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the Generall Affemblie is an effentiall Ecclefiafticall cenfour, exprefslie warrandit be the woird of God, and be that fame Act in the fourfcoir tuelf,' Ratiefeit and approvin be his Maieftie, and decernit to be lauchful and Godlie in the felf, and is of the lyk natour with the particuleris contenit in the faid Act; becaus the intreiting of the heidis of Religioune, matteris of errafie, excommunicatioune, collatioune and depriuatioune of Ministeris, ar proper pairtis of the General Affemblie, and of the office and Jurifdictioun of the fame, et ejufdem eft nature cum fuis partibus: And thairfoir, the pannell, in the proponeing of the said Declinatour, haifing done nathing bot that quhilk pertenit properlie to the Jurifdictioune of the Kirk, in defyreing the queftioune anent the faid Generall Affemblie to be remittit to the Kirk, thay did na wrang in proponeing of the faid Declinatour, nor yit can the faid Declinatour be drawin in queftion, be vertew of the faid Act, quhilk be the foirfaid pofteriour Act, in that poynt, is tacite abrogat be ane exprefs declaratioune, that the famyn fall nawayis be extendit to the effentiall cenfouris of the Kirk; sua that the pannell was in optima fide, in respect of the said pofteriour Declaratioun, to vse the benifeit of the famyn; and thairfoir, &c.

Thaireftir, the pannell for cleiring to his Maieftie of thair intentioune in vseing of the faid Declinatour, hes declairit, and be thir prefentis declairis, that thai nawayis thairby meanit to exeme3 thame felffis fra ony lauchfull fubiectioun to his Maiefteis royall authoritie, nor yit frome the Jurifdictioun of the Lordis of Secreit Counfall, in ony thing quhairin ony vther fubiect is fubiect to thair authoritie; bot only, to haif that cause, tuiching the lauchfulnes or vnlawfulnes of the faid Generall Affemblie, being ane mater meir spirituall, to be judget be his Maieftie and the Kirk, as only Judges competent thairto, accoirding to the law of God, and estableifchet Actis of Parliament within this realme; declairing be thir prefentis, that his Maieftie fould judge Ecclefiafticall matteris with Ecclefiafticall perfones, lyk as he judges Ciuill matteris with Ciuill perfones; and acknawledgeing thame felffis, in all matteris Ciuill or Criminall, to be fubiect to his Maieftie (and) all the lauchfull Jurifdictiones estableifchet for fic caiffis within this land; vnto the quhilkis, in all humble reuerance, thay fubmit thame felffis; lyk as, in all Ecclefiafticall matteris, thai ar reddie to be judget be his Maieftie with the Generall Affemblie, and vtheris eftableifchet ordouris of the Ecclefiafticall Jurifdictes.

IT IS ANSUERIT to the first allegeance, that the Actis of the Parliament lxxix and ixxxj can mak na derogatioune to the Act of Parliament maid in Maij, anno 1584, quhairupoun the Dittay is foundit, being pofteriour to thame, geveing expres Jurifdictioune to the Kingis Maieftie and Lordis of his hienes Secreit Counfall over all perfones, ather spirituall or temporall, accoirding to the tennour of the faid Act: And as to the nature of the caus perfewit aganis the pannell 2 Heresy. 3 Exempt, free.

