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at dyuerfe tymes, fen thai war denuncet our fouerane lordis rebellis and declairit tratouris, and fen his Maiefteis Proclamatioune, inhibeiting all our fouerane lordis leigis to intercowmone, reffett or gif countenance or fchaw fauour to the faidis rebellis.-(2.) Duncan Mcfadrik Vcoull cheir, ffor airt and pairt of the Slauchter of the faid vmql Patrik M'gregour; committit in September 1576 yeiris. ITEM, for geving of counfall to the Laird of M'gregour to pas fordward to the ffeild of Glenfrune aganis the Laird of Lufe, and convoying him to the fyde of Lochloune, agaitward, to the faid ffeild. ITEM, for wilfull Intercowmoning and geving of counfall to the Laird of M'gregour, and convening with him in dyuerse meittingis and conventiounes, had and keipit be him and his freindis, sen thai war denuncet his Maiefteis rebellis, for the Murthour, Slauchteris and heirfchipis committit be thame at the faid ffeild of Glenfrune, incontrair to his Maiefteis proclamatioune.-(3.) Neill McWilliame VcNeill, ffor the treffonabill Intercowmoning with the Laird of M'gregour, his kin and freindis that war at the murthour and heirfchipis in Glenfrune, and reffett of thame within his hous, and geving meit and drink to thame wittinglie and willinglie, at dyuerfe tymes fen thai war denuncet rebellis, &c.-(4.) AND ficlyk, Johnne Mccoll Cheire, ffor airt and pairt of the crewall Murthour and Burning of auchtene houfhalderis of the Clanlawren,' thair wyves and bairnis; committit fourtie fax yeir fyne, or thairby. ITEM, off airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Hew Stewart, ferveand to my Lord of Athole; committit threttie yeir fyne, or thairby: And in taking pairt with the Clan-Gregouris at the Heirfchip, committit the tyme foirfaid, aganis the Tutour of Bofrak. ITEM, for Intercowmoning with the Laird of M'gregour and his complices that war at the ffeild of Glenfrune, sen thair denunciatioune; and geving of conforte, supplie and freindschip to thame, contrair the tennour of the Proclamatioune. ITEM, for cowmone Thift, cowmone reffett of thift, outputing and inputing of thift fra land to land, fra cuntrey (to cuntrey), baith of auld and new.

VERDICT. The Affife, be the mouth of Mungo Lyndfay of Ballull, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faidis Malcolme, Duncan and Neill to be ffylit, culpable and convict of the haill crymes and poyntis of Dittay aboue writtin: And the faid Johnne M'coull Cheire to be Clene, innocent and acquit of the faidis crymes.

SENTENCE. And thairfoir the faid Juftice-depute, be the mouth of Robert Scott, dempftar of Court, decernit and ordanit the faidis Malcolme M'coull and Duncane McFadrik to be tane to the gibbet at the mercat croce of Edinburghe, and thair to be hangit quhill thay be deid; and all thair moveabill guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht to his Maiefteis vfe, as convict of the faidis crymes.

1 The McLawrens, or Maclarens, a Clan residing in Balquhidder.

Slaughter — Fire-raising.

Mar. 2.-DAUID ARMESTRANG, fone to Sandeis Niniane.

Dilaitit, accufet and perfewit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Johnne Johnneftoun, Perfone of Tunnergarth. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of Robert Currie, fervand to the Baillie of the Watter of Leyth, and thre mafones with him, at the Oifleris-hous in the Lwn: And for the treffonabill Raifing of ffyre, and Burning of the faid Oifleris-hous.

VERDICT and SENTENCE. The fame Affife, as in the above cafe, pronounced a fimilar Verdict of Guilty against Armftrang, who was hanged along with M'coull and Mcfadrik.1

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Mar. 10.-THOMAS HARDIE, fone to James Hardie of Bounmylnerig. Dilatit of the crymes following, viz. Forfamekill as he, with his complices, laitlie, in the moneth of Apryle lastbypast, vnder fylence and cloud of nycht, betuix nyne and ten houres att ewin, vmbefett the hie way and paffage, betuix Leith and Edinburghe, to Jaques De la Berge, ane Fleming and strangear, he being rydand, in peceabill maner, vp fra Leith to the burgh of Edinburghe; and thair fett vpon him, tuik his horfe be the heid, and caufit him lycht fra his horfe, and thaireftir rypeit him; and thifteouslie, be way of maisterfull ftouthreif, ftall, reft and away-tuik fra the faid Jaques De la Berge twa purfis, ane mair and ane vther lefs, with ane grit quantitie of gold and filuer contenit thairin, being for the maist pairt Inglis money: togidder with ane gold ryng, fett with ane dyamond, with ane broun naig quhairon he raid: And he wes airt and pairt of the thifteous fteilling, reiffing, reffetting and away-taking thairof. ITEM, ffor the thifteous fteilling, conceiling, reffetting and away-taking of ane blak horse fra James Libbertoun, in Nethir Libbertoun; quhilk horse he fauld thaireftir in Bow-caftell, in Ingland.

