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THE Publishers of this work beg to state that it is private property, protected by the late Copyright Act, the 5 & 6 Victoria, c. 45. They beg also to state that any person having in his possession, within the United Kingdom, for sale or hire, one or more copies printed abroad of any English work protected by the Act referred to, is liable to a penalty, which, in cases affecting their interests, they intend to enforce.

The Public are farther informed that the Act 5 & 6 Victoria, c. 47. s. 24. prohibits the importation of all works printed in foreign countries, of which the copyright is not expired. Even single copies, though for the especial use of the importers and marked with their names, are excluded; and the Customs officers in the different ports are strictly enjoined to carry this regulation into effect.

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THE following Treatise on Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, including Spherical Trigonometry, is the fifth of a series which is to constitute a General Course of Mathematics for the use of the gentlemen cadets and the officers in the senior department of this Institution. The course, when completed, will comprehend the subjects whose titles are subjoined:-I. Arithmetic and Algebra. * II. Geometry. * III. Plane Trigonometry with Mensuration. † IV. Analytical Geometry with the Differential and Integral Calculus and the Properties of Conic Sections. V. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, including Spherical Trigonometry. VI. The Principles of Mechanics, and VII. Physical Astronomy.

Royal Military College,



† Ready for the press.

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