1 A.D. 1592.

befoir the Loirdis of Secreit Counfall, accoirding to the tennour of the Dittay and Decreit of Secreit Counfall producet, the Lordis of Secreit Counfall was maist competent Judges to the haill contentis thairof, alfweill anent the tryell and puneischment of thair contempt, as of the vnlawfulnes of thair Assemblie, at that tyme and place, thay being expreflie discharget be his Maiefteis Letteris of Hoirning and be the Counfallis command, in writt, to hald na Affemblie at that tyme, or indict ane new Affemblie to ane new tyme and place: Lyk as, thay haifing proponit thair Declinatour befoir the faidis Lordis, the famyn was Repellit, and Decreit gevin in the haill caufe; in refpect quhairof, the Dittay ftandis relevant.-To the fecund allegeance, anfueris, that the woirdis of the Act of Parliament, anent Declinatouris to be proponit in actiones fuper inquirendis, befoir the Secreit Counfall, can nocht exeme the caife contravertit, fra thair Jurifdictioune; albeit that fauour was schawin to the pairtie, to foirwairne thame of the caufe thai war to anfuer: Bot generallie, the Law is vnderstand, and hes alwayis bene interpreit, that all Declinatouris proponit in matteris competent to the Jurifdictioun of the Counfall ar of thame felffis treffonabill, as was folempnatlie decydet in the Kingis Maiefteis awin prefence aganis vmqle Mr Dauid Blak: And thairfoir the Declinatour proponit be the pannell, and adheirit to be thame, eftir the famyn was repellit be the Counfall, fallis vnder the woirdis, meaning and tennour of the Act of Parliament.-To the thryd allegeance, anfueris, that all crymes ordanit to be pwneist be the payne of Treasoun ar treffonabill. To the fourt allegeance, anfueris, that the claus of the Act of Parliameut, in the yeir of God ITM.V.lxxxxij, being ane exceptioun frome the Act of Parliament, in the yeir of God 1583, confermis the samyn Act, in all heidis nocht expreflie exceptit; lyk as, the exceptioun is only of heidis of Religioun, materis of errafie, excommunicatioun, collatioun or deprivatioun of Minifteris, or ficlyke effentiall cenfouris, speciallie groundit and haifing warrand of the word of God; and it is of veritie, that the keiping of ane Affemblie at ane certane tyme and place, and appointing of ane new Affemblie, aganis the Kingis Maieftie expres charge vnder the payne of rebellioun, and aganis the will and command of the Counfale, and aganis the difaffenting of his Maiefteis Commiffioner, is nather ane heid of Religioun, mater of errafie, excommunicatioun or effentiall cenfour; and thairfore, is nocht exceptit fra the said Act, bot fallis vnder the prohibitioun and danger thairof: And thairfore, nochtwithstanding of the alledgance and declaratioun foirfaid, the Dittay fould be putt to the knawledge of ane Affyse.

It is lykwyife allegeit be the Pannell, that the Justice can nocht putt thame to the knawlege of ane Affyfe, for Treafoun, becaus thay ftand at the horne vnrelaxit. The Aduocat anfueris, that the Juftice hes admittit the preloquutouris to compeir in the said mater; and thairfoir the Dittay for Treafoun fould be putt to ane Affyfe.

THE JUSTICE admittit the faid preloquutouris to compeir as preloquutouris in the faid mater: And with auife of the haill Affeffouris, in ane voce, in refpect of the anfueris maid be my Lord Aduocat, Ordanis the Dittay to be putt to ane Affyfe.-Quhairupoune my Lord Aduocat afkit inftrumentis.


Sir Johnne Home of North-Ber- Sir Archibald Sterling of Keir, knyt, Gawin Home of Johnnescleuch, uik, knycht, Johnne Levingstoune of Donypace, Thomas Levingftoune of Pantoun, Sir George Home of Broxmouth, James Schaw of Sauchie, Ro'Levingstoune of Weft-Quarter, knycht, elder, Mark Swyntoun in Innerkething, James Gib younger of Carriber, Sir James Forrefter of Carden, Harie Stewart of Cragiehall, Alexander Home of Rentoune, knycht, George Home of Deanes, Sir Patrik Home of Polwort, knyt. The Aduocat afkis inftrumentis of the admitting and fueiring of the Affyfe, and eftir accufatioun of the perfonis on pannell, be Dittay.—The Aduocat, for verificatioun of the Dittay, produceit the Declinatour, subscryuit with thair handis acknawledgeit be thame felff in Judgement; Repetit the Act of Parliament; produceit the Decreit of Secreit Counfall, the charge of Hoirning, and the pretendit proces,' fubferyuit be the pretendit Moderatour and the pretendit Clark of the Generall Affemblie, granting the reffait of the Counfallis Miffiue, of the tennour lybellit, and the Declaratioun of his Maiefteis Commiffioner, bering that he difaffentit fra thair haill proceding; and feing my Lord Juftice, be the auife of the haill Counfale prefent, hes difcuffit the pannellis haill defenffis, and ffund the Dittay relevant; and that thair reftis na forder to the Affyfe bot to declair, quhidder the factis contenit in the Dittay haif bene committit be the pannell or nocht, the famin fact being fa manifeftlie provin be the writtis produceit, and nawyife denyit be the pannell, bot ratifeit and renewit in Judgement, as the proces beris; in caife thay acquit the pannell, the Aduocat proteftis for Wilfull Errour and remeid of Law, with all regour.-The pannell proteftis for Errour aganis the Affyfe, in caice thay ffyle thame of Treafoune.-The Aduocat afkis inftrumentis, that the pannell confeffis to gefing in of the Declaratour.

