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practik, the defenderis, befoir ony proces, fould be firft enterit. The faid Mr Johnne Ruffell allegit in the contrair, in refpect of his Maiefteis Warrand; and forder, that his Maieftie, be his auctoritie, may ather command the Justice to hald Court or to continew the dyet, at his Maiefteis plefour.

THE Justice, in respect of his Maiefteis Letter, producet, continewis this matter to the thrid day of the air,' or foner, vpone xv dayis wairning, in the famyn eftait as it was of befoir, aganis Patrik Gray and Williame Broune: And ordanis Johnne Lyndefay of Evlik, cautioner, in refpect of thair nocht entrie this day and place, to remane ftill cautioner, conforme to the Act of Adiornall maid thairupoune of befoir. Quhairupoun the faidis perfeweris and the faid Mr Johnne Ruffell afkit inftrumentis.

Cattle and Horse-stealing.

Jun. 13.-ROBERT BEIROPE of that Ilk.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Steilling of certane ky and oxin, pertening to Sir Johnne Ker of Hirfell, viz. fforfamekill as he, accumpaneit with Robert Selbie of Bittilfdane, Loukie Dauidfoun and diuers vtheris, his complices, commoun and notorious thewis, broken men, in the moneth of November 1596 yeiris, cam to the faid Sir Johnnis place of Lytildane, and thair, vnder fylence and cloud of nycht, brak vp the byre-duris of the faid place, and thifteouslie stall, concelit, reffet and away-tuik furth thairof saxtene ky and oxin, with fax horfe and meiris, &c.

PERSEWER, Sir Johnne Ker of Hirfell.

PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, The Lairdis of Pharniherft, elder and y', Mr Johnne Ruffell. VERDICT. Found by the Affyfe' to be Clene, innocent and acquit.'


Jun. 18.-JOHNNE MCDOWELL of Freuchie; Johnne Mcdowell, his fervand; Eufame Dunbar, Lady Garthland; Alexander Mcdowell of Barjarg; Alexander Neilfoun, fiear of Craigcaffie; Patrik Mcdowell of Creoches; Williame Bigholme in Galderioch; Gilchryft M'maister, thair; Vthreid M'kie in Innermeffene;" and Nicol M'gowne in Trottincoroche.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Quintene Boyd; committit in the moneth of Apryle laftbypast.

1 Of Perth. 2 Chiefly feuars. The chancellar was Johnne Mow of that Ilk. Johnne Halyburtoun of Mertoun, James Ker of Steilftokbrayis, Johnne Robfoun of Burvanes, and Patrik Dikfoun of Belchefter, are the only persons of note who appear on the Inquest. 3 Paft fra fimpliciter."

Past fra fimpliciter.'

PERSEWER, Adame Boyd, as brother.

The perfounes enterit on pannell afkis inftrumentis of thair entrie, and proteftis for releif of the Laird of Mondurk, thair cautioner: And in respect of thair innocencie of the crymes lybellit, offeris thame felffis to the tryell of the law thairfoir, and diffaffentis to all continuatioune.-The perfewer paffis fra the Lady Garthland fimpliciter, in respect of hir innocencie.

THE Juftice Ordanis the remanent Defenderis to find caution to the thrid day of the air, or foner, vpone xv dayis wairning.

QUESTION of the Pannels being entitled to their expenfes.

It is allegit be the perfones on pannell, that in matters Ciuill, proteftatioun being admittit in fauouris of the defender aganis the perfewer, the Lordis are in daylie vfe to modifie the parteis expenffis; multo magis, in matteris Criminall, a partie being persewit and compeirand, offerand him felff to abyde the tryell of the law, for the cryme quhairof thay ar indyttit, thair expenffis aucht to be modifeit, and the perfeweris decernit to pay the famyn.

