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and thair, maist crewallie, with his drawin fwoird, strak the said vmqle Thomas vnder the left pape, and flew him thairwith: And the faid William is airt and pairt of the flauchter of the faid vmqle Thomas.

PERSEWERIS, Mr Thomas Henderfonne, Mr Robert Foullis, aduocat.
PRELOCUTOUR for the pannell, Mr Johnne Ruffell.

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Sir Alex' Colquhoun of Lufs, knyt, Donald Thornetoun, burges thair, Vthreid Mcdowell of Mondurk. VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of the said Vthreid M'dowgall of Mondurk, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Williame Keith to be ffylit, culpable and convict of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of the said vmqle Thomas Colftoun; committit in maner and at the tyme specifeit in the faid Dittay. SENTENCE. To be takin to the mercait croce of Edinburgh, and thair, vpone ane skaffold, his heid to be strukin frome his body; and all his moveabill guidis and geir to be escheit and inbrocht to his Maiefteis vfe, as convict of the faid cryme. Quhilk was pronuncet for dome.


Feb. 24.-ISSOBELL THOMESOUNE, dochter to Robert Thomefoun in

the Watter of Leyth.

Dilaitit of the crewall and vnnaturall Murthour and diftructioun of hir awin infant bairne; committit be hir, immediatlie eftir hir delyuerie thairof, vpone the aucht day of Februare inftant, fecretlie, within hir fatheris dwelling hous in the Watter of Leyth.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, in ane voce, be the mouth of Thomas Clerkfoun, butterman, chanceller, ffand, pronuncat and declairit the faid Iffobell, conforme to hir awin Confeffioun, to be ffylet, culpable and convict of the crewall Murthour and diftructioun of the faid bairn.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit, quhill scho be deid; and hir haill moveabill guidis, gif scho ony hes, to be efcheit, &c.

Treason-Murder under Trust, &c.

Mar. 2.-JAMES WATSOUN, fone in law to James Hammiltoun of
Scheirell; and James Hinchelwoid, feruitour to James Hammil-

toun Younger of Spittelcheill.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt, red, counfall and foirknawledge of the crewal Mur

1 See Feb. 5, 1508.

thour of vmqle George Tuedie; committit be the faid James Hammiltoun of Spittelcheill, vpone Sanct Leonardis-evin, in Nouember laft, within ane barne of Spittelcheill; the faid James, the tyme of the committing thairof, haifing confultit and devyset the samyn with Robert Craufurd, his guid-brother, and with the faidis James Watfoun and James Hinchelwoid, of the forme and maner thairof, viz. THAT the faid James Hinchelwoid fould fecreitlie convoy ane mell1 in the barne, quhair the said George Tuedie fould be murthourit; and that the said George (his) bed fould be maid in the faid barne, and the faid James Watfoun to ly with him: LYK AS, about tuelf houris at evin, in the said nycht, the said vmql George Tuedie being lyne doun in his bed, within the said barne, luiking for the faid James Watfones cuming to ly doun with him, the faid James Hinchelwoid, James Hammiltoun and James Watfone come all in togidder within the faid barne; and as the faid James Watfone was taking af his claithes, the faid James Hammiltoun, with the faid mell in his hand, in prefens of the faid James Watfoun and James Hinchelwoid, come to the faid George Tuedeis bedheid, and thair maist crewallie gaif him tua grit straikis in his heid, and Murdreift him thairby; the said James Hinchelwoid haifing brocht in the candill in his hand, and delyuering the mell to the faid James Hammilton, to commit the faid Murthour; AND eftir the committing thairof, the faid James Watfone, taking away with him the faid vmql George Tuedeis horfe, with the fadill and brydill, and the faid James Hinchelwoid helping the faid James Hammiltoun to beir him to ane lyme hoill, ane littill frome the hous, quhair he wes bureit.

VERDICT. The Affyfe electit and choifit..... Hammiltoun of Sillertounhill' chanceller, reffonit and voittit vpone the poyntis of the said Dittay, and being ryplie and at lenth advyfet thairwith, togidder with the faidis James Watfone and James Hinchelwoidis Depofitiones made be thame in the premiffes; thay, be the mouth of the said Chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faidis James Watfone and James Hinchelwoid to be ffylet, culpable and convict of airt, pairt, red, counfal and foirknawlege of the faid abhominable Murthour, and conceilling of the famyn, fa lang eftir the committing thairof.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit quhill thay be deid; and all thair moveabill guidis efcheit to our fouerane lordis vfe, as convict of the faidis crymes.


Mar. 11.-THOMAS FRAM, fumtyme fervand to James Hammiltoun of

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the thiftious Steilling, conceilling, reffetting and 1 Mallet. 2 Robert Bailzie of Jerriftoun, Johnne Grahame brother to Waftraw, and James Mureheid younger of Lachope, are the only other landed persons. James Levingstoun of Jeriswoid was fined 100 merks for non-appearance.

away-taking of thre oxin and ane kow pertening to James, Lord of Balmirrinoch, furth of his landis of Mulrum; committit in the moneth of Auguft I".Vjc. and fax yeiris.-VERDICT. Guilty. James Levinftoun of Jerifwoid, chanceller.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the mercait croce of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit quhill he be deid; and all his moveabill guidis, gif he ony hes, to be confifcat to our fouerane lordis vfe.

