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Seaton-thorne,' be-north the zet; quhair the Devill callit for the said Cristiane Tod, and past to Robert Smartis hous, and brocht hir out; and as scho was cumand with him, scho tuik ane grit fray,3 and faid to the Devill, Sir, quhat will ye do with me?' Quha anfuerit her, Tak na feir, for ze fall gang to 3our fifter Beigis, and to be rest of hir cumpanie, quha ar ftayand vpone 3our cuming at the Thorne! And thay theireftir paft altogidder, with the Devill, to the irne zet of Seatoun, quhair of new thay tuik ane cat, and drew the famyn nyne tymes throw the faid Irne-zett: And immediatlie thaireftir, come to the barne, foiranent George Feudaris dur,* quhair thai cristenit the faid catt, and callit hir Margaret: And thaireftir come all bak agane to the Deane-fute, quhair first thai convenit, and cuift the kat to the Devill. For the quhilkis devillifche practizes the faidis Criftiane Tod, Johnne Gray-meill, Ersche Marioun and Margaret Dwne war convict and brunt. And the faid Beigis Tod is airt and pairt of the cryme of Sorcerie and Witchcraft aboue writtin; quhilk wes nottourlie knawin: ITEM, fforfamekill as the said Beigis Tod, haifing fallin furth at variance with the vmqle Alexander Fairlie in Lang-Nydrie, scho, to be revendget vpone him and his bairnis, in the moneth of Junij IT.Vc.lxxxxj yeiris, be hir Sorcerie and Witchcraft, cuift ane heavie and vnknawin feiknes vpone Alexander Fairlie, his fone, quha vanifchet away with vehement fueiting and continuall burning at the heart; quhilk feiknes indurit with him the space of tua monethis, that nane luikit for his lyfe ; and nichtlie the faid Beigis appeirit to him, in hir awin fimilitude; vpone quhome he cryit continuallie for help: And in the day, fcho appeirit to him, in schape of a dog; quhilk pat him almaist out of his witts: Vpone occafioun quhairof, the said Alexander, his father, paft to the faid Beigis Tod, and efter he was reconceillit to hir, maist earnistlie befocht hir to cum and remedie his fone of the faid feiknes; quha refuifit to cum; yit, at the eirneft defyre of Archibald Galloway, scho, accumpaneit with hir tua fones, come to the hous, and fa fone as the faid Alexander faw hir, he eftir that tyme became bettir and bettir, and convalefcit of the said seiknes. And fa, fcho committit manifeft devilrie and Witchcraft, in on-laying and aftaiking of feiknes, in maner foirfaid. AND lykwayes, was accufet be the faid Aduocat and Robert Woid, litfter, for the cafting of the lyk vncouth feiknes vpone the faid Robert, be hir devilrie and Witchcraft, in the moneth of Nouember last. VERDICT. The Affyfe, all in ane voce, be the mouth of Dauid Seatoun, bailzie of Tranent, ffylet the faid Beigis of the firft tua poyntis of Dittay aboue writtin: And, be pluralitie of voittis, ffand, pronuncet and declairit hir to be Clene 1 Thorns were favourite trysting-places of witches as well as lovers. 2 To the north of the gate. Fright. Old Fr. frayeur. * Door. • None thought he could possibly survive.

'Swooned, fainted away.


and acquit of the Sorcerie and Witchcraft vset be hir aganis the said Robert Woid, in laying the faid feiknes vpone him; in maner specifeit in the Dittay. SENTENCE. For the quhilkis tua crymes, quhairof the is convict, the Juftice ordanit hir to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Ed', and thair to be wirreit at ane staik, and her body to be brunt in asches; and hir haill guidis to be escheit, &c.

[CURIA JUSTICIARIE f. d. n. Regis, tenta in Pretorio de Lynlythgow, vltimo die Maij 1608, per M. Willielmum Hairt de Preftoun, Jufticiarium Deputatum.]



My Lord of Balmirrienoch,' My Lord Abercorne,2 My Lord Lynlythgow, Sir Peter 3oung.1 Abstracting Pearls and Jewels belonging to the Queen. May 31.-MARGARET HERTSYDE, fpous to Johnne Buchannane, fumtyme fervand to his Maieftie, and the faid Johnne Buchannane, for his entreis."

Dilaittit, accufet and perfewit be Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Bynnie, knycht, Aduocat to our fouerane lord.

DITTAY against the Pannell.