THE Juftice declairis to this perfewer, gif he raise Letteris of new agane, contrair thir defenderis, vpoune the crymes foirfaidis, gif thay fall happin to be clanget, he fall be adiudget to pay the defenderis expenffis, bayth for this dyet and the dyet following: And ordanis the Clerk to tak cautioune of him at the raifing of the Letteris to the effect ffoirfaid: Quhairvpoun the persones on pannell afkit inftrumentis.

The Affyfouris' also protested, that thai be nocht fummond heirefter, for this caufe.'

Oppression - Taking Captive — Murder.

Jun. 20.-THOMAS CALDER in Clwnes, Johnne Oir in Calder, and
Walter M'robie Roife in Mekil Geddes.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Taking and Apprehending of vmq1 Dauid Dumbar of Lochileis captiue and prefoner; and convoying him captiue to Ergyll, and detening him in captiuitie, be the space of tuell oukkis.' And for airt and pairt of the Slauchter and Murthour of vmq' Williame Lyoun and vmql Alexander Dauidfoun, feruandis to the faid vmqle Dauid; committit in the moneth of October, the yeir of God I".V.lxxviij yeiris, within the toune of Aulderne.

PERSEWARIS, Alexander Dumbar of Lochieleis, (as fone,) Johnne Lyoun, as fone to vmqle Williame Lyoun, Andro Dauidfoun, as brother to vmqle Alexander.

PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Thomas Henderfoun, aduocat, Mr Henrie Kynroife. The faidis Thomas, &c. tuik thame to our fouerane lordis Remiffioun, producit, vnder the Greit Seill, of the dait, at Halyruidhous, the thryd day of Apryll,

1 Weeks.

the yeir of God, Im.V.lxxx and nyne yeiris; Quhilk Remiffioun, the Justice admittit, and Johnne Campbell of Calder, with thame felffis, become cautioneris and fouerteis, coniunctlie and feuerallie, to fatisfie the pairtie, as law will.

[CURIA JUSTICIARIE f. d. n. Regis, tenta in Aula Inferiori de Ormestounhall, per M. Willielmum Hairt, Jufliciarum Deputatum.]

Murder of a Pregnant Woman — Child-murder.

Nov. 10.-PATRIK DEANIS, in Gilcherftoune.

Dilaitit of the crewall and vnnaturall Murthour and Slauchter of vmql Katharene Butler his fpous, and of ane infant bairne in hir wamb; be ftreking hir with his feit vpon the wamb, and with ane fwyngill-trie,' on the bak and fchoulderis, and dyuerfe vtheris pairtis of hir body, fcho being with quik bairne for the tyme; be occafioun quhairof, fcho immediatlie thaireftir, with the said bairne in hir wamb, depairtit this lyfe: Committit the sevint of Nouember instant, at his awin hous-dur in Gilcherstoune, betuix aucht and nyne houris at evin, &c.; conforme to his awin Confeffioune.

VERDICT. The Affife, be the mouth of Johnne Harlaw in Laistoune, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Patrik, conforme to his awin Confeffioune, maid judiciallie in thair prefens, to be ffylet, culpabill and convict of the faid crewall and detaiftable Murthour.

SENTENCE. And thairfoir the faid Juftice-depute, be the mouth of Johnne Hammiltoun, dempfter of Court, decernit and ordanit the said Patrik to be tane to the ground quhair the faid fact was committit, and thair to be hangit vpone ane gibbet, quhill he be deid; and all his moveable guidis to be escheit, &c.


Dec. 19.-EDUARD NISBET, merchand burges of Edinburghe, and Thomas Nifbett, fone to the Laird of Nifbet.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle James Carmichell, fone to the Guidman of Vderine.

PERSEWERIS, Richerd Carmichell, brother, Williame Carmichell, father-brother, Marioun Carmichell, father-fifter; and Mr Johnne Ruffell, Aduocat, Mr Robert Boyd, curators to the said Richerd. PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Alexander King, Aduocat, Sir Williame Cranstoune, Mr Thomas of Morieftoune, Mr Johnne Nifbet, James Nifbet, merchand.

