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VERDICT. Eftir accufatioun of the pannell, be Dittay, of the crymes aboue writtin, quhilk wes grantit be the faid Williame, and alluterlie' denyit be the faid Johnne, the Affyfe, be the mouth of . . . . . Murray of Brochtoun, chancellar, fand and pronuncet the faid Johnne to be Cleane, innocent and acquit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of the faid vmqle Thomas Bell, and of the haill heidis of the Dittay aboue writtin: And alfe, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Williame to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of airt and pairt of the said Slauchter.

SENTENCE. For the quhilk caufe, the faid Juftice-depute decernit and ordanit the faid Williame Rutherfurd to be tane to the Caftellhill of Ed', and thair, his heid to be strikkin from his body; and all his movable guidis to be escheit, &c.

Breaking into the Place of Torwoodlee — Taking Captive — Murder-Stouthrief, &c.

Jan. 8, 1607.-JOHNNE ELLOTT of Cappfchaw.

Dilaitit, accuset and persewit be George Hoppringill of Torwoidlie, James and Dauid Hoppringillis, as oyis, with the remanent kyn and freindis of vmqle George Hoppringill of Torwoidlie, thair guidfchir,3 of the crymes following, viz.

FORSAMEKILL as the faid Johnne Ellote of Copfchaw, Robert Ellote, callit Mairtenis Hob, and Jok Airmestrang, callit the Lairdis Jok, with thair complices, with convocatioun of the haill Clannis of the Airmeftrangis, Ellotes, Batiefones, Grahames and remanent Clannis, duelland alfweill on the Inglis as Scottis Bordouris, all cowmone thevis, outlawis and brokin men, to the number of thre hundreth perfones or thairby, bodin in feir of weir, with jakis, fpeiris, fteil-bonnetis, lance-ftalffis, hagbutis and piftoletis, expreflie prohibeit to be borne, worne, vset or schot with, be dyuerfe our Actis of Parliament and Secreit Counfall, in the moneth of December, the yeir of God Im. Vc. threscoir aucht yeiris, (1568,) come fordward, in hofteill maner, baith on horfe and fute, to the Place of Torwoidlie, and thair, vnder filence and clud of nycht, with foir-hammeris and geiftis,5 dang up the zeittis of the said Place, and be force and violence enterit within the famyn; and tuik the faid vmqle George [Hoppringill] furth of his bed, and convoyit him away, as captiue and priffoner with thame, to the Skaldeneife, within the Sherefdome of Selkirk; and thair maift crewallie and vnmerciefullie Murdreift and flew the said vmqle George: Committing thairthrow, nocht only crewall and abhominabill Murthour and Slauchter, bot alfo Vfurpatioun of our fouerane lordis auctoritie vpone thame, in taking of the faid vmqle George Hoppringill captiue, but power or commiffioun, he being our fouerane lordis frie lege. AND ficlyke, at the famyn tyme, the said Johnne Ellott and remanent perfones, with thair complices, to the number aboue writtin, at the tyme foirfaid, brak up the haill kiftis, cofferis and lokfast houffis within the faid Place, and thiftiouslie ftaw, conceillit, reffet and away-tuik with thame, furth of the faid Place of Torwoidlie, and ftabillis thairof, fevintene horfis pertening to the faid vmqle George, price of the piece ourheid ane hundreth pundis money; togidder with the fowme of ane thoufeand pundis of gold and money furth of the faid vmqle George Hoppringillis purfe. ITEM, thre filuer peices,' wey1 Altogether, wholly. 2 Grandchildren. A personage well known to the public, from various anecdotes contained in the Border Minstrelsy, and the graphic story contributed by Sir Walter Scott, in that exquisitely beautiful Annual,' THE KEEPSAKE,' for 1829; to which publication (pp. 186-192) the Editor refers for interesting Notices of this Border worthy, his family and associates. Forehammers, and joists or beams. 6 Broke up the gates. 7 Without power. 9 The nature of these massive pieces of plate is not elsewhere specified, They convey a favourable idea of the wealth and splendour in which many of the Border Chieftains lived.

