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fchuitting of hagbuttis and piftolettis: And allegis, that the Respett producet can nocht stay proces for that cryme; becaus Refpettis, being odious of the Law, as grantit for impunitie of crymes and stay of justice to pairteis greivit, thay can nevir be extendit fauourabillie, be interpretatioun of the Judge, to ony forder nor (than) the exprefs woirdis thairof beiris: And thairfoir, the bering, weiring and schuiting with hagbutis and piftolettis, being ane cryme pwneifheable of the Law, and nawayis mentionet in this Respett, the pardon of the cryme of Slauchter, contenet in the faid Refpett, can nevir be extendit to the vther cryme of schuiting with hagbutis, &c.; fpeciallie, in refpect of the woirdis of the Refpett, pardoning the Slauchter allanerlie, and of his Maiefteis Warrand producet; quhilk removes all doutt that evir his Maieftie had intentioun to pardoun the cryme of the hagbuttis and pistolettis to the pannell.—It is anfuerit, that the Aduocattis declaratioun alteris nathing the tennour of the Letteris, contentis thairof, and Interlocutour producet. Thair is na mentioun maid in the Letteris of beiring and weiring and schuiting, bot only of ane schot, be the quhilk it is allegit the Slauchter was committit: And forder, the Refpett producet is nocht only extendit to the Slauchter, bot all that mycht follow thairupoune; quhilk was the schuiting of the hagbut, be the quhilk the Slauchter was committit: And quhair it is allegit, that the Refpett grantit for ane cryme can nocht be extendit to ane vther, aucht to be repellit, in respect of the Refpett, and the coniunctioun of the factis: And forder, of the Law and practik of this realme, ane Refpett or Remiffioune grantit of ane gritter cryme comprehendis lefs crymes, albeit na mentioun be maid of the lefs; speciallie, haifing confideratioun, quhan the less crymes ar ane pairt of the gritt cryme, quhairfoir the Refpett is gevin, and all done vnico contextu, at ane tyme; and the lefs cryme the inftrument of the grit, quhilk is refpettit.

It is forder allegit, that this Refpett man comprehend the schuiting with the hagbut, in respect it is expreslie statute, be Act of Parliament maid in the dayis of King James the Fourt, Parliamento fexto, cap. 62, That in all Refpettis and Remiffiones, mentioun fall be maid of the gritteft cryme, fa that be the expres meaning of the faid Act, the gritteft cryme being remittit and contenit in the Refpett, the lefs crymes man be lykwayis comprehendit thairintill; speciallie, in thir crymes, quhilkis ar fa coherent and conioynet togidder, that the Refpett or Remiffioune comprehending the gritteft, of all neceflitie man comprehend the leift. It is anfuerit be the Lord Aduocat, that that Act of Parliament militatis only, quhair thair is Remiffioune or Refpet, tane only for ane perticuler cryme, and ane generall claufe of Remiffioun fubioynit thairto; bot in this caice, the Refpett producet contenis only the cryme of Slauchter allanerlie, without ony generall claufe of vther crymes fubioynit thairto: In refpect quhairof, the allege

ance aucht to be repellit.-It is anfuerit, be the pannell, that the Refpet nocht only comprehendis the flauchter, bot also all thingis that can follow thairupoun, quhilk is the fchuiting.

It is forder allegit, be the pannell, that the cryme of schuiting and weiring of hagbuttis and pistolettis was nevir in viridi obferuantia, and fic a cryme quhairupoun ony accufatioun or puneifchment followit, befoir the Act of Parliament, in anno Im.V.lxxxxvij; fra the quhilk tyme and Act, that cryme hes only bene obferuet, and the pwneifchment contenit in the faid Act hes only had place. And albeit, be Act of Parliament maid in anno I".V.lxvij, it is ftatute and ordanit, that the weiring, vfing and schuiting of hagbutis and piftoletis, fall be tynfall (loss) of the rycht hand, yit be ane pofteriour Act, maid in anno Im.V.lxxix, the pane of the schuiting and vseing is only pecuniall, contening the fowme of x li. and tynfall of the hagbut or piftoll: And fa, haifing confidderatioun that this fact is allegit to haif bene done in anno 1583, lang befoir the yeir of God I".V©.lxxxxvij, the panes of the faid Act can nawayis be extendit aganes thir defenderis. It is anfuerit be the Lord Aduocat, that the Act of Parliament, in anno Im.Vc.lxxix, maid lang befoir the committing of the cryme lybellit, levis to the Kingis Maieftie, his optioun of the inflicting of the corporall pwneifchment for the faid cryme; quhairanent, his Maieftie hes declairit his will, be the Warrand producet.

It is forder allegit be the pannell, that the Act of Parliament, maid in anno lxxxxvij, declairis the penaltie of the former Actis to haif place, with the additioune; fa that befoir the tyme, the Kingis Maieftie nevir declairing his Will, his Maiefteis Will and penaltie man be only extendit fra the dait of the last Act. -The Aduocat anfueris, the maist folempne Declaratioune of his Maiesteis Will is be Act of Parliament.

