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and Ingland; and THE ERLL OF ANGOUS, heaffand gewin the famin owir, quha wes Wardane, the King makis THE LAIRD OFF CARMICHALL Wardane; quha, finding the Airmiftrayngis to be the gritteft occafioune of the trubbillis, wes myndfull to pvneise sum of thame, quha wes notorius theiffis; and thay heaffing intelligenfe thairoff, fendis to him ane broder of auld Williame Airmifirayngis of Kenmunt, quha wes callit Alexander Airmiftrayng, alias Sandeis Ringand. This Ringane being in his cumpany, and entiring in conferance with the Wardanis, ffindis that thair wes na frendschip to be luikit for at his handis; and also, thair wes fum young menne with the Wardane, quha begane to mok this Ringan, be fteilling out of his fuord, and putting 3okis of egis in the skabert, qubairby the famin wald not draw; quhilk he perfaiffing, faid, that " he awowit to God, that thai fuld fie his fuord outt, and (if) he and thay vent on the grond quhair he mycht be pairtie !" And cuming hame to his awin hous, in this readge, fayis to his fonnis, that he wes" maid schame of fom," awowing to God, "to be equall with the famin !" And knawing THE WARDANE to ryd on the morne, he and his fonis fettis for him with fum wtheris, and flayis him be the schott of ane hagbutt. And thaireftir, for the famin caus, this Ringane and his fonis wer tane and executt to deith, as Tratouris to his Maiefty, be putting handis in the Kingis Wardane. This was done the 16 day of Junij, yeiris 1600.'

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Sir Walter Scott supposes the well-known verses, Armstrong's Good Night,' to have been composed by Thomas Armstrong, who is called by him Ringan's Tam,' previous to his execution, Nov. 14, 1601. The reader is referred to the Minstrelsy for the exploits of the Armstrongs, and of other Worthies of the Scotish Border, whose names frequently occur in the Criminal Records.]

Feb. 13.-ALEXANDER AIRMESTRANG, callit Sandie of Rowaneburne. Dilatit and accufet be Johnne Commendater of Halyruidhous, fone-in-law to vmqle Sir Johnne Carmichell of that Ilk, knycht.

FORSAMEKILL as he, accumpaneit with Thom Airmftrang, fone to Sandeis Ringane, the faid Ringane and vtheris, his fonis and complices, to the number of sewintene perfonis, or thairby, commoune thewis and tratouris, the maist pairt being on horfbak, and he on fute; came all bodin in feir of weir, with hagbuttis and pistolettis, lance-ftalffis and vtheris wappinnis, invafiue, to the Murthumleis; quhair thai, in the moneth of Junij, ITM.Vjc., altogidder confultit and dewyfit the crewall and treafonabill Slauchter of the faid vmqle SIR JOHNNE CARMICHELL of that Ilk, knycht, Warden of the West Marches ;3 and for performance thairof, past fra Murthumleis to Coloneheid, quhair he and his complices lay att wait for the said vmqle Sir Johnne paffing by to ane Court; and as he wes, in fobir and quyet maner, paffand by to the faid Court, vpone the . . . . day of the faid moneth of Junij, quhilk wes to be hauldin in Lochmabene, he and his complices fett vpoune him att the Raeknowis, quhair, with fchottis of hagbuttis and piftolettis, thay schot him throw the body, and crewallie flew and murdreift the faid vmq Sir Johnne Carmichell, being his Maiefteis Wardene for the tyme: And the faid Alexander Armstrang wes airt and pairt of the faid


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crewall and treffonabill Murthour, he being than vpoun the ground with his complices, att the committing of the faid vngodlie fact: To the takin' he confeft the famin be his depofitiounis; lyke as, he, be Depofitioun, declarit him felff to be innocent of ony vther haynous crymes, except the foirfaid innocent Slauchter of the faid vmqle Sir Johnne; quhilk he declairit he wes brocht vpoun aganis his will. ITEM, for commoun Thift, commoun Reffett of thift, inputting and outputting of thift, fra land to land, fra countrey to countrey, baith of auld and new. PERSEWER, My Lord (Johnne Commendater' of) Halyrudhous.

