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Sir Johnne Preftoun of Valafeild,
James Somervell of Garidwoid,
Johnne Hammiltoun of the
Grange of Kilmarnok,
Mathow Bailzie of Littilgill,
Johnne Corbet of Ardbo,

[blocks in formation]

Andro Boyde, brother to Kil- Jon Broune, bailzie of Muffilburgh,
Dauid Dundas of Preiftinche,

Rot Logie, bailzie of Quenis-ferie, James Hammiltoune of Garene.1 The Aduocat repetis the Depofitioun produceit, and my Lord Justice Interloquutour, findand the haill Dittay relevant: And in respect thairof, and of hir becuming in will, in hir Depofitiones, proteftis for Wilfull Errour.

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VERDICT. THE faid perfones of ASSYSE, be the mouth of the said Dauid Dundas, chanceller, all in ane voce, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Margaret Hertfyde to be ffylit, culpable and convict of the vnlawfull and vndewtifull substracting and detening frome our fouerane lordis darrest spous, the Quenis Maieftie, furth of his bienes Palices of .. in Ingland, at the leift furth of ane or vther of the faidis Palices, of ane perle, of the valour of ane hundreth and ten pund fterling; togidder with dyuerfe vtheris perles, precious ftanes, jowellis and goldfinyth wark, lykwayis pertening to hir Maieftie, worth the fowme of thre hundreth pund fterling, or thairby; committit be the faid Margaret, in the monethis of . . . . the yeiris of God Im. Vje. thre, fax hundreth foure, fax hundreth

fyve, fax hundreth fax and Im.Vjc. and fewin yeiris, at the leift in ane or vther of the faidis monethis and yeiris: Lyk as, the faidis perfones of Affyfe, be the mouth of the faid Chanceller, for the maift pairt, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Margaret Hartfyde to be Clanget of the fteilling of the faid perle, togidder with the remanent perles, precious ftanes, jowallis and goldfmyth wark foirfaid. In witnefs quhairof, the chanceller of the faid Affyfe hes fubfcryuit the faid delyuerance, with his hand. (Sic fubfcribitur) DAUID DUNDASS.

[Apud Lynlythgow, Aug. 10, 1608. Mr Williame Hairt, Jufiice-Depute.]

DOME contrair Margaret Hairtfyde.

Aug. 10.-The quhilk day, Margaret Heartsyde and Johnne Buchannane2 hir spous, for his entreis allenerlie, being prefentit vpone pannell, to heir his Maiefteis will and plefour declairit aganis hir, as scho that was convict be ane Affyse, in ane Court of Jufticiarie, haldin in the tolbuith of Lynlythgow, the first day of Junij lastbypast, &c. Compeirit Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Bynnie, knycht, and producet his Maiefteis Precept and Warrand, quhilk the Juftice caufit to be publictlie red; quhairof the tennour followis.


JUSTICE GENERALL, Juftice Clerk, Clark and 3our deputis, We greit 30w weill. QUHAIR AS, Margaret Hairtsyde was, vpone hir awin Confeffioun, convicted for pe vnlauchfull and vndewtiefull abstracting and detening of certane jowellis belonging to our darreft bedfellow THE QUENE, and pairupoun remittit to priffone, till our further plefour fould be declairit concerning hir: WE haif thocht guid, be theis prefentis, to fignifie our faid plefour to 30w; quhich is, that ze fall, with all convenient expeditioun, cause affix and fens3 ane ordinaire Justice Court, at our burgh of Lynlythgow; and pair, (scho and hir husband, for his entreis, being present,) it be declairit, that howfoeuir the Affyfe acquit 'Sir James Sandilandis of Slamanno' is deleted from the roll of Assise. John Buchanan and his wyffe, Margarett Hartesyde, that had laynn longe in prissone heire, for the allegeit stealling some of the Queins Jewells (bot the Courtiers talked, that it was for reuelling some of the Queins secretts to the King, wich a wysse chalmbermaide wold not haue done,) was, by ane sentence, condemned to perpetualle exyle, in the Iylandes of Orknay, and declared to be ane infamous persone, in Aguste this yeir' (1608.)—Sir J. Balfour's Annals, II. 26. • Fence, hold.

