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Item, indytit ffor the treafounable reffauing fra George Dowglas of thrie fals crounis, to be outit as guid gold amangis our fouerane lordis leigis; quhairof he delyuerit ane to Jeane Reid, spous to James Lewingstoune, in wad1 of ane faiddill, and the vther twa he delyuerit to the Guidman of Johneftounburne. Item, accufit, fforfamekill as he, being in cumpany with vmqle . . . . Morlie, and being feruandis to Williame Borthuik of Johnestounburne, be his speciall directioune and command, past to West Lowtheane about Caldermure or thairabout, and thifteouslie ftall, concelit, reflett and away-tuik furth thairof, twa meiris; quhilk he convoyit to the weft end of the toune, and thairfra directit thame hame with .... Morlie to Johnestounburne; and cam in him felff to Edinburgh to James Lewingstounis hous thair, quhair ye mett the Guidman of Johnstouneburne and tauld him how ye sped.

DITTAY against James Moffet, fone to . . . . Moffet of Helbeth. FORSAMEKILL as he, accumpaneit with Petir Daveis Johnestoun of Kirkhill, Thomas Stewart feruand to Rob of Kirkhill, Jony Lyall and Crystie Brydene feruandis to the Guidman of Cairtertoune, and James Wilfoune vnder Geordie of Kinmonth, in the moneth of . . . . . . . . . . ITM.V¢.lxxx . . . . yeris, cam to ane hill pertening to Mr James McMath of Dalpever, and thair thifteouflie concelit, reffett and away-tuik aff the famin, fourfcoir of scheip, pertening to the faid Mr James; off the quhilk he gatt fourtene for his pairt.

DITTAY against Cuthbert Home, fone to vmqle Robert Home of Redheuch. FORSAMEKILL as he, accumpaneit with Johne Broderftanis, younger fone to Johne Broderstane, fleschour in Tranent, and Richard Paterfoune, in the moneth of March, or thairby, Im.Vc.lxxxxviij yeris, cam, vnder fylence and cloud of nycht, to John Creychtounis duelling-hous at Preftoun-grangemyll, and thair thifteouslie brak the said hous aboue the dur, enterit thairin, and brak vp his kist, and thifteouslie stall, concelit, reffett and away-tuik furth thairof, foure hundreth poundis worth of gold and filuer, or thairby, and maift crewallie dang the faid Johne Creychtoune and his wyff, and left thame for deid: Of the quhilk foume he gatt fiftie pound for his pairt. Item, ffor the thifteous Refsetting of saxtene schep, or thairby, pertening to Sir Patrick Hepburne of Lufnes, knycht, and Williame Caldcleuch in Eifter Gemmilfcheillis, his feruand and fchiphird; quhilkis fcheip wes thifteouflie ftollen be Mertene Hall: Committit in the moneth of Januar Im.Vjc. yeris. Item, ffor Commoun Thift, Commoun Reffett of thift, inputting and outputting of thift, fra countrey to countrey, fra land to land, bayth of auld and new.

FOR the quhilkis crymes, the faidis (perfounes on pannell) wer putt to the knawledge of ane Affyife, of the perfounes after specifeit; they are to say,

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The Aduocat proteftit for Wilfull Errour, in cais thay acquit.

VERDICT. Efter the accufatioun of the faidis perfounes be Dittay of the faidis crymes, quhilk wer verifeit be thair awin Depofitiounis and Confeffioun, (the Affyis) removit altogidder furth of Court to the laich Counfal-hous; quhair

1 Pledge, security.

thay, eftir chefing the faid Johne Boifwall of Afflek Chancillar, reafonit and votit vpoune the faid Dittayis refpectiue, and ewerie point thairof, &c.; and be the mouth of the faid Chancellar ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Thomas McAlexander and George Dowglas, James Johnstoune, Williame Maxwall, James Moffett and Cuthbert Home, to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of ewerie poynt of the Dittayis respectiue aboue writtin, quhairof euerie ane of thame respectiue wes accufit, and quhilk wes laid to thair charge.

DOME pronounced against the Pannels.