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Rt Johnneftounne, burges of Edr,
Vthrid Mcdouell of Mondurk,
. . . . Hunter of Polmude,

Michell Adamefoun, flefcheour in

Williame Mow, hatt-maker thair,
Andro Greir, burges thair,
Alexander Bowie, ftaibler thair,

ges of Edinburghe, Allane Cathcart, ftaibler thair, Robert Dalzell, Yr of that Ilk, James Johnneftoune or Waftraw, Jon Steill, fumtyme of Houftoune. VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of the said James Johnneftoune, chanceller, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the said Alexander Armstrang to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of airt and pairt of the crewall Slauchter and Murthour of the faid vmqle Sir Johne Carmichell, conforme to his Depofitiounis. And als, to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of commoune thift, commoune ressett of thift. SENTENCE. To be tane to the mercat croce of Edinburghe, and thair to be hangit vpoune ane gybet quhill he wes deid; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vse, for the said crymis.

Slaughter-Shooting Hagbuts, &c.

Feb. 21.-ADAME BROUNFEILD, in Gordone maynes.

Dilaitit for airt and pairt of the fellone and crewall Slauchter of vmqle Thomas Cranstoun; committit vpone the xxij day of July, the yeir of God I".Vc. fourfcoir fyftene yeiris, within the boundis of the landis of Moriestoun, at that pairt thairof callit the Kame, be the schot of ane hagbut throw his body; vpone fet purpois, prouifioun and foirthocht fellony.

PERSEWER, Johnne Cranstoune, as brother.

PRELOCUTOURIS in perfute, Sir Johnne Cranstoune of that Ilk, Mr Thomas Cranftoune. PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Williame Oliphant, Aduocat, James Brounfeild of Nether Maynes. It is allegit be the pannell, that he can nocht be put to the knawlege of ane Affyfe, vpone this Dittay, and crymes contenit thairin; becaus the Kingis Maieftie hes grantit his Remiffioune, vnder the Grit Seill.—It is anfuerit be the perfewer, that this Remiffioune, anent the tyme of the committing of the said (slauchter) lybellit, meittis nocht the tyme specifeit in the Dittay.*

1 In token or testimony whereof. 2 Sic. Apud Edin. Dec. 20, 1605. 1594, commiff.'


In menfe ..

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THE Justice admittis the Remiffioune producet.

It is allegit be the perfewer, that the Remiffioun vfet be the pannell, is contrair to the Act of Parliament, ordaning na Remiffioune to be grantit, without fatisfactioune of pairtie, and productioune of ane Letter of Slanes, vtherwayis to be null.-Anfuerit, the alledgeance aucht to be repellit, in respect of the Remiffioune; and offeris cautioune to fatisfie the pairtie, conforme to the Lawis of this realme.-James Brounfeild in Nether-maynes, Johnne Brounfeild in Gordone-maines and the said Adame (become) cautioune, coniunctlie and feuerallie, for fatisfactione of pairtie, &c.

Slaughter — Shooting Hagbuts and Pistolets.

Feb. 25.-HEW CAMPBELL in Mauchline, fone to vmqle Thomas Commendator of Halywoid.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the fellone and crewall Slauchter of vmqle Johnne Glencorfe of that Ilk, be fchottis of hagbutis and piftolettis; committit vpone the xiv day of September, the yeir of God 1581 yeiris, vpone the ground and landis of Gribtoune; vpone fet purpois, prouifioun and foirthocht fellonie.

PERSEWERIS, Iffobell Glencorfe, fifter; Robert Glencorfe, neir kynfman.
PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Robert Lyntoun.

Tuik him to our fouerane lordis Remiffioune, for the faid cryme. (Apud Edinburgh, Feb. 14, 1606.') Williame Campbell in Grienock-maynes, Alexander Nisbet of Greneholme, and the said Hew, become cautioune and fouertie, coniunctlie and feuerallie, to satisfie the pairtie, as law will.