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MARGARET HERTSYDE, 3e ar indyttit and accufet, fforfamekill as 3e, being many 3eiris in credeit and fervice with oure fouerane lordis darreft fpous, the Queinis Maieftie, and haifing reffauit many grit benifeittis frome hir Maieftie, during pe tyme of zour feruice, at dyuerfe tymes, to 3our heich advancement, baith in credeit and welth: 3e, nochtwithstanding thairof, maift vnlaufullie and vndewtiefullie substractit, ftaw and detenit frome hir Maieftie, furth of our fouerane lordis Palices of ...... in Ingland, at the leift furth of ane or vther of our faidis Palices, ane Perle, of the valour and pryce of ane hundreth and ten pund fterling, pertening to hir Maieftie; togidder with dyuerfe vtheris perles, precious ftanes, jowallis and goldfmyth wark, lykwayis pertening to his Maiefteis darreft fpous, worth the fowme of thre hundreth pund fterling; committit be 30w in the monethis of. the gearis of God Im. fax hundreth thre, fax hundreth foure, fax hundreth fyve, fax hundreth fax, and Im.Vjc. and fevin zeiris; at pe leift in ane or vper of pe faidis monethis and zeiris. For the quhilkis, 3e being sworne and examinat, first vpone the fyft day of October 1607, and paireftir vpone the thrid day of Nouember laft bypast, anent 3our vnlaufull haifing of findrie of hir Maiefteis jowellis; and haveing declairit, vpone gour grit aithe, that ze had nane, and gif it war fund that ze had ony vther jowallis of worth, quhilkis pertenit to hir Maieftie, that pe perticuleris than confeffit be 30w, (quhairin the jowallis lybellit war nocht comprehendit,) 3e acknowlegit that ze had thame nocht lauchfullie: And lykwayis declairit, be 3 our faid Depofitioun, that at 3our first cuming frome Court to Scotland, 3e had delyuerit to hir Maieftie all pe jowallis quhairof 3e had pe credeit, and nevir fenfyne had charge of pame, or mellit" with ony of thame. NOCHTWITHSTANDING quhairof, ze paireftir, vpone the said thrid day of Nouember last, Confeffit that ze had abstractit frome hir Maiestie ane grit perle, pertening to her hienes, quhilk cam to 3our handis, amangis ane number of counterfute ftanes, and many perles pairwith: Quhilk grit perle, ze fauld, for ane hundreth and ten pund fterling, eftir that ze had presentit the same, hung at ane dyamond, to be fauld, to hir Maiefteis felf; ffor the quhilk ze cravet her Maiefteis pardoun, and 1 For his interest; only as husband to the pannell. 2 Sir James Elphinston, first Lord Balmerinoch, Lord President of the Court of Session. See his Trial, Mar. 10, 1609. 3 James Hamilton, first Earl of Abercorn. Alexander, seventh Lord Levingston, was created Earl of Linlithgow Lord Livingston and Calendar. 5 His Majesty's Elimosinar' or Almoner, &c. Trust, charge of. 7 Meddled, had to do with. Fr. Meler.

be zour faid Depofitioun cum in hir Maiefteis gracious Will for it. And lykwayis Confeffit, be zour Depofitioun foirfaid, that, without hir Maiefteis knawlege or gift, 3e had fauld and convenit to your awin proffeit and vfe, vther precious ftanes and perles, worth thre hundreth pund fterling, pertening to hir Maieftie; and acknowlegit pat 3our ouerficht and offence committit, in melling with the jowallis confeffit be 30w at pat tyme, pat 30w in hir Maiefteis Will: And ze ar airt and pairt of pe faidis crymes: ffor pe quhilkis ze aucht and fould be pwneisched, conforme to pe lawis and daylie practik of 3 our realme.

PERSEWAR, Mr Thomas Hammiltoun of Bynnie, knycht, Aduocat to our fouerane lord.

PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Williame Oliphant, Mr Thomas Hoip, Mr Alexander King, Mr Johnne Ruffell, Aduocatis, Mr Robert Buchannane, Minister at the Kirk of Ceres, Mr Williame Buchannane, Minifter at Methven.

The Aduocat producet our fouerane lordis Letteris, deulie execute and indorfate, purcheft at his inftance, as Aduocat to our fouerane lord, for his hienes entreis. The Aduocat, eftir cheifing of the prelocutouris for the pannell, producet his Maiefteis Warrand to the Juftice to proceid and minister Justice; togidder with ane vther Warrand, directit to my lord Aduocat, to infift in this perfute. -Mr Johnne Ruffell, for him felf and the rest of the prelocutouris, producet ane Warrand of the Lordis of Secreit Counfall, commanding thame to compeir, as prelocutouris, in defence of the pannell.

