1812.] Mr. Ńeild on the Poultry Compter.-Gray, the Poet. 37 Midsummer ditto Michaelmas ditto £19 2 10 20 13 10 5 7 15 20 17 3 Annually on the 5th of November the gift of Mrs. Margaret Dame, one quarter of beef and five dozen of penny loaves, is sent by the Ironmonger's Company. The Drapers Company allow annually fourteen pounds for the discharge of small debts up to forty shillings each, the gift of Mr. Johu Kendrick. Sheriff's court, twopence each judgment, from the Clerk of the Judgments, Mr. Higden, Curriers Hall, at Christmas. The prisoners receive 65 penny loaves every eight weeks, the gift of Eleanor Gwynn. N. B. Master's-side Debtors partake of no charity, except it be particularly ordered by the Donor. The Public-house, within the passage leading to this Prison, is rented from the City at 301. per annum. Iwas constantly assured it had nothing to do with the Compter, although I as constantly saw that the iron grated rooms of the Debtors and Felons were supplied from thence with Liquors; the windows of both being opposite to it. It is worthy of remark that this Public-house was shut up as soon as the Poultry prisoners were removed to Giltspur-street Compter; but was opened again immediately on their being returned hither. From the best accounts I could extract from the books it appears, that from Jan. 1, 1800, to Jan. 1, 1807, there were Four hundred and twentyfive Debtors committed to this Prison from the Court of Conscience; and yet, the number of Creditors who received debt and costs, in consequence of such imprisonment, was no more than seventy-eight! Scanty fuel this, for the Spirit of Litigation! My Dear Sir, Chelsea, Dec. 23. It gives me pain to publish an account of this execrable place of coufinement, which has so long been suffered to remain a discredit to a City that on all public occasions stands foremost in acis of Liberality, Benevolence, and Humanity. It is difficult to account for the delay in repairing this Prison, or building a new one. It does not seem to be lost sight off. At a Court of Common Council, held 26th October last, it was resolved, "That the Poultry Compter is in a most deplorable and ruinous condition, and by no means a fit place for the confinement of Prisoners of any description." Should the preceding remarks tend to expedite the building a New Prison, it will be the highest gratification to Yours, &c. JAS. NEILD. Doctor Lettsom, Sambrook Court. "Mr. Gray was supposed to have died worth 10,000. He left 1000l. to Miss Antrobus and her sister Cummins. Play of three acts, plain prose.-Discretionary power, to Mason, with Brown, to publish an "Elegy written at Stoke Pogeis," where he is buried with his father and mother.-The "Long Story" published, because it contained the only drawing he ever made of Stoke House, berry Hill. - It was written, in one morning, at StrawBannerman wrote of his death to Walpole before it happened. which went off. He has large notes on Gray was very satirical in early life, Linnæus and Goedart. He had large architectural collections of Founders and Builders from Books; and notes from actual survey. He lay a week, much afflicted with obstructions. Glyn says, he had no pain-Brown shocked at his convulsions; but his face after death returned, though not sufficient to take a cast-Bustock, of Christ's, his elève, attended his funeral.-Farmer was offered 200. for directing a new edition of Beaumont and Fletcher, with critical notes and introduction to each Play." "Dr. Bentley's grandson is a scholar, but still more desirous of being reckoned a person of fashion, and, as such, would be more hurt at the Doctor's condition being debased than his learning, especially as the former is at least equivocal, the latter not at all. To settle this matter as far as is necessary, hear what the College Register says: Richardus to appoint a Suffragan, wit gions? The law respecting Su powers, to reside in those dist Bishops is still in force, and they be legally appointed in differen of this Kingdom in the antient Nor do I see any law against appointment, in a case like this consideration. The present Bis London is a man of correct in tion, of activity, and of busine my feeble voice could reach hi should press on his attention ti sideration of this subject. Th may be attended with difficulti Lordship might immortalize his in surmounting these difficulti by conferring a lasting benefi the Church. Ja Rabelais' Works, by Ozel N 1. p. 154, 1750, occurs this expression for excellent good wi "Wine of one ear.] A pro some parts of Leicestershire a where, speaking of good ale, ale ear; bad ale, ale of two ears. ear; if bad, we shake our head, when it is good, we give a nod w give a sign with both ears that w like it." should be glad to know to what Not having met with this pro expression, in any other Wr it is properly to be appropriate Jun will, through the medium of you REGULAR Correspond yours will be much gratified lication, convey to him some in of King's College, Cambridge tion respecting RICHARD DIXO in 1555. Was he the same pers 1570, but suspended in 1572 ? was Bishop of Cork and Clo where was he born, where and what inscription is there tomb?