Feb. 26. WILLIAME M'INTOSCHE, fone to the Laird of McIntofche;
Angus Williamfoune of Termet; Donald Mintofche, fone to
Perfone Mccondowie; Williame M James, fone to James Glas;
Angus McRannald, fone to vmqle Johnne M'Angus; Lauch-
lane Williamefone, eldest fone to Angus.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmqle Alexander Andersoune in Balnaglak and vmqle Johnne Barrone thair.

PERSEWER, Johnne Elphingstoune of Balnaglak, as neir kynsman to the faidis vmqle perfones. The faid Johnne Elphinftoune, perfewar, for himself, and takand the burding on him for Thomas Anderfoun, brother to vmq Alexander Anderfoune, paft fra the perfute of the perfones on pannell, pro loco et tempore. Lauchlane M'intofche of Dynnachten becomes fouertie for the entrie of the perfones on pannell, the thrid day of the air (of Inuernefe,') or foner, vpone xv dayis wairning; vnder the panes contenit in the Actis of Parliament.

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Breaking the Place of Kilbirnie-Theft, &c.

Feb. 26.-JOHNNE CRAUFURD, fumtyme in Auchincloch, now in Au


Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Breking of the Place of Kilbirnie; and steilling of certane euidentis and abuilziementis, pertening to Johnne Craufurd of Kilbirnie, &c. viz.

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FORSAMEKILL as he, accumpaneit with Thomas Wilfoun in Wallafe, with divers vtheris thair complices, cowmoun thewis, in the moneth of Nouember, the yeir of God Im.Vc. and twa yeiris, come to the Place of Kilbirnie, the Laird being than furth of this realme, and his Lady being than in Grenok, ten myle diftant fra the faid place of Kilbirny; and thair, vnder fylence and cloud of nycht, brak the faid Place, at the North fyde thairof, enterit within the famin, and thiftiouflie ftall, concelit, reffett and away-tuik, furth thairof, and furth of the cofferis than flanding within the faid Place, ane figuret velvet goune, ane blew bend of taffetie, ane ryding cloik and skirt of broun cullerit claith, wrocht with filuer pafment; ane blak velvet dowblet, cuttit out and wrocht with filk cordounis; ane pair of broun veluet breikis, wrocht with cordounis of gold; ane lowse goun of grograne, ane skirt of broune fatene, ane broun faittene dowblet, twa hwidis with craipis; togidder with ane pair of blankettis, quhairin he band all the faidis clathis and abulzements: Quhilkis guidis and geir pertenit to the faid Johnne Crawfurd of Kilbirnie and his fpous. LYKE as, att the famyn tyme, he with his complices, brak vp the faid Johnne Crawfurdis Charter-kift, ftanding within the faid Place, and thiftiouslie ftall, concelit, reffett and away-tuik, furth thairof, ane grit number of the faid Laird of Kilbirneis fpeciall euidentis and writtis, togidder with the faidis guidis and geir and abulzements, he and his complices had and convoyit away with thame, and difponit thairvpoun att thair pleafour; and he wes airt and pairt of the thifteous fteilling, conceling, reffetting and away-taking of the faidis guidis, geir, writtis, euidentis and vtheris aboue writtin, and of the breking of the faid Place, in maner, and att the tyme foirfaid; quhilk wes notourlie knawin. To the takin, he, with his wyffe and feruand-wemene, delyuerit bak agane to the Lady Kilbirny, within the duelling house of Cuthbert Crawfurd in Parkfut, in presens of the faid Cuthbert Crawfurd, Hew Gawin in Boig, Williame Allane in Manis, Thomas Harvie in Broklirhill, Mungo Allane in Sarflie, Hew Starrie in Banksyde, and George Kelfo in Brighill, the perticuler abulzementis following, viz. the faidis cuttit out velvet dowblet, the broun velvet breikis, the lowse grograne goune, the broun fatene skirt, ane broune fatene dowblet, the said figurit velvet goune, the faid broun ryding cloik and skirt, with the faidis twa huidis, quhilkis wer thifteouflie ftollin and awaybrocht be him and his complices, furth of the said place, att the tyme foirfaid: To the takin also, he being examinat him felff, in prefens of the Minifter, eldaris and deakinnis of the Kirk of Kilbirnie, he grantit and confeffit the haifing of the said blew taffatie bend, with certane of the said Laird and Ladies writtis and euidentis, bot wald nocht declair how he came be thame; as the Extract of his Confeffioun, heirwith produceit to fchaw, beris: To the takin lykwayis, the faid Johnne, being charget of befoir to find cautioune to haif comperit before tho Justice, at ane certane day bygane, to vnderly the law for the foirfaidis crymes, he than, for diffobedience of the said charge, past to the horne; as the Hoirning lykwayis fchawin beiris.

