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derrest cousing furth of our realme of Ingland. As 3e will anfuer to us vpone 3our obedience; and pat nochtwithstanding of ony vper Warrand gevin or to be gevin in the contrair: Quhairanent pir prefentis fall be to 30w fufficient Warrand. Subferyuit with our hand, att Beruik, pe fevint day of Apryle 1603. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R.

The quhilk Warrand the Justice admittit, and defertit the faid dyet.

Adultery - Child-Murder.

May 18.-JOHNE RYBURNE of that Ilk.

Robert Montgomerie of Heffilheid produceit our fouerane lordis letteris, purchest at the inftance of Mr Thomas Hammiltoune, aduocat to our fouerane lord, aganes Johne Ryburne of that Ilk, for Adulterie and the Murthour of ane infant bairne, gottin vpoun Agnes Dunlop: Be the quhilk Letteris the faid Ryburne of that Ilk is put to the Horne.

Murder of Seven Score Persons in the Lennox by the Clan

Gregor, &c.

May 20.-GILLESPIE MCDONALD MINNES Dow, Donald Mcclerich alias Stewart, and Johne Mcconeill M'condochie.

Dilatit, accufit and perfewit for being in company with the Laird of Mcgregour: AND for airt and pairt of the lait grit flauchter and crewall Murthour of fevin fcoir perfones in the Lennox,' all freindis and fervandis to the Laird of Lufe: AND of the thiftious Steilling and Reiffing of aucht hundreth oxin, ky2 and vther beftiall, and herrieing the haill cuntrie; committit in the moneth of Februare lastbypast: ITEM, for the thiftious Steilling of tua horse and ane meir furth of Strabrand, fra Johnne Stewart Neilfoun and his man; committit at Lambes3 laft: AND for commoun Soirning, &c.-Donald McClerich dilatit and perfewit for airt and pairt of the thiftious Steilling of nine ky and oxin, tua yeir fyne or thairby, fra Patrik Stewart furth of Innervaik, in Athoill; and for commoun Thift and commoun Soirning, &c.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Johnne Douglas, burges (of Edinburgh), chanceller, ffand, pronunceit and declairit the faidis thre perfones to be culpabill and convict of the foirfaidis crymes.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftel-hill of Edinburghe, and to be hangit thair on ane gibbett, quhill thay be deid, &c.

1 See Apr. 28, Jul. 5 and 14, 1603, &c. The 9 of Februarii, the Laird of Macgregor, with four hunder of hes name and factioun, enterit in the Lennox ; quhair he maid Spulzie and flauchter to the number of sixty honest men, befyde wemen and bairnis. He fpared nane quhair he came.'-Birrel's Diary, p. 58. 2 Kine, cattle. 3 Lammas-day, 1st August. 4 Taking free quarters by force, (q. d. sejournant?)

Invasion of a Minister, near the Tolbooth, where the Privy
Council were Sitting in Judgement.

