C. Canals, description of a new system of lockage for, 53. dynamometer for measuring the friction on, 52. Carr, H, description of a dynamometer for measuring the friction on roads, Cash account, 13. Cedar, white, for railway sleepers, 44. Cost, 45. Chapman, H., elected graduate, 22.- Description of an instrument for describing Chappel, E., Captain, R.N., elected associate, 22. Churchill, -, present of a white cedar railway sleeper, 44.- Cost of, 44. Clutton, J., elected associate, 31. Coal, on the properties and chemical constitution of, with remarks on the Coal field, description of the Forest of Dean, 49. Coffer-dam at the New Houses of Parliament, 18.-Details of the river wall, Cooper, J., on photography as applicable to engineering, 59.-Remarks on the J. T., on photography as applicable to engineering, 59.-Elected associate, 75. Cottam, E., on the duty and effect of steam engines, 17, 22. of results, 70.-On iron piling in tidal rivers, 71.-On the action of foul Cowper, E., description of a running gauge for ascertaining the parallelism of a Council and Officers, list of, 36. Cubitt, W., on a new mode of covering roofs with planking, 68. Cursetjee, A., elected associate, 37.-Remarks on the engines of the steam-tug Curtis, W. J., description of a traversing screw-jack, 60. Curves on railways, on setting out, 56. D. Daguerréotype, description of the process of, 58. Dalrymple, G. S., description of the coffer-dam at the New Houses of Par- Deceases of members, 12. Delbruick, M., on the autogenous uniting of lead and other metals, 27. Denroche, C., elected graduate, 41. De Richemont, M., autogenous uniting of lead and other metals, 27. Dickenson, J., elected associate, 45. Discs of silvered plate glass bent into concave, or convex mirrors, by means of the pressure of the atmosphere, 31. Discussions at the evening meetings, the importance of, 3. Dobson, G., elected graduate, 41. Donkin, B., remarks on the duty of steam engines, 22.-Ditto on American locomotive engines, 48. Dowelling timber, a mode of, 6. Dundee, harbour of, 10. Dyer, J. C., elected associate, 68. Dynamometer, or instrument for measuring the friction on roads, railways, or canals, description of, 52. E. Earth-falls at the Undercliff in the Isle of Wight, 35.-Description of the Undercliff, 35. Of its stratification, 35. Efflux of gaseous fluids under pressure, 87. Engines, Cornish, observations on the efficiency, or gross power of steam exerted on the piston in relation to the reported duty of, 1. single pumping, on the action of steam as a moving power in, 75.-Data employed, 76. - Methods of applying steam, 76.--Absolute resistance to the steam, 76.-Force of the steam at the end of the working stroke, 76. The expansive and unexpansive action of steam separated, 76.The deficiency of power, 77.-The percussive action of steam, 77.-The conditions of a Cornish engine, and theory of the action of the steam, 77.Action of the cushion of steam, 78. description of those on board the iron steam tug, "Alice," 54.-Dimen sions of the principal parts of the " Alice," 55.-Remarks on ditto, 68. Huel Towan, on the experiments and results of Mr. Henwood, as to the power of the, 30. locomotive, account of the performances of, on the London and Birmingham Railway during the year 1839, 33. Their construction, 33.Weight of, 34.-Performances of, 34. a series of experiments on American, 45.Details of their construction and weight, 45.-Notice of the trials made on the Grand Junction Railway, 46.-Analysis of the results of ditto, 46.Consumption of fuel in ditto, 47. on board the steam ship " India," described, 51. "Staadt Francfort," described, 69. stamping, in Cornwall, 83.-Reported duty of, 83. steam, principally with reference to their consumption of steam and fuel, 6.-Effective power of, 7.-Measures of effect, 7.-Expenditure of power, 8.-Proportion of boilers to engines, 8.--Relative economy of engines, 8.-Standard of comparison, 8.- Constituent heat of steam, 9.-The locomotive engine considered, 9. Of momentum, as a measure of effect, 12.The blast, 13.-Fixed and locomotive non-condensing engines, 14. England, G., on an universal screw-jack, 60. Enys, J. S., observations on the efficiency, or gross power of steam exerted on the piston in relation to the reported duty of steam engines in Cornwall, at different periods, 1.-Remarks on the duty and effect of steam engines, 15.Ditto on the best speed to work an engine, 17.