VERDICT. The Affife, be the mouth of the faid Harie Stewart of Craigiehall, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faidis fax Minifteris, and ilk ane of thame, to be ffylet, culpable and convict of the treffonabill declyneing of the Judgement of his Maieftie and Lordis of his Secreit Counfall, conforme to the Dittay aboue fpecifeit.

TERIS, in Pretorio de Lynlythgow, xxiij die menfis Octobris, 1606, per
Magiftrum Willielmum Hairt de Prefioune, Jufticiarium Deputatum.
[Oct. 23.]-COMPEIRIT Mris Thomas Henderfoun and Robert Lyntoune,
It has been thought most convenient

1 The procedure which took place at their Assembly.

to insert the DOME' here, rather than under its proper date.

fubftitutis to our fouerane lordis Aduocattis, and producet to my Lord Juftice his Maiefteis Warrand; quhilk the Juftice caufit be oppinlie red in Judgement, and ordanit the samyn to be infert in the buikis of Adiornall; quhairof the tennour followis.


WHEARAS, in our Juftice-Court, held at Lynlythgow, the tenth of Januare lastbypast, Mr Johnne Forbes, &c. war convicted of the cryme of Treffone, for pair contemptuous and treffonable declyneing pe Judgement of us and pe lordis of our Secreit Counfall, fimpliciter, be a declinatour fubferyuit with pair handis, and gevin in be pame, in Judgement, befoir the faidis Lordis of our Counfall; as in the faid proces of Convictioune at mair lenth is contenit: And pe pronunceatiovn of the Dome being by our Justice, vpone grave and wechtie refpectis continewit, till our farder plefour war knawin pairin, We now confidering pe grit infolence of that proud contempt, and quhat dangerus exampill it micht be, if it fould pas vnpwneifched, haveing, in our accustomed lanity, gevin to thaife declared Tratouris moir pan fufficient tyme to haif implored and maid humble fute for our mercie; zit, finding in thame nathing bot a continwing obdured obftinacie and wilfulnes, without likliehoid or appeirance of refipifcence and repentance in thame, for pair former committed foleis: And albeit pe gritnes of pair offence, and fpeciallie in men of that functioun (quhais lyves fould be lanternes and lichtis to vperis, to cary thame felvis in all deutie and obedience, and pairfoir pair ouerfightis requyreing pe moir feveir animaduerfioun and pwneischment,) hath most iuftlie demereited the extremitie of the regour to be inflicted vpone thame, for ane exampill to affray all vperis to attempt pe lyk; zitt, becaus heirtofoir that Law haith nevir bene putt to executioun, quhairby fum men may perhaps pretend that pai had pe moir probabill ignorance pairof, (albeit in reafone the fame can be no excufe,) We haif with our wounted clemency, vpone that refpect only, fpared to inflict the rigour of the Law, at þis tyme: It being our Will and pleafour, that our Justice or his depute fould fence and affix a Juftice Court, to be held at Lynlythgow, or ony vper pairt elfe that our Counfall fall think expedient, the xxiij day of October nixtocum, and pair cause Dome to be gevin out against the saidis traytouris, to be BANISCHED all our dominiones, during all pe dayis of pair naturall lyves; vnder pane of daeth: And pe Dome being pronunced, oure Will and plefour is, that pai be returned to pair wairdis, thair to remane for pe space of ane moneth, for making pair preparationes for pair depairtour; befoir pe expyreing quhairof, gif pai do nocht depairt, wind and wedder serveing, oure Will and pleasour is, that pe ordinarie death vfuallie inflicted vpone Traytouris be directed to be execute vpone thame: And gif þai fall nocht depairte within pe faid space, or being depairtit, fall returne into oure dominiones, without our Licenfe, thay fall incur pe pane of death, and all vper panes dew to perfones convict of Treffone. Quhairanent thefe prefentis fall be to our faid Juftice a fufficient Warrand. AND becaus this our fpare dealing and grit clemencie, extendit towardis thofe aboue named offendouris, in this thair fo haynous a cryme and offence, may perhappes move in fum vtheris fum prefumptioun to think, that for trespaffis of this qualitie no gritter rigour will be heireftir vsed: ffor removeing of which pair foolische opinione and conceate, and that everie ane may haif notice of our full determinatioun in any fuche lyk cafe heireftir, Oure Will and pleafour is, that in our faid Juftice Court, to be keipit pe faid day, for pronunceing of pe faid Dome, fpeciall intimatioun be maid, in open Court, by our faid Juftice, to all our leigis pair prefent, that it is our refolutioun, that gif any heirefter fall offend, in fuch a heich trespas, that pai fall be proceidit against with all feueritie; and that the death dew vnto Traytouris fall be inflicted vpone thame with all rigour; the example of this our present lenitie at pis tyme, nevir remayning any motiue to induce ws to schaw any fuch clemencie to fuch as fall commit pe lyk offence heireftir: And our will is, that pir prefentis be recoirdit in the buikis of Adiornall, and that publicatioun be maid heirof at the mercait croce of Edinburghe, and all vper places neidfull. GEVIN at our Court of Hamptone Court, the xxvj day of September, 1606.

