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DAY (ROBERT). Bronze implements (from Ireland). Proc. Soc.
Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 225-227.

On some medals of the loyal Irish Volunteers. Roy.
Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 459-461.

- An engraved medal of the loyal Irish Callan Volunteers.
Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 591-592.
DILLON (HON. H. A.). A letter of Sir Henry Lee, 1590, on the
trial of Iron for Armour. Archæologia, li. 167-172.

Arms and Armour at Westminster, the Tower, and
Greenwich, 1547. Archæologia, li. 219-280.

Sword of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Archæologia,
li. 512-513.

MS. list of Officers of the London Trained Bands in
1643. Archæologia, lii. 129-144.

DIXON (D. D.). British burials on the Simonside Hills, Northumb.
Arch. Eliana, N.S. xv. 23-32.

The Old Coquetdale Volunteers. Arch. Æliana, N.S.
xv. 64-75.

Old Coquetdale Customs, Salmon Poaching. Arch.
Æliana, N.S. xv. 144-153.

DIXON (G. H.) and NORTHESK (LORD). Cists and Urns found at
Brackenhill, Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq.
and Arch. Soc. xii. 177-178,

DOHERTY (J. J.). Bells, their origin, uses, and inscriptions. Arch.
Jour. xlviii. 45-64.

DOHERTY (W. J.). Some ancient crosses and other antiquities of
Inishowen, co. Donegal. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. ii. 100-

DOLLMAN (F. T.). Priory Church of St. Mary Overie, Southwark.
Trans. R.I.B.A., N.S. vii. 389-397.

DREDGE (J. I.). Devon Bibliography. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 324-356.
DREW (T.). Surroundings of the Cathedral Church of St. Patrick
de Insula, Dublin. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 426-

DRINKWATER (H.). St. Michael's Church, Oxford. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 56-57.


St. Mary's Church, Iffey. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii.

DRINKWATER (REV. C. H., M.A.). Bailiffs' accounts of Shrewsbury,
1275-1277. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii.

DRINKWATER (REV. C. H., M.A.). Shrewsbury Tax Roll of 1352. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 265-274.

Grant of a garden in Murivance, Shrewsbury, by John Hoord, 1481. Trans. Shrophire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 275-280.

DUCKETT (SIR G.). Evidences of the Barri family of Manorbeer and Olethan with other early owners of the former in Pembrokeshire, Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii, 190-208, 277296.

Ordinance for the better observance of obits, &c., throughout Cluniac monasteries. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 39-42.

Brief notices on Monastic and Ecclesiastical Costume. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 60-82.

Gundreda, Countess of Warenne, Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 166-176.

DUIGNAN (W. H.). The will of Wulfgate of Donnington. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 36-40.

DUNKIN (E.). Presidential address. Roy. Inst. Corn. x. 303


DUNKIN (E. H. W.). Calendar of deeds and documents in the possession of the Sussex Archeological Society. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 137-140.

DYMOND (C. W., F.S.A.). Barnscar; an ancient settlement in Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 179-187.

An ancient village near Yanwath, Westmorland; an ancient village in Hugill, Westmorland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 1-5, 6-14.

EARWAKER (J. P.). A small stone vessel from the inside of an

early British urn found in
Penmaenmawr, North Wales.


barrow on a hill above Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii.

Roman inscriptions at Chester. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 204-207.

Recent discovery of urns at Penmaenmawr. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 33-37.

Roman inscriptions at Chester. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 77-78.

EDWARDS (F. A.). Early Hampshire printers. Hants Field Club, ii. 110-134.

ELGER (T. G.). Recent discoveries (Romano-British) at Kempston
near Bedford. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 240.

ELLIS (F.). Pottery and other remains found on Romano-
British sites near Bristol. Proc. Clifton Antiq. Club, ii. 157-

ELY (T., M.A., F.S.A.). Armorial devices on black-figured vases
at Berlin. Archæologia, li. 477-484.

EMBLETON (D., M.D.). Company of Barber Surgeons and Wax
and Tallow Chandlers of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Arch. Eliana,
N.S. xv. 228.

ENYS (J. D.), and JEFFERY (H. M.). Composition between the
Vicar of Gluvias, and the Burgesses of Penryn, A.D. 1322.
Roy. Inst. Corn. x. 349-353.

ville (I. W.).

The ancient borough of Newtown alias Franch-
Hants Field Club, ii. 89-109.

EVANS (A. J., M.A., F.S.A.). On a late-Celtic urn-field at Aylesford,
Kent, and on the Gaulish, Illyro-Italic, and Classical Con-
nexions of the forms of pottery and bronze-work there
discovered. Archæologia, lii. 315-388.

EVANS (JOHN, F.R.S., P.S.A.). Exploration of a Barrow at
Youngsbury, near Ware. Archæologia, lii. 287-296.

A glass bottle of the Roman period from Cyprus. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 103-105.


The Progress of Archæology. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 251-

A new coin of Dubnovellaunus. Jour. Numis. Soc. 3rd
S. xi. 108.

