ABSTRACTS OF THE PAPERS AND OF THE CONVERSATIONS FOR THE SESSIONS OF 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841. WITH AN INDEX FOR EACH SESSION. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS; CONTAINING ABSTRACTS OF THE PAPERS AND OF THE CONVERSATIONS, FOR THE SESSION OF 1837. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE INSTITUTION. 1837. REPRINTED, WITH CORRECTIONS, ADVERTISEMENT. THE Council feel it their duty to state most distinctly, that the Institution does not, as a Body, express any opinion approving, or disapproving the views advanced, either in the Papers or in the Conversations; such views, by whomsoever advanced, or howsoever here recorded, must be received entirely on the credit of their respective authors. With regard to the statements recorded, but not attributed to any particular individual, the Council have only to remark, that a concise abstract of the Conversations could not have been made on a different plan. In the freedom of discussion which exists at the meetings of the Institution, many of the opinions advanced are canvassed in considerable detail, and it is the object of the Council to call attention to such statements as are of great importance to the Profession, and on which, consequently, the Institution is ever most anxious to receive accurate information, rather than to record the opinions of particular individuals. 149403 |