THE Justice Repellis the allegeance, in refpect of the Act of Parliament, Respett producet, and his Maiefteis Warrand; and Ordanes forder proces.

It is forder allegit, be the pannell, that the pannell, for weiring and vseing of piftolettis, can nawayis be put to the knawlege of ane Affyfe, becaus it is confeffit in the Dittay, that the weiring and fchuiting of the hagbut or pistolettis was committit vpoune the landis of Reidbank, quhair the defenderis duelt and remanit for the tyme; and it is nawayis prohibeit be the Act of Parliament, bot be the contrair, it is permitted to perfones to beir, weir and schuit hagbuttis and pistolettis, within thair awin houffis, yairdis and cloiffis: And trew it is, gif ony hagbut was schott, borne or worne, the famyn was within the house of the faidis landis, at the leist, hard be the yettis and durris thairof: And albeit ony perfone wald schuit and weir within his awin houfe, or at the yettis or within the cloiffis


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thairof, that is na cryme of the law. And now it man be respectit, that thair is na mair in our Dittay, bot only the beiring, weiring and schuiting, &c.; vnder proteftatioun, that the pannell nawayis grantis the famyn.


Johnne Lyndfay of Auchinfkeach, Jo. Mertene, bailz ie of Blaikfchaw, Michell Anderfunn, burges of George Reidik of Airdrie, Adame Strudgeoun of Myllerland, Dumfreis,

Johnne Turnour of Ardwell,

Williame Williamefoune, burges

of Dumfreis,

Johne Slowane1 of Garroche,

Harbert Strudgeoun of Towcroce, Clement Edzer of Kirkblane,
Johnne Richiefoune, burges of Harbert Mckie in Preftoun,
Robert Edger of Blaikschaw,
Robert Rediche of Barnehowrie.

Johnne Gibfoun, burges thair.

OBJECTION to an Affifor.-It is allegit that Williame Maxwall of Merfyde can nocht pafs of this Affyfe, becaus he was nocht of perfyte age, viz. vpoun the age of xiiij yeiris, the tyme of the committing of the fact lybellit.—It is anfuerit, be the Aduocat, the allegeance aucht to be repellit, in respect of his present age. -The faid Williame Maxwall being inquyrit be the Juftice and fuorne, ‘Quhat age he was prefentlie of?' Declairit he was outwith xxv yeiris of age. It is allegit be the pannell, that the faid Williame Maxwall of Merfyde, the tyme of the committing of the fact lybellit, was nocht foure yeir auld.

THE JUSTICE Repellit William: Maxwall, in respect of his awin confeffioune, quha declairit that he was tennent to Harbert Maxwall of Kavenfe.

The Aduocat takis inftrumentis of the fweiring of the Affyfe, and proteftis for Wilful Errour gif thay acquit: As alfo of the fweiring of the Dittay be the perfeweris; and that the defunct was flane be Williame Maxwall appeirand of Cowhill, be ane schott.

SPECIAL VERDICT of the Affife.

THE faidis perfones of Affyfe, be the mouth of the said Johnne Lyndsay of Auchinfkeach, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit, all in (ane) voce, the faid ARCHIBALD MAXWALL elder of Cowhill to be Clene, innocent and acquit of the beiring, weiring and schuiting of hagbuttis and pistolettis, committit vpon the faidis landis of Reidbank, in the moneth of Junij, the yeir of God Im.Ve. fourfcoir thre yeiris: AND ficklyke, ffand, pronuncet and declairit, all in ane voce, be the mouth of the said Chanceller, the faid WILLIAME MAXWELL, appeirand of Cowhill, to be ffylet, culpabill and conviet of the beiring, weiring and fchuiting of ane hagbut; committit in the moneth of Junij, the yeir of God Im. fyve hundreth fourfcoir thre yeiris, vpone the grund of the faidis landis of Reidbank, within ane fpeir-lenth to the hous thairof, pertening than to the said Archibald Maxwall; the faid Williame Maxwall than being within the age of fourtene yeiris. IN witnefs quhairof, the chanceller, for him felf, and in name of the haill remanent perfones of Affyfe, hes fubferyuit thir prefentis with his hand. JHONE LYNDESAY.

(Sic fubfcribitur)

Quhairupoun the faidis Archibald and William Maxwallis afkit actis and inftrumentis: and the faid Charles Maxwall, in name of our faid fouerane lordis Aduocat, Proteftis for remeid of Law and Wilfull Errour aganis the faid Affyfe.

Aflowane' in another place. 'A' was then a common prefix to many names in the south of Scotland, as Amulligan, Acannan, Alasone, Ahaunay, &c.

[Per Comitem de Ergyle, Jufticiarium Generalem; et Magiftrum Wilelmum Hairt, ejus Deputatum.]


Fire-raising — Burning the Place of Littlegill — Slaughter — 'Rapt' — Adultery-Theft, &c.