-On the stamping engines in Cornwall, 83. Evans, F. J., elected associate, 31. Expansion of arches, 4. Explosion of steam boilers, description of an apparatus for prevention of, 55. F. Farey, J., on the quantity of air entering blast furnaces, 67. Field, J., remarks on the duty and effect of steam engines, 16.-Ditto on passage Flint glass, on the manufacture of, 37.-Ditto of flint plate, 38.-The elastic Fluids, the efflux of gaseous, under pressure, 87. Friction on roads, railways, canals, &c., dynamometer for measuring the, 52. Gandell, J., elected graduate, 28. Gas regulator, description of, 61. G. - works, specification and working drawings of the Middlesbro'-on-Tees, 6. Gaseous fluids under pressure, on the efflux of, 87. Gauge for ascertaining the parallelism of a railway, 30. Gilbert, D., memoir of, 12. Glass, flint, manufacture of, 37. substitute of mica for, in the windows of workshops, 43. Glynn, J., on the use of mica, as a substitute for glass, in the windows of work- Gordon, A., remarks on revolving lenses in lighthouses, 24.-- On photography as applicable to engineering, 57. Grantham, J., elected associate, 18. Green, J., elected member, 18. H. Hall, Captain B., on the lighting of lighthouses, 20. Harbour of Dundee, 10. Harris, J., elected graduate, 50. Hartley, J. B., elected member, 18. On the effects of the worm on kyanized Hawkins, J. J., remarks on revolving lenses in lighthouses, 24.-Ditto on Hawksley, T., elected member, 45. Heathorn, H., elected associate, 37. Hemming, A. F., on Browne's hydraulic level, 20. Henderson, Captain A., elected associate, 26. P., specification and working drawings of the Middlesbro'-on-Tees gas works, 6. Henwood, W. J., observations on his experiments and results, as to the power Holtze, G., elected associate, 26. Hood, C., premium awarded to, 5.-On the properties and chemical constitution Horne, J., elected associate, 22.-Remarks on the use of American white cedar Houses of Parliament, coffer-dam at the new buildings of, 18. Illman, T. elected associate, 68. I. Inland navigation, vide Navigation, inland. Iron, cast and wrought, on the corrosion of, in water, 70. - heel-post, analysis of the action of sea water upon the, 3. - passage-boat, description of the "Nonsuch," plying on the Limerick na- steam-tug "Alice," description of the engines, 54. Jevons, T., elected associate, 33. J. Johnson, W., elected associate, 26. Jones, J. E., premium awarded to, 5. Κ. Keating, Professor, remarks on revolving lenses in lighthouses, 25. Kendall, E. N.. Lieut. R. N., elected associate, 18.--Description of the steam- ship 'India,' with a table of the proportions of large steam-ships, 50.- Ditto King, A., elected associate, 26. Kreeft, S. C., elected graduate, 28. Kyanized timber, on the action of the worm on, 69.--Ditto when exposed to the L. Land reclaimed from the sea at Loughs Swilly and Foyle, 41.--Description of Lane, W., elected associate, 33. Lang, O., elected associate, 18. Lanyon, C., elected member, 37. Larmer, G., elected associate, 75. Lenses in lighthouses, on revolving, 24. Leslie, J., on Dundee harbour, 10. Level, an azimuth cap as an addition to the common, 31. Browne's hydraulic, 20. Lighthouses, the lighting of, 20.-On revolving lenses in, 24. Lock, Naburn, on the river Ouse, description of a self-acting wasteboard at, 26. Locomotive engines, see Engines, locomotive. Lowe, G., remarks on some experiments on intensity of light, 25.-Ditto on the M Macintosh, A., elected graduate, 22. Mackain, D., elected member, 28. Macneill, J., remarks on revolving lenses in lighthouses, 25.- Ditto on the Mallet, R., on the corrosion of cast and wrought iron in water, 70. Manby, E. O., elected associate, 26. J., elected graduate, 31. M'Ewen, R., description of an apparatus for preventing the explosion of steam- Mica as a substitute for glass, in the windows of workshops, 43. Mills, G., elected associate, 33. Milne, J., description of a new gas regulator, 61. Minutes of Proceedings, remarks on the issue of, 3. Mirrors, a mode of bending discs of silvered plate glass into concave, or convex, by means of the pressure of the atmosphere, 31. Monument to Telford, 11. Moorsom, W. S., Capt., account of a series of experiments on locomotive Mushet, D., analysis of a piece of iron converted, by the action of sea-water, into Napier, R., elected member, 28. Ν. Nasmyth, J., a mode of bending discs of silvered plate glass into concave or Officers, list of, 36. 0. P. Parkes, J., on steam engines, principally with reference to their consumption of Patrick, J., description of the engines on board the iron steam-tug 'Alice,' 54. Pellatt, A., on the manufacture of flint glass, 37.-Remarks on Prince Rupert's Perkins, A. M., elected associate, 54. |