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1812.] The English Bible.-Dr. Nature, we should not see so many parliamentary orators assuming a formal aspect, using a vociferous tone, or swinging their arms, like a peasant brandishing his flail.

I therefore recommend to every person who either writes for posterity, or speaks in publick, to pay the strictest attention to this excellent maxim: "Follow Nature." EUSEBIUS*.



Jan. 6.


Vincent and Bp. Porteus. Rennell's Sermon, published at the request of (what I will call the most respectable, if not, from its longtried merits even venerable) the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, the following, as the opening of a larger paragraph: "We cannot but lament that in very few of our best endowed seminaries the study of Christianity has not that portion of time and regard allotted to it, &c." In a note he observes "the negative is omitted in Dr. Rennell's text." The sentence certainly opens awkwardly on first reading; and might perhaps have appeared less so, if the word "has" had preceded "the study." But I should think that had Dr. Vincent read it a second time, immediately previous to his publishing the second edition, he would have found the insertion not to be neces sary, indeed consequently improper.

XONIENSIS, LXXXI. Part ii. p. 510, offers to your Readers some just remarks on the mode of printing our version of the Bible; where the Italic letter is supposed to imply an "omission in the original, which ought to be added in a translation." Butin the second part of his subject, after fairly alluding to the Star Chamber fine on the early Printers for their omission of the word "not" in the seventh Commandment (whilst he discovers one similar in the Oxford octavo edition of 1800) by printing the part quoted wholly in the Italic, he does not distinguish, whether the verb "is" stands, in the Copy then before him, in that letter or not. In one now before me, printed by Basket 1718, it does so stand; but the margin gives a different, and, I think, a better, version; " or our high hand and not the Lord hath done all this." This is precisely the sense of the Septuagint translation, where the Greek article repeated before the adjective is very expressive; it is also adapted. to the position, as well as termination, of the Greek adverb there used, meaning “not ;" as well as more resembling another passage in Deuteronomy, chap. vii. 17: "Thou say in thine heart, my power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth." The Latin version of Tremellius and Junius, Amsterdam, 1669, bas "fuit," and not in Italics.

Not being qualified to enter into the case farther by reference to the Hebrew, I should not have intruded

myself on your notice, had not the

discovered omission of the word "not" brought to my recollection an improper insertion of that word in another publication. The very learned Dr. Vincent, in his laudable and liberal "Defence of Public Education," gives as a transcript from a note to Dr.

The late Rev, Jos, Robertson. EDIT.

P. S.-I observe Dr. Vincent ad dresses his "Defence" to the most Reverend the Lord Bishop of Meath, taking the "superlative" from the title-page of his sermon, and the list of Preachers annexed. It is indeed said, that Meath was once an Arch-bishoprick; so was one at least of our Welsh Bishopricks; but I do not hear of that highest title being in any of them revived. Arch-bishop James Usher, not unacquainted himself with Antiquities, when previously Bishop of Meath, was addressed by Sir Henry Spelman, Mr. John Selden, Sir Robert Cotton, Mr. William Camden, by Statesmen, and his Brethren of the Episcopal Bench, as Right Reverend only.

N. B. In Dr. Porteus's "Review of the Life and Character of the Right Reverend Dr. Thomas Secker late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury," the fifth edition 1797 now before me, the Bishop acknowledged that the mistake was not the Printer's, but his own. Yours, &c. J. E.


Jan. 7.

THE translation by your Corre

spondent Oxoniensis (in your last Part, p. 511.) of the 32d Chapter of Deuteronomy, is in general very accurate; but there are two or three passages which may be rendered in a different, and, as it appears to me, in a better way.

Ver. 5. There is perhaps some error in the text of the first hemistich of


shewn to them in the Desert, Resurrection of the Dead to &c. &c.

"In the first place Heaver Earth are invoked as being incor ible witnesses that, if the people harvests should follow with worship God as they ought, abu belled against God, instead of of wine and of oil: but, if the Je blessing, Heaven and Earth shou flict a curse, namely, Heaven s withhold its rain, Earth should no fruit."

verse pleases me most. Alle Castalio's translation of the Cæli, dum loquor: audi, Terra, oris mei. The last part comman character of Lawgiver; whilst former, in dum loquor, solicits mony from above.

The 2d verse is awkward through sudden repetition of my; and the word doctrine might easily chang being found in two of the lines place. Rain occurs twice: Oxoni has altered this, but the word sho not please more.

The full meaning of the Hel word np may perhaps be conv in the two first words as follow.

