CONTENTS -0 SECOND Minutes. SESSION OF 1891-2. FIRST ORDINARY MEETING, 1891, November 11 PAGE. iii iv SUMMER CONFERENCE at Colchester, 1892, July 21 & 22 XX QUELQUES NOTES SUR LES RÉFORMÉS FLAMANDS ET WALLONS DU xlv 3 22 45 MEMORIAL SERVICE HELD IN ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, COLCHESTER, 53 INCIDENTS OF HUGUENOT HISTORY IN THE REIGN OF QUEEN ANNE. By F. P. DE LABILLIERE. 65 THE FOURTH FOREIGN CHURCH OF DOVER, 1685-1731. By WILLIAM 93 THE DUC DE ROHAN'S RELATIONS WITH THE REPUBLIC OF VENICE, 218 HENRI, DUC DE ROHAN. By FLORENCE L. LAYARD. 275 PAPERS-Continued. HUGUENOT COMMANDERS. By T. MILLER MAGUIRE, LL.D. NOTES AND QUERIES. HENRY IV AND MARGARET OF NAVARRE ENGLISH REFUGEES IN GERMANY AND SWITZERLAND. HISTORICAL PORTRAITS IN THE MAGNIAC COLLECTION. PAGE. 309 355 77 86 91 THE VAUDOIS SETTLEMENTS IN GERMANY. HUGUENOT PRISONERS AT DOVER. PENSIONS PAID TO HUGUENOTS. THE FRENCH CHURCH OF WAPPING. NATURALIZATION IN GUERNSEY. NOTES ON HACKNEY CHURCHYARD and some of its Refugee MISCELLANEA. - Madame Benine d'Orignac. Will of Jean Perochon, of St. Helier's, Jersey, a Protestant refugee from Ender. PORTRAIT OF ISAAC MINET. THE OLD CUSTOM HOUSE, DOVER, -'the New Buildings' FAC-SIMILE OF A 'RECONNAISANCE' taken from the regis- PORTRAIT OF HENRI, MARQUIS DE RUVIGNY, EARL OF PORTRAIT OF FIELD MARSHAL LORD LIGONIER. 330 334 340 342 344 347 467 EDWARD VI. GRANTING THE LETTERS PATENT FOUNDING INDEX. Names commencing with (1) De, Du, De La, and Des, and (2) Le and La, should be looked The names in the following lists relating to the French Protestant School of Westminster, (1) Names of Boys registered for admission, Girls (3) Certificates produced on behalf of candidates for admission, to prove their Huguenot descent.- (a) Names of Boys (b) (4) Names other than those of the children appearing in these Certificates pages 359-361, ABBEVILLE, 308. Abel, John, 91 note. Abjurations, xvii, 197, 342. Abraham, Sieur, and his son, 191. Absolom, Susanne, 203. Adda, the river, 316. Ade, Joannes, 89. Adeus, Joannes, 87. Agen, 86. Aguano, Lake of, 300. Airiga, 255. Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 327. A Lasco, John, xv bis, 24, 330-333; portrait of, and others, facing page 330. Albret, Isabelle d', 276. Jean d', Queen of Navarre, see Navarre. Alcantara, 325. Allnutt's, Col., regiment, 75. Almanza, battle of, 74-76, 325 bis, 326. Almoner, the Lord High, 336. Alneus, Richardus, 87. Alphonso I., King of Naples, 300. Alsace, 270, 290, 315, 317. Altariva (? Hauterive), Signor d', 222, 249. Alva, Duke of, 22, 23, 34, 35 note, 36, 40, 41, 48, 304. Amboise, Massacre of, 310. America, Huguenot Society of, xix, xxiv, xli, 7. Amiens, 290, 308. Amsterdam, 33, 303. 'Amterbach,' Durlach, 339. Anabaptists, 32, 332. Andelot, François de Coligny, Sieur d', 92. André, family of, 471. Anjou, Duc d', 92, 311, 210. Argilliers, Marquis d', 322. Ariosto, tomb of, 301. Armentières, 31, 32. Arminians, 42. Armoury, at the Castle of 'Asperg' 295. Arms, coat of, of the Barbaro family, Army List, the British, 309. Arnoult, François, 203. Jean, 31. Arques, 312. Arris, Capt. R., 72, 73. Arthur, King of Brittany, 297. 'Asperg', Castle of, 295. Astleius, Thomas, 87. Astur, Rose, 178. Athlone, siege of, 324. Aubesce, or Besse, Jeanne, 203. Aubigny, 353. Aubin. Nicholas, 353. Audembert, 206, 207, 209, 210. Augsburg, 55, 270, 294, 296, 319. Augusta, 270. Augustinus, Walterus, 87. Auriol, Samuel, 168. Austria, 221, 222, 243, 244, 247, 248, 269, 271, 314. 315. Austria, Archduke Charles of, 315. - Rev. Henry Martyn, D.D., 5. Baker, James, 5. Bâle, 90, 315, 330, 333. Balen, Tassinot, 31. Ballot, mode of taking a, in the Balmes, manor of, 471. Balzani, Conte Ugo, xxxviii. Barbaro family, the, coat of arms of, xxxvii. Barbaro, Marc' Antonio, see Suriano. Barber, Richd., 180. Bariseaux, Marie, 203. Barniere, -, 173. Barons, War of the, 48. Basque refugee, a, 353. Bath, Traces of the Huguenots at, xlv. Batteau, Jacques, 179. Battle cries, 265. Batton, Lieut., 75. Batus, Thomas, 87. Baudemont, Anne, 353. Baudouin, or Baudoin, Jacques, 187 bis, 188, 194 ter. Bavaria, 276, 318, 319. note. Ludwig IV., Duke of, 296; his Bavaria-Deux Ponts, John II., Duke Bay, Marquis de, 326, |