3 Grandfather.

8 Overhead, on an average.

and fourfcoir vnces of filuer or thairby, price of the vnce fourtie fchillingis. ITEM, tua duffane of filuer fpvnes, ilk fpwne weyand tua vnce of filuer, price of the vnce fourtie fchilling: Togidder with the haill bedding, naiprie, clething, abuilzementis, inficht and pleniffing being within the faid place, worth the fowme of fyve thousand merkis money of this realme, had and transpoirtit away with thame, and difponit thairvpoun att thair pleafour.

THE Juftice decernit and ordanit Williame Elliot of Fallinafch, cautioner and fouertie for the entrie of the faid Johnne Elliot of Capfchaw, to be amerciat and vnlawit for his non-entrie, in the payne of fyve hundreth merkis: And als, adiudget the faid Johnne to be denunceit our fouerane lordis rebell, and putt to the horne; and all his movabill guidis to be escheit and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe, as fugitiue fra his hienes lawis, for the faidis crymes.1

Justice=Depute appointed.

Jan. 20.-THE quhilk day Mr Robert CokburNE, Aduocat, was creat JUSTICE-DEPUTE; and gaif his ayth de fideli adminiftratione, during his office.

[Mr Robert Colburne, Juftice-Depute.]
Liability Anent the General Band.

Jan. 21.-SIR JAMES JOHNNESTOUNE of Dunskellie, knyt (of that Ilk). Compeirit the Laird of Johnneftoune, and producet the Warrand vnderwrittin, superseryuit be his Maieftie; quhairof the tennour followis.


JUSTICE, Juftice Clark and zour deputis, We greit 30w weill. Forfamekill as it is knawin to we, that thair ar diuerfe Criminall perfuitis movit at pe instance of findrie perfounes aganis Sir James Johnneftoune of Dunskellie, knyt, his kyn, freindis, pairt-takeris, men, tennentis, feruandis, and fic vperis, for quhom the (faid) Sir James is anfuerable, be pe Generall Band and law of our realme; and that, for diverfe crymes alledgeit committit be pame, befoir pe moneth of Apryll, Im. V. thre zeiris, quhilk wes pe tyme of owre repair hither: Albeit it be naper our will nor mynd, that the regour of pe lawis be profecutit aganis thais perfounes for ony crymes or offences committit be thame before pe foirfaid tyme; hoping that our lenitie fall move pame to keip our peax, and be pe moir obedient fubiects in tyme cuming: IT IS pairfore our Will, and We command 30w, that pe on nawyis gif proces in any of pe faidis Criminall perfuitis alreddie movet aganis the faid Sir James, his kyn, freindis, pairttakeris, men, tennentis, feruandis, and fic vperis for quhom he is anfuerable, be pe Generall Band and lawis of our realme; nor that ze on nawyis direct any Criminall Letteris, for persuit of pe faidis perfounes, or any of pame, in tyme cuming, for any cryme or offence allegeit committit be pame or any of pame, preceding pe moneth and tyme aboue specifeit; nor nawyfe gif proces pairvpoune heireftir: Difchargeing 30w pairof, and of all haulding of Courtis to pat effect, and of sour office in pat pairt: Difpenfand alfwa with pe faidis perfounes and everie ane of pame, anent pair non-comperance att quhatsumewir dyettis. As 3e will anfuer to ws pairvpoun: Quhairanent thir prefentis falbe 3our fufficient Warrand. Gewin at our Court of Quhytehall, the faxt day of Apryll, 1606 zeiris.

THE JUSTICE Depute continewis the admitting of this Warrand to the fourt day of Februar nixtocum: And ordanit the perfoune that ffand cautioun for 1 The denunciation and letters are recorded, at full length, on Jan. 9.


3 U

their entrie to this day, to find new cautioun for thair entrie to the said fourt day of Februar nixtocum.

The famin day Sir James Johnneftoune (of Dunskellie, kn',) becom pledge and fouirtie for Johnne Grahame in Dryffe, Mungo Johnnftoun in Lokarbie, &c.

(Feb. 4.)-Sir JAMES JOHNNESTOUN of Dunfkellie, kny', is 'amerciat for nocht entrie of the faidis fyve perfounis, for ilk ane of thame in the payne of ane hundreth merkis.' He is alfo amerciated in 1100 merks, for the non entry of Johnne Johnneftoun in Howgill, and ten others.'

THE Juftice adjudgeit the principall perfones nocht comperand to be denunceit our fouerane lordis rebellis, and all thair movabill guidis to be escheit.2

Cutting Growing Timber.

