In 1689 we find the following minute entered in the records of the Consistoire relating to the minister's salary : Du Dimanche 24 Novemb 1689. Messieurs du Comitté a Londres ayant allouez a cette église dix liures sterlin par an pour l'ayder a l'entretien du ministre de cette ditte église moiennant le recipice de deux anciens, a commencer du premier nouemb present mois la compagnie a trouuez a proppos d'en dresser cette acte. Simon Coniet. David Lecandel S. de le Becque. No entry of any payment from the London Committee is contained in any of the books until 1710, when various sums appear as being allowed for the years 1710-1712 (see p. 176) but since these do not amount to £10 per annum, it must be assumed that the subsidy had been diminished. After this date it seems to have ceased altogether till 1714, (see p. 134, note) and though it would seem to have been renewed in this year I cannot identify any of the entries in the accounts as relating to it. The separate local collection for the minister's salary went on up to August 1693, a total of £37 12s. being collected and handed over to M. Campredon up to this date, besides £5 charged to the general account. After this, until 1701, no account of any collection appears, and the only payments entered are fifteen shillings allowed from the rent and paid to him in 1693 and a further £2 5s. in 1696 'pour trois années de ce quy luy esté alloué par M. Yeames.' From 1696 down to 1699 various payments are entered in the general accounts as being made to M. Campredon, and are all expressed to be 'pour subvenir a son ministère,' these sums vary, gradually diminishing from £1 16s. 6d. to fifteen shillings, but it is impossible to say whether they are based on any fixed stipend. In 1700, £5 8s. Od. was paid to him as 'pour les quatre dernier cartiers' and in December a further payment of £1 13s. 6d. is made. After this no payments are entered, until in Isaac Minet's summary on balancing in 1709, (page 171) a final payment of £99 is entered as being made, probably at different dates, for the eight and a quarter years from Midsummer 1701 to Michaelmas 1709, when he gave up the ministry. This we are told was at the rate of £12 per annum, and the same account contains a receipt for £6 'que M. Campredon a relaché de son ministere.' In all £163 13s. Od. seems to have been paid to M. Campredon during his nineteen years ministry, but except during the last eight and a half years, we do not know what the fixed stipend may have been; in any case the total sum paid was quite inadequate and must have been supplemented by a pension from the royal bounty fund, which as has already been pointed out (p. 133) would vary in amount according as the congregation conformed to the Liturgy of the Church of England, or placed themselves under the "discipline" of the non-conformist Walloon churches. The succeeding ministers seem to have been paid on some definite scale. Isaac Couliette, who followed M. Campredon, and who remained for seven years and three quarters, received for the first two years and a half payment at the rate of £10 per annum, and after that £12 per annum. Gabriel Collin, who followed, was paid £23 10s. Od. for a year and three quarters; and Paul Lescot, who remained minister for five years, received only £26 5s. for the whole period. With Isaac Roussier, the last minister, a definite agreement was made by which he was to receive £15 per annum, and this sum was paid regularly by quarterly instalments of £3 15s. From 1709 onwards all the payments made to the ministers are entered in the Summary, and none are charged to the general account. There summaries also contain from 1701 onwards, entries of the special local collections which were devoted every quarter to the minister's salary. The sum received in this way fell far short of what was paid to the minister, the balance being met from the general fund. APPENDIX VI. The following summary history of the foreign churches at Dover from 1642 to 1731, is written by Isaac Minet at the end of the book which contains the accounts, and which is marked on the back 'Régistre de la diaconie 1646-1686 Continué à 1729, à 17[blanc].' The facts contained in it have all been used in the preceding paper, but as one of my objects is to give a complete transcript of all that is contained in the Dover Church books, I have thought it well to add it as an appendix. It is entirely in the handwriting of Isaac Minet, and would seem to have been written some time before 1732, at which date a note was added to it; in 1737 Isaac Minet seems to have re-read it and added the final note "ratifié a Douure." Relation de l'Eglise françoise de Douvre faite par Isaac Minet, Marchand audt lieu et ancien de ladte Eglise. Je trouve par le Registre tenue sur quelque feuilles de papier separé que ladt Eglise as comencé en 1642 mais que ce présent Registre n'a comencé que l'anné 1646. Paul le Heup1 estoit alors Pasteur jusquà l'anné 1652. Puis luy as succéde Mr E. Paien, quy as continué jusquà l'anné 1660 auquelle temps ladt Eglise as discontinué et esté vacante. Cependant en l'anné 1674 moy ledt Minet estoit à Douvre pour aprendre la langue, ayt esté a ladt Eglise où un ministre francois estoit, précepteur des enfants de Cheu Oxenden de Wyngham, préchoit quatre fois