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VERDICT. The Affife, be the mouth of. Cokburne of Chouflie, chanceller, ffand, pronunceit and declarit him to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the poyntis of Dittay, &c.

SENTENCE. To be tane to ane gybbet, standand beneath the mercat croce of Edinburghe, and thairvpoun to be hangit quhill he be deid; and all his moveabill guidis, takis, fteidingis, &c. to be escheit, &c.

Horse, Cattle, and Sheep-stealing.

Mar. 10.-WALTER DAUIDSOUN, callit of Callelie.

Convicted by the fame Affife, and ordained to be hanged along with Hardie, Birrel remarks, 7 MacGregors and Armftrangs wer hangit at the croffe."


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for stealing of horses, oxen and sheep, &c. from lands of Pittalifheuch, belonging to Dickfoun of Buchtrig, Sir Johnne Cokburne of Ormistoun, knyt, Justice clerk,' &c.

[Mr Williame Borthuik, Juflice-Depute.]

Mar. 15.-HECTOUR TRUMBILL of Stanyledge; Hector Trumbill of
Barnehillis; George Trumbill, his brother; and Gawin

Trumbill, thair father-brother.

Dilatit for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Williame, James, Robert, Johnne, Andro and Thomas Grameslawis, fones to vmqle Johnne Grameslaw of Lytill Newtoun.

Mr Robert Home of Carolfyde, Hectour Trumbill of Belfis and James Douglas of Caveris, as cautioners, amerciated for non-entry of the pannels, viz. the two first in 400 merks; and Douglas of Cavers, along with Trumbell of Barnehillis, in 1000 merks, 400 merks, and 400 merks. The pannels ordained to be denounced rebels, &c.

Cattle-stealing-Stouthreif, &c.

Mar. 20.-JOHNNE RENTOUN of the Scheillis.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Steilling of ffourtene nolt fra James Burnet, &c. LYK AS, in the moneth of September, the yeir of God Im.Vc. fourfcoir aucht yeiris, or thairby, vmbeset the hie way and paffage to certane cadgeris at the Brokin-mofs, quha war dryveand thre or four pakis of Inglis clayth, pertening to certane merchandis, inhabitantis of the burgh of Edinburghe, and thair, be way of Maisterfull ftouthreif, ftaw, reft and away-tuik fra the faidis cadgeris foure pakis of Inglis clayth, and speciallie ane pak of Inglis clayth, pertening to Gray, mercheand burges of Edinburghe, estimat worth the fowme of Thre thousand merkis, money of this realme, &c. &c.

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VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Mr James Home of Goddifcroft, all in ane voce, ffand the faid Johnne to be Cleane, innocent and acquit of the haill crymes.

Wilfully hearing Mass celebrated.

May 9.-ARCHIBALD MACBREK, burges of Perth.

Dilatit, accufet and persewit, be Mr Robert Lyntoun, Aduocat fubftitute to Sir Thomas Hammiltoune, &c. for the crymes contenit in the DITTAY following. ARCHIBALD MCBREK, burges of Perth, Ye ar indyttit and accufet; fforfamekill as it is ftatute and ordanit, be our fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament, and speciallie, be ane Act of his hienes fourtene 1. The 10 of Marche, twa notabill thieffes hangit at the crosse, ane Thomas Hardie, and ane Davidson.'—Birrel.

Parliament, haldin and begwn at Edinburghe vpone the aucht day of Junij, the yeir of God Im. Ve. fourscoir fourtene yeiris, that in all tymes cuming, all wilfull heiraris of Mefs and conceillaris of the fame fall be execute to the death, and thair haill guidis and geir efcheitit to his hienes vse, as thay fall be fund giltie and convict thairof, or declairit fugitiue for the fame, befoir the Juftice or his deputtis, or the lordis of his Maiefteis Previe Counfall, as the faid Act at lenth beris: And trew it is, that Mr Robert Abercrumbie, ane Jefuite and Preift, in the moneth of Marche laftbypast, in the oulk (week) befoir Palme Sonday laft, being reffet and ludget, with his man, in the faid Archibaldis duelling hous in Perth, ane haill nicht; the faid Mr Robert maid the faid Archibald foirfene, that he was to say ane Mefs vpone the morne, airlie in the moirning, in George Bofuallis hous in Perthe, quhair my lord Inchafferay and his famelie war ludget, and perfuaidit the faid Archibald to cum and heir the famyn : Lykas, vpone the morne, airlie in the moirning, in ane of the dayis of the onlk befoir Palme Sonday, the faid Mr Robert past first over to the faid George Bofuallis house; and the faid Archibald followit him, and past vp to the vpper Eifter chalmer of the faid ludgeing, quhair the faid Mr Robert Abircrumbie faid ane Mefs: And ye, the faid Archibald, wilfullie and willinglie (being of the trew Religioun befoir your away-paffing furth of this cuntrie, and in your absence furth of the samyn, made defectioun thairfra to Romisch Religioune), hard the said Mefs, and reffauit the Communioun after the Romane maner; and conceillit the faying and heiring thairof, quhill ye was challanget. For the quhilk wilfull heiring of the faid Mefs and conceilling thairof, ye, the faid Archibald, being convict of the famyn, befoir the Juftice-generall and his deputis, be Act of Parliament, ye aucht to be pwneifchet to the daith; and your haill moveabill guidis and geir efcheit to our fouerane lordis vfe: To the taikin,' ye haif confeffit the haill premiffes to be of veritie, be your Depofitiones, fubferyuit with your hand; quhilk ye can nocht deny.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of James Nicolfoune, tailzeour in Edinburghe, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the said Archibald to be ffylet, culpabill and convict of the Wilfull heiring of Mefs, wittinglie and willinglie, but compulfioun; and conceilling of the fame, quhill he was challanget; accoirding to the said Dittay, and accoirding to his Confeffioun maid thairof in judgement, and Depofitiones producet, fubfcryuit with his hand."