Jan. 28.-GEORGE HENDERSOUN in Wynningtoune.

Dilatit, accufit and perfewit be Robert Ellote of Reidheuche, of the crymes following, that is to say,

THAT quhair, it is expreflie provydit, ftatute and ordanit be our fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament, speciallie, be ane Act of the ellevint Parliament, cap. lxxxij, that quhatfumewir perfoun or perfounis wilfullie cuttis doune and deftroyis growand treis and coirnis, falbe callit and persewit thairfore, before the Juftice or his deputis, at Juftice-airis, or perticuler dyettis; and being convict thairof, to be pwneiffit as thewis to the death; as the faid Act at mair lenth beris. And trew it is, that the faid George Henderfoun, with his complices, expres contrair the tennour of the Act of Parliament, in the monethis of Junij, Julij, August, September and October respectiue, at the leift, in ane or vther of the faidis monethis, in the yeir of God Im.Vje. and fyve yeiris; and ficlyke, att the ffeist of Martimes lastbypast, come to the said Robert Ellottis wod, callit Birkwod, and thair, wilfullie, by3 the faid Robertis knawledge or confent, cuttit doun and diftroyit, at ilk tyme, the perticuler number and quantitie of growand treis following, to witt, ane hundreth grit growand birk treyis, thre hundreth grit growand allouris, thrie hundreth grit growand heiffillis, with foure hundreth grit growand fauch treis ; quhilkis growand treis, the said George and his complices had and transpoirtit away with thame, and difponit thairvpoune att thair pleafour; and the faid George is airt and pairt thairof.

PERSEWER, Robert Ellote of Reidheuche.

PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Thomas Henderfoune, Mr Johnne Dempfter.

It is allegit be the pannel, that this matter can nocht be put to the knawlege of ane Inqueift, becaus the perfewer fchawis na fufficient entreis to perfew, nather is this perfute raifit at the Kingis Aduocatis inftance.-Anfuerit be the perfewar, that he referris the notorietie of his entreis to perfew for the cuting of the treyis lybellit, to the defenderis ayth; in respect that he knawis him to be fufficientlie infeft in the woid lybellit; and as to the fecund pairt, anent the Aduocattis compeirance, anfuerit, he may perfew without the Aduocatis compeirance. It is allegit be the pannell, that he can nocht be vrget, vpoune the


* Nota, 'this nocht ordanit Birch, allar (alder or elder), hazel, and wil

1 (On margin) Nota, ordanit to be gewin out be pe Counfall.' to be given out. low trees.

Without, contrary to.

perfewaris exceptioune, to geve his ayth; feing the famyn will tend to the haizaird of his life.-The perfewer in the contrair.

It is allegit forder be the pannell, that this matter can nocht be Cryminallie tryet, without a Ciuill precognitioune, before the ordinar Judge; becaus the famin is a maisterfull depridatioune.-It is anfuerit, that the perfewer repeitis the Act of Parliament, quhairupoune the fummondis is foundit.-It is anfuerit be the pannell, that the Act of Parliament of the 1587, concernis the puneifchment allanerlie; and nawyis invertis nor derogatis the Act of Parliament made be King James fyft, Parliamento quarto; and speciallie, feing of the daylie practik, ffalfetis man be firft Ciuillie tryet, befoir it cummis to ane Criminall Judge; Wilfull errour in Affyfe in Reductioun of Retouris man be first Ciuillie tryit, befoir it tak effect befoir the Criminall Judge.-The perfewer, as of befoir, repeitis the Act of Parliament.

THE Justice continewis this matter, and Interlocutour vpoune the allegeances foirfaidis, to the fourt of Februar nixt. The pairties and Affyse wairnit apud acta. [Mr Williame Hairt, Juftice-Depute.]

(Feb. 4.)—THE Juftice, nochtwithstanding of the allegeances maid be the pannell, the last dyet, Ordanis this matter to pas to ane Affyse.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Johnne Gledstanes of Winningtounlaw, chanceller, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid George Henderfoune to be Cleane, innocent, acquit, &c.

[Mr Robert Colburne, Juftice-Depute.]

Feb. 14.-JOHNNE BEK in Lytill Kirkbryde.

Dilatit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle James McCulloch of Barholme.

PERSEWER, Thomas McCulloch in Barholme.

