierre, 353.

Bonte, Jacob, and his wife, 178.

Borde, André, 37.

Bordeaux, 197, 200; an advocate at

the Parliament of, 204; 'réfugiez

de', 177.

Bormio, 262-265.

Bossieres, xvii.

Bosson, Paul, 185.

Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass.,

U.S.A., iii, vii.

Boucher, Jacques, 196.

Madelaine, 196.


de, 281.

Boufflers, Marshal, 321.
Bouillon, de, 280 note.
Duc de, 316.
Boulenger, Anne, 203.
Boulogne, 203, 209, 211, 308, 310.
Bishop of, 95.

Bounty, the Royal, 109 note, 117-120,
133, 134, 134 note, 135, 135 note,
136 note, 145, 170, 176, 187 ter, 188,
194, 214-216, 345.

Bouquet, Jeanne, 196.
Madelaine, 196.

Pierre, 196.

Bourdillon's Jacob, Sermon de Jubilé,

345, 346.

Bourdon, Mr., 184.
Bouverie, Rev. Mr., 357.
Bowles's, Col., regiment, 75.
Boyer, Paul, 69.

Boyer's Annals of the Reign of Queen
Anne, 65.

Boyes, Edoardus, 89.

Boys, Rev. H. J., xxi, xxii.
Boyne, the, battle of, 321, 324 bis.
Brabant, 32.

Brackenheim, 339.
Braikenridge, W. Jerdone, J. P., 330.
Brale, or Braule, Marie, 208.
Brandenburg, Election of, 323,

Marquis of, 27.

Braule, Marie, see Brale.
Brauweiler, xxii.

Breames, Arnold or Arnout, 100, 101

bis, 101 note.

Jacob, 101, 101 note.

Walter, 101.

Brederode, Lancelot de, 38, 40.
Bremen, xvii, xlii, 303.
Brentford, New, 384, 396.
Brescia, 266, 298.

Bresi, Marshal de, 263.
Bridge, Kent, 101 note.

Briet, Elisée 5.

Brigaut, Jean, 196.
Brille, 38, 40.

Brisach, 317.

Bristol, 168; Church of St. James,
417; Summer Conference at, xxxiv.

British Museum Library viii.

Brittany, 235.

Britton's, Col., regiment, 75.
Broad-cloth, manufacture of, 50.

Brocas, -, 126.

Brodequin, Sieur, 191.

Brokus, Sigismundus, 88.

Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, Bart.,

Browne, Anthonius, 88; Elisabeth,

his wife, 88.

Browning, Arthur Giraud, Vice-Presi-
dent, xix, xx, xxix, xliii, 5.

- Mrs. A. G., xx.

Bruges, 35 note, 38 note.

Brulefer, Elizabeth, 203.

Brunswick, 302, 303.


Bucar, Marie, 203.

Buck's engraving of Dover, 101 note,
Buckland, Kent, 130.
Buen, Mathew, 211.
Bürger, -, 37, 38 note.
Burgess, Major Chas. J., 5.
Burgundians in London, 334 note.
Burgundy, 178, 315.

Burn's, J. S., Foreign Protestant
Refugees, 30 note, 33, 38 note, 103
note, 131 note, 331, 331 note, 332
note, 345, 346; History of Parish
Registers in England, 89.

Burnet, Bishop, 90.
Bushell, Rev. Wm. Done, vi.
Buseire, Ensign, 75.
Butterworth, J. W., xx.
Buyskes, P. J., xviii, xlii.
Bynkus, Joannes, 89.

Byselæus, Richardus, 87.

CADDELL, Rev. H., xxi.

Cadzand, French Church of, 114 note,
143 note; its dispute with the Fourth
Foreign Church of Dover, 103-107.

Caen, 206, 209, 210, 382.
Caillemotte, Col. de La, 324.
Cairac (? Cayran), Jeanne, 203.
'Calabart,' -, 35.

Calais, 99, 115, 124, 141 note, 196-199
passim, 200, 203-210 passim, 216,
308; Coutume de, 116; Protestant
Church of, 'retired into Zealand,'
104, 107, see also Guînes.

'Caldrige,' see Coldred.
Calewaert, Liévin, 34-36.
Calvin, Jean, 90.
Camagasso, Ponte di, 265.

Cambel, Archiball, and his wife, 178.
Cambell, Jacques, 179.

Camberlin, Jacob, and his family, 190.
Cambon, the Huguenot Engineer, 322.
Cambridge, University of, 41.
University Library, xxvii.

