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1812.] Church Notes from Flamsted.-Clarendon House. 211

and daughter of Sir Samuel Dashwood, knight, died March 21, 1772; and her remains are deposited in the vault in this


"Edward Saunders Sebright, esq. second son of Sir Edward Sebright, bart. travelling through France, was murdered by robbers near Calais, December 12, 1723, aged 25. His remains were brought to England, and are deposited. in the family vault in this church."

"Sir Thomas Saunders Sebright, fifth Baronet, son of Sir Thomas and Dame Henrietta, died unmarried, October 30, His remains are depo1761, aged 38.

sited in the family vault in this church." Yours, &c.

(To be continued.)


J. S. B.

March 1.

The Church (see Plate 1.) is dedicated to St. Leonard. It is in the hundred of Dacorum and deanery of Berkhamsted, valued in the King's books at 411. 68. Sd. a rectory impropriate, antiently in the Crown, part in the University of Oxford, and part in the Sebright family of Beechwood Park; the former granted it by lease to them that they should find a curate to officiate in the church. King James 1. granted the reversion to trustees for Mr. Gunsty, curate therein, in 1618, by lease for forty-two years. The Church stands high. Leland says, that "riding through a thorough fair on Watling street, not far from Mergate (Market Street) he saw in a pretty wood side St. Leonard's on the left hand, &c." It is built in the Gothic style,of flints and courses of tiles (supposed to be Roman) alternately, part plastered, with a square tower at the West end, surmounted with a high leaded spire and vane; and a clock dial on the North side. The build-maculate Clarendon once had possesing is uniform, consisting of a nave, two side ailes, North and South porch, and a chancel at the end, with a vestry on the North side, lofty ceiling, formerly two stories, in which is a piscina; door into the chancel, near which is a handsome monument by Flaxman, close to the altar, Faith and Hope at top, and an urn in the centre, inscribed as follows:


Y au extract from the Oxford Herald, inserted in your last Supplement, p. 601, you have given some account of Clarendon House, in which it is stated that the only trace which the curions Antiquary will now find upon the spot, to indicate the im

"Sacred to the memory of Sir Edward Sebright, third baronet, descended from William Sebright of Sebright Hall, in the county of Essex, and of Blakeshall, in the county of Worcester, in the reign of Henry II. He died December 15, 1702, aged 36 years, and was interred in a family vault at Besford Court, in the county of Worcester. He left issue four children, Thomas, Edward, Anne,

and Helen."

"Dame Anne Sebright, only surviving daughter and sole heir of Thomas Saunders, esq. of Beechwood, in the county of Hertford, and Helen Sadler, of Sopewell, in the same county, relict of Sir Edward Sebright, third Baronet. She died December 25, 1719, aged 49 years. Her remains are deposited in her family

vault in this church."

"Sir Thomas Saunders Sebright, fourth Baronet, died April the 12, 1736, aged 44. His remains are deposited in the family vault in this Church. He left issue two sons, Thomas and John."

"Dame Henrietta Sebright, relict of Sir Thomas Saunders Sebright, Baronet,

sions there, arises from the modern adoption of a possessor of a small piece of the land lying towards Bond Street, now distinguished as Clarendon Hotel."

From some papers which I have seen, I am enabled to state why this house is so distinguished. At the beginning of the last century it was the property of Henry Lord Dover, and was conveyed by him as a security for money to John Chamberlain, and described as "part of the ground whereon a Capital Mes-. suage or Mansion House formerly called Clarendon House, and afterwards called Albemarle House, did then lately stand, or of ground to the said late capital messuage belonging, lying and being in the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, on the West side of a certain street there called Bond Street," and is mentioned as abutting on other grounds of the said Henry Lord Dover, part of which were let to the said John Chamberlain. It was afterwards conveyed to Henry Edward Earl of Lichfield, in trust for Barbary, Duchess of Cleveland, and by her to Charles Duke of Grafton. In 6 George ill. an act was passed to enable the Duke of Grafton to sell the above premises, the same having been intailed by the will of his father. and they were in consequence pure chased by John Earl of Buckingham


shire, who also had an under lease of part of a piece of ground adjoining, formerly called Conduit Mead, which the City of London had agreed to let to the said Duke for 61 years, renewable every 14 years for ever. The Earl made it his town residence for many years, and died in the year 1793; by his will he directed the same to be sold, which was done by bis executors, and it was converted into a Subscription House, since which it has been known as the Clarendon Hotel. A. B.

Mr. URBAN, Louth, Feb. 15. N your LXXIXth Volume is a letter from Mr. Banks, in answer to another of your Correspondents, respecting the antient barony of Zouche of Harringworth. Mr.

Banks, I find, has stated in his valuable publication, that "the descendants of the last Lord Zouche, in the line of Tate, are illegitimate," and for proof of their illegitimacy he refers to my letter on the subject, (Gent. Mag. Vol. LXXI. p. 40%) in which I have shewn, from the most respectable authorities, that there is very great reason to conclude that Zouche Tate was illegitimate. In Vol. LXXVIII, p. 506, Mr. Banks says respecting the Tate family, "had F. T. ever travelled the counties of Buckingham and Northampton, he might have heard a current report which concurs with what, he states, I mean to insinuate." What is the report to which Mr. Banks alludes ?

It should seem from the letter of your Correspondent, W-ds-r (Vol. LXIX. p. 1018) that there is no issue from Mary, second daughter and coheir of the last Lord Zouche.

Exclusive of the descendants of the last Lord Zouche, can any of your Correspondents inform me whether there is any issue from George Lord Zouche, who died in the year 1560, or from Richard Lord Zouche, whose sister, Catherine, married Francis Uvedale of Horton, Dorsetshire, second son of Sir William Uvedale, of More Crichel, in that county. Yours, &c.