Jun. 29.-WALTER GRAHAME, feruitour to Mr Robert Williamfoun, wryter. Dilatit, accufit and perfewit be DITTAY of the crymes following, viz. FORSAMEKILL as it is ftatute and ordanit, be oure fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament, speciallie be ane Act maid in his Maiefteis ellevint Parliament, cap. 27, that quhatfumeuir perfone or persones Invaidis ony Minifter,' or putis ony violent handis in him for ony forget? querrell, fall be pwneift thairfoir with all rigour, and incur the payne of tynfall of all thair moveabill guidis for the said invafioun and violence allanerlie, albeit na flauchter nor mutilatioune follow thairvpoun; the ane half of the faidis guidis to be applyit to our fouerane lordis vfe, and the vther to the pairtie invaidit or offendit, but preiudice of the gritter pwneifchment, gif ony heicher cryme concur with the violence and invafioun foirfaid: And als, Proclamatioun was maid, in our fouerane lordis name and auctoritie, vpone the ... day of Junij inftant, in the yeir of God, Jm. Vje. and thre, befoir the Trinitie ffair, that na perfone fould invaid or perfew ane vther within this burch, during the tyme of the ffair, vnder the pane of deid: And forder, it is provydit be dyuerfe Actis of Secreit Counfall, that na perfone fall invaid ony man, be drawing of ane fword, within ane myle to the Kingis Palice, or to his hienes Counfall, vnder the pane of deid. AND trew it is, that the said Walter, in hie and manifest contempt of our fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament and Proclamationes foirfaidis, vpone deidlie malice confauet be him aganis Mr Thomas Douglas of Stannypeth, Minifter at Balmirrieno, and haifing forget a quarrell aganis him, for the revenge of certane injurious fpeiches, allegit gevin be the faid Mr Thomas Douglas to the faid Mr Robert Williamfoun, his maifter, vpoun the xxj day of Junij inftant, he, vpone the xxij day of the faid moneth of Junij, prepairit to him felff ane grit foure-nuikit battoun, of aik, of purpois to haif fellit the faid Mr Thomas Douglas thair: Lyk as the said Walter fet vpone him, behind his bak, vpone the hie ftreit of the burch of Edinburghe, in the tyme of the faid ffair, a lyttill beneth the Stinkand-style,' the Lordis of Secreit Counfall being within the faid burch, and haifing fittin at Counfall in the Tolbuth of the faid burch, nocht paffand ane half hour befoir the violence and invafioun following; and thair, maist fchamefullie, barbaruflie and crewallie, without regaird of the perfon of ane Minifter, and haifing never fpokin with him ane word of befoir, invaidit him for his flauchter with the said batoun, ftrak him thairwith tua ftraikis vpone the heid, behind the richt lug,5 and hurt and woundit him thairwith, to the effuffion of his bluid in grit quantitie; vpone fet purpois, perfuafioune, precogitat malice and foirthocht fellony. And efter the committing of the faid crewall and fchamefull Invafioun, and hurting of him, as faid is, the faid Walter fled and gat away; and thaireftir was tane and apprehendit for the said barbarus crewaltie; and he hes confeffit the famyn. Quhilk batouning of the faid Mr Thomas, fa neir to his hienes Counfall, mereittis gritter pwneischment, nor gif he had drawin ane fword to the effect aboue fpecifeit, in respect of the vyle indignitie thairof: Quhairby he hes contravenit the tennour of the faidis Actis of Parliament and Proclamatioun foirfaid, and incurrit the payne of daith, quhilk aucht and fould be execute aganis him with all rigour, in exampill of vtheris, &c.


Mr Johne Nicolfoun of Lefwaid, Aduocat, substitute to Mr Thomas Hammiltoun of Drumcairne. VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of James Lyndefay of Dowhill, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the said Walter Grahame to be ffylit, culpable (and) convict of the faidis crymes.

2 Forged, feigned, simulate.

5 Ear.

3 Four-cornered, square.

1 Clergyman. 4 Near the Tolbooth, and almost opposite the door of Haddo's-hold, to the eastward of the late New North, or 'Little Kirk.' 6 In common style, this word is usually provision.' 7 Than if.

(Aug. 12.)-Mr Williame Borthuik, Juftice-depute,' (pronounced Sentence against the pannel,) be vertew, and at command of ane Warrand of the Lordis of his hienes Secreit Counfall, quhairof the tennour followis :

APUD EDINBURGHE, vltimo Junij 1603. The Lordis of Secreit Counfall Ordanis pe Justice and his deputis to pronunce dome vpone Walter Grahame, for þe streking of Mr Thomas Douglas, Minister, with ane batoun; in maner following, viz.: That pe faid Walter fall be fcurgit fra pe Caftell hill to the Neper boll, throw pis burt, and his richt hand to be firukin af at pe Neper boll: And pairefter, Ordanis him to be Banischet his Maiefteis haill dominiones, and onnawyis to returne agane within pe famyn during his lyftyme, vnder pe pane of deid. And that he remove furth of pe faidis realmes betuix and pe last day of September nixtocum, vnder pe pane foirfaid.

