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Francis, a Lieutenant in the G killed at the battle of Fonteno at the early age of 24, by a c while resting on a drum, his R ness William Duke of Cumbe ing just risen from it. His you ther, Major Cholmondeley Bre killed at the battle of Wandi Indies. The words in Smolle nuation are, "the gallant an plished Major Brereton, whose a real loss to his country." The tioned left an only son, William of Pagham, Sussex. The Co left three daughters; the eldest the Rev. Dr. Haynes, canon re of Windsor, and rector of Hatfie. the second, to John Chesshyr Bennington, Herts, and mothe Countess Fauconberg.

Mr. Lynn (see p. 93) is stat be dead.

P. 94. Mrs. Ann Hall, wife of Hall, esq. of the Hermitage, V the Hill, who died in her 77th Sutton, in Surrey, was eminent! guished for a fine understanding able disposition, which led her to tice of all the Christian virtues. life she had the advantage of b quently in company with Dr. Dr. Hawkesworth, and several mired literary characters, whose fi she secured from her merit and ing conversation. Three years p to her decease, a paralytic affe prived her of the use of her li fortunately not entirely of her m culties; and, being blessed with a memory, her cheerful and in manner drew her friends constant! her, who witnessed her patient re to the will of Providence. whole of her long life, she invar ministered comfort and consolat poor and afflicted, who must regret her loss. A friend, who and honoured her, offers this h bute to departed worth. Her rem interred on the 3d of February church-yard, in a vault built or for the family; and her friend, the Strahan, performed the last s over her grave.

The average Prices of Navigable Canal Property, Dock Stock, Fire-office Shar Feb. 1512 (to the 25th) at the office of Mr. Scott, 28, New Bridge-street, L Birmingham Canal, 6157. dividing 261. 5s. clear per anuum.-Oxford, 1244 long share, 73071.-Grand Junction, 2131. to 2201.-Worcester and Birming shares, 57. per cent. discount.-Kennet and Avon, 30.-Dudley, 50. ex.d) Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 214-Ellesmere, 697-Lancaster, 221. 10s.-Wilts a old shares, 251.-London Dock Stock, 118/. 10s. ex. dividend, half-yearly, 31 Ditto new Subscription, 17. 10s. Premium.-Rock, 10. Premium.-Eas Water-works, 854-London Flour Company, 84.--Strand Bridge, 271. per count, without interest due.-Russell Institution, 17. 17s. 18t. 18s.-Surrey -West Middlesex Water-works, 854.--Provident Institution, 21. 10s. Pr Covent-garden Theatre new shares, 4554-British Plate Glass Company, 36 average.-Kensington Turupike Bonds, 1001, bearing 4. per cent. 701.-The sale is on the first Friday.

BILL OF MORTALITY, from January 28, 1811, to February 25, 1812.

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AVERAGE PRICES of CORN, from the Returns ending February 15, 1812.


Wheat Rye Barly Oats |Beans

s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.


Wheat Rye Barly Oats Beans. s. ds. d.js. d. s. d. s. d. 106 855 0149 433 850 6 050 8

Hertford 107 058

[blocks in formation]

106 254
114 800

046 033

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

047 251

649 1126

053 031

052 231

050 1031

050 1032

Huntingd. 104 200
Northam. 103 853
Rutland 103 600
Leicester 98 500
Nottingh. 102 056
0 Durham 90 100
Derby 93 000
456 0 Northum. 83
Stafford 101 500 055 1033 058 11 Cumberl. 88
Salop 104 869 050 035 083 6 Westmor. 92
Hereford 107 264 057 433 1164 8 Lancaster 94
Worcester 109 359 1057 737 157 4 Chester 93
Warwick 107 200 059 033 1060 11 Flint 106 100
Wilts 111 200 0154 834 658 8 Denbigh 101 1100
Berks 115 500 048 1053 759 8 Anglesea 00 000
Oxford 110 600 0150 030 756 5 Carnarv. 99 000
Bucks 112 800 (46 1032 655 2 Merionet.103 72
Brecon 119 1100 063 428 1000 0 Cardigan 116
Montgom. 101 700 052 933 400 0 Pembroke 96
Radnor 113 300 057 429 500 0 Carmarth 116
Glamorg. 115


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105 1156 751 9131 5156 0
Average of Scotland, per quarter:
000100 000 000 000 0

Aggregate Average Prices of the Twelve Ma- Cornwall 106
ritime Districts of England and Wales, by|| Dorset
which Exportation and Bounty are to be|Hants
regulated in Great Britain.....