My lord Aduocat producet ane EIK to the Dittay, for cleiring thairof, and circumstances of the poyntis of Dittay contenit in the Letteris.

Margaret Hertfyde, olim in carcere, and now at libertie, producet ane Letter, contening ane defyre, ane Reuocatioun and proteftatioun, quhairof the tennour followis. I, MARGARET HERTSYDE, acknawleging my long captiuitie, and that I haif bene feperat fra my husband, dyuerfe tymes examinat and demandit vpone findrie wechtie matteris and articles, to the quhilkis I was forcet to anfuer, nocht being weill refoluit, bot be pe contraire, being hevelie trubillit, be apprehenfioun1 of my husband, my felf, wairding of our perfones, and ceafing2 vpone our haill guidis ; my Depofitionis nocht perfytlie knawin to me, and I being ane woman, juris ignara, nocht haifing fa guid memorie as is requifat in fic ane wechtie caus; I defyre that now, being ane frie perfone, exhibit in Judgment,3 my Declaratioun and Depofitioun may be producet, to the effect that I may reduce my felf to ane perfyte memorie; and, gif my Declaratioune be fet doun accoirding to pe treuth, I am content to abyde pairat; vtherwayis, in caice pair be any thing omittit or erroneouslie declairit, that I may be hard to correct my errour and eik pairto, qubatfoeuir is omittit: And in cais of non productioun of my faid Declaratioun and Depofitiones, to the effect foirfaid, I, be pir prefentis, revoikis quhatfumeuir Depofition maid by me, concerning the lybell and Dittay pairin contenit, and haill contentis pairof: And proteftis, in caice pe faid Depofitioun be producet, at ony time heireftir, in this Judgement, that pe famyn be oppinlie red in my prefence, to the effect foirfaid.

The Pannell, vpone productioune of the Eik to the Aduocat, defyrit this matter to continew to the morne, to be advyset thairupoune. My Lord Aduocat declairis, that he vffis this Eik producet, as ane qualificatioun and explanatioun of the Summondis; bot intendis nocht thairby to challenge the perfewar of ony new cryme; and thairfoir defyrit prefent proces.

1 Imprisonment.


• Seizing.

3 Presented in Court.

4 Add, subjoin.

3 z

THE JUSTICE and ASSESSOURIS continewis this mater to the morne, at viij houris; and hes delyuerit the Eik producet to the Prelocutouris, to he advyset thairupoun.

OBJECTIONS against the Affeffors.

(Jun. 1.)—It is allegit aganis Sir Peter zoung, that he can nocht be Affefour in this caufe, becaus he is his Maiefteis domeftik feruitour; and Margaret Hertfyde being callit in this Judgement for fteilling and fubftracting of Jowellis pertening to hir Maieftie, quhilk also pertenis to his Maieftie, na domeftik feruitour to his Maieftie can be Judge or Affefour in this caufe.-To the quhilk it is anfuerit, be the Aduocat, the allegeance is nocht relevant; becaus it hes bene practikket' in this Judgement, of befoir, that his Maiefteis fervandis and domestikis hes bene admittit vpone Affyfes : speciallie, the practik of Barbara Naper and Mr Thomas Cranstoun and George Craigengelt.3

It is allegit aganis my Lord of Lynlythgow, that he can nocht be Affefour, becaus his Lordschipis spous and the Kingis Maiestie ar of kyn.*—It is anfuerit be my lord Aduocat, the rekning was nocht relevant, becaus kyn to the King makis nane fufpect, in his caus.-It is allegit aganis my Lord Balmirrienoch, that he can nocht be Affefour, becaus the Aduocat being perfewar, be directioun of the Quenis Maieftie, that the Aduocattis fpous and my Lord Prefident ar ferds of kyn; and fa can nocht be Affefour.-To the quhilk it is anfuerit, the allegeance is nocht relevant; and thairfoir mereitis na anfuer.

THE Juftice, be Interlocutour, ffinds that the noble men nominat Affefouris may fit as Affefouris in this caufe, nochtwithstanding of the allegeances proponit be the pannell in the contrair. Quhairupone the Aduocat afkit inftrumentis.

