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fa, wes maift dewelifchlie bewichit be hir, in maner forfaid; and fcho is airt and pairt of the said vmqle Williamis death and feiknes.-ITEM, accufit for cafting of ane greit seiknes, be hir develisch meanis, vpoun Robert Peddan, in the Pannis; and that in the moneth of October, Im.V.lxxxxiij yeiris; quha, haifing remanit feik be the space of ane yeir and auchtene oulkis, fwerving and vaneisching away; and vfing all ordiner meanis to recover his health, bot daylie growing war,2 att laft he callit himself to remembrance, that he wes addettit to the faid Iffobell in nyne fchillingis and iiij d. ; and that, befoir the taking of the faid feiknes, becaus he refufit to pay hir the faid foume, vnto the tyme fcho delyuerit to him certane plaittis that scho kepit of his; fcho then, eftir vtering of diuerfe blafphemous fpeichis to the faid Williame, faid, he fould repent itt! And ́ ́ fould nocht haif bayth his health and haill clathis togiddir!' Quhairvpoun, he than come to hir, and fatisfeit hir the said soume, and thryse askit his health att hir, for Godis faik; faying, Gif ze haif done me ony wrang or hurt, repair þe famin and reftoir me to my health! And thaireftir, the faid Robert Peddane, within, xxiiij houris, recoverit his health.-ITEM, fcho wes accufit, that in the moneth of Junij lastbypast, or thairby, fcho, haifing wantit hir katt, be the space of half ane yeir befoir, in hir bycumming the faid Robert Peddanes window, fcho patt in hir hand and drew furth hir catt; at the quhilk tyme, thar wes working in the fattis3 ane brewing of guid new aill, quhairof findrie honest neychtbouris wes than drinkand; bot be hir develifch Incantatioun and Sorcerie, fra that tyme furth, the faid brewing of aill turnit, in fic foirt, that it becam altogidder rottin and blak, thik lyk gutter-dirt, with ane filthie and peftilent odour, that na man mycht drink nor feel the smell thairof.-ITEM, being indytit and accufit, fforfamekill as scho, haifing confauit ane deidlie ewill will, haitrent and malice aganis Margaret Donaldfoune, fpous to the faid Robert Peddane, about Hallowevin, in the yeir of God I".Vjc. and fyve yeiris, fcho, in hir devillisch maner, come vnder fcilence and cloude of nycht to the faid Robert Peddanes house, and enterit efter ane devillisch and vnknawin way within the said house, the faid Margaret Donaldfoune being than lying in hir bed with hir said hufband, found fleeping; at the quhilk tyme, fcho drew the faid Margaret be the fpalds out of her bed fra her husband, and violentlie rufchit hir to the fluir; be occafioun quhairof, the faid Margaret hir fpreit faillit hir, that fcho continewit ane lang space afound; and thaireftir, cuming to hir selff, scho fell in ane feirfull and vncouth feiknes, that anes in ilk xxiiij houris, her hed and breift was fa vehementlie trublit, that scho was, for the space of ane hour, mad, and knew nocht quhat scho did; quhilk continewit the space of fyve or 1 Swooning and fainting away. 2 Worse and worse. Ale is faid to be turned when it is affected by lightning, &c.; milk, when soured by sun or heat, &c. A large nail is usually thrown into the churn, to prevent this disaster. By attracting the electric fluid, it is said to preserve the contents sound. 5 Fr. epaule, the shoulder or shoulder-blade. 6 In a swoon.

5 Vats or tuns.


fax dayes thairefter, in grit vehemencie: And at the fax dayes end, scho heiring hir felff to be bruittit' with the faid wicked and devellisch turne, fcho defyrit the nychtbouris to caufe hir and the faid Margret to drynk togidder; quhilk being done, fcho recoverit agane hir health, and fa continewit in perfyte health, the space of aucht or ten dayes: Eftir the quhilk time, scho heiring hir name to be fklanderit, and fcho to be namit a Witche, quha had skill to lay on and tak af feiknes; fcho, movit with rage and invy, of new agane, come to the faid Margrattis hous, and spak to hir mony devillisch and horribill wordis, faying to hir, The fagget of Hell lycht on thé, and Hellis culdroune may thow seith in!" And with thais, and vther the lyk devillisch speicheis, scho past away. Eftir the quhilk tyme, the foirfaid feirful feiknes tuke the faid Margaret ; quha continewit thairin ilk xxiiij houris, for the space of ane hour, be the space of nyne oulkis3 togidder, in maist feirfull maner; vnto the tyme ane pure woman come to the said Margrettis hous-dur, to ask meit; quha, seing the said Margret wiffeit with the faid feirfull feiknes, declairit to hir, that scho was witcheit, and had the rycht champ thairof: Eftir the quhilk tyme, the feiknes ceiffit, and came nocht to hir agane, quhill the beginning of December laft, that fcho, cuming thair by hir dur, with ane creill on hir bak, faid to hir, Away theiff! I fall haif thy hairt, for bruitting of me fa falflie! And immediatlie thairefter, the feiknes of new agane come vpoune hir; quhairintill fcho hes bene maist havelie vexit and trubillit fenfyne, to the xxvij day of Januar laft, that scho and scho war confrontit togidder, and examinat, in presens of my Lord Juftice, of your devillische crymes abouewrittin.-ITEM, for ane commoune Sorcerer and ane Witche and abuser of the peple, be laying on and taking af of seiknes and difeiffes, and vfeing all devilleifch and vngodlie meanis to wyn hir leving; and Vfer of charmes and vther devillefch practizes.