FOR the quhilk caus, the faid Mr Williame Haert, Juftice-depute, be the mouth of Robert Galbraith dempftar, ordanit the faid Thomas M'Alexander, as convict of Treafoune and thift; James Johnefioun, as convict of Treafoun; George Dowglas, as convict of Treafoune; Williame Maxwall, as convict of Treafoune and thift; to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be wirreit at ane staik quhill thay be deid, and all thair landis, heretagis, takis, ftedingis, rowmes, poffeffiounis, cornis, cattell, guidis and geir, to be fforfaltit and efcheit, and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vse: AND als ordanit, be the mouth of the faid dempftar, the faidis James Moffett and Cuddie Home to be tane to the faid Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit vpoun ane gibbett, quhill thay be deid; and all thair movabill guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe, as convict of the faidis crymes of Thift.

[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.] Treason-Uttering base Coin, &c.

Jun. 6.-THOMAS GLASS in Fowles, and Johne Gib at the Wodheid of

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THOMAS GLASS was dilatit for the treffonabill Outing of xij false fyftie-schilling peiceis of gold, to the fimilitude of our fouerane lordis trew coinzie, amangis his hienes liegis; off the quhilkis peiceis, he reffauit foure fra vmqle Walter Murray in foure fra Johne Murray his brother, and foure fra Patrik Drummond of the Lenach. Item, for the treffonabill reffauing fra George Drummond, faidler in Perth, of twentie peice of falfe fyve-pund peiceis, hat-peiceis, and fyftie-fchilling peiceis; and for the treffonabill outing thairof amangis our fouerane lordis liegis, as trew gold; quhairof he gaif ane pairt to Robert Schedden, nolt dryuer. AND ficlyke, JOHNE GYB, for airt and pairt of the cumming in cumpany with vmqle Mr Williame Balfoure, brother to the Laird of Burlie, Johne Oliphant and vmqle Harie Cuke, his ferwandis, Patrik Murray of Galwallis, his ferwandis, in the moneth of Februar laftbypast, vnder fylens and cloude of nycht, and thair thifteouslie breking vp the dur of the faid hous, entering thairin perforce, and thifteous fteling, conceling, reffetting and awaytaking furth thairof, ane purse with foure fcoir and twelf merkis, pertening to the faid Andro; quhilk the faid Johne delyuerit to the faid Mr Williame; togethir with ane horse and ane meir, and his haill infycht pleneiffing.

VERDICT. The Affyis, be the mouth of William Stalkar, goldsmyth in Edinburgh, Chancellour, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faidis Thomas Glafs to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the crymes aboue writtin, quhairof he was accufit; and als, ffand and pronunceit the said Johne Gib to be ffylit, &c. of the crymes whairof he was accufit and perfewit.

SENTENCE. THOMAS GLAS to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be wirreit at ane ftaik quhill he be deid, and his bodie to be brunt in affes; and all his landis, heritageis, takis, ftedingis, rowmes, poffeffionis, coirnis, cattell, guidis and geir to be forfalt and efcheit to our fouerane lordis vse, as convict of the crymes foirfaidis: AND als decernit and ordanit the faid JOHNE GIB to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit quhill he be deid; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

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Jun. 18.-NICOLL alias NIKKIE MOFFETT, at the Brigend of Cramond, and Dauid Adiefoune, fone to Johne Adiefoune, in Dysert. NIKKIE MOFFETT was dilatit and accufit for airt and pairt of the thifteous fteling of twa naigis fra James Bannatyne, tennent to the Laird of Cleghorne, twa yeir fenfyne or thairbye, furth of ane burnefyde beveft1 Calder. Item, for airt and pairt of the thifteous fteling of ane blak naig fra Patrik Clarkfoune in Blakburne; of ane gray meir; and for commoune thift and commoune reffett of thift.—AND ficlyke, DAUID ADIESOUNE being accufit for the fteling furth of Margret Strathauchinis hous, in the Cannogait, of ane naipkyn, quhairin thair was xij aucht mark peiceis, ane hairt of gold, ane pair of grene filk gartonis, and ane cloik of Inglis hewit grene claith, pertening to Dauid Drummond, feruitour to Sir Johne Ramfay, committit at Martymes laftwas: Item, for bryking of Mark Lord Newbottill chalmer, and fteling furth thairof ane veluot cloik, ane raise veluet goune furrit, and vtheris guidis and geir: Iiem, for the thifteous fteling furth of Robert Erfkyne house, in the fit of the Cannogait, of certane gold, filuer, claythis, guidis and geir, with thre hundreth markis: Item, for commoune thift, &c.