Accoirding to the quhilk Warrand, the faid Juftice-depute, be the mouth of Henrie Wilfoune, dempfter of Court, pronuncet dome, and decernit and ordanit the faidis perfones to be Banischet all our fouerane lordis dominiones, during all the dayis of thair naturall lyves: And ordanis thame to returne to thair wairdis, thairin to remane for the space of ane monethe, for making of thair preparatioun for thair depairtour; befoir the expyreing quhairof, gif thay depairt nocht, wynd and wedder ferving, the faid Juflice-depute, accoirding to the faid Warrand, decernis and ordanis the ordinarie daeth vfuallie inflictit vpone perfones convict of Treffone to be execute vpone thame: And gif they fall nocht depairt within the said space, or being depairtit, fall returne within his hienes dominiones without his Maiefteis Licence, decernis and ordanis thame, accoirding to the faid Warrand, to incur the pane of daeth, and all vther panes vfuallie inflictit vpone perfones convict of Treffone: Quhilk was pronuncet for dome.

[Mr Williame Hairt of Prefioune, Juflice-Depute.] Murder of the Warden of the West Marches.


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[THE Clan or Name' of ARMSTRONG was perhaps the most distinguished of the warlike Thieves of the Scotish Border, having possession of the largest portion of Liddisdale and the Debateable Land. For the exploits of many individuals of this name, reference may be had to the Works of Sir Walter Scott, and especially to the Introduction to the Border Minstrelsy, and the Notices prefixed to Johnie Armstrang' and Kinmont Willie,' &c. The almost unparalleled act of bravery of the LAIRD OF BUCCLEUCH, who achieved the deliverance of Kinmont Will from the Castle of Carlisle, in April 1596, has been adverted to in a former part of this Collection. A very interesting Relation' of this remarkable feat, taken from a contemporary MS., is also given in the Minstrelsy, which the reader will find well worthy of perusal. This event is likewise narrated in the Anonymous History of Scotland, already quoted; and as his Narrative is very brief, it has been thought proper to preserve a transcript here.- Now Auld WILL ARMISTRANG of Kenmont being tane be Inglis men, and is wairdit in the Caftell of Cairleill, within ane flrait priffoune, and yrnifs on him; and being to thoill the tryall of the Law, knew perfytlie that thair was no faifty for him. He vrittis in Scotland to his freindis, to fie gif thay culd mak him releiff. Qubairupoun THE LAIRd of Balclewch past within' thrie scoir tenne horfe to the faidis Caftell, and with ladderis clam the fame, and brak the priffoune; and bringand the faid Williame Kinmwnt hame with him, he cauffit blaw his trumpett and cry fum flughorns,5 puttis the toune and cuntry in fic ane fray, that nene durft stirr: Quhairby, he brocht the faid Will Kinmont away, but ane ftraik, to the grit honour of his cuntry. This wes done the fext day of Apryill, 1596.' The Murder of SIR JOHN CARMICHAEL, knight, the Warden of the West Marches, sealed the fate of many of the Armstrongs, and led to the adoption of measures of the utmost severity against all those of the name who were thereafter convicted, or even suspected, of mal-practices." On Nov. 14, 1601, Thomas Armstrang, fone to Sandeis Ringane,' was convicted for being accessory to this barbarous act of butchery, and is the first instance on record, in Scotland, of a criminal having been hung in chains. The above mentioned Anonymous Historian3 narrates the event very quaintly, in the following terms. Now the Bordouris being werry euill brokin, thair war dyuerfe Reidis in all fydis, bayth be Scotland p. 180. 6 Without. 8 MS. Advocates' Library. 9 For Raids, hostile incursions.


1 Vol. I. pp. 363-365. Library, A. 4. 35.

pp. 450, 451, and 452.

See Scott's Poetical Works, 8vo. 1821, Vol. I.
Under the number of. 5 Slogans, war crys.

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9 MS. Advocates' 7 See Vol. II.,

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