-If you can inform m about what time Bells bega tivity, you will have the used in matters of Religion an thanks of Paulinus, at Nola, a town in It * Bells were first invented by our correspondent looks at the E Paulinus, or even Nola, he will pædia Britannica under the articl formation the subject, 1812.] Etymology of Walpole, &c.-Literary Intelligence. Mr. URBAN, Brentford, Jan. 20. HAVING recently had occasion to investigate the title to some land in the parish of Isleworth, I found in the deeds connected with that title the name of a lane in which the property is situate, spelt Whirlpool, Walpole, and Vurple, which induced me to make some inquiries as to the real ortho-, graphy and derivation of the word in the place where such information was most likely to be obtained; but, finding no satisfactory result, I investigated the matter further. The lane is long and narrow, intersecting garden-ground to a considerable distance; and I conceive its name is a corruption of Warp, Belg, and Wellan, Sax. and was probably anticatly called " Warpwelt" Lane, and by an easy transition Warple or Wurple. Warp is the thread which crosses the woof in cloth, and Welt is a boundary, edging-border, or hold: hence all words signifying an inclosure are derived; as Bell and Fall, Eng, and Fallum,Lat.; and in this sense Chaucer, "Adam welte (i. e. held) al paradise saving to one." 39 And in an Account of the expences of a May Game in the Reign of Henry VIII. there is an article "A Cote of Russet and a Kyrtle of Worstedde wellyd with red cloth." Before inclosures became general, land, being open, was intersected with roads, common to all the occupiers, but exclusively the property of none; hence the name Warple was indiscri minately applied to all such roads, as being that part of the land which was the border or boundary, and distinguished one man's land from another's. The Warp, therefore, is that part of the cloth, which, not being crossed by the woof, is waste; and the Welt a border; consequently, if my derivation be correct, theWarple may be denomi nated a piece of land uncultivated, bounding or bordering open or common field lands. Perhaps a more familiar exemplification of this derivation may be seen in the weaving of Napkins, where the division between each is marked by the threads of the warp not being crossed by the woof. Yours, &c. T. BoNNY CASTLE, Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.-The work will be printed in two moderate-sized Octavo Volumes, and is designed to form the second and third Parts of the Author's intended General Course of Mathematics, of which several of the succeeding branches are nearly ready for publication. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. Communications for this Article (of Works preparing for publication, not of Works already published) will be a duly attended to. The Hulsean Prize for the last year has been adjudged to FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM, Esq. fellow commoner of Queen's College: subject, "A dissertation on the Books of Origen against Celsus, with a view to illustrate the argument, and to point out the evidence they afford to the truth of Christianity."-The following is the subject for the present year: Inquiry into the Religious Knowledge which the Heathen Philosophers derived from the Jewish Scriptures." The following works will very soon be published: "An Sermons on various important subjects, in two octavo volumes, left for publication by the late Rev. OWEN MANNING, Vicar of Godalming. A Treatise on Algebra, in Practice and Theory, methodically arranged in two Parts, and adapted to the present State of the Science, together with Notes and Illustrations, containing a great variety of particulars relating to the Discoveries and Improvements that have been made in this branch of Analysis. By Mr. Rules for English Composition, and particularly for Themes, in a duodecimo volume. By Mr. JOHN