Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts: Devoted to Mechanical and Physical Science, Civil Engineering, the Arts and Manufactures, and the Recording of American and Other Patent InventionsFranklin Institute, 1836 Vols. 1-69 include more or less complete patent reports of the U. S. Patent Office for years 1825-1859. cf. Index to v. 1-120 of the Journal, p. [415] |
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Common terms and phrases
acid action æther alloy apparatus applied arrangement atmospheres August 17 bismuth blast boiler bottom canal carbonic acid carriage cast cast-iron cause claim clouds coal Committee construction copper cylinder described diameter effect elastic experiments explosion February 25 feet fire flue force Franklin Institute fuel furnace fusible fusible alloys gauge glass grains heat horizontal hydrogen improvement inches increased invention iron iron bowl Kennebec county lever lime machine manner means mercury metal mode motion mould nearly observed obtained October 27 opening operation oxide oxygen pass patent Pennsylvania Philadelphia pipe placed plate present pressure produced pump purpose quantity Rail Road rain remarks revolving roller sand screw shaft side slide specification spring stationary point stove sulphuric sulphuric acid surface temperature thermometer thickness tion tube upper valve vaporization vessel weight wheel wind wire York zinc
Popular passages
Page 156 - ... shall fully explain the principle, and the several modes in which he has contemplated the application of that principle or character, by which it may be distinguished from other inventions, and shall particularly specify and point out the part, improvement, or combination which he claims as his own invention or discovery.
Page 325 - Be it known that I, John Fitch, of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, the State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and improved mode of preventing...
Page 28 - The Committee on Science and the Arts, constituted by the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the promotion of the Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred for examination, two reflecting telescopes, made by Mr.
Page 246 - The Committee on Science and the Arts constituted by the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, for the promotion of the Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred for examination a Solar Compass, invented by WM.
Page 161 - ... it shall be the duty of the commissioner to renew and extend the patent, by making a certificate thereon of such extension...
Page 94 - If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.
Page 162 - And be it further enacted, That there shall be provided, for the use of said office, a library of scientific works and periodical publications, both foreign and American, calculated to facilitate the discharg'e of the duties hereby required of the chief officers therein, to be purchased under the direction of the Committee of the Library of Congress.
Page 160 - ... tending to prove that the description and specification filed by the plaintiff, does not contain the whole truth relative to his invention or discovery , or that it contains more than is necessary to produce the described effect; which concealment or addition shall fully appear to have been made for the purpose of deceiving the public...
Page 159 - And in case of his death, or any assignment by him made of the original patent, a similar right shall vest in his executors, administrators, or assignees.
Page 159 - And the patent, so reissued, together with the corrected description and specification, shall have the same effect and operation in law, on the trial of all actions hereafter commenced for causes subsequently accruing, as though the same had been originally filed in such corrected form, before the issuing out of the original patent.