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PERSEWAR, Adam Clark, fmyth in the Pannis, Margaret Myller, relict of vmqle Williame Burnet, Robert Peddane, and Margaret Robiefone, his fpous.

PRELOCUTOUR for the pannell, Robert Hammiltoune, John Bull in the Pannis.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Dauid Seatoun, (bailzie in Tranent,) chancellar, ffand, pronunceit and declairit the said Iffobell Grierfoune to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of all and findrie the heidis and poyntis of Dittay aboue writtin, and crymis contenit particulerlie thairin.

SENTENCE. The Juftice-depute, be the mouth of James Henderfoun, dempftar, decernit and ordanit the said Iffobell to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be wirreit' at ane ftaik quhill scho be deid; and her body to be brunt in affis, as convict of the faidis crymis; and all hir movabill guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe, as convict of the faidis crymes.

1 Issobel hearing herself to be reported. Fr. bruit.

• Visited, tormented. 4


Stamp, mark, token.

2 Caldron may thou feethe in. 6 Basket, creel. ? Strangled.


3 Weeks,

Forestalling and Regrating.

May 19.-JOHNNE REULL, indueller in Leyth.

Dilaitit for contravening the Actis of Parliament, in ffoirftalling and regraiting of tymmer.1

PERSEWER, Sir Thomas Hammiltoune of Monkland, knycht, Aduocat.
PRELOCUTOURIS in defence, Mr Alexander King, James King.

It is allegit be the pannell, that he can nocht be put to the knawlege of ane Affyfe for the cryme lybellit, becaus the tymmer lybellit was bocht be his fervand in Norruay, enterit in the townes buikis, as his awin proper tymmer, and hes payit his Maiefteis custome thairfoir: And for verificatioun thairof, producet the entrie of the tymmer in the townes buikis of Edinburgh, as his proper tymmer, and quhair he payit the cuftome thairof.-It is anfuerit be my Lord Aduocat, that the allegeance aucht to be repellit, in respect nathing is producet to preve the bying of the tymmer, be him felf or his fervand; and is contrair to the fummondis, quhilk beiris the ffoirftalling of tymmer, befoir the famyn was prefentit to marcat.

VERDICT. The Affyse, be the mouth of James Forman, (water bailzie,) chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the said Johnne Reull to be ffylit, culpable and convict of cowmone Regraiting and ffoirftalling of all foirtis of tymmer, cumand and aryveand at the said Poirt and hevin of Leyth, and fa to be repute and haldin: And Clanget and acquit him of the haill remanent poyntes of the faid Dittay.-Edward Edger, merchand burges of Edinburgh, become fouertie for the entrie of the faid Johnne the morne, to heir dome pronuncet, &c.

SENTENCE. The Juftice, being refoluet thairwith, and with the Act of Parliament maid thairanent, Decernit and Ordanit the faid Johnne Reull to content and pay to our fouerane Lordis Thefaurer and his deputis, the fowme of fourtie pundis money of this realme of North Britane, as penaltie defignat in the said Act of Parliament aganis cowmoune Regraiteris and ffoirftalleris, for the first falt. And als, ordanit the faid Johnne to find cautioune actit in the buikis of Adiornall, to abftene fra all maner of foirftalling or regraiting of tymmer in tyme cuming, vnder the pane of ane hundreth merkis."

Appointment of a Justice-Depute.

Jun. 2.-MR ALEXANDER COLUILL, fone to Alexander, Commendator of Culrois,

Gaif his ayth de fideli adminiftratione in the Office of Juftice-deputrie; and thaireftir was creat and admittit Juftice-depute.

1 Timber.

2 This is the first time Scotland is so designated in this Record. Indeed it is very unusual, even for a century after this period. Edger again becomes his suretie.


Jun. 26.-WILLIAME GUTHRIE of Ravensbie.

Dilatit of airt and pairt of the Slauchteris of vmqle Patrik Gairdin of that Ilk, and vmqle Robert Gairdin of Tullois, committit in the moneth of . Im.Vc. threfcoir auchtene yeiris.

PERSEWER, Mr Robert Gairdin Younger of Blairtoune.

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George Leslie, fiear of Kincragie, become plege and fouertie that he fall compeir befoir the Juftice or his deputis, the thrid day of the nixt Juftice-air of the fcherefdome of Abirdene, or foner, vpoun xv dayis warning.