Inspired they shall drop like the
My doctrine shall flow as the dew
As sprinklings with wet on a bud,
And as showers to rattle o'er gras

plaisant in giving us
Your Correspondent is over-c

in plenty according to the po
Hebrew: the consonants have vo
with e.
but not one of them conso
If vowels may be supplie
will, it is not most probable that
world (informed, how bold, sonor
and musical Hebrew was) can be
tisfied with a short or e short. At
same time Welsh boys, or any b
learn by this flattering mode;
may be well and wisely enticed
within sight of Radcliffe's Library
persistence in such curtailment st
uncondemned? What say the
amining Masters ?
Yours, &c.


Mr. URBAN, Jun. SEND you some particulars o recent invention, which may pr of some importance to the publi the inconvenience of locking wagg I have for many years experien

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1812.] Locking of Carriages.-Demolition of Monuments.

and other carriages going down steep hills; and have, instead of the methods now used, latterly made use of the following expedient, which will be found much better to answer the purpose intended.

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A wheel and axle of a Carriage may be occasionally locked together as follows: almost close to the box of the wheel let there be a spring, like that in an umbrelia, its nib sinking similarly into axle, by a thimble being slided on it. From wheel's box let a short spud project, which shall be stopped (and the wheel with it) by this spring's nib when up, but pass free when nib is sunk into axle: the wheel consequently will be locked to axle by sliding the thimble forward (or towards wheel), and unlocked by drawing back. Such spring and its spud on opposite side (but same end) of axle will make the locking doubly secure, and one thimble will press in both springs; the thimble may be slided to and fro by a handle or spring convenient to a person in the carriage; as I found, when sitting on my reaping machine, while drawn along. This contrivance would be peculiarly useful where the common drag chain would be inapplicable: viz. when horses were running away with a carriage; and it would retard them still more if both wheels could be locked so. W. P.

N. R. Yorkshire, Nov. 18.

URING my rambles in a sweet

Yorkshire, I arrived at a Church, of
which nothing now remains but the
white-washed walls, and these will, I
am afraid, soon prostrate themselves
before all-conquering Time; though
possibly, were Time the only enemy,
they might for many years raise their
humble head, and point out to the pass-
ing shepherd where his fathers sleep.
Though no civil wars molest its walls,
yet its present patron seems desirous
to lay its honours in the dust. Though
a new Church is building for the
parishioners, yet in my opinion, and
begging the patron's pardon, he ought
to pay some little regard to the feel-
ings of those whose ancestors are
buried in the old Church,

"For still, beneath the hallow'd soil, The peasant rests him from his toil,


And, dying, bids his bones be laid, Where erst his simple fathers pray'd." What man then, who has any regard to the memory of his forefathers, can pass by without the greatest sorrow, when he beholds their tombs torn up from their foundation, and thrown carelessly aside? What heart would not melt? what eye would not let drop a tear? That this should happen in an age when knowledge is so universally diffused, must add very much to the regret. It is a matter of very great doubt with me, whether a patron or clergyman can remove any tombs from his church, much less destroy them: no, not even if autho rized by the mandate of an archdeacon or bishop of the diocese. I write this, Mr. Urban, not as being myself alone deeply concerned, but through pity to those, who behold with heart-felt pain ravages committed, which must enrage not only the parties themselves but every lover of antiquity. Should you, Mr. Urban, be so kind as insert this in your Magazine (as I think the case will touch your tender feelings also), it may put a stop to these wrecks, and very much oblige a number of friends, but most of all, Yours, &c. E. W―N.


Mr. URBAN, Conduit-street, Jan. 7. HE enquiry made in your last volume, respecting Emanuel Mendes da Costa, may in part be answered by the following particulars of his family, drawn up by himself, and taken MSS.

He also collected some brief memorials of contemporary Virtuosi, which may not prove uninteresting for some future numbers; and among his loose papers are a few relative to the antiquity of the Jews, which I propose to communicate for the current volume. Yours, &c.

J. H.

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Alvaro da Costa was born in Port and came to London about He married Leonora his first co sister to Dr. Mendes, and my g mother Mendes; who outlived many years, and died about Had issue, 1. Beatrice 1. 2. Ra

Married to Samuel del Prado at Amsterdam, who dying, she returned to Lor and died.... The issue of this marriage was, 1. Isaac; married first a Quiro whom he has issue; secondly, a Bravo, by whom he has also issue, he resid Holland. 2. Rachel, married Mordecai, alias Marco Nasso, died leaving no i 3. Moses, who was unfortunate, and died single in France. 4. Rebecca, single. 5. Leah, married to Emanuel Mendes Da Costa; died in 1763. 6. A ham, died 27 July, 1782, I imagine in his 69th year, of an accident of cu his leg in lopping a branch from a tree, and cutting the vein through, at house at Twickenham, where he died. He was buried at Mile-end new bur [place]. He married Esther, widow of Jacob Salvador, by whom he had a and she died in 1788, aged about 55.