[Mr Williame Borthuik, Juftice-Depute.]

Mar. 18.-JOHNNE SWAN, burges of Dumbar.

PERSEWERIS, Williame Clerkfoune, brother-fone, Johnne Kellie, fifter-fone, Johnne Learmonth, guid-fone, Williame Ruthven alfo fone-in-law.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the crewall Murthour and Slauchter of vmqle George Clarkfoune, merchand burges of Dumbar; committit be him within the faid vmqle George awin barne, lyand at the bak of the toune of Dumbar, vpone the fyftene day of Marche instant, betuix thre and foure eftir none; be geving to him of ane crewall and deidlie ftraik vpone the left syde of his heid, alangis his vane-organe,' with ane grit fork, quhairof he immediatlie depairtit this lyfe. VERDICT. Guilty. Johnne Kellie, elder in Dumbar, chanceller.

SENTENCE. To be takin to the mercait croce of Edinburgh, and thair his heid to be strukin frome his bodie; and all his moveabill guidis to be escheit and inbrocht to his hienes vfe, as culpable and convict of the faid cryme.

[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.]
Sorcerie, Witchcraft, &c.

Maij 27.-BEIGIS TOD, in Lang-Nydrie.

Dilaitit, accufet and perfewit, at the inftance of Mr Robert Foulis, Aduocat, substitute to our fouerane lordis Aduocat, of the crymes of Sorcerie following, viz. FORSAMEKILL as fcho, accumpaneit with vmqle Criftiane Tod, hir fifter, Johnne Graymeill, Margaret Dwne and Erfche Marioun, in the moneth of Auguft, the yeir of God Im.V. four fcoir fourtene yeiris,3 convenit thame selffis, with thair complices, all Witches and abufearis of the people, at Deane-fute of LangNydrie, quhair the Deuill appeirit to thame, and reprovet the said Beigis Tod verrie scherplie, for hir lang tayreing; to quhome scho maid this anfuer, ‹ Sir, I could wyn na foner! And immediatlie thaireftir, thay past altogidder to the faid Beigis hous in Lang-Nydrie; quhair, eftir thay had drukkin togidder a certane space, thay, in thair devillische maner, tuik ane katt, and drew the famyn nyne tymes throw the faid Beigis cruik; and thaireftir come with all thair fpeid to 1 Jugular vein, 2 Irish or Highland Marion, a personage who figured in the Witch Trials of that period. A.D. 1594. 4 Of iron, on which the kail-pat' is usually hung over the fire.

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Seaton-thorne,' be-north the zet ; quhair the Devill callit for the said Cristiane Tod, and past to Robert Smartis hous, and brocht hir out; and as fcho was cumand with him, fcho tuik ane grit fray, and faid to the Devill, Sir, quhat will ye do with me?' Quha anfuerit her, Tak na feir, for ze fall gang to 3our fifter Beigis, and to be reft of hir cumpanie, quha ar stayand vpone 3our cuming at the Thorne! And thay theireftir paft altogidder, with the Devill, to the irne zet of Seatoun, quhair of new thay tuik ane cat, and drew the samyn nyne tymes throw the faid Irne-zett: And immediatlie thaireftir, come to the barne, foiranent George Feudaris dur,* quhair thai cristenit the faid catt, and callit hir Margaret: And thaireftir come all bak agane to the Deane-fute, quhair first thai convenit, and cuift the kat to the Devill. For the quhilkis devillifche practizes the faidis Criftiane Tod, Johnne Gray-meill, Erfche Marioun and Margaret Dwne war convict and brunt. And the faid Beigis Tod is airt and pairt of the cryme of Sorcerie and Witchcraft aboue writtin; quhilk wes nottourlie knawin: ITEM, fforfamekill as the faid Beigis Tod, haifing fallin furth at variance with the vmqle Alexander Fairlie in Lang-Nydrie, scho, to be revendget vpone him and his bairnis, in the moneth of Junij 1.Vc.lxxxxj yeiris, be hir Sorcerie and Witchcraft, cuift ane heavie and vnknawin feiknes vpone Alexander Fairlie, his fone, quha vanischet away with vehement fueiting and continuall burning at the heart; quhilk feiknes indurit with him the space of tua monethis, that nane luikit for his lyfe; and nichtlie the said Beigis appeirit to him, in hir awin fimilitude; vpone quhome he cryit continuallie for help: And in the day, fcho appeirit to him, in schape of a dog; quhilk pat him almaift out of his witts: Vpone occafioun quhairof, the said Alexander, his father, past to the said Beigis Tod, and efter he was reconceillit to hir, maist earniftlie befocht hir to cum and remedie his fone of the faid feiknes; quha refuifit to cum; yit, at the eirneft defyre of Archibald Galloway, scho, accumpaneit with hir tua fones, come to the hous, and fa fone as the faid Alexander faw hir, he eftir that tyme became bettir and bettir, and convalefcit of the said seiknes. And fa, fcho committit manifeft devilrie and Witchcraft, in on-laying and aftaiking of feiknes, in maner foirfaid. AND lykwayes, was accufet be the said Aduocat and Robert Woid, litfter, for the cafting of the lyk vncouth feiknes vpone the faid Robert, be hir devilrie and Witchcraft, in the moneth of Nouember last. VERDICT. The Affyfe, all in ane voce, be the mouth of Dauid Seatoun, bailzie of Tranent, ffylet the faid Beigis of the first tua poyntis of Dittay aboue writtin: And, be pluralitie of voittis, ffand, pronuncet and declairit hir to be Clene 1 Thorns were favourite trysting-places of witches as well as lovers. gate. Fright. Old Fr. frayeur. 1 Door. thought he could possibly survive.