VERDICT. The Affyis, be the mouth of Hector Dauidfoune, fword-flipper in Edinburgh, Chanceller, ffound the pannels to be ffylit, &c.

SENTENCE. To be tane to ane gibbet, ftandand vpoune the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thairvpoune to be hangit quhill thay be deid; and all thair movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

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Striking a Person, while the King was sitting in Judgement, &c.

Jun. 20.-JOHNE DUNDAS of Newliftoune.

Dilatit for contravening of the Actis of Parliament, in ftryking of Mr James Hammiltoune, fone to James Hammiltoune, at the Veft-port of Lynlythqw; committit the 3d of......

PERSEWAR, Mr Robert Lyntoune, aduocat, fubftitute for Mr Thomas Hammiltoune. PRELOQUUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Johne Scharpe, Mr Will. Oliphant, Mr Robert Leirmonth.

DITTAY against Johne Dundas of Newliftoune.

THAT quhair, be our fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament, maid in the moneth of Julij Im.Vc.lxxxxiij yeiris, it is flatute and ordanit, that quhofoewir fall ftryke or hurt in ony tyme thaireftir ony perfoune, before his hienes Justice or his deputis fittand in judgement, or within the inner gett of our fouerane lordis Palice, quhair his hienes fall mak refidence for the tyme, or within the outar Tolbuith of Edinburgh, the tyme that the Lordis of his hienes Seffioun (fit) for adminiftratioun of Juftice, fall incur the pane of death, and falbe accufit criminallie thairfore; as att mair lenth is contenit in the said Act of Parliament maid thairanent: AND trew it is and of veritie, that the faid Johne Dundas of Newliftoune, being forgetfull of his dew obedience and reverence, quhilk he aucht to our fouerane lord and his hienes authoritie, laitlie, vpoun the ferd day of Junij inftant, he being within the Tolbuith of the burcht of Edinburgh, in the bak hous thairof, quhilk is betuix the owtar Tolbuith and the inner Tolbuith, his Maieftie being for the tyme, in proper perfoune, fitand in the Inner hous with the Lordis of his hienes Counfall and Seffioune for adminiftratioun of Juftice, he than enterit in conference and fpeiche with Mr James Hammiltoune, eldest lauchfull sone to James Hammiltoune, att the Weft-port of Lynlythqw; and eftir fum contentious and hett langage past betuix 50w (them) twa, ze (he) maist difpytefullie, butt respect or regaird of his Maiefteis perfonall presens in the Inner-hous and Tolbuith, or to the tyme and place, the before none, in the tyme of the fitting of the Lordis of Seffioun, invadit and perfewit the faid Mr James, and straik him with 3our (his) neave vpoun the face, and had nocht failzeit to haif followit out zour (his) perfuit, with all rage and crewaltie, againis the faid Mr James, war nocht ze (he) wes ftayit be ane number of our fouerane lordis guid fubiectis, awaitting in the Tolbuith vpoun his hienes, or vpoun thair awin actionis for the tyme: Quhairby he, be ftrykeing of the faid Mr James vpoun the face, quhen our fouerane lord in proper perfoun wes fitand in the inner Tolbuith, and the tyme that the Lordis of Seffioune wes fitand thair for adminiftratioun of justice, hes incurrit the pane of death; quhilk fould be execute aganis him, conforme to the faid Act of Parliament, with all regour,

(The pannell) declarit, infafar as his Maieftie, as is contenit in the Dittay, wes fitand in the Tolbuith, the famin was by his knawledge; and that vpoun the occafioune of fum contentious wordis fallin furth betuix him and Mr James Hammiltoune, quhairwith he wes movit to mak fum mynts for revange thairof, and thairby maid fum truble in the Myd-hous, quhairwith his Maiefstie is justlie offendit; That he will cum in his Maiefteis will for ony fact or offence committit to our fouerane lord, or the Lordis of his hienes Seffioune, the tyme and place contenit in the Dittay; to be confidderit be his Maieftie, according to his hienes guid will and pleafour, and according to his accuftomit clemencie, schawin to vtheris his hienes liegis for the lyke crymes of before.