PERSEWARIS, Johnne Craufurd of Kilbirnie, Sir Thomas Hammiltoune of Monkland, knyt, Aduocat. PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Johnne Ruffell, Williame Speir, wryter, Mr Patrik Hammiltoune.

The Laird of Kilbirnie takis inftrumentis of the productioune of Thomas Wilfoune at the horne, and lykwayis of the productioune of the Letteris aganis In token, or proof.

1 Principal title-deeds and writings.

the cautioneris for the Entrie of Johnne Craufurd, and of the roll of his Affife; and offeris him reddie to perfew the faid Johnne for the crymes contenit in his Dittay; and proteftis, in respect thairof, that he be relevit of his cautionerie.

VERDICT. The Affife, be the mouth of Williame Orr in Lochrig, chanceller, for the maist pairt, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Johnne Craufurd to be Clene, innocent and acquit of airt and pairt of the breking, &c.


Mar. 7.-NINIANE AIRMESTRANG, callit Niniane of Tueidane, Andro
Henderfoune, fervand to the Laird of Mangertoune, Archibald

Airmeftrang, callit Fair Archie.

Dilaitit of the Slauchter of vmq1® Andro Smyth, and demembring of Thomas Tueidie of his neife (nose.)

PERSEWERIS, Johnne Smyth, fone to vmqle Andro Smyth, Thomas Tuedie in Dwnfyre. The perfeweris paffis fra the perfones in pannel, pro loco et tempore.—Robert Scott of Hayning become fouertie for the entrie of Niniane and Andro, and Sir James Johnnestoune of that Ilk, for the faid Archibald, the thrid day of the air (of Dumfries) or foner, vpone xv dayis wairning, to vnderly the Law, &c.

Mutilation and Demembration.

Mar. 7.-GAWIN ELLOTE of Fiddeltoune, callit Johne's Gawin. Dilaitit for Difmembring of Thomas Twiedie in Dunfyre of his nife (nose.) Robert Ellote younger of Fallinefche oftymes callit, as cautioner for the faid Gawin, to haif enterit and prefentit him befoir the Juftice this day, vnder the pane of thre thousand merkis; as he that become fouertie actit in prefens of Sir Williame Seatoun of Kylefmure, Sir Johnne Chairteris of Amisfeld, and Sir Jedione Murray of Elibank, knytis, his Maiefteis Commiffioneris, in ane Court of Jufticiarie held be thame, within the tolbuth of Peiblis, the tuentie tua day of December lastbypaft. The faid Robert vnlawit in the said pane.

Cattle and Horse Stealing-Slaughter-Fire-raising-Shooting of Pistolets — Cutting down Timber, &c.

Mar. 19.-HECTOUR TRUMBILL of Wauchope, George Trumbill his fone, Adame Trumbill in Bullerwall, ( past fra,) George Trumbill in Howa, (past fra,') Johnne Trumbill, fone to Hectour of Wauchope, Hectour Trumbill of Stanyledge, ('paft fra,) Andro Trumbill, brother to Bullerwall, ( past fra,') Hectour Trumbill in Clarielaw, and Thomas Trumbill of Hoppifburne.

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