CONTENTS. BOOK XVI. Review of American Transactions.. Petition of the Massachusetts Assembly to the King... New Modification of the American Tea Duty 38 Tumults consequent thereupon in the Colonies 41 Session of Parliament-Boston Port Bill.. 45-7 Bill for Subverting the Charter of Massachusetts..-.-- 50 54 Bill for the Establishment of Despotism in Canada at Philadelphia.... 59 60 63 65 First Petition of Congress to the King .72 79 Memorable Speech of Lord Chatham on moving to withdraw the Troops from Boston... 93 Petitions presented to Parliament against the War. 103 Parliament refuses to hear Evidence on the Congress's Petition Lord Chatham's Bill for settling the troubles in Ame Lord North's Conciliatory Proposition.. Mr. Hartley's Conciliatory Propositions... Page 115 120 ... 131 ib. 133 Petition to the King from the City of London, presented by Mr. Wilkes, Lord Mayor ... Trivial Concessions granted to Ireland.. Application to Parliament from the Province of New Hostilities commenced at Lexington .... ib. 139 Mr. Penn's Examination at the Bar of the House of Lords 173 Land Tax raised to 4s.-Remarkable Prediction thereon 175 Mr. Burke's Bill for quieting the Troubles in America 178 ... 182 Extravagant Overture made to Ireland ............... ... 185 Accession of Louis XVI.-His Policy and Character ib. Aspiring Views of the Queen-Her Character.. Conduct and Character of Pope Clement XIII. Accession of Clement XIV. (Ganganelli).... Death of Frederic V. King of Denmark-His Character 232 Accession of Christian VII.-Court Revolution in Den- mark.. ib. King's Debts a second Time paid.. One Hundred Thousand Pounds per Annum added to the ib. General Howe's Expedition to the Chesapeak.................... 301 Victory at the Brandy-Wine, and Capture of Philadelphia 302 Hostile Declaration of France.... Death of the Earl of Chatham.. Act for the Relief of the Roman-Catholics The Minority gains Strength and Popularity......... 361 Failure of Lord North's second Plan of Conciliation 363-6 Arrival of the French Fleet off the Delawar ......... 371 Lord Howe's able Gofact and subsequent Resignation 372,4 Count d'Estaings insucessful Attack on St. Lucia... 375 Destruction of the Settlement of Wyoming... Conquest of Georgia under General Prevost......... 379 |