1 The fourth of June instant. See Dittay.

2 Unknown to him.


* Attempt, motion.

With the quhilkis premiffes, the Justice tuik him to be auifit quhill Tyifday nixtocum, the xxiij day of this inftant, that he mycht knaw his Maiefteis will thairin: And ordenit the Bailleis of Edinburgh prefent, to tak the said Johne Dundas to waird to the Caftell of Edinburgh: And ficlyke, caufit Andro Home, ane of the Officeris of Court, to warne the perfounes fummond vpoun the faid Johne Dundas Affyis, to compeir in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh to pas vpoun his Affyis, vnder the panis contenit in the Actis of Parliament.

Jul. 9.-THE following Precept ordanit to be infert in the buikis of Adiornall.


JUSTICE, Juftice Clark and 3our deputes. We greit 30w hairtlie weill: Forfamekill as Johne Dundas of Newliftoune, being indytit and accufit in ane Court of our Jufticiarie, haldin within our Tolbuith of Edinburgh, pe xx day of Junij laftbypaft, for pe invading and perfewing of Mr James Hammiltoune, lauchfull fone to James Hammiltoune, att pe Weft-port of Lynlythqw; and ftrykeing of him vpoun pe face, vpoun pe ferd day of pe faid moneth of Junij, &c. And We having reflauit the said Johne Dundas in our will, and having weyit and confidderit the haill circumstance of pe cryme contenit in pe faid Dittay, and qubatfumeuir thing wes done be the faid Johne the day and place foirfaid; the faid Johne, according to our will notifeit be ws to him felff, hes payit the foum of ane thowfand sewin hundreth and fiftie merkis, quhilkis wer deburfit in fum of our neceffar affairis; quhairof we discharge the faid Johne for ewir be pir prefentis. And ficlyke, according to our directioun gevin to him, as ane vpir pairt of our will, hes comperit in prefens of our Chancillar, Prefident and Lordis of Seffioune, thay being convenit in full nowmer in pe faid Inner counfal-hous for administratioun of juftice, and thair hes fullelie fatisfeit pame for ony offence done be him to pame, the faidis day and place. We Will thairfore, and be pir prefentis declairis, that the faid Johne Dundas falbe fred and relewit furth of pe waird, quhairin prefentlie he is; and We command 30w to freith and releve him of þe famin: As also, we declair that the said Johne Dundas fall nocht att ony tyme heireftir be indytit, perfewit or accufit for ony fact or deid committit he him the day and place foirfaid; bot We acquyte and mak him frie pairof in all tyme cuming: And thairfore We command zow, that, in our JusticeCourt to be hauldin in pe faid Tolbuith of Edinburgh, the faid nynt day of Julij inftant, in prefens of pe faid Johne Dundas, 3e mak publicatioun of pe declaratioun of our Will, eftir þe forme and tennour of pir prefentis; and that the said Johne hes obeyit and fulfillit the famin in all pointis: Kepand pir prefentis for 3our Warrand. Subscryuit with our hand, att Halyruidhous, the fewint day of July, the 3eir of God, Im. Vj°. and ane 3eiris. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R. MONCRIEF CANCELLARIUS. FYVIE SECRETARIUS. HOME COMPTROLLER. J. HALYRUIDHOUS.

Hamesucken — Brigancy— Oppression — Horse-stealing—

Foraying, &t.

Aug. 1.-THOMAS CWNINGHAME, fword-flipper, ferwand to (Williame
Cwninghame) the Laird of Tourlandis.

Dilatit of certane crymes of Thift, and for taking of captive and prefoner Patrik Gemmill.

DITTAY against the Pannel.

THOMAS CWNINGHAME, fword-flipper, fumtyme feruitour to Williame Vaus, armorar in the Cannogait, being enterit on pannell, dilatit and perfewit: Forfamekill as he, accumpaneit with Alexander

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