+ Married to Daniel, alias Francis Salvador, junr. who died in Oct. 1755; and died in June 1789. The issue of this marriage was: I. Abigail, married to J Pereira de Paibe, and died without issue. 2. Joseph, born 21 Jan. 1716, at Charles-town, Carolina, 29 Dec. 1786, aged 70 years 11 months; and buried in the Jew burial-ground there. 3.Jacob, who married Esther Portetto de Qu and leaving her a widow with two sons, Daniel and Moses, she married again Abraham, son of Samuel del Prado (see preceding note 6). 4. Rebecca, mar her first cousin Moses, son of Jacob Mendes da Costa, died June or July 1782; issue one daughter, who married Baron Aquilar. 5. Sarah, married Moses, el son of Jacob Franco; she died on 5 Jan. 1756, in ber 51st year, leaving two son Born at Roan in Normandy 1692, married Anthony Mendes, eldest so Fernando Mendes, M. D. her first cousin. He died about Oct. 1789; and she 18 Nov. 1762. On her coffin she was said to be aged 70 years. Their issue was Rachael, died single. 2. Anne, still (1787) single. 3. Johanna, married Ja Dias; she died 1775, leaving one daughter. 4. Moses, alias Lewis Mendes, mar to his Cousin Lydia or Leonora, and has two sons., 5. Sarah, married.... He an Apothecary at Bath, died without issue. 6. Jacob, died in 1781 single.

§ Married about 1717, to Sarah Jesurum Alvares. Their issue was: 1. Mo born about July 1718, married his first cousin Rebecca Salvador, by whom he one daughter. 2. Isaac, married Jedidya, daughter of Jacob Mendes da Costa, s and has two sons and two daughters by that marriage: he died 11th April, 17 as I compute in his 55th year. 3. Rebecca, who married my nephew, and left daughter, who married a Moron. When a widow, she married a son of Isaac I but died 1766 soon after, and left no issue of that second marriage.

Beatrice, married her uncle....alias John Mendes da Costa, senior. The i of this marriage was; 1. Sarah, married to David Mendes da Silva at Amsterd resided and died there, leaving one daughter, married to Joseph Suasso de Li 2. Anthony, married Siporah Teiveira, an unfortunate man that fled to France died, leaving no issue. 3. Abraham. 4. Rachel, married to Jacob Bueno da quita of Amsterdam, resided and died there, leaving a numerous issue, male female.

Married to the Hon. Lopes Suasso Baron of Auvernes le Gras, at the Ha where she died since 1750. He died young. The issue of this marriage was. Isaac. He was the second baron, and called the Hon. Antonio alias Isaac L Suasso, Lord and Baron of Auvernes le Gras in Flanders, Paisbas; an imp title. He died at the Hague on Tuesday Oct. 3, 1775. He was upwards of 82. married in 1716 Rachel daughter of Anthony da Costa, his cousin german, by wh he had several daughters, and one son Abraham, who succeeded him in title estate. His eldest daughter Leonora, alias Rachael, born in the old Jewry al 1720, married Joseph Salvador, who was born 21 Jan. 1716; she died Oct 10, 1 at Tooting in Surrey, and was buried in the new burying-ground at Mile-end on Sunday following. She left issue: 1. Judith, married to Joshua Mendes da C 2. Sarah, married her cousin german Francis, alias Daniel Salvador, who scalped in Carolina, by whom she had several children, who with herself have baptised. 3. Abigail. 4. Elisheba. 5. Miriam. 6. Susanna. The other da ter of Isaac and his son married into the Teixera family, at the Hague.



The Families of Mendes and Da Costa.


