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stories high. The roofs of these stores, as well as of a vast many other buildings in the city, are covered with slates instead of shingles. In the western part of the city, near the water side, is the Massachusetts General Hospital. This is thought by many people the


Massachusetts General Hospital.

finest building in the State. It is of granite, and has a portico in front, supported by eight stone columns. Within, it is divided into rooms, which are furnished with every convenience for the sick people who are brought to be taken care of. Many are brought from a great distance. A great number of benevolent gentlemen contributed money to build this hospital; much money was also given by the State for the same purpose. There is no better use to which money can be put, than to give it for such charitable purposes.

How long is Faneuil Hall Market?

Of what is it built?

What use is made of it?

What is the General Hospital for?

Where is it situated?

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I HAVE no doubt you would like to know something about the schools of Boston. The people of the city have taken great pains with their schools. There are about sixty schools kept by women, called Primary Schools. Children from the age of four to seven are taught at these schools to read and spell. At the age of seven, if the children can read, they may be admitted into the Grammar Schools. There are eight of these schools in the city, besides one, called the African School, for colored children. In these schools the children are taught reading, writing, arithmetic, geography and grammar. The boys may remain in these schools till they are fourteen years old; the girls can stay a year longer. Beside these grammar schools, there are two others, one called the English High School, and the other, the Latin Grammar School. Boys can enter the English High School at twelve years of age,


and remain three years. They are instructed in the higher branches of English education. Boys can enter the Latin Grammar School, when nine years old. At this school they study Latin and Greek, and are fitted for college. To be well educated is one of the greatest blessings a child can enjoy ; and the people of Boston have taken care that no child in the city, who is studious and well disposed, shall want this blessing. Beside the schools I have mentioned, there are in Boston a great number of private schools; and lately there have been established a number of infant schools.

People who are fond of learning, are commonly friends to religion and good morals. The inhabitants of Boston, ever since the town was first settled, have been noted for attention to their ministers, and for going to meeting on the Sabbath. There are nearly fifty places of public worship in the city. Some of the churches are large and elegant, and all are neat and decent. A few of them are built of wood, many of brick, and some of stone. Their tall spires, when seen at a distance, look grand, and it is very pleasant, on a still Sabbath morning, to hear all the bells ringing to call the people to meeting.

What is said of schools in Boston?

What children go to Primary Schools?

What to grammar schools?

At what age are boys admitted to the English High School?
To the Latin grammar school?

How many places of public worship in Boston ?


THERE are several large libraries in Boston; but the largest in the city and in the State, except the library of Harvard College, is the Boston Athenæum. This library contains twentyfive thousand volumes. All these books are arranged on shelves in the different rooms of a large house, given by Mr James Perkins, late a rich merchant of Boston. Behind the house where the library is kept, there is a large building of three stories, called the Gallery of Fine Arts. This building is a part of the Athenæum. In the lower story the libraries of several societies are kept. The upper story forms a single room, and is lighted from the top by an opening in the roof. This room is used for exhibiting pictures; there is an exhibition of pictures here every summer. The money which the people pay who come to see the pictures, is for the use of the Athenæum.

In Court Street is kept the New England Museum. This is a collection of all sorts of curiosities, filling eleven large halls and chambers. You would like very well to see them; and whenever you go to Boston, by paying a few cents you may see them all. There are a great many images of wax; a great many skins of animals, stuffed so as to look almost as if the animals were alive; a great many curious shells, taken from the sea; a great many snakes and other reptiles; and all sorts of insects and birds, as well as a great many fine pictures and prints, and other curiosities, more than I can remember.

Which is the largest library in Boston ?
Give some account of the Athenæum.
Of the New England Museum.


ONE of the largest and finest buildings in Boston is the State House. It is of brick, and painted a brownish white color. It is on the top of a hill, called Beacon Hill, which is the highest land in the city. In the front of the

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