Compeirit Richerd Carmichell, &c. with Mr Johnne Ruffell and Mr Robert Boyd, curatouris to the faid Richerd; and the faid Mr Johnne, as fpous to the faid Marioun; and producet his Maiefteis Warrand to the Juftice; quhairof the tennour followis.

1 The wooden-beam, or tree,' to which the plough-traces are attached.


JUSTICE, Juftice Clark and 3our deputes, We greit 30w weill. Having directit to continew the perfute of Thomas and Edward Nifbettis, for pe flauchter of vmqle James Carmichell, quhill the informatioun gewin vnto ws of pair committing of pat fact in pair awin defence, war fyrst tryed by our Counfall; from quhom we have reffauit ane cleir teftimony of pair innocency of pat fact: And being most willing that Juftice be adminiftrat to all our lwving fubiectis: It is thairfore oure Will, that 30w affix and keip 3our Justice Court against the faidis perfonis, att fic place as falbe maift convenient; and putt pame to pe knawledge of ane Inqueift; fo that the accufatiounes and defences of both the pairteis may be weill confidered of by 50w, before that mater be adiudgeit: And that, nochtwithstanding ony command or directioune gewin by ws or our Counfall in pe contrair; as ze will anfuer to ws vpoun 3our office and obedience: Quhairanent pir presentis falbe 3our Warrand. Gewin at our Court of Royftoun, the xiij day of October, 1606.

And ficlyk, producet our fouerane lordis Letteris of Affyse and Dittay formet aganis the pannell; and tuik inftrumentis of the productioune thairof.—The pannell declairis, nochtwithstanding of thair innocencie of the Slauchter, they ar content to enter in cowmoning, and to offer fatisfactioune and affythement for the flauchter, at the ficht of freindis.-The perseweris declairis, in respect that the bairne is minor quha perfewis; and thairfoir, the remanent perfeweris can nocht tak the burding of that mater vpone thame; and defyret proces. Thairefter Mr Alexander King, prelocutour for the pannell, producet his Maiefteis Warrand, direct to the Juftice, for continuatioun of this matter to the xxviij day of Januare nixt; quhairof the tennour followis.



It is our pleaffour and Will, that 5e continew all actioune and proces before 30w, at pe inftance of pe kyn and freindis of vmqle James Carmichell in Dyfert, aganis Edward and Thomas Nifbettis, for pe Slauchter of pe faid vmqle James; committit in pe moneth of . . . . lastbypast; and nawyife proceid and grant ony proces thairin, before the xxviij day of Januar nixtocum: ffor pe quhilk zour delay and continewatioun, thir prefentis falbe to 30w fufficient Warrand. Gewin at our Court off Quhytehall, the nynt of December, 1606. To our Ryt truftie and weilbelouit, oure Juftice, Juftice-clark, and pair deputis.

It is anfuerit be the perfeweris, that the faid Warrand of continuatioun aucht nawayis to be respectit be the Juftice; bot nochtwithstanding thairof, the perfones now on pannell aucht presentlie to be put to the knawledge of ane Affyfe; for tua cauffis : ffirst, In respect of the former Warrand producet, quhairin tua fpeciall poyntis ar maift remarkable; ffirst, his Maieftie thairby hes declairit, that he hes reffauit na cleir teftimony of thair innocencie, be the tryell1 tane at Leyth, befoir the Counfall; and thairfoir, accoirding to his hienes good affectioun to justice, of his certane knawledge and proper motiue directit the first Warrand: The nixt, is the command gevin thairin to the Justice, with this qualite,' that he fall obey the famyn, nochtwithflanding of quhatfumeuir vther command thair gevin be his Maieftie or Counfall in the contrair. Secundo, the 2 Qualification.