(but erroneously). 5. Joseph t. 6. Osorio 1. 7.....alias Mary §. 8. Ben

3. Moses, alias Anthony*. 4. Esther alias Johanna, by law-suit Villa-real and D. C.; is said to be born 1692 honours are registered in the Heralds' office London I. 27. 83. Baron et Baronesse d'Auvernes les Gras tout ainsi commi les autres Barons de Païs bas, patent dated Jan. 3, 1716. 2. Jacob. 3. Emanuel, married a Texeira, and died without issue. 4. Moses, married a Lima, and died leaving a numerous issue both male and female. 5. Aaron, married a Pinto, and died leaving a numerous issue both male and female: 6. Sarah, married her uncle Benjamin alias John da Costa of the Hague, and had only a daughter, who married the eldest son of Moses Suasso. 7. a Teixera. 8. Abraham, posthumous, or after his father's death, married a Delis, and died, leaving one daughter, married to his nephew Abraham of Jacob Suasso. He was a director of the Bank of England, and died Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock, March 3, 1746-7, and was buried the 4th March in the new buryingground at Mile-end next to his daughter Lady Suasso. He married in 1698 his first Cousin Catherine Mendes, daughter to Dr. Mendes. She was born about 1678 in the royal palace of Somerset-house, and Catherine of Portugal, Queen of Charles II. (from whom she was named) was her godmother: she died on Friday 10Dec. 1756, about 4 o'clock afternoon in or about the 77th year of her age. N. B. It was the 17 Kisleu A. M. 5517, but on her tombstone by mistake it is put 18 Kisleu. The issue of this marriage was: 1. Sarah, married to her uncle Alvaro Mendes. 2. Rachel, married to her first cousin, the Hon. Antonio, Lopes Suasso, Baron of Avernes le Gras, in Flanders. 3. Lydia, married to her first cousin, Jacob Lopes Suasso, esq. the baron's brother. 4. Abraham, died unmarried 1st Feb. 1760, of a lingering decay and the stone; he was born 1711. 5. Rebecca, married to Jacob Pereira, esq. died in childbed. 6. Esther, married 22 April 1747, to her sister's widower, said Jacob Pereira, esq.

+ Born in 1683, married Leonora, daughter of Fernando Mendes. The issue of this marriage was: 1. Catherine, born about 1709; married 24 May, 1727, Joseph da Costa Villareal, arrived from Lisbon some few years before, and died 27 Dec. 1730; had by him a son and a daughter; he died soon after: She then made contract of marriage with my brother Philip, alias Jacob, but he was cast, and she married after William Mellish, esq. and had issue one son. After her marriage she abjured the Jewish Religion, and had her children also baptised, as appears in the Daily Advertiser, Wednesday April 12, 1738. "Yesterday morning were publicly baptized at the parish church of St. Anne's, Soho, by the Rev. Dr. Pelling, the two children of the late Mr. Joseph da Costa Villareal by the name of William and Elizabeth." N. B. Elizabeth married Lord Viscount Galway, and William married in Nottinghamshire; and both have issue. 2. Sarah, born about 1711, who died about 1778, unmarried. 3. Moses, married to Rachel, eldest daughter of Alvaro and Sarah Mendes; he died beginning of May or June 1770, aged about 57; she died.... had issue one son and one daughter. 4. Benjamin, born in 1712, married out of the Jewish nation; her name was Elizabeth; she died Dec. 12, 1748, aged 35, and the eldest son, also Benjamin, died Feb. 21, 1782, aged 43. The father, mother, and son have one single grave-stone on the wall in St. James's Church-yard, Piccadilly, under which they are all buried. The father after his abjuring Judaism (soon after his sister Catherine also abjured) was a Clerk in the Inland post-office, and his son also had issue male and female, and died. 5. Anne, died single or spinster. 6. Rebecca, married Joseph Treues, and survived him, but had no children. 7. Joseph, born in or about 1728.

Aboab Osorio, Merchant, resided at Amsterdam, and married.... She died at Amsterdam. The issue of this marriage was: 1. Joseph, went to the East Indies about 1720; and no certainty of him since. 2. David, married a Pinedo, by whom he has many children. 3. Abraham, born at Amsterdam in 1701 (suit Villareal). married his first cousin Rebecca da Costa, and had issue two sons. 4. Benjamin, died single latter end of 1775. 5. Isaac. 6. Rachel, born in Amsterdam, married Isaac Biana alias Fernandes Dias; died at London Tuesday Aug. 12, 1760, in her 53rd year; issue a son and 3 daughters.

§ Married Abraham, eldest son of Fernando da Costa, Aug. 19, 1702,O. S. (in the same room and at same time as her sister my mother was). The issue of this marriage was: 1. Rachel, married her uncle Jacob of Fernando da Costa, and she died Monday morning 9 o'clock Oct. 18, 1773, aged about 67 years, and left issue a son and two daughters; viz. Benjamin, Rachel, and Sarah. 2. Jacob, married his cousin Rachel da Costa; she died in 1775, no issue. 3. Rebecca, married to her first cousin Abraham Osorio (see last note 3.) died about 7th of March 1770, 4. Joseph, married out of the Jewish nation, and had a numerous issue male and


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