A Practical treatise on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of spermatorrhœa

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H.C. Lea, 1866 - 376 pages

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Page 25 - OBSTETRIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY, in reference to the Process of Parturition. A new And enlarged edition, thoroughly revised by the author. With additions by WV KEATING, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Ac., in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.
Page 6 - ... a guide for the learner, and an admirable work of reference for the active practitioner. The engravings form a special feature in the work, many of them being the size of nature, nearly all original, and having the names of the various parts printed on the body of the cut, in place of figures of reference with descriptions at the foot. They thus form a complete and splendid series, which will greatly assist the student...
Page 25 - Ac., in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. In one large and handsome imperial octavo volume of 650 pages, strongly bound in leather, with raised bands ; with sixty-four beautiful plates, and numerous wood-cuts in the text, containing in all nearly 200 large and beautiful figures.
Page 13 - THE MEDICAL FORMULARY: being a Collection of Prescriptions, derived from the writings and practice of many of the most eminent physicians of America and Europe. Together with the usual Dietetic Preparations and Antidotes for Poisons. To which is added an Appendix, on the Endermic u-se of Medicines, and on the use of Ether and Chloroform.
Page 7 - The editor has exercised the utmost caution to obtain entire accuracy in the text, and has largely increased the number of illustrations, of which there are about one hundred and fifty more in this edition than in the last, thus bringing distinctly before the eye of the student everything of interest or importance.
Page 17 - A Practical Treatise on the Diagnosis, Pathology and Treatment of Diseases Of the Heart. Second revised and enlarged edition. In one octavo volume of 550 pages, with a plate. Cloth, $4.
Page 25 - Nurses," recently issued by Dr. Churchill, believing that the details there presented can hardly fail to prove of advantage to the junior practitioner. The result of all these additions is that the work now contains fully one-half more matter than the last American edition, with nearly onehalf more illustrations; so that, notwithstanding the use of a smaller type, the volume contains almost two hundred pages more than before.
Page 27 - The Science and Art of Surgery ; being a Treatise on Surgical Injuries, Diseases, and Operations. By JOHN ERIC ERICHSEN, Senior Surgeon to University College Hospital, and Holme Professor of Clinical Surgery in University College, London.
Page 20 - A SERIES OF PLATES ILLUSTRATING "WILSON ON DISEASES OF THE SKIN;" consisting of twenty beautifully executed plates, of which thirteen are exquisitely colored, presenting the Normal Anatomy and Pathology of the Skin, and embracing accurate representations of about one hundred varieties of disease, most of them the size of nature.

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