Ditto for Importation and Duty.

111 900 052 533 ..102 256 1149 10130 ...102 3154 9149 8130 PRICES OF FLOUR, February 24: Fine per Sack 95s. Seconds 85s. to 90s. Bran per Q. 14s. to 16s. Pollard 27s. to 30s. RETURN of WHEAT, in Mark-Lane, including only from Feb. 10 to Feb. 15: Total 7375 Quarters. Average 107s. 2d.-9d. higher than last Return. OATMEAL, per Boll of 140lbs. Avoirdupois, February 15, 50s. 1d. AVERAGE PRICE of SUGAR, February 19, 43s. 8d. per Cwt. PRICE OF HOPS, IN THE BOROUGH MARKET, February 24: Kent Bags......................................... 41. Os. to 5. 12s. Kent Pockets..............41. 10s. to 67. 15s. Sussex Ditto...............31. 15s. to 5!. Sussex Ditto...............4l. 10s. to 61. 0s. Essex Ditto........... ................................4/. 10s. to 5l. 12s. Farnham Ditto 107. Os. to 114. Qs. AVERAGE PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW, February 25: St. James's, Hay 4. 10s. Straw 21. 17s. Whitechapel, Hay 51. 5s. Clover 6l. 16s. 6d. Straw 21.11s.-Smithfield, Clover 67. 5s. Old Hay 51. Os. Straw 2l. 16s. 6d. SMITHFIELD, February 24. To sink the Offal-per Stone of 8lbs. Head of Cattle at Market this Day: Beasts about 2230.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]





..5s. 4d. to 6s. 4d.
...5s. 4d. to 6s. 4d.

6s. Od. to 8s. Od.
5s. Od. to 6s. 8d.

Sheep and Lambs' 11,500.

Calves 80. Pigs 400

COALS, February 24: Newcastle 40s. to 53s. Sunderland 42s. 6d. to 44s. 6d. SOAP, Yellow 92s. Mottled 102s. Curd 106s. CANDLES, 13s. per Doz. Moulds 14s. TALLOW, per Stone, 8lb, St. James's 4s, 10d. Clare 4s. 10d. Whitechapel 4s. 9d.

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LONDON GAZETTE GENERAL EVENING M.Post M. Herald Morning Chronic. Times-M. Advert. P.Ledger&Oracle Brit. Press-Day St. James's Chron. Sun-Even: Mail. Star-Traveller Pilot--Statesman Packet-Lond. Chr. Albion--C. Chron. Courier-Globe Eng. Chron.--Inq. Cour d'Angleterre Cour. de Londres 15otherWeekly P. 17 Sunday Papers Hue & Cry Police Lit. Adv. monthly Bath 3-Bedford Berwick Boston Birmingham 4 Blackb. Brighton

Cornw.-Covent. 2
Cumberland 2

Exeter 2, Glouc. 2
Halifax-Hants 2
Hereford, Hull 3
Ipswich 1, Kent 4
Leeds 2, Liverp. 6
Maidst. Manch. 4
Norfolk, Norwich
N.Wales Oxford 2



Preston-Plym. 2

[blocks in formation]


Staff.-Stamf. 2

Worc. 2-YORK 3
Sunday Advertise.

