THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF LONDON. President. The Right Hon. Sir HENRY AUSTEN LAYARD, G.C.B., &c. Vice-Presidents. Sir HENRY WILLIAM PEEK, Bart. ARTHUR GIRAUD BROWNING, F.S.A. ROBERT HOVENDEN, F.S.A. Council for 1893-94. JOHN EDWIN CUSSANS. RICHARD HERBERT LAPAGE. T. MILLER MAGUIRE, LL.D. WILLIAM PAGE, F.S.A. WILLIAM CHAPMAN WALLER. M.A Treasurer. REGINALD ST. AUBYN ROUMIEU, Hon. Secretary. REGINALD S. FABER, M.A., 10 Primrose Hill Road, N.W Assistant Secretary. G. H. OVEREND, F.S.A., Bankers. Messrs. BARCLAY, BEVAN, TRITTON, RANSOM, BOUVERIE, & Co., 1 Pall Mall East, S.W. The present No. completes the Fourth Volume of Proceedings; The Title-Page, Table of Contents, and Index for the entire Volume will be issued with the Annual List of Fellows in the summer. APRIL 1894. VOL. IV.NO. III. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FIRST ORDINARY MEETING OF THE SESSION, 1893-94 HELD AT THE HOTEL WINDSOR, VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1893. MR. ROBERT HOVENDEN, F.S.A., Vice-President, in the Chair. THE Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, held on May 11, were read and confirmed. The following seven candidates were elected Fellows of the Society: William Stokes Cottew, Esq., Tottenham. Everard Firebrace Darlot, Esq, Member of the Legislative Robert William Dibdin, Esq., 17 Russell Square, W.C. A Paper was read on "Traces of the Huguenots at Bath by Miss Florence L. Layard. |