1 Examination, precognition.

faid pretendit last Warrand is direct expres contrair the Act of Parliament 1592, quhilk fayis, it is ftatute and ordanit, be his Maiefteis speciall will and directioun, that na Warrand for continuatioun of Justice Courtis fall be admittit be the Justice and his deputis, in tyme cuming. Laft, nocht only is it express aganis the faid Act of Parliament, bot aganis the daylie ordour and practik obferuet baith befoir the Lordis of Counfall, in Ciuill cauffis, and befoir the Justice in Criminal cauffis, that Warrandis purcheft be the fute of partie, finister informatioun, and for stay of Juftice, fall nevir be refpectit; quhilk is alfo conforme to the cowmoun law. It is anfuerit, that the haill allegeances aucht to be repellit, in refpect of the Kingis Maiefteis Warrand.

THE Juftice, accoirding to his Maiefteis Warrand and directioun, continewis this matter to the xxviij day of Januare nixt: And ordanis the perfones on pannell to be wairdit within the Tolbuith of Edinburgh to the faid day,' and the Affyfe, fummond to this day, wairnit, apud acta, &c.

Cruel Slaughter.

Dec. 19.-JOHNNE and WILLIAME RUTHERFURD, fones to Stewin Rutherfurd in Chatto, boirne vnder James Ker of Greneheill.

Dilatit, accufet and perfewit be DITTAY,

FORSAMEKILL as, thay haifing confauit ane deidlie feid, rancour and malice aganis vmqle Thomas Bell in Spiddope-fute, in England, because he had hurt and lameit the faid Williame, vnderstanding the faid vmqle Thomas to haif bene in his fomer-fcheill befyde the fellis, in the moneth of Junij, or thairby, lastbypast, thay, vpoun cullour and in a counterfute forme, feinz eing thame felffis to be in feiking of ane kow that was tynt3 amangis the fcheillis, come to the faid vmqle Thomas Bell, in an howp callit Spittope-howp, quhair he wes, in fober and quyet maner for the tyme, with his wyfe and ane young lafs, milking thair ky; and thair, the said William Rutherfurd, haifing ane grit grene kent and fquarit batoun5 in his hand, eftir fum wordis paft betuix the faid Williame and the faid vmqle Thomas, he crewallie invadit him for his Slauchter, and gaif the faid vmqle Thomas ane crewall and deidlie ftraik in his heid, and claif the famin asunder: Off the quhilk ftraik he immediatlie thaireftir fell doun deid. Lyke as, the faid Johnne Rutherfurd, for quhais cause the said deidlie feid was confauit, ftude afyde, awaitting gif his brother had bene overthrawin, or the faid vmqle Thomas, to haif fortifeit and affiftit him. And immediatlie eftir the famin Slauchter wes committit, thay baith mett togidder at the nik of the fell, and hering the fpraich ryife, and the countrey to follow thame, thay baith fled in Ingland; quhair thay were fugitiue, quhills thair apprehenfioun for the faid Slauchter. And fa, the faid Slauchter wes committit be thame; and thay and ather of thame ar airt and pairt thairof, vpoun fett purpois, provifioun, auld feid and foirthocht fellony; in hie and manifest contempt of our fouerane lordis auctoritie and lawis, &c.

1 There is no entry on Record of further proceeding in this case; but it is likely the Nisbets compounded with the private prosecutors, and obtained Letters of Remission. 2 The summer scheills or scheillings on the 'fells' or hills, were temporary huts, for the use of those who attended the cattle during their grazing on commons, &c. They are still kept up in many parts of Scotland. It is the practice to dismantle them at the end of the grazing season. Lost. Or hope, a sloping hollow between hills, a common term in the south of Scotland. Slack is synoni. A large rung, staff, or bludgeon, and a batoun or stick made square, (i. e. with angular edges,) to give a more severe and deadly blow. Nik is a narrow cleft or opening, at the summit of two hills. 7 Hue and cry. By reference to the Works of Sir Walter Scott, it will be seen with what astonishing alacrity the country was 'raised,' on such occasions. The pannels showed no small address in effecting their escape. 8 Until.


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