'Camord,' 140,

Campredon, David, 108-113, 115, 117-
130, 133, 140, 147-149, 151-167, 171,
196, 211, 213-216, passim.

Jacques, 109 note.

Jean, 109 note ter, 168.

Camulodunum, 45-47.

Candales, Duc de, 220, 223, 231, 232,


'Cande,' -, 264.

Brussels, 29, 32, 38, 44; Société d' Canier, --, 267.

Archéologie, xli, 7.

Cannel, Marc, 203.

[blocks in formation]

note, 150, 155, 169, 190, 198 ter,
199 bis, 202, 307, 341 note, 383 ter,

Archbishop of, 97, 97 note, 99, 102-
107, 134 note, 135 note, 136 note,
217, 336, 336 note.


Cathedral, mural paintings at,
Summer Conference at, xxxiv.
Walloon Church of, 95, 112, 112
note, 114, 114 note, 125-129 note,
143 note, 154 bis, 341 bis, 417; its
Registers, viii, x, xii, xxxi, xxxii,
xxxvi, 195, 202.

Cantù's Cesare, Gli Eretici d'Italia,

Cappatelli's History, xxxvii.
Capuchin monks, 263.

Carbier, Louis, 190.

Carbonnier, Eléonore, 37.

Card-makers, 49.

Carel, Thomas, 89.

Carineus, Nicolaus, 25 note.

Carlsruhe, 337.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Charles I., King of England, 67, 96,

100, 277, 278, 282, 283.
Charles II., King of England, 355.
Charles III., King of Spain. 74.
Charles V., Emperor of Germany,
32, 300; his father, 297.

Charles IX., King of France, 92 ter,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Coniet or Cogniet, Simon, 96-99, 102,

Cobane, John, 338.

Cobham, Surrey, 382.

Cocceius Nerva, 300.

Cockroftus Henricus, 87, 88,

Coetquen, Marquis de, 292.

Cognac, 311.

Coignant, Moise, 184.

Cogniet, Simon, see Coniet.

Coire, 223, 224 bis, 227 bis, 228, 253
bis, 255, 259, 260 ter, 260-263 passım,
266-269 passim, 315.

Colchester, A Sketch of the Early
History of, xxi, 45.

Colchester, Memorial Service held in
All Saints' Church, July 22, 1892,

Colchester, Dutch Church of, xiii; its
registers, xiii. Places of worship
used by foreigners at, 51. Summer
Conference at, xiii, xx, xxxi, xxxii,


'Colchester Whites,' 50.
Coldred, Kent, 130, 166, 216.

Coldridge, see Coldred.

Coligny, Admiral Gaspard de, 91, 310-

François de, Sieur d'Andelot, 92.

Condottieri, 221.
Congenies, xvii.

107-111, 113, 196, 212, 214.

Constable's Country,' xxiii.
Constance, 261 ter.
Constantinople, xxii.
Contarini, -, 218, 228.
Coonot, Antoine, see Cougot.
Cooper, Capt. I., 72, 73.
Copenhagen, manuscripts at, relating
to foreign refugees leaving England,

[blocks in formation]

Colin, Gabriel, 135 note.

Collee, Mr., 141.

Colliet, Isaac, see Couliette.

Cotelard, Grégoire, see Coutellier.

Collingwood, Victoria, 416 bis.

Cottelar, Georges, 196.

Cotton, William, 39, 39 note.

Collin or Colin, Gabriel, 135, 181, Cottew, Wm. Stokes, xlv.

182, 183 bis, 211, 215, 216.

Collin, Gédéon, 168 bis.

Collins, Abraham, 174.

Wm. J., M.D., xix, xliii.
Colloquies: of Huguenot Churches in
France, 288; of the French Churches
in England, 341.

Cologne, 29, 38; Archbishopric of,
332; Electorate of, 319.

Columbine, Capt., 75.

Lieut., 75.

Colus, Thomas, 87.

Combas, xvii.

Comelinus, Martinus, xv.

Coonot, Antoine, see Cougot.

Cougot, or Coonot, Antoine, 102, 102

note, 103, 142, 196, 204.
Antoinette Judith, 196.
Couliete, Isaac, see Couliette.
Couliette, Coulliette, Couliete,
Colliet, Isaae, 131-134 note, 135 note,
172, 174-177, 179-182, 211, 215, 216;
his wife and children, 135 note.

Coulliette, Isaac, see Couliette.
Coupet, Catherine, 169.
Courtauld, G., J. P., xx bis.
Coussau, Lieut., 75.