Jersey 2. Guern. 2


Met. Diaries for February and March 202, 208 Suggestions respecting Neglect of Lord's Table ib.
Report on the State of his Majesty's Health 203 A Christian Man after the Pope's Making. 239
Brief Notices of Literati, Collectors, &c. ...205 LITERARY INTELLIGENCE........
Observations on the Parish Registers Bill...207 Index Indicatorius.
Descriptions of Ivinghoe and Flamsted 209,210) REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS; viz.
Clarendon House 211-Zouche Barony....212 History and Antiquities of LEICESTERSHIRE.241
Old Picture-Epitaph on Perc. Stockdale....ib. Picture Gallery of contemporary Portraits. 245
On Mr. Burges's Edition of the Phoepisse...213 Works of Bp. Warburton, by Bp. Hurd......247
Shenstone The Leasowes-Capt. Newman.216 Pohlmann's Polish Game of Draughts......248
Series of Letters on Acoustics, Letter III. 217 Tupper on Sensation in Vegetables.........249
Dr. Marsh's Arguments against Bible Society 219 Galt's Voyages and Travels, continued....250
Roman Catholics, Calvinists, Antinomians. 220 Clark's Arithmetic-Thom's Aberdeen, &c.257
Sunday Schools-The National Society......221 Teachers' Arithm.--Evening Entertainments 260
Aged School-Masters and Mistresses... 222 SELECT POETRY for March 1812 ......261-264
Cathedral Service-Dissenting Teachers .223 Proceedings in presentSession of Parliament 265
Evening Lectures not suited to Villages. .224 Interesting Intell. from the London Gazettes 269
On the Pedigree of the Percy Family.. .225 Abstract of principal Foreign Occurrences 278
Thoughts on Classification of Bankrupts. 226 Country News, 233-Domestic Occurrences 285
Retreat of dying Birds? 227-Proverbs 225,239 Theatrical Reg.-Promotions-Preferments 287
England safe and triumphant-Prophecies 229 Births and Marriages of eminent Persons. 288
Dissertation on the Usage of Coat Armour...231 Memoirs of the late F. Cavendish, Esq. 289; of
Mr. Dibdin "Liber Aggregationis".
Baroness D'Escury 291; of Marchioness of
Analysis of Books, No. IV. .....
Buckingham 292; Dr. Hall, Bp. of Dromore
Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, by Everard ib. 293; Dr.Garthshore 300; Archd.Burnaby 301
Architectural Innovation-Hampton Court 234 Obituary, with Anec. of remarkable Persons 294
Rans des Vaches, 237-Wm. Boys, Esq.....238 Prices of Markets, &c.-Bill of Mortality 303
Gold and Silver-Warwickshire Seals.......258 Prices of Stocks for the Month of March....304
Embellished with Perspective Views of the Churches of WITHERLEY, in Leicestershire;
IVINGHOE, in Buckinghamshire; and FLAMSTED, in Hertfordshire.



Printed by J. NICHOLS and SON, at CICERO'S HEAD, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street, Londen, where all Letters to the Editor are desired to be addressed, POST-PAID. 1812.


mostly cloudy, frequent showers, high wind

mostly cloudy, evening rainy, windy

morning, hill covered with snow, some rain, mostly mostly cloudy, rainy, tempestuous, evening hail cloudy at times, some showers

cloudy at times, with light rain

The average degrees of Temperature, from observations made at eight o'clock morning, are 39-5 100ths; those of the corresponding month in the year 1811, 38-39 100ths: in 1810, 34-57 100ths: in 1809, 42-11 100ths; in 1808, 34-15 10 in 1807, 35-75 100ths; in 1806, 37-75 100ths; in 1805, 35-86 100ths; and in 56-33 100ths.

The quantity of Rain fallen this month is equal to 5 inches 66 100ths; that c corresponding month in the year 1811, was 2 inches 57 100ths; in 1810, 2 inch 100ths; in 1809, 3 inches 26 100ths; in 1808, 59 100ths; in 1807, 2 inches 15 10 in 1806, 2 inches 14 100ths; in 1805, 2 inches 30 100ths; and in 1804, 2 inch 100ths.

METEOROLOGICAL TABLE for March 1812. By W. CARY, Strand Height of Fahrenheit's Thermometer.

Height of Fahrenheit's Thermomet


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47 29, 12 fair 50 44 ,50 fair 40 46 40

40 small rai

small rai

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