l'an, y ayant alors plusieurs françois habitant aud Douvre; mais cela ne continua point et ladt Eglise fut vaquante jusquà anné 1685 que la persécution de Protestants en France fut qu'il se réfugit à Douvre nombre de personnes, la plus part de Calais et pays voisin, alors ladte Eglise fut rétablie dans le même lieu appellé le New Buildings par les soigns de M. Isaac de la Croix, Marchand, réfugié de Calais (ou je suis aussy née) et M Solomon Delebecque (filz de Louis, Marchd audt lieu) fut elevé Ministre de ladte Eglise et as continué jusquà l'anné 1692), qu'il fut à Londre pour estre Lecture de l'Eglise de la Savoye et ladte Eglise fut alors sous la Liturgie englois, n'ayant peut l'obtenir du Roy Jacques Second permission sous d'autre conditions. Mr. David Campredon, proposante estant venue d'Hollande fut apellé prestre ministre et ayt fait scrupule de se conformer à la Liturgie de l'église anglicane il retourna en Holland pour recevoir l'imposition des mains, et as continué ministre de ladte Eglise jusquà l'anné 1709 au quel temps ledt Sieur Campredon ayt obtenue l'Eglise de Shepardewold et Caldrige et aussy Charlton il quitta ladte Eglise françoise. Puis Mr Isaac Couilliette est venue et as esté Pasteur de ladte Eglise sous la Liturgie angloise jusquà l'anné 1717 qu'il fut appelé pour estre l'instructeur des Nouveaux Converty et Refugiés à Londres, et consoler les malades. Mr Gabriel Collin prosilite de Poitou, parent de Messrs Solomon Penny Esq et de Mr Robert Miré, et par eux recommandé. as esté estably ministre de ladte Eglise en Juin 1717. et as reste 2 ans et un cartier; et ne trouvant point de gages suffisant, et que le comité de Londre ne payoit point, il s'en retourna en France ayant obtenue le pardon de l'Evesque de Il fut succedé en ladt Eglise par Mr Paul Lescott venant de a Carolina ou il avoit esté ministre 17 ans; il vint à Douvre t précha la prem fois le 27 Decembre 1719, fort brave momme et digne ministre, que ayant esté appellé à l'Eglise de Vansworth préz de Londres, et estant venue pr prendre ongez et emporter ses meubles, tomba malade et mourut le blanc] Decembre 1724, fort regretté de l'assemblé de Douure et de tous ceux dont il estoit conue; apres quoy Mr Isaac Roussier vint à Douure, recommandé par Mons Degulhon de a part de Mons l'Archevesque de Canterbury et précha la prem fois le 10 Septembre 1731. Se trouvant que tres peu de françois a Douure et ne pouvant l'entretenir il en est party le mois Juilliet sans aparence que ladt Esglise puisse rétablir. Poitier. 'Sic, the name should be Philippe le Keux. Fait a Douure le 31 xbre, 1731. Il est resté dans ladte Esglise la chaire et les bans que y estoient avant et au temps du retablissemt en 1685, comme appertenant au propriétare du lieu, et il reste entre les mains de moy, ledt Minet, deux coupes d'argent servant pour la St Cene, pesant ensemble vinte neuf onces et demy, provenant et apartenant cy devant à l'Eglise protestant de Calais; plus aussy trois napes et deux serviettes fort usé et un table ou sont escript les dix commandements. N.B. Mr Ponfade a commencé ladt Esgliz en 1641; je dit as esté le prem ministre jusquà 1646 quil as esté succedé par Monsieur Paul le Heup. ISAAC MINET. à Douure le 29me Mars, 1732. Ratifié à Douure le 15m Feb. 1736-7. ISAAC MINET. Sic, the name should be Joseph Poujade. The Duc de Rohan's Relations with the Republic of Venice, 1630-1637. BY THE RIGHT HON. SIR HENRY LAYARD, G.C.B.. PRESIDENT I was engaged in the spring of 1892 in searching in the Venice Archives for documents relating to Henri de Rohan I was fortunate enough to find a number of letters addressei by him and Benedetto Priolo, his secretary, to Alvise Zorzi the "Proveditore Generale nello Stato di Terra Firma" (the Governor of the Territories of the Republic on the main land and to the Doge and Senate. Of the most important of these I have had copies made, which I have much pleasure in offering to the Huguenot Society of London. They are not, I think, undeserving of a place in its Library, and even of publication in its Proceedings-considering the important position held by Rohan in the first half of the 17th century, as head of the Huguenots, and the interest attaching to his life. Little is known of Rohan during his connection wit... the Venetian Republic, and these letters have not before been published. After the serious reverses experienced by the Huguenots in 1629, Rohan, despairing of their cause and desirous of continuing in a career in which he had acquired so much distinction, decided to offer his sword, with the consent of his sovereign, Louis XIII, to the Republic of Venice. He accordingly addressed himself to the Doge, proposing to raise in France, levies for the service of the Venetian State. His letter was taken into consideration at a secret meeting of the Senate (in Pregadi) on the 8th Jan., 1630, and an answer to it adopted by one hundred and eighteen votes, there being no dissentients. The Duke was told that the Doge and the Republic were fully convinced of his desire to render them service, and that they had been in correspondence with the Most Christian King, through their Ambassador Contarini with respect to such levies; but that it was not yet the season to treat of these matters.* * See Appendix i. to this Paper. |