Aug. 9.-THOMAS JARDANE of Birnok, Vmphra and Alexander Jardanes, his fones.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the treffonabill Raifing of ffyre, burning and diftroying of the Place of Littillgill, with the haill laiche houffis, barnes and byres thairof, and haill inficht and pleniffing being thairin; and for the crewall Burning and flaying of vmqle Alexander Bailzie of Littilgill, Rachaell Bailzie, dochter to Mathow Bailzie, now of Littillgill, and vmqle. . . . . Achiefone, fervand to the faid Mathow; the faidis vmqle thre perfones being all within the said place the tyme of the burning and diftroying thairof; committit in the moneth of . . . the yeir of God, ITV fourfcoir nyne yeiris. AND ficlyk, for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmql Robert Broun in Culter; committit in the moneth of Junij, the yeir of God ImVlxxxxvj yeiris: AND ficlyk, for airt and pairt of the Rapt and Raviesching of Katharene Johnneftoune, spous to . . . . Airmeftrang of Arkiltoune; committit in anno IVlxxxxv yeiris: AND for the cryme of Adulterie, committit be him with hir, contrair the tennour of the Actis of Parliament,' &c. &c.

Williame Creichtoun of Darnehauche and Johnne Carmichell younger of Potiefchaw, as cautioners for the appearance of the pannels, vnlawit in the pane of tua hundreth merkis for ilk ane of thame. The Jardanes ordained to be denounced Rebels, and their moveables to be efcheit, &c.

[Mr Williame Borthuik, Juftice-Depute.]

Sep. 17.-JOHNNE JAK, alias SCOTT, fervand to Thomas Boirthuik, in


Dilaitit of the abhominabill and monftrouous fact of Sodomie,' &c. SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftell hill of Edinburghe, and thair, he to be first bund to ane ftaik and wirreit thaîrat; and thaireftir, with the faid meir to be brunt in afches, as he that, vpone his awin Confeffioun, was convict of the crymes aboue writtin; and his haill moveabill guidis to be efcheit to his Maiefteis vfe,' &c.


1 There are also numerous acts of theft of horses, cattle, sheep, &c. enumerated, but unnecessary to be noticed here. A case of a similarly disgusting description (the only instance in the early part of the Record) was purposely omitted, Sep. 1, 1570. The crime (Sodomy) is designatedwyild, filthie, execrabill, deteftabill and unnaturall. Johnne Swan and Johnne Litfter, fmythis and feruandis to Robert Hannay,' the pannell, were likewise burnt on the Castle-hill of Edinburgh.


Nov. 5.-WILLIAME JARDANE in Yle, Johnne Carfane in Erfik, Fergus Heroune at the Kirk of Glaftrune, Johnne Aflowane in Tyllochbloun, Nicoll Dungalfoun in Claymadie, Robert McBay in the Maynes of Quhithorne, James M'conene in Caringdone, and Harie Stewart in Lagane.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmq" Harbert Maxwall, callit Harbert of the Coittis; committit in September ImVlxxxxvij yeiris.-Johnne Dumbar of Mynnieweik become plege and fouertie, that thai fall compeir befoir the Juftice, the xvij day of December nixtocum.

(Dec. 17.)-Johnne Dumbar vnlawit in the pane of ane hundreth merkis, for ilk ane of the faidis perfones: The Juftice ordanit that thay be denunceit rebellis, &c., and all thair moveabill guidis to be escheit.

[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.]

Nov. 6.-HARBART MAXWALL of Kavenfe.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Sir Robert Maxwall of Dynwiddie, knycht.

PERSEWARIS, Archibald Maxwell of Cowhill,' Williame Maxwall, appeirand of Kowhill, Archibald Maxwell, his brother, Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Monkland, knycht.

The Guidman of Kavenfe takis inftrumentis of this entrie, and proteftis for releif of his cautioner.

The Juftice continewis the matter to the Air of Dumfreis, or foner, vpone xv dayis wairning. Johnne Broune, of the Land, cautioner.—Archibald Myller, bailzie-depute to my Lord of Moirtoune, of the Regalitie of Moirtoune, Protestis, that the Guidman of Kavenfe finding of Cautioune, preiudge nocht the previledge of my Lord of Moirtones Regalitie; quhilk the Juftice admittit.

Mutilation and Demembration.

Nov. 23. ROBERT MCDOWELL and JOHNNE MCDOWELL, fones to Peter
Mcdowell of Machirmoir.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Mutilatioune of Patrick Murdoche of Camlodden and Alexander Mckie, his fervand, of thair richt handis.

PERSEWER, Patrik Murdoche of Camloddene, Alexander M'kie, his fervand, Sir Thomas Hammil

toune (knycht), Aduocat to our fouerane lord.

PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Alexander King, Peter Mcdowell of Machirmoir, The Laird of Mondurk, Robert Dougall, merchand.

Peter Mcdowell of Machirmoir become pledge and fouertie for Robert and 1 See Aug. 6, 1605.

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