R. U.

Feb. 6.

I Nanswer to Civis, who, in p. 30, makes inquiry respecting a remarkable family picture, noticed in your Magazine some years since, I have to inform him that about six years ago,

having accidentally called at the White Swan at Stockwell, I saw in the parlour, what I suppose to be the very picture to which he alludes. It was an oil painting, composed of characters dressed in the costume of thetime of Queen Elizabeth. In the centre was a lady sitting with a gentleman reclining his head on her lap, apparently sleeping; on the right three persons were approaching from an antient building in the back ground; ' and on the left was a gentleman who appeared to be the first speaker in the following colloquy, which was inscribed in letters of an old character * underneath, and which I have now

copied from a memorandum hastily made at the time. The words omitted were not legible, but may be easily gathered from the context. "Madam, I pray you this one thinge me showe,

Who yon three bee, if you them knowe, Comming from the castle, in such degree, What is their descent and nativitie?

Sir, The one by the father's side is my brother, [mother, And soe is the next, in righte of my The third is my owne sonne lawfully begot,

And all sonnes to my husband that→→→ Without hurt of lineage in any degree -Shew me in how this may be." Yours, &c.


Mr. URBAN, Berwick, March 5,

BSERVING that the Translator of the Epitaph on the Rev. Percival Stockdale (see your last volume, page 667) had misunderstood the sense of it in two or three places, trouble you with another transla


R. P. "Sacred to the memory of the Reverend PERCIVAL STOCKDALE, whose remains rest here interred. In eloquence he was agreeable and impressive; ardent and fervent in the promotion of learning; in conversation pleasant and acute; strenuous and bold also in the vindication of truth; to the hypocrite a bitter, a determined foe; his imagination was vivid and quick; his mind independent, disdaining servility equally to all; to his parents his affection was warm and constant; and in the cultivation of letters elegantly and actively. his life past away: even to him no small praise is due, for the classical productions of his pen. But, alas! age, at length, without disease, weakened and exhausted his vigorous mind. Stop, traveller! and be

wail the miseries of man! the frailties of

our nature pardon and forget. Farewell."


[merged small][merged small][graphic]
[blocks in formation]

1812.] Remarks on Mr. Burges's Edition of the Phoenissæ. 213

Mr. URBAN, Liverpool, Feb. 5.

Medea and the other tragedies: yet

PERMIT me, through the me- suppose it away, and a dismember

dium of your Magazine, to offer a few remarks on the Phoenisse of Euripides, as lately edited by Mr. Burges. Your Readers, who have perused this edition, must have observed its principal features: which are a bold departure from several received and well-authenticated readings, and an innovation in some of the choral songs hitherto considered monostrophics; but in Mr. B's edition fashioned into strophes and antistrophes. I am not about to dispute the purity of diction which may exist in some of Mr. B's alterations; some of them may seem more intelligible than the received text: but I shall attempt to shew that, to make room for unwarranted conjecture, phrases and words have been expunged, which are not so unworthy Euripides, as Mr. B. appears to consider them.

We may ramble in the devious wilds of conjecture, and perchance approach the excellence and catch the spirit of this admirable Tragedian, but, at the same time, we must not lose sight of venerable authorities before us; we must reject the illusions of fancy, and search for the fragments of the Poet's mind, sparkling here and there among the dusty heaps of timeworn manuscripts and scholia; this I humbly conceive is a surer clue to purity of text. Thus we may, as it were, raise him from the shades, arrayed in all the splendour of his appropriate diction."

But to proceed. First let us notice verse 145;

Σπονδὰς ὅτ ̓ ἦλθον σῷ κασιγνήτῳ φέρων.

We observe the same words precede in verse 95: Mr. B. wonders this has escaped the notice of former editors and the celebrated Porson himself. Valckenaer, however, does appear to suspect the verse as an interpolation. But this is not the only repetition that oc curs in Euripides; and if we dismiss the verse in question, what must be the fate of many in his

ment of the context directly shows the violence committed. Thus we see in the verse before,

Σημεῖ ἰδὼν ΤΟΤ' ασπίδων ἐγνώρισα then,

Σπονδάς ΟΤ ̓ ἦλθον σῷ κασιγνήτῳ φέρων. so, if we take away the former verse, TOT' loses its correlative OT'; hence it is very plain that the Poet wrote both the verses, or neither! To save the former, Mr. B. proposes to read ród for rór': this, however, completely mars the sense. He has no objection to rór' signifying "olim," "formerly." But, unfortunately for him, Jocasta in the prologue intimates this messenger to be lately on his return from the Argive camp. Verse 81, Ἥξειν δ' ὁ πεμφθείς φησιν αὐτὸν ἄγγελος. Let us then exclude Tore; but I want the authority; for though two MSS. furnish us with iya, yet Mr. B's down in (a great liberty taken with the common reading) rests on no authority whatever.

The mutilated writings of the Antients are not to be supplied by hardy transpositions of entire words, without the least regard to manu- ́ scripts; but they often are by a slight change in the letters of a word, or in the connexion of one word with another. Many of the manuscripts being written in capi tals, and the words close together, copyists may have committed many and great blunders by the annexion to a word of a letter belonging to the next.

We will now endeavour to protect the Poet from the charge of useless repetition. The scene, which is supposed to be in Thebes, beautifully exhibits to us Antigoné in conversation, on the roof of the palace, with her tutor, who had been to Argos as ambassador between her rival brothers. Not far from the walls of the city are the encampments of the enemy, and in verse 104,

Κινούμενον - Πελασγικόν

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