The faid Thomas tuke him to ane Remiffioune vnder the Grit feill, of the dait the xxj day of Februar, 1606; and ficlyke, produceit ane Letter of Slaynes, fubferyuit be Elizabeth Kirkpatrik, relict of vmqle James McCulloch of Barholme, Henrie McCulloch hir fpous, and Thomas McCulloch now of Barholme, and Johnne McCulloch burges of Kirkcubreycht, off the dait at Edinburgh, and the xvij and... dayes of Februar, 1607 yeiris.

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[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.]

Witchcraft — Sorcery — Incantation, &c.

Mar. 10.-ISSOBEL GREIRSOUNE, fpous to Johnne Bull, warkman in

the Pannis.1

1 Prestonpans. Of all the Trials for Witchcraft, &c. hitherto published from the Record, this is perhaps the most absurd and outré; and the circumstantial detail is perhaps unique. It is of course

Indytit, accufit and perfewit of the crymes vnderwritten, viz. FORSAMEKILL as fcho, haifing confauit ane crewall haitrent and malice aganis Adam Clark in Prestounpannis, fcho has continewallie, this haill yeir and ane half bygane, vfit all develifch and vngodlie meanis to be avangeit vpoun him; fpeciallie, in the moneth of Nouember, the yeir of God I".Vj°. and fax yeiris, betuix xj and xij houris at ewin, the faid Adam being lyand in his bed with his wyffe, and his feruand woman being in ane vther bed; att the quhilk tyme, scho, in the liknes of hir awin catt, accumpaneit with ane gritt number of vther cattis, in ane develisch maner, enterit within hir hous, quhair thay maid ane grit and feirfull noyfe and trubill; quhairby the said Adam, than lying in his bed with his wyffe, and feruandis that wer than in the hous, apprehendit fic ane grit feir, that thay wer liklie to gang mad: At the quhilk tyme, the Devill, in liknes of ane blak man, apperit in the hous, eftir ane feirfull maner, com to the feruand woman, than standing in the flure, and drew hir vp and doun the hous be the hair, eftir he had caffin hir curfch2 aff hir heid, and caffin the famyn in the fyre: Quhairvpoun the pure woman contractit fic ane grit feiknes, that scho lay bedfast, in grit danger of hir lyffe, be the space of fax oulkis3 thairefter; and as yit hes nocht returnet to hir perfyte health; quhilk is notourlie' knawin.-ITEM, fcho wes accufit, fforfamekill as scho, haifing confauit ane deidlie feid, rancour and ewill will, aganis vmqle Williame Burnet in Preftoun-pannis, fpous to Margaret Myller, wedow, fcho dewyfit be all devillisch and vngodlie meanis to bereif him of his naturall lyffe; and for performance thairof, sche, as ane manifeft Sorcerer and Wich, in the moneth of Januar, I".Vjc. yeiris, laid on ane feirfull and vncouth feiknes on him, be cafting in of ane tailzie3 of raw inchantit flesch att his dur: And thaireftir, the Dewill, in liknes of ane naikit infant bairne, nichtlie, for the space of half ane yeir, appeirit in his hous; quha appeirit befoir the ffyre, haifing ane inchantit pictour in his hand: And thaireftir, the Dewill appeirit, in hir liknes, within the faid vmqle Williamis hous, before the ffyre thairof, and in diuers vtheris pairtis within the said hous; quhair, in ane maist vnhonest and filthie maner, fcho pifchit vpoun the faid Margaret Myller, and in diverfe pairtis of the faid hous; that in end, the faid vmql Williame, haifing namit the faid Iffobell, be hir name, fcho immediatlie thaireftir vaneischit away: Eftir the quhilk tyme, the faid vmqle Williame Burnet continewallie dwynit and pynit away, in the faid vnknawin feikness, for the space of thre yeiris, nocht habill to obtene ordinar cuir; and at laft, in the moneth of September, or thairby, Im.Vjc. and ffyve yeiris, he, in grit dolour and payne, departit this lyffe: And

given literally from the Books of Adjournal. The reader
the death (murder?) of the luckless mate of John Bull.
Fr. courche.

* Six weeks.

1 Notoriously.


left to draw his own inference as to

2 Curtch, a kind of head-gear, or cap.

5 Taille, Fr. A piece, gobbet,' or cut.

6 At last.

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