hir of the cryme of Thift, 3it, in regaird that, vpone hir awin Confeffioun, fcho was fund giltie, as is afoirfaid; in that refpect, We accompt hir fact alfe infamous, as gif it had bene done be direct stelth: And that, feeing pair can be no difference betwene the vnlawfull medling with any thing belonging to the Quene, our darreft bedfellow, hir perfone, and our awin, and lykwayis that pe exampill is moft pernitious, and alluterlie intollerable, that any face or cullour fould be pute vpone pe coofening or abftracting frome aper of ws any pairt of our jowellis or moveabillis, by fuch as ar in truft, or haif pe keping of thame, We moft conclude, that fcho hes delt fo difhoneftlie heirin, as We account her als worthie to be repute and declaired INFAMOUS,1 (lyk as, it is our plefour that 3e declair hir to be fo) as gif fcho had bene directlie convict of Thift: 3 fall lykwayis declair, that it is our plefour, that scho fall with all expeditioun repay, out of the reddieft of hir and hir husbandis guidis, to Henrie Wardlaw, Chalmerlane to our darreft bedfellow the Quene, of hir Lordschip of Dunfermeling, the liquidat valew of theafe jewallis, contenit in hir proces, to be convertit to fuche vfe as our faid darreft bedfellow fall think convenient: And laftlie, 3e fall declair, that it is our plefour, that hir perfone fall be, for hir faid dishonest offence, confynit to pe YLES OF ORKNAY; thair to remane, and nocht exceid the boundis pairof, induring hir lyftyme; vnder all hieft pane and charge: QUHICH Dome being pronuncet, ze fall cause hir be faflie convoyit bak to our Caftell of Blaknes, pair to remane in fure firmance, till fcho find guid and fufficient cautioun, alsweill for payment of the said fowme, contenit in hir proces, within fyftene dayis nixt eftir fcho falbe charget for the fame, as alfo for entrie of hir perfone, in the place of hir confining, within fourtie dayis nixt eftir fcho fall be fred out of our Caftell of Blaknes: For Dome and performeing of everie of pe which premiffes, thease prefentis fall be vnto 30w ane fufficient Warrand. GEVIN at our Mannour of THEOBALDIS, pe tuentie day of July, 1608.

According to the quhilk Warrand, the faid Justice-depute, be the mouth of Henrie Wilfoun, dempfter of Court, Declairit the said Margaret Hairtsyde to be INFAMOUS; And lykwayis declairit and decernit the faid Margaret to repay, with all expeditioun, out of the reddiest of hir and hir husbandis guidis, to Henrie Wardlaw, Chalmerlane to our fouerane lordis darreft bedfellow the Quene, of her lordfchip of Dunfermeling, the fowme of foure hundreth pund Sterling money, extending, in Scottis money, to the fowme of foure thoufeand and aucht hundreth li., as the liquidat valew of thois Jowellis, contenit in hir proces, to be convertit to fic vfe as hir Maieftie fall think convenient: And laftlie, decernit and ordanit that hir persone fall be, for hir faid dishoneft offence, confinet to the Iles of Orknay, thairin to remane and nocht exceid the boundis thairof, induring hir lyftyme; vnder all hieft pane and charge. Quhilk was pronuncet for Dome, &c. Mr Johnne Dalzell, burges of Edinburgh, become cautioun and fouertie for the faidis Margaret and hir fpous, for his entreis; and they all, conjunctlie and feuerallie, Band and obleist thame to pay and delyuer to the faid Henrie Wardlaw the faid fowme; and that within fyftene dayis nixt eftir thay be charget to that effect. And ficklyk, the faid Mr Johnne Dalzell become bundin and obleist, as cautioner and fouertie for the faid Margaret, that fcho fall entir hir perfone in the place foirfaid of hir confining, within fourtie dayis eftir the dait of thir prefentis, (the morne, viz. the ellevint day of August instant, being comptit for the first day,) vnder the pane of Ten thowfeand merkis Scottis money, &c.


1 (On the margin.) Thir woirdis of Infamie is ordanit to be deleit, conforme to his Maiefteis expres Warrand, infert in the Regifter of Adiornall, pe xv of December, 1619.'


Justice GENERALL, Justice Clark and 3our deputtis, We greit 30w weill. Quhair as, our truftie and loyall feruitrix MARGARET HEARTSYDE, the spous of Sir Johnne Buchannane, knyt, was, by the finifterous informatioun of certane hir vnfreindis for the tyme, perfewit criminallie befoir 30w; and being put to ane Affyfe, was Acquit and affoilzeit of that speciall point of hir Indytement, which of the Law fuftenit the famyn to be relevant to be tryit and cognofcet be thame, and onlie was fund giltie of certain adminicles infert in hir Dittay, for qualificatioun of hir alledget cryme. Vpoun the whilk convictioun, doome and fentence, accoirding to our Warrand and Declaratioun pairintill, in ane Juftice Court, haldin be 30w, within our tolbuthe of Lynlythgow, vpone the tent of Auguft, 1608, was gevin out against hir, Declairing hir to be Infamous. Qubilk doome and fentence being maist humlie and with grit patience and modeftie imbracet and vnderlyne be hir, and hir behauiour continuallie fenfyne being verrie deutifull. THAIRFORE, and that the foirfaid Doome gevin out against hir may nocht be a precedent, nor haif force heireftir, It is our gracious Will and plefour, that the foirfaid Declaratioun of the faid Margaret Heartfyde to be INFAMOUS, infert in hir proces, be haldin as deleit furth thairof; and on nawayis to be extractit or gevin out to ony perfone or perfones, in tyme cuming; bot that this our Warrand and Declaratioun be infert in our Registeris of Adiornall, for reponeing of hir to hir fame, aganift the famyn Sentence; Whilk We command 30w to fie done. Sua, nothing douting of 3our cair and reddines heirintill, We bid 30w hairtlie fairweill. ffrome our Courte, at Roystoun, the fyftenth day of Nouember, 1619.