My lord Aduocat declairit, that he infiftit nocht aganis Johnne Buchannane, bot allanerlie as fpous to Margaret (Hertfyde) for his entreis; quhairupone Johnne Buchannane afkit inftrumentis.-The pannell acceptis the Summondis and Dittay contenit thairin, as the samyn is qualifeit.

It is allegit be the pannell, that the Summondis is blank, bayth in the tyme and place of the committing of the fact lybellit; quhilk man be fillit befoir forder proces. It is anfuerit be the Aduocat, that the pannell man fay, quhairin the blankis ar prejudiciall to thair defenffis.-It is duplyit, that the exceptioune fstandis relevant, nochtwithstanding of the anfuer maid thairto, in respect that of the Law Ciuill thair is a folempne forme prefcryuit anent accufationis, that thairin tyme and place fall be determinat ; quia non oportet in Criminibus vagari: Lege libellorum § de accufationibus, &c. fignificafti, extra de libelli oblatione. Bald. Confilio, 1420, vol. iv. Julius Clarus, paragrapho finali, queftione 1 Decided, made matter of practique (practice) or precedent. 2 Witchcraft. 3 Gowrie Conspiracy. See Aug. 22, 1600. Alexander, seventh Lord Levingstoun, married Lady Helenor Hay, only daughter of Andrew, seventh Earl of Errol. They were entrusted with the care and education of the Royal children.


xij. Speculator, in titulo de furtis, numero 2. Quhilkis folemniteis ar vniuerfallie obferuit, bayth in Scotland, and in the haill warld. And forder, thair is ane grit neceffitie to condifcend vpoune the speciall moneth, becaus the Dittay beiris, anno 1603; and it is nottour, that in dyuerfe monethis of the said yeir, hir Maieftie was refident in Scotland, albeit the Dittay beir the place to be, out of his Maiefteis Palaces in Ingland.'-It is anfuerit be my lord Aduocat, that I haif alreddie declairit the Crymes lybellit to haif bene committit fen (since) the paffing to Ingland, furth of fome of his Maiefteis Palaces thair; quhairby the Summondis is fpeciall aneuch, vnles the pannell wald allege, quhat particuler tyme and place wald mak the fact lybellit lauchfull.-It is anfuerit, that my lord Aduocattis declaratioun is mair generall nor the lybell; and of the law, debet prius conftare de delicto, &c., quhilk man be circumfcryit, tempore et loce definito. This Julius Clarus, libro v. Sententiarum-finali queftione, iv. et v.

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SECUNDO, it is allegit that thai woirdis of the Dittay, fubfcryuit and detenit,' ar nocht relevant, et non funt verba juris, to infer a cryme. It is anfuerit, that the Lybell ftandis relevant, as it is confauet.1

TERTIO, it is allegit, that the last pairt of the Dittay, anent the generall woirdis of perles, pretious ftanes and goldfmyth-wark,' is nocht relevant, becaus the perticuler number is nocht defignet, and qualitie thairof; becaus of the Law, in furto rerum plurium, defignandus eft numerus; quia, fine defignatione numeri, non poffunt res intellegi, vbi funt plures. L. in actione furti, § de furtis. In auro infecto pondus in facto et fignato numerus et intefte color dicendus eft. And the expres text of the same matter, in L. fi quis vxori, § fi linea margaretarum Surrepta eft, dicendus eft numerus, et non fatis eft res furreptus demonftrari per eftimationem: With this woird, that vpone ane generall clause, neque in Ciuili neque in Criminali, na proces can be grantit.-It is anfuerit be my Lord Aduocat, that the conclufione of the argument is, that gif he fra quhome ane chenze, or perles, or ane Jowell compofet of mony ftanes is ftown, can nocht condifcend vpone the particuler number thairof, the theif fall bruik the samyn, but remeid2 of Law; quhairof I refer the relevancie and confequences to the Justice and Affefouris.-The pannell repeittis the exceptiones, quhilk is foundit vpone the Law; and as to my lord Aduocatis anfuer, it meitis nawayis; becaus the famyn fpeikis de corpore vnito et de gemmis inclufis in vno auro, and the exceptioun oppingis directlie the lybell; becaus it condifcendis nocht vpone the stanes, Jowellis and goldfmyth-wark, quhilk ar bayth distincta corpora, numero et Specie, mony of thame and of dyuerfe natures. To the quhilk is maid na anfuer. QUARTO, it is allegit, that, feing the Dittay is foundit and makis expres relation to certane Depofitiones, allegit maid be the pannell, at tua feuerall tymes, in 1 Conceived, framed. "Without legal remedy or redress.

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