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refused compliance. His lordship being divested BOOK of his authority, carried on a sort of predatory war against the province, proclaimed martial 1775. law, and immediate emancipation to all negroes and indented servants able and willing to bear arms in his majesty's service-a measure which caused the greatest irritation and resentment, without being productive of any adequate advantage. At length an event took place, which completed the alienation of the Virginians from the English government. A demand was made by the shipping in the bay of Chesapeak, to the inhabitants of the town of Norfolk, for provisions and other supplies for his majesty's service; which being peremptorily refused, a heavy cannonade was by order of the governor commenced against the town, the richest and most flourishing in the province, and in a few hours it was reduced to ashes-the loss being estimated at three hundred thousand pounds. Such were the methods adopted by lord Dunmore for the restoration of peace and order in that great and extensive province. In the adjacent country of Maryland the wisdom and moderation of governor Eden prevented these fatal extremities; and, when the British government was at length. entirely superseded, he retired from the province, carrying with him the esteem and admiration of every party, and almost of every

BOOK individual.



In the Carolinas, lord William

☑ Campbell and governor Martin, adopting the policy of lord Dunmore, were also compelled to withdraw for safety on board the king's ships lying off the coast. In Pennsylvania, a military association was established throughout the province; and a similar spirit, indicating itself in different modes, pervaded the whole chain of colonies from the frozen deserts of Nova Scotia to the burning sands of Florida.

In the Massachusetts Bay, the town of Falmouth, from similar causes of offence with that of Norfolk, was set on fire, and destroyed by a tremendous cannonade; in the course of which above three thousand shot, besides bombs and carcasses, were thrown into the place. The garrison of Boston was maintained at an incredible expence by supplies from England, a great proportion of which was intercepted by the American cruisers; and the town continued closely blockaded during the whole winter. Towards the end of February, 1776, it was determined by general Washington to take possession of the heights of Dorchester, situated in a peninsula stretching into the bay to the south of Boston. All the previous preparations being made, a party of two thousand men, on the evening of the 4th of March, passed in profound silence the neck or isthmus, followed by three hundred



carriages with entrenching tools. It being bright Book moonlight, they continued working till daybreak, when two redoubts were completed, as if by the power of enchantment, to the inexpressible astonishment of general Howe, who was informed by the admiral that he could not, while the enemy possessed those heights, be responsible for the safety of his majesty's ships in the harbour. A resolution was immediately taken by the general, now chief in command by the departure of general Gage, to dislodge them : but a prodigious storm of wind, succeeded by a deluge of rain, effectually prevented the meditated attack: and the works having been nevertheless carried on in the mean time with unremitted diligence by the Americans, were now judged too strong to be carried by a coup-de-main, and it was determined to evacuate the town. Another work being thrown up, which from it's proximity had the entire command of Bostonneck, this determination was most precipitately carried into execution early in the morning of the 17th of March, 1776; when the whole of the troops, together with such of the inhabitants as were attached to the royal cause, put to sea on board the transports lying in the harbour, though very insufficient in number for the purpose; and after a tempestuous and dangerous voyage they at length landed safely at Halifax.


BOOK On the succeeding day general Washington entered the town in triumph, and found there a 1775. great quantity of stores and provisions which the English commander had neither time to remove or to destroy*. Compliments of congratulation were immediately paid to the American general on this occasion by the convention of Massachusetts. And he was soon afterwards commissioned to communicate in general orders to the officers and soldiers under his command the thanks of congress for their good behaviour in the service. They were indeed, says the general, at first a band of undisciplined husbandmen; but it is, under God, to their bravery and attention to their duty, that I am indebted for that success which has procured me the only reward I wish to receive-the affection and esteem of my countrymen."

Some time previous to this event, the Oneidas and other Indian nations had sent a deputation to that assembly, of their chiefs and warriors, who, in the simple style of Indian eloquence, disclosed the purport of their commission in the following terms:-"BROTHERS! we have heard of the unhappy differences and great contention between you and OLD ENGLAND. We wonder greatly, and are troubled in our minds. Bro

• Vide General Washington's Letters, March 19, and April 18, 1776.



thers, possess your minds in peace respecting BOOK us Indians. We cannot intermeddle in this dispute between two brothers. The quarrel seems to us unnatural. You are two brothers of one blood; we bear an equal affection to both. Should the GREAT KING apply to us for aid, we shall deny him; if the colonies apply, we shall refuse. We Indians cannot find or recollect in the traditions of our ancestors a case similar to this. Brothers, were it an alien that had struck you, we should look into the matter. We hope, through the wise government and good pleasure of GOD, your distresses may be soon removed, and the dark clouds be dispersed. Brothers, as we have declared for peace, we desire you will not apply to our Indian brethren for assistance. Let us Indians be all of one mind, and you white people settle your disputes betwixt yourselves." Happy would it have been, had the Indian nations uniformly adhered to this wise policy, of which the assembly to whom this discourse was addressed declared their high and entire approbation. But many of the savage tribes bordering on the great lakes and rivers were prevailed upon, by the solicitations and lavish presents of the British agents, to take up the hatchet in behalf of the GREAT KING. Colonel Johnson, son of the famous sir William Johnson, was most successful in

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