(Sic fubfcribitur)





SENTENCE. The Juftice, be the mouthe of Walter Peirie, dempfter of Court, decernit and ordanit the faid Walter Grahame to be fcurgit throw the burt of Ed", &c., within tua moneth nixt following, vnder the pane foirfaid: Quhilk was gevin for dome.


Jun. 30.-JOSEPH BONCLE, burges of Dumbar.

Dilatit and accufit for the Slauchter of vmqle James Loche, induellar in Dumbar, committit vpoun the xxviij day of Junij inftant, be the ftraik of ane fword in the lisk and the wambe.*

Compeirit Williame Kellie, Thefaurer of Dumbar, in name of the Proveift and bailleis thairof, and producet the letter vnderwritten; quhairof the tennour followis.

PROVEIST and bailleis of the burt of Dumbar. Ir is our will, and for findrie guid refpectis and confiderationes moveing ws, We command 30w, that ze caus faiflie convoy, bring and prefent Jofephe Bonkle befoir our fouerane lordis Justice and his deputies, within pis burt of Edin", to vnderly the law and juftice for pe flauchter of vmqle James Loch, finyth, committit be him vpoun pe xxviij of Junij inftant. Quhairanent pir prefentis falbe 3our Warrand: And but preiudice or ony derogation to quhatfumeuir 3our liberteis and privilegis of Scherefschip, difponit and grantit be his Maieftie in zour fauoris, and contenit in zour new Infeftment, maid pairvpoun. Subferiuit with our handis, at Edinburghe, pe xxix day of Junij, 1603.

(Sic fubfcribitur)


VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Patrik Nifbet in Dumbar, chancillar, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Joseph to be ffylit, culpable and convict of the Slauchter of the faid vmqle James Loch.

SENTENCE. To be tane to ane place befyde the mercat croce of Edinburghe,

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and thair his heid to be strikin fra his body; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

Treason-Forging and Uttering base Money.

ROBERT Dow alias MEINZEIS and Allefter M'claren, fmyth.

Dilatit ffor airt, pairt, red and counfale, and conceilling of the treffonabill fforgeing, counterfitting and outputting of fals and adulterat coinzie, fic as fyvepound-pecis and foure-merk-pecis, quhilkis Arthour Smyth coinzeit fyve zeir fyne or thairby, in his smiddie befyde Banff: And for outing' of ane pairt thairof, amangis our fouerane lordis liegis.

VERDICT. The Affyis, be the mouth of Williame Stalker elder, Goldfmyth, ffand them to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the treffonabill conceling of the fforgeing, prenting and counterfitting of fals coinzie, prentit and forgeit be the faid Arthour Smyth, in his fmiddie befide Banff, conforme to thair Depofitiounis. SENTENCE. The faid Allefter Mclaren to be tane to the gallow on the Borrowmure, and thairvpoun to be hangit quhill he be deid: And all his landis, heretageis, takis, ftedingis, rowmis and poffeffionis, guidis and geir, coirnis, cattell, infycht pleneiffing to be forfaltit and escheit, &c.

Continewis dome vpone Robert Dow to the morrow quhill he auife with the Counfall.2

Slaughter of the Laird of Luss's People by the Clan-Gregor, &c. Jul. 5.—GILLIE MICHELL M'HISCHOK, feruand to vmqle Johne Dow Mcgregour, and Nicoll Mpharie Roy Mcgregour.

Dilatit for being [' at the ffield of the Lennox3 aganis Sir Vmphray Colquhoune: And for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of fewin fcoir perfounes,'*] in cumpany with the Laird of M'gregour and his complices, at the ffeild of the Lennox, aganis Alexander Colquhoun of Lufe: And for airt and pairt of the flauchter of the said Laird of Luse freindis, fervandis, affifteris and pairtakeris, to the number of fevin fcoir perfones or thairby: And for reifing and herreing of the haill cuntrey, and fteilling and away-taking of ky, oxin, horse, scheip, gaittis and vther bestiall, to the number of aucht hundreth bestiall or thairby; committit in the moneth of Februare lastbypast.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Robert Oifteane in Edinburghe, chanceller, all in ane voice, but variance, ffand, pronuncet and declarit the faidis