2 To the north of the 6 None

5 Swooned, fainted away.

and acquit of the Sorcerie and Witchcraft vfet be hir aganis the faid Robert Woid, in laying the faid feiknes vpone him; in maner specifeit in the Dittay. SENTENCE. For the quhilkis tua crymes, quhairof she is convict, the Justice ordanit hir to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Ed', and thair to be wirreit at ane ftaik, and her body to be brunt in asches; and hir haill guidis to be escheit, &c.

[CURIA JUSTICIARIES. d. n. Regis, tenta in Pretorio de Lynlythgow, vltimo die Maij 1608, per M. Willielmum Hairt de Prestoun, Jufticiarium Deputatum.]


My Lord of Balmirrienoch,' My Lord Abercorne, My Lord Lynlythgow, Sir Peter 3oung.*
Abstracting Pearls and Jewels belonging to the Queen.
May 31.—MARGARET HERTSYDE, fpous to Johnne Buchannane, fum-
tyme fervand to his Maieftie, and the faid Johnne Buchan-

nane, for his entreis."

Dilaittit, accufet and persewit be Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Bynnie, knycht, Aduocat to our fouerane lord.

DITTAY against the Pannell.

MARGARET HERTSYDE, 3e ar indyttit and accufet, fforfamekill as 3e, being many 3eiris in credeit and service with oure fouerane lordis darrest spous, the Queinis Maieftie, and haifing reffauit many grit benifeittis frome hir Maieftie, during pe tyme of 3our feruice, at dyuerfe tymes, to your heich advancement, baith in credeit and welth: 3e, nochtwithstanding thairof, maift vnlaufullie and vndewtiefullie fubftractit, flaw and detenit frome hir Maieftie, furth of our fouerane lordis Palices of ...... in Ingland, at the leift furth of ane or vther of our faidis Palices, ane Perle, of the valour and pryce of ane hundreth and ten pund fterling, pertening to hir Maieftie; togidder with dyuerfe vtheris perles, precious ftanes, jowallis and goldfmyth wark, lykwayis pertening to his Maiefteis darrest spous, worth the fowme of thre hundreth pund fterling; committit be 30w in the monethis of. ., the gearis

of God Im. fax hundreth thre, fax hundreth foure, fax hundreth fyve, fax hundreth fax, and Im.Vjc. and fevin zeiris; at pe leist in ane or vper of pe faidis monethis and zeiris. For the quhilkis, ze being sworne and examinat, firft vpone the fyft day of October 1607, and paireftir vpone the thrid day of Nouember laftbypast, anent 3our vnlaufull haifing of findrie of hir Maiefteis jowellis; and haveing declairit, vpone 3our grit aithe, that ze had nane, and gif it war fund that ze had ony vther jowallis of worth, quhilkis зе pertenit to hir Maieftie, that pe perticuleris than confeffit be 30w, (quhairin the jowallis lybellit war nocht comprehendit,) 3e acknowlegit that ze had thame nocht lauchfullie: And lykwayis declairit, be 3our faid Depofitioun, that at 3 our firft cuming frome Court to Scotland, 3e had delyuerit to hir Maieftie all pe jowallis quhairof ze had pe credeit, and nevir fenfyne had charge of pame, or mellit" with ony of thame. NOCHTWITHSTANDING quhairof, ze paireftir, vpone the faid thrid day of Nouember laft, Confeffit that ze had abftractit frome hir Maieftie ane grit perle, pertening to her hienes, quhilk cam 3e to 3our handis, amangis ane number of counterfute ftanes, and many perles pairwith: Quhilk grit perle, ze fauld, for ane hundreth and ten pund sterling, eftir that ze had prefentit the fame, bung at ane dyamond, to be fauld, to hir Maiefteis felf; ffor the quhilk ze cravet her Maiefteis pardoun, and For his interest; only as husband to the pannell. 2 Sir James Elphinston, first Lord Balmerinoch, Lord President of the Court of Session. See his Trial, Mar. 10, 1609. 3 James Hamilton, first Earl of Abercorn. Alexander, seventh Lord Levingston, was created Earl of Linlithgow Lord Livingston and Calendar. 5 His Majesty's Elimosinar' or Almoner, &c. • Trust, charge of. 7 Meddled, had to do with. Fr. Meler.

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