RIPPINGHAM, of Westminster School;~ who has also in thepress, a Translation of Longinus, with critical and explanatory notes, in an octavo volume. Narrative of a Voyage to the Rio de la Plata, and of Travels in Brazil, from 1804 to 1810. By Mr. JOHN MAWE, author of a Treatise on the Mineralogy of Derbyshire. A Description of the Arteries, in an octavo volume. By Dr. JOHN BAR "Economical History of the Hebrides and Highlands of Scotland," by the late Rev. Dr. JOHN WALKER, Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. And, by the same Author, Miscellaneous Essays on Natural History and Rural Economy. The following works are preparing: The Fourth Edition of Mr. Bowyer's "Conjectures on the New Testament," 4to. The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland delineated. It is intended to comprise in this work the whole of the Antiquities of the Borders; exhibiting Specimens of the Architecture, Sculpture, and other Vestiges of former ages, from the earliest times, to the Union of the two Crowns; accompanied with descriptive Sketches and Biographical Remarks; together with a brief historical account of the principal Events that have occurred in this interesting part of Great Britain. "A Treatise on the Practice of the Customs, in the Entry, Examination, and Delivery of Goods and Merchandize imported from Foreign Parts, with a copious Illustration of the Warehousing System, being intended for the use of Merchants, Officers, and others concerned in this Branch of the Business of the Customs." Bv Mr. JAMES SMYTH, of the Custom House, Hull. In one volume Svo. Christian Ethics, cousisting of Discourses on the Beatitudes, &c. in two volumes. By Rev. THOMAS WINTLE, Author of a Commentary on Daniel. Habington's Castara; with a biographical and critical Essay, by C. A. ELTON, Esq. the translator of Hesiod. The English Drama Purified. By the Rev. JAMES PLUMPTRE. Four Thousand Quotations, principally from antient authors, with appropriate translations in English. By Mr. BLAGDON. A Portraitureof the Roman Catholic Religion; with an Appendix, containing a Summary of the Laws against Papists, and a Review of the Catholic Question of Emancipation. By the Rev. J. NIGHTINGALE, author of a Portraiture of Methodism. Mons. C. T. TOMRE'S Voyage to the East Indies, during the years 1802 to 1806, including an account of the Cape, the isles of Mauritius, Bourbon, Java, Banca, and the city of Batavia, with notes by M. SONNINI. Translated into English by Mr. BLAGDON, in two octavo volumes, with numerous plates. Mr. GUTCH of Bristol has a Catalogue of Books forthcoming, containing the valuable Libraries of several literary Gentlemen lately deceased in Bristol and its neighbourhood; and many other rare and curious Works. Some genuine manuscripts, several of which are in the hand-writing of OLIVER CROMWELL, have been discovered in a chest, containing records of the town of Haverford West. Another splendid monument of Parisian typography, in addition to the great work on Egypt, has been recently consecrated to "Napoleon the Great," namely, an Edition of Homer, in three volumes great folio, each consisting of 370 pages, (with the text only,) from the most magnificent press in the universe, that of Bodoni in Parma. The artist employed six years in his preparations, and the printing occupied 18 months. One hundred and forty copies only were struck off-that presented to his Imperial Majesty was on vellum, of brilliancy altogether unparalleled. Count Rzewuski, of Vienna, is said to have in his possession an Arabic manuscript, written in the time of the Crusades, which mentions some curious particulars relative to the use of gunpowder in war, and which contains a genuine receipt for the Greek fire. The Count is now employed in translating this valuable work. INDEX INDICATORIUS. DUNELMENSIs shall appear as soon as the Plate can be engraved. A YOUNG BIBLIOMANIAC's hints shall have due consideration. PHILARETES requests some Correspondent to favour us with biographical notices of Gen. Hoghton, who fell with such signal honour in the ever-memorable conflict of Albuera. A CONSTANT READER'S Queries would be answered at the HERALDS' COLLEGE. THOMAS GRUMBLE versus LOeschman, is a Case cognizable by Critics ELLENBOROUGH OF MANSFIELD. If the Correspondent who has in vain consulted Dr. Rees's really wishes for the information he "Cyclopædia," mentions; the address would be given by Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. W. B. in our next; with W. S. on Moore's Almanack; R. S.; &c. &c. REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. 