1 Uttering, putting out.

2 On Jul. 5, he is ordained to be tane to the Caftellhill of Edin

See Notice prefixed to the Trial of This sentence occurs at the first entry. See

burghe, and thair to be hangit quhill he be dead; and all his moveabill guidis to be efcheit, and his lands and heritageis, gif he ony has, to be forfaltit,' &c. Allaster McGregour of Glenstrae, Jan. 20, 1604. also Apr. 28 and May 17, &c. 5 Without.


Gillie-Mitchell Mifchok, alias Mcgilliechallum, and Nicoll M'farie Roy M'gregour to be ffylit, culpable and convict of airt and pairt of the crymes foirfaidis. SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburghe, and thair to be hangit on ane gibbet quhill thay be deid; and thair guidis to be efcheit, &c.

'Field of the Lennox' — Slaughter of the Colquhouns, &c.


Jul. 14.-JOHNE (Dow M'ANEVALICH) M'GREGOUR, at the Kirk of

Dilaitit for being in cumpanie with Allafter M'gregour of Glenftra1 and his complices, at the ffeild of the Lennox, againis the Laird of Lufe and his freindis : And airt and pairt of the Slauchteris, thiftis, robbereis committit be thame; quhairin thair was flane vij fcoir perfonis ; committit the aucht day of Februare laft.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of James Chalmer, burges of Edinburghe, chanceller, ffand the faid Johne Dow M'anevalich M'gregour to be ffylit, culpable and convict of the faidis crymes.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftel-hill of Edinburghe, and thair his heid to be ftrikin from his body; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

Slaughter — Unmerciful Oppression — Shooting' Hagbuttis,' &c. Cattle and Sheep Stealing, &c.

Jul. 19.-GEORGE TRUMBILL, of Belfis.

Dilatit, accufit and perfewit of the crymes respectiue following, viz.

FOR airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Johne Hammiltoun, callit of Cumnock; committit the xxij day of Januare, Im.Vc. threscoir nyntene yeris. ITEM, of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Williame Trumbill, fone lauchfull to vmq, Walter Trumbill of Raflat; committit in the moneth of Apryle, Im.Vje. yeiris. ITEM, for Vfurpatioun of our fouerane lordis authoritie, in taking of Adame Trumbill, fumtyme fervand to the faid vmqle Walter Trumbill of Raflat, he being his bienes frie fubiect, and binding him with fetteris, and hinging him be the feit and fchouderis, ouer ane balk, for the fpace of xij dayis, quhairthrow his feit rottit fra him; without Commiffioun gevin him to that effect. ITEM, for contravening of our fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament, in beiring and weiring of hagbutis, dagis and piftolettis; and in fchuiting of Walter Trumbill, younger of Raflat, betuix the toun of Jedburgh and the place of Belfis, in the airme and thie; committit in anno Im.Vjc. and tua yeiris. ITEM, for the thiftious Steilling of four nolt fra Johnne Donaldfoune, in Melrois; committit thre yeir fyne or thairby. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the thiftious Steilling of fax ky and oxin, xx fcheip, tua horfis, with the infycht pleneiffing and euidentis pertening to Dauid Riddell, in St Bofuellis; committit in the moneth of. . . . . ITM.Vc.lxxxxviiij yeiris, or thairby. ITEM, for the thiftious Steilling of xvj nolt, pertening to the Laird of Bemerfyde; committit in anno Im.V.lxxxxviij yeiris. ITEM, for the thiftious Steilling of tuentie nolt, ane yeir fyne or thairby, pertening to the Lady Newtoune. ITEM, for

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1 In the Verdict of the Assise, it is said to have been in company with the Laird of McGregour;" so that Allaster of Glenstra was the Chief of this Clan, either by right of blood, or Chieftain for the time, by election, as was usual See Jan. 20, 1604. among the Clans.

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