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Jun. 21.-MR ALEXANDER INNES, fumtyme Minister at Birnay.


Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmq Agnes Leslie, relict of vmqle Douglas, proveift of Elgyn, and of vmqle Williame Hay, father-brother to Williame Hay of Mayne; committit vpone fet purpois, prouifioun and foirthocht fellony.

James Hay 3ounger of Mayne, as neir kynfman to vmqle Williame Hay, his guidfchires brother, and Alexander Bifchope of Murray, as fone to vmqle Agnes Leflie, producet our fouerane lordis Letteris, deulie execute and indorfat at thair inftance aganis Andro Meldrum, callit of Dumbrek," as cautioner and fouertie for the entrie of Mr Alexander Innes, &c. and offerit thame felfis reddie to persew. THE Juftice ordanit the said Andro to be vnlawit in the pane of tua hundreth merkis, becaus the faid Mr Alexander Innes was at the horne of befoir, and fugitiue for the faidis crymes: And ficlyk, ordanit the faid Mr Alexander, for his nocht compeirance, to be denuncit rebell and put to the horne; and all his moveable guidis to be efcheit, &c.

[Mr Alexander Coluill, Juflice-Depute.]
Treason, &c.


Mr Williame Broun, ane of the clerkis in his Hienes Thefaurarie, producet our fouerane lordis Letteris, deulie execute and indorfate, vpone Johnne Lord Meldrum, fumtyme of Dumbrek.'

1 ‹ Brother-germane to vmqle


Maxwall; be the quhilkis he hes paft to the horne, for dyuerfe treffonable crymes contenit thairin; and thairupoun afkit inftrumentis.'


Jun. 29.-SIR ROBERT GORDOUN of Lochinvar, knycht. Dilaitit of the Slauchter of vmqle James Gordoun, his padge.2

The Aduocat producet the Letteris raifit at his lordfchipis inftance, deulie execute and indorfate vpone the faid Sir Robert, Johnne Gordoun of Airdis and Johnne Gordoun of Collindach, cautioneris, coniunctlie and feuerallie, for the entrie of the faid Sir Robert, to vnderly the Law, for the crymes contenit in the Letteris.-Compeirit Mr Williame Oliphant, Mr Johnne Ruffell, and Mr Alexander King, Aduocattis, as procuratouris for Johnne Gordoun of zelftoun and Johnne Gordoun of Collindach, be thair Letteris of procuratorie Producet; and declairit na proces aganis thame, in refpect of the Proclamatioune; and thairfoir, can nocht be vnlawit.—It is anfuerit be my lord Aduocat, that thair excufe can nocht be reffauit, because thai ar nocht charget for thair awin perfonall compeirance, bot to enter the Laird of Lochinvar; quhilk lauchfullie mycht be done, thay being abfent. Secundo, the Raid has nocht as yit tane effect, and the cautioneris and principall pairtie ar yit in thir pairtis.—It is anfuerit be the procuratouris for the cautioneris, excufatorio nomine, that thai ar nocht obleist to attend at Edinburgh vpone the Leutennent, bot only at Ilay, conforme to the Proclamatioun, as place appointit vpone the viij day of July, to pas fordward to the Raid; and thairfoir the Juftice, in refpect of the Proclamatioun, can nocht vnlaw the cautioneris.

THE Juftice continewis his Interlocutour, vpone the faidis allegeances, to Setterday nixt, the fecund of July.

Jul. 2.-Compeirit Johnne Belfcheillis (Belches), aduocat, as procuratour for Sir Robert Gordoun of Lochinvar, knycht, and his cautioneris, and producet ane Warrand of the Counsell, fubferyuit be my lord Chanceller and my Lord of Dumbar, for deferting of this dyet: quhairof the tennour followis.

JUSTICE, Juftice Clerk and 30ur deputis, it is his Maiefteis Will and pleafour, that ze defert pe dyet appointit for tryell of Sir Robert Gordoun of Lochinvar, knycht, for pe Slauchter of his padge: Ordinand alwayis the cautioneris, fand of befoir for his entrie, vpone xv dayis wairning, befoir 30w, to vnderly the law for the faid Slauchter, to ftand. Quhairanent pir prefentis fall be your Warrand. Subferyuit with our hand, AT EDINBURGH, the fecond day of July, 1608.