Commandments, Table of the Ten, Coute, David, 339.



Coutelier, Grégoire, see Coutellier.
Coutellier, Coutelier, Cotelard, Cate-
lar, Cattelar, Cuteler, Cutlar or
Cutler, Grégoire, 131-133, 135 note,
152, 154-162, 164-167, 172, 173,
177, 180, 212.

Darnley, Lord, 37, 38.

Dartmouth, Lord, 101 note.
Datchet, 440.

Dathenus, (Peter Dathen), xv, 24, 43.
Dauma, David, 174.
Davennes, Claude, 343.

David, Matu., 178.

Davidus, Richardus, 87.
Davis, Richardus, 89.

- Sir John, 138.

Dawks, Mr., 101, 159.

Deal, 169.

De Aven, Ensign, 75.

De Backer, Pierre, 26.

De Bailleul, Susanne, 208.

De Bailly, -, 127.

Coutray, 312.
Coxus, Richardus, 87.
Cranmer, Archbishop, 25, 330 bis.
Crauulæus, Thomas, 87.

Craulæus, Thomas, 88.

'Cravan,' Xaintonge, 353.

Cremona, 298.

Crespain, xvii.


Crespin, Jean, 25, 27, 28, 28 note, 31.
Creuze, Francis, 468, 469 ter; Eliza
beth, his wife, 468, 469 bis; Eliza-
beth, their daughter, 469; Kathe-
rine, their daughter, 469; Rebecca,
their daughter, 468.

Crisp, Frederick A., xix, xlii, 5, 94,

137, 195.

Mrs., xxviii.

Cromwell, Oliver, 320.

Cross, W., 95.

Crowlæus, Robertus, 89.

Crowleus, Robertus, 87.

Cudderoy, Capt., 76.

Cujavia, Bishopric of, 330.
Cumberland, Duke of, 327 bis.
Cumæ, 301.

Curiander, Abel, 42 note.
Cussans, John Edwin, xix, xliii.
Cuteler, Grégoire, see Coutellier.
Cutler, Grégoire, see Coutellier.
Cutts, Rev. Mr., 51.

Cyprus, the Island of, proposed settle-
ment of French and German Protest-
ants in, 315.

'D., J., de Newchatel,' 190.

Daillon, Mr., 142.
Dains, Marie, 198.

Dally, Lieut., 75.

Dalton, Dr. Hermann, 330 note.

Damman, Marie, 31.

Dampier, Lieut. Cecil F., R. N., xxix.

Damyon, family of, 353.

Dancer, Lieut., 75.

Danes, 48; in London, 334 note.

Dangeau, -, 344.

Danherbeut, Jean, 178.

Danserville, -, 322.

Dansey, Capt., 75.

Danson, Lieut., 75.

Danube, the river, 301, 319, 324, 327.

Darlot, Everard Firebrace, xlv.

Darmstadt, 337, 338 bis.

De Barrière, Madeleine, 349 bis, 350.

Debarry, Capt., 75.

De Beauvoir,

uvoir, Col.,

family of, 471.


De Beauvoir Town, 471.

De Bellefonds, Henriette, 344.

De Berty, -, 39 note.

De Bèze, Theodore, xl.

De Boisot, Charles, 39.

De Boisrond, Colonel Samuel, 349 bis,


De Boisruisseau, Anne, 344.

De Bolt, John, 321.

De Boncourt, Didier, 322.

De Bonnefoy, Judith, 206,

Nicholas, 206.

De Bord, Louise, 198.

De Boursolle, Anne, 203.
De Brasselay, Isabeau, 343.
De Brucq, Madeline, 168.
De Bruggire, Judith, 343.
De Bus, Sarah, 199, 204.
De Cadroy, -, 204.

De Cassel, Jacques, 106, 107.
De Chadignac, Mary Jolly, 343.

De Chair, Miss, v.

De Champagne, Mary, 343.

De Chevernay, Lucrece, 343.

De Chesnoi, Henry, 322.

De Cleyne, Martin, see Micronius.

De Cluzet, Lacombe, 134 note.

De Coninck, Charles, see Regius.

De Constor, Marthe, 204.

De Coursel, Capt., 75.

De Crespigny, Sir Claude C., Bart,


De Crocq, Marie, 198.

De Culan St. Meme, Susanne, 343.

Dedham, xxiii.

De Dollon, Catherine, 344; see also

Doland and Dollon.

De Dour, Marie, 204.

Deds, Marie, 196.

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