1. The Life of the Rev. John Hough, D.D. successively Bishop of Oxford, Lichfield and Coventry, and Worcester; formerly President of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford, in the Reign of James II.; containing many of his Letters, and biographical Notices of several Persons with whom he was connected. By John Wilmot, Esq. F.R.S. and S. A. 4to. pp. 387. White and Cochrane. to the conspicuous part which he acted at that period, and which was the immediate cause of his elevation to the Episcopal Bench in the succeeding reign. To the honour of this country, there is no reason to doubt, that many of his contemporaries in the Church, and many of the Clergy at other periods, would have acted the same part on a similar occasion; but none could have shewn more firmness and moderationqualities equally necessary to be united in the exercise of any great public duty. -Although Party ran very high in the reigns of King William and Queen Anne, Bishop Hough seems to have contented himself with the proofs which he had before given of his patriotism, and firm attachment to the civil and religious liberties of his Country." WE have very recently (vol. qualities equ occasion to notice this truly respect- "The private, unambitious life which Bp. Hough preferred, and which he enjoyed for many years, was little calculated to afford materials for Biography, or to furnish that fund of incident and anecdote which the lives of most public men supply: besides the length of time which has elapsed since his death, now nearly seventy years, has greatly increased the difficulty of acquiring particulars of his public, as well as his private life, and might alone have furnished a sufficient apology for the scanty materials which the Editor of this work has been able to collect. But, in addition to the difficulties occasioned by this distance of time we have likewise to combat the great modesty of Dr. Hough, and his peculiar unwillingness to have any thing which proceeded from his pen made public. We are informed by a late Antiquary*, who had an opportunity of reading several of his Sermons (which he calls very excellent'), that such was the good Bishop's antipathy to the publication of these, or of any other of his writings, even after his decease, that he gave a strict charge to the contrary. · Accident alone occasioned so many of his Letters to be preserved; and it is much to be regretted that this was not the case with more of them: especially as there is reason to think, that he was in the habit of intimacy and correspondence with several of the great men who lived in the busy reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and George 1.It was the peculiar situation in which the Bishop was placed in. Magdalen College, Oxford, in the reign of James II. that first brought him before the publick, and gave rise We are informed by Mr. Wilmot, that "He undertook this work some years ago, when he enjoyed the blessing of health; this has lately so much declined that he would not have been able to complete his design without the assistance of two learned aud valuable friends, the Rev. Mark Noble, rector of Barming in Kent, and the Rev. John Hewlett, morning preacher at the Foundling Hospital. The former, whose accurate knowledge of the different, Families in this Country well qualified him for the task, obligingly supplied him with most of the materials for the Notes, which have served to render the Bishop's Letters more intelligible and more interesting; and the latter, the Rev. Mr. Hewlett, whose learning and abilities are well known to the publick by his Sermons, his able Vindication of the Parian Chronicle, his valuable Notes on the Sacred Volume, and other excellent publications (which would grace any preferment or dignity of his profession), not only encouraged the Editor to proceed, but assisted him in superintending the press, when the state of his own health rendered him very unequal to the undertaking." "Rev. Stebbing Shaw, in his Histery of Staffordshire, vol. I. p. 278." GENT. MAG. January, 1811. Whilst we lament the indisposition of the worthy Editor, it is satisfactory to find that he has had the assistance of two very able Coadjutors. It is, however, but justice to observe, that he had himself used all due diligence in pursuit of authentic documents. The journey to Worcester and Hartlebury on the probability of meeting with Bp. Hough's correspondence with Mr. Addison, though at the time unsuccessful, was praiseworthy; and the friendly |