(Sic fubfcribitur) AL. CANCELL. DUMBAR.

The quhilk dyet the Juftice defertit; and ordanit the cautioneris to remaine cautioun, as of befoir. Quhairupoun Johnne Belfches afkit inftrumentis.

1 See the Trials and proceedings against this remarkable person, and the Account of the singular escape of Lord Maxwell and Sir James Maconeill from the Castle of Edinburgh, &c. in a future Part of this Collection.

2 Page.

[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.]

Resisting the King's Guard -Treasonable Slaughter, &c. Jul. 14.-NINIANE ELLOTE, fone to Williame Ellote of Fiddeltoun, Williame Ellote, fone to vmqle Johnne Ellote of Burnegranes.1 Dilaitit, accufet and perfewit in the proud and contemptuous Refifting of his Maiefteis Guaird, and remanent crymes contenit in the Dittay following, viz. FORSAMEKILL as, the faidis Niniane and Williame, being fugitiue fra dyuerfe Juftice Courtis, haldin be his hienes Commiffioneris, at Jedburgh and Dumfreis, for cowmone Thift, cowmone reffet of thift, outputing and inputting of thift, and for dyuerfe perticuler Thiftis, Murthouris, Slauchteris and Oppreffionis; as the Dittayis and actis, gevin out thairupoun, at lenth beiris: ffor the quhilkis crymis, thay reteirit thame felf out of thair awin cuntrie, to the Weft cuntrie, to feruice, quhair thay remanit thir dyuerfe yeiris bygane; quhill that laitlie, the Lordis of his Maiefteis Counfall, vnderstanding quhair thai wer, directit Sir Robert Hepburne of Alderftoun, knycht, Lieutennent to his Maiefteis Gaird, to tak and apprehend thame: Quha, vpone the tuelf day of July inftant, accumpaneit with vmqle Williame Bailzie and dyuerse vtheris of the Gaird, come to the oiftler-hous? vpone the Laird of Watterheidis landis, quhair the faidis perfones had reteirit thame felfis vnto, for the tyme: And haifing, in peceable maner, requyret thame to rander thame felfis to him and his companie, as haifing Commiffioun of the Lordis of Counfall to that effect: Nochtwithstanding quhairof, the faid Niniane and Williame Ellotes, the said day, maift proudlie and contemptiouslie refiftit the faid Commiffioun, and in grit contempt of our fouerane lordis auctorite, fchot furth of the faid hous at the faid Lieutennent and his companie, his hienes Commiffioneris in that pairt, and Gaird, to the number of tuentie schot of Hagbutis and Piftolettis; and thairwith schot and flew the faid vmqle Williame Bailzie, being ane of his Maiefteis Gaird; and nawayis wald rander thame selffis, nor cum furth of the said hous, quhill, accoirding to the faid Commiffioun, ffyre was raifit thairaboutis: Quhairthrow, to thair former wrangis and oppreffionis, hes conioynet haynous and crewall Slauchter with hagbuttis, and proud contempt of his Maiefteis auctoritie: And thay and ather of thame ar airt and pairt of the faid crewall and presumptuous Slauchter, and of beiring, weiring, fchuiting of piftolettis and hagbutis, and flaying the faid vmqle Williame Bailzie thairwith; committit in maner and at the time foirfaid; in hie and proud contempt of his Maiefteis auctoritie and lawis.


... Carutheris of Howmaynes, Geo. Hereis, fumtyme of Effie, Johnne Trumbill, ane of the Gaird, Thomas Moffett, wryter,


Robert Power, burges of Ed",
Thomas Hill, ane of the Gaird,
Johnne Leyis, burges of Ed',
James Haitlie, ane of the Gaird,

Thos Mow, b' to the Laird of Mow, George Smyth, burges of Ed",

James Cranstoun, indueller in Ed3,
Thomas Smyth, burges of Ed",
Johnne Mafoun, burges thair,
Robert Cryftie, burges thair,
RtStewart, bailz ie of Lynlythgow.

The Aduocat proteftis for Wilfull Errour, in cais thay Acquit. And askit inftrumentis of the Leutenentis Declaratioune to the Affyfe, concerning the Commiffioune gevin be the Counfall; and of the forme and maner, how the pannell refiftit him and his companie, in the executioun thairof.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, all in ane voce, be the mouth of the faid Carutheris of Howmaynes, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Niniane and

They are, in another place, described thus,- Niniane Ellote, fone to vmqle Jok of Burgranes; Williame Ellote, fone to Will of Fiddeltoun.' 2 Hostler-house. Old Fr. hostellerie.

Commission, containing warrant of fire and sword.'

3 A

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