[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.]

Slaughter —Horse and Cattle-stealing, &c.

May 15.-JOHNNE BATIESOUN, alias Jok of the Scoir; Archibald Batiefoun, alias Prikit vp Archie, brother to the said Johnne; and Adie Batiefoun, brother to the said Johnne and Archie.

JOK OF THE SCOIR, dilatit, ffor airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq1 Williame Tuedie of Olipher and thiftious fteilling of ane grit number of ky, oxin and naigis furth of Tueddell; committit threttie yeir fyne, or thairby. ITEM, ffor airt and pairt of the fteilling of foure naigis furth of Sandiehillis; and of threfcoir nolt furth of Langvrd. ITEM, ffor airt and pairt of the fteilling of four ky and tua horfe, with certane inficht, furth of Bankend in Craufurd-Johnne, pertening to Thomas Weir; committit tua yeir fyne. ITEM, ffor airt and pairt of the fteilling fra William Mccalla, in Glenbaithe, of ane meir, and certane inficht 1 In evidence, or testimony whereof. ↑ Without.

3 The sentence is not recorded.

of his houfe; and hurting and wounding of the faid Williame. ITEM, ffor airt and pairt of the fteilling of tua naigis fra ane fervand of Sir Johnne Keris, furth of the Spittellis. ITEM, ffor airt and pairt of the fteilling of fyftene scoir of ky and oxin, with ane grit number of vther guidis, furth of my Lord gefteris boundis; committit a xviij yeir fyne, or thairby. ITEM, ffor fteilling and awaytaking of tua naigis fra Johnne Symfoun, with his cloik, quhinger and purse, quhairin thair was xxx f. ITEM, for cowmoun thift and cowmoun reffet of thift. —PRIKIT VP ARCHIE, dilaitit of airt and pairt of the thiftious fteilling of fourtie nolt, furth of the Schereff of Airis boundis; and hurting and wounding of ane fervand of the Schereffis, in redding thairof. ITEM, for airt of the fteilling of tuentie naigis furth of Sandiehillis fra the puir cadgeris;1 committit a thre yeir fyne: And for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of ane of the pur cadgeris, at that famyn tyme. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the fteilling of fax nolt furth of the Nethir Snab; committit aucht yeir fyne, or thairby. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the fteilling of ane grit number of fcheip furth of Brigend, pertening to the Laird of Fawfydes fervandis. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the fteilling of xxxij oxin furth of Lammermure, pertening to the Laird of Innerleith. ITEM, for cowmoun thift and cowmoun reffet of thift, &c.-Adie BaTIESOUN, dilaitit for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Johnne Naper, in company of the said Johnne his brother; and steilling of ane grit number of ky and oxin furth of Clydheid. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the fteilling of the faid Williame Mccall his meir, and haill inficht of his house; and hurting of the faid Williame. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the fteilling of ten scheip furth of the Hill-hous of Clyde, fra Gilbert Johnneftones men; committit a yeir fyne. ITEM, for the fteiling of tua naigis a foure yeir fyne, furth of Sandiehillis, fra certane puir cadgeris. ITEM, for cowmoun thift, cowmone reffet of thift, outputing and inputing of thift, fra land to land, fra cuntrey to cuntrey, baith of auld and of new.

VERDICT. For the quhilkis crymes, the faidis thre perfones wer put to the knawlege of ane Affyfe, and thai all, in ane voce, be the mouth of Donald Thornetoun, burges of Edinburghe, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faidis Johnne, Archie and Adie Batiefones to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the crymes aboue specifeit, accoirding to thair Depofitiones, gevin vp be thame thairof, and Confeffioun of the famyn in Judgement.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the mercait croce of Edinburghe, and thair to be hangit on ane gibbet, quhill thai be deid; and thair haill moveabill guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht, &c.

1 The Carriers, who, for hire, transported goods on pack-saddles, &c. By means of this useful class, most part of the merchandise and heavy carriages were conveyed to all parts of the kingdom. They usually travelled in companies, for mutual protection; but were often overpowered, and in many cases slain, in faithfully defending the property committed to their charge.

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