Slaughter - Levying ‘Skatt' or Black-mail — Stouthreif, &c. Jun. 27.-ALLASTER STEWART M'GILLIECHALLUM, brother to Johnne Stewart, alias Johnne Dow Mcgilliechallum of Tennandrie. Dilaitit, accuset and persewit be DITTAY following, viz. That is to say, of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Johnne Stewart of Bonskeid; committit in the moneth of December, the yeir of God Im.Vjc. and fyve yeiris, betuix Dunkeld and Atholl, vpoun fett purpois, provifioun and foirthocht fellony. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Johnne Stewart, fecund fone to the said vmqle Johnne Stewart of Bonfkeid; committit about Paifch,' in the yeir of God I". Vjc. and fax yeiris, vpoun the landis of Kilbrochene. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Williame Leith, att the Kirk of Crathie in Cromar; committ about tuell yeiris fyne, or thairby. ITEM, for cuming with Johnne Dow, his brother, to the boundis of Strathardill, in the moneth of July lastbypast, and compelling of the tennentis of the landis of Strathardill to pay to thame ane skatt2 of foure hundreth merkis or thairby; committand thairby manifeft Oppreffioune. ITEM, for the thiftious Steilling and reving, be way of maisterfull Stouthreif, fra . . . . Donaldfoun, chapman, of his pak, with certane merchandice thairin; committit thre yeiris fyne or thairby.

PERSEWER, Mr Robert Lyntoune, Aduocat-substitute.

Alexander Dumbar, fchereff of Patrik Moncur of Chapeltoun,

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Thos Farguifoun of Bellewchane,
Williame Stewart of Kynnaird,
Colene Campbell of Bothe,
Angus Williamfoun of Termet,
Robert Chryftie, tailgeour, burges
of Edinburgh.

Dauid Drummond, Chalmerlane Alexander Flemyng of Monefs, to my Lord Drummond, Thomas Otterburne of Reidhall, VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Thomas Otterburne, chancillar, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the said Alexander Stewart to be ffylit, culpable and con

1 Pash, Lat. Pascha, Easter.

A compulsory tax, contribution, or fine, somewhat similar (in

vict of airt and pairt of ilk ane of the pointis of Dittay, respectiue aboue writtin, and of the crymes contenit in the famin, conforme to his Confeffioun producet in judgement, quhilkis he ratifeit.

SENTENCE. And thairfore, the said Justice-depute, be reafoun thairof, and of his speciall Convictioun, of the thiftious fteilling and reving, be way of masterfull Stouthreiff, fra . . . . Donaldfoun, chapman, of his pak and merchandice contenit thairin, be the mouth of Robert Montgomerie, dempftar, Ordanit the faid Alexander Stewart to be tane to the mercat Croce of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit vpoun ane gibbet, quhill he be deid; and all his landis, heretageis, takis, ftedingis, rowmis, poffeffiounis, coirnis, cattell, guidis and geir to be fforfalt and efcheit, &c.

Slaughter of Alexander Lord Spynie.

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Jul. 8.-DAUID LYNDSAY, fiear of Edzell; Thomas Lyndsay, fone na-
turall and feruitour to Dauid elder of Edzell; Harie Lyndfay,
fone to Dauid L. of Kynnettillis; Mr Johnne Lyndfay, fum-
tyme Minister at . . fone to Johnne L. of Barrefe, ferui-
tour to the auld Laird of Edzell; George Lyndfay, brother to
the Laird of Covingtoune, alfo feruitour to the Laird of Edzell
elder; Mr James Lyndfay, fone to . . . . . L. of Brodland;
Andro Stratoun; .
Home, fone to Robert Home of the

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Heuche; Gawin Lyndfey, father-brother to the faid Laird of

COMPERIT George Guthrie, feruitour to vmq Alexander Lord Spynie, and producet our fouerane lordis Letteris, dewlie execute and indorfat, purchest att the inftance of Dame Jeane Lyoun Lady Spynie, the relict; Alexander Maifter of Spynie, eldest fone; Dauid Erle of Craufurd Lord Lyndfay, &c., Sir Harie L. of Carriestoun, knycht, Sir Johnne L. of Woidwrae, knycht, as brether, with the remanent kyn and freindis of vmqle Alexander Lord Spynie; to tak fouertie of the said David, &c., that thai fould compeir befoir the Justice or his deputis this day and place, in the hour of cause, to vnderly the law, for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of the faid vmqle Alexander Lord Spynie. Be the quhilkis Letteris, the faidis perfonis war denunceit our fouerane lordis rebellis and put to the horne. Vpone the productioun quhairof, the faid George Guthrie askit inftrumentis, and protestit for releif of Harie Lyndfay of Carreftoune, cautioner for reproductioune thairof.

this instance at least) to Black-mail. Scatt, properly, was a feudal tax anciently paid, in Shetland, to the King of Denmark; and at present Lord Dundas draws a considerable sum of Scatt; which is understood to be payable chiefly in kind, e. g. butter and oil, &c. 3 X


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