Rare or unpublished Roman medallions. Jour. Numis.
Soc. 3rd S. xi. 152-160.

EYRE (ARCHBISHOP). The episcopal seals of the ancient diocese
of Glasgow. Glasgow Arch. Soc. N.S. ii. 44-62.
FAIRBANK (F. R., M.D., F.S.A.). Brasses in the Old Deanery of
Doncaster. Yorks Arch. and Topog. Jour. xi. 71-92.

Brasses in Howden Church, Yorks. Yorks Arch. and
Topog. Jour. xi. 169–173.

FAWCETT (W. M., M.A., F.S.A.). Recent discoveries in Linton
Church, Cambs. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 15-16.
FENTON (A. J.). Extracts relating to Sussex from Exchequer Special
Commissions, &c. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 141-159.
FERGUSON (PROF. J., M.A., F.S.A.). Bibliographical Notes on
Polydore Vergil's "De Inventoribus Rebus." Archæologia, li.

FERGUSON (PROF. J., M.A., F.S.A.). Bibliographical notes on
histories of inventions and books of secrets. Glasgow Arch.
Soc. N.S. ii. 1-33.

FERGUSON (JOHN). The pre-Reformation Churches of Berwick-
shire. Berwickshire Nat. Club, xiii. 86-188.

FERGUSON (CHANCELLOR, M.A., LL.M., F.S.A.). On an Astrolabe
Planisphere of English make. Archæologia, lii. 75-84.

Recent discoveries in Cumberland. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
2nd S. xiii. 216-223, 348-349.

Column of Roman date discovered in Carlisle. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 263-267.

Heraldry of the Cumberland Statesmen. Arch. Jour.
xlviii, 77-82.

Report on Injury to the Bewcastle Obelisk, Cumberland.
Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 51-56.

Recent Local Finds (in Cumberland and Westmorland),
i. Prehistoric; ii. Roman; iii. Medieval. Trans. Cumb. and
Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 57-67.

The Heraldry of the Cumberland Statesmen. Trans.
Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 68-80.
FFRENCH (J. F. M.). The manner of lighting houses in old times
illustrated by rush-light candlesticks. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd
S. 1. 626-630.

FIELD (REV. J. E.). Berrick Church, Oxfordshire.
Berks. A. and A. Soc. ii. 39-43.


Quart. Jour.

Description of the stone-roofed
building called St. Patrick's Chapel at Ardrass, county Kildare.
Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 456-458.

FLETCHER (REV. W. G. D., M.A., F.S.A.). Notes on the family of
Bainbrigge of Lockington. Trans. Leic. A. and A. Soc. vii.

FORTNUM (C. D. E., D.C.L., F.S.A.). Mourning ring containing a
small relic of hair with the inscription Edwardus Rex 1483.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 198-200.

FOSTER (W. E., F.S.A.). A brass of a lady in Gedney Church,
Lincolnshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 212.

A presentment against the Vicar of Whaplode,
Lincolnshire, in 1552. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 268-270.
FOWLER (REV. J. T., M.A., F.S.A.). On a sculptured cross at
Kelloe, Durham. Archæologia, lii. 73-74.

FOWLER (REV. H., M.A.). Mackery End, Herts. Trans. St. Albans
Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 22-27.

Someries Castle. Trans. St. Albans Archit. and Arch.
Soc. for 1889, 31-45.

Excavations in the Abbey Orchard Field, St. Albans.
Trans. St. Albans Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 52-59.

and HOWARD (R. L.). Mackery End House and its
inhabitants. Trans. St. Albans Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889,

On the use of the terms Cro-
Archeologia, lii. 709-732.

FOWLER (REV. J. T., M.A., F.S.A.).
sier, Pastoral Staff, and Cross.
Some grave slabs in the cathedral church at Durham.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 34-44.
Cistercian Statutes. Yorks Arch. and Topog. Jour. xi.


Yorks Arch. and


Ballads in Ripon Minster Library.
Topog. Jour. xi. 200-201.
The St. Cuthbert window in York Minster.
Arch. and Topog. Jour. xi. 486-501.
Fox (G. E., F.S.A.). Recent discovery of part of the Roman wall
of London. Archeologia, lii. 609-616.

and HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN, M.A., Asst. Sec. S.A.).
Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester,
Hants. Archæologia, lii. 733-758.

Excavations at Silchester. Proc. Soc. Antiq.

2nd S. xiii. 8597.
FRANKS (A. W., C.B., F.R.S., V.P.S.A.). Three metal roundels
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 223-224.

Two English embroidered hangings. Proc. Soc. Antiq
2nd S. xiii. 355-359.

FRAZER (W.). A series of coloured drawings of scribed stones in
the Lough Crew cairns, by the late G. V. Du Noyer. Roy. Irish
Acad. 3rd S. i. 451-453.

Medals of St. Vergil and St. Rudbert struck at Salzburg.
Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. i. 454-455.

Irish half-timbered houses. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th

S. i. 367-369.

A contribution to Irish Anthropology. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. i. 391-404.

Description of a small bronze figure of a bird found in
recent excavations in Dublin. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S.

i. 483.

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