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FORSAMEKILL as the faidis Williame Kynnaird, &c. haifing laitlie, vpone the ffyft day of July, the yeir of God, Im. fax hundreth and thre yeiris, convenit thame felffis within the toun of Rait, quhair the faid vmqle Johnne Scharp was for the tyme, attending1 the cuming of certane his freindis and gentilmen that war at the buriall of the Laird of Bandane, and doand vtheris his lauchfull effairis and buffines, lipning for na harme, iniurie or perfute of ony perfones, bot to haif levit vnder Godis peax and our fouerane lordis: And thair, in all hamelie and freindlie maner, come to the faid vmqle Johnne, and requeiftit him to pas with thame to the drink; quha, vpone meir fimplicitie and benevolence, past to ane drinking hous with thame, and haifing fallin in reffoning with the faid vmqle Johnne, anent fum fpeiches that paft betuix him and the said James Ramfay in Flacraig-mylne a few dayis befoir; the faidis perfones in the meane tyme directit one of thair companie for the faid James Ramfay, defyreing him to cum to thame, and thay fould affift him to be revenget on the faid vmqle Johnne: At quhais cuming, the foirfaidis perfones, togidder with the faid James Ramfay, being all bodin in feir of weir, with fuordis, qubingeris, gantillettis, plait-flevis and vtheris wappones, inuafiue, incontrair the tennour of the Actis of Parliament, fett vpone the faid vmqle Johnne Scherp, vnder treft, and maist trateruílie and barbaruílie, everie ane of thame with thair drawin wappones foirfaidis, perfewit him for his flauchter; and as murthereris, thevis and brigganis, haifing drawin the faid vmqle Johnne to drink, as faid is, ftrak the faid vmqle Johnne in dyuerfe pairtis of his body, and gaif him nyne bludie and deidlie woundis, viz. thre ftraikis in bis heid, thre in his bak, ane throw his wambe, ane vther vnder his okster, and tua vpone his fchoulder blaid: Off the qubilkis ftraikis and crewall woundis the faid vmqle Johnne immediatlie deceiffit amangis thair handis. And the faidis perfones, and ilk ane of thame, ar airt and pairt of the faid crewall Murthour and Slauchter, committit vnder treft, vpone set purpois, prouifioun and foirthocht fellony; in hie and manifeft contempt of our fouerane lord, his hienes auctoritie and lawis; and to the evil exampill of vtheris, his Maiefteis obedient fubiectis, to commit the lyk schamefull and barbarus crueltie and Murthour, in tymes cuming, gif the foirfaidis perfones committeris thairof be sufferit to remane vnpwneischet.

VERDICT. Lauchfull tyme of day biddin, and (the perfeweris) nocht compeirand, the Juflice-depute patt the faidis Williame, &c. to the knawledge of ane Affyfe, who all in ane voce, be the mouth of Robert Hog in Gally, fumtyme fervand to my Lord Marfchell, chanceller, ffand the faidis Williame, &c. to be Clene, innocent and acquit of airt and pairt of the felloune and crewall Slauchter of the faid vmqle Johnne Scherp, and haill circumstances aboue writtin. Quhairupoune the faidis defenderis afkit inftrumentis.

[Mr Williame Hairt and Mr Williame Borthuik, Juflices-Deputes.] Masterful Theft – Stouthreif-Lifting of Cattle, &c. Jun. 28.-JOHNNE ELLOTE of Copfchaw, Robert Ellote, his fone, Johnne Rutledge and Adam Rakefe, fervandis to the faid Johnne. Being enterit on pannell, quha war fummond be vertew of our fouerane lordis letteris, purcheft at the inftance of Hectour Trumbill of Wauchope, Thomas Trumbill, younger of Wauchope, George Trumbill, fecund lauchfull fone to the faid Hectour, George Trumbill in Wauchope, Thomas Scheill thair, Hob Olipher thair, Harie Trumbill thair, Pait Trumbill thair, Gawin Trumbill in Bullerwall, I Waiting. Fr. attender. 2 The matter had been compromised with the relations of the deceased, &c. and by the absence of the pursuer, and no evidence being produced, the Jury acquitted the pannel. 3 0


Adame Trumbill in Wauchope, and Eduard Scheill in Langhauch: And persewit be the faidis Thomas T. younger, and George his brother, for thame selffis, and in name and behalf of the faid Hectour Trumbill of Wauchope thair fader, and haill remanent perfones aboue writtin, thair tennentis, of the crymes following. DITTAY against the Pannels.

FORSAMEKILL as the faidis Johnne Ellote, &c. with thair complices, to the number of ane Hundreth perfones, allwell brokin-men and borderaris of Ingland, as of Scotland, all bodin in feir of weir, with jakis, fpeiris, fteil-bonnettis, lances, lang-hagbuttis, daggis and piftolettis, expreflie prohibeit to be borne, worne, vset or schote with, be the Actis of Parliament, laitlie, in the moneth of September, the yeir of God, Im. fax hundreth and tua yeiris, come opinlie, in the day lycht, to the landis of Wauchope; and thair, be way of Maifterfull thift and Stouthe-reif, ftaw, reft and away-tuik, af the faidis landis, fourfcoir of ky and oxin, ane bundreth fcheip, and tuelf horfe and meiris, pertening to the faidis perfeweris; had and convoyit the famyn away with thame, and difponit thairupoun at thair pleafour: And thay and ilk ane of thame ar airt and pairt of the faidis crymes of Thift and Stouth-reif; ffor the quhilk thay aucht and fould be pwneifhet, conforme to the lawis of this realme, in exampill of vtheris.

PERSEWERIS, Thomas Trumbill, younger of Wauchope, George Trumbill, his brother. PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Alexander King, Robert Ellot, Mr Thomas Henderfoune. The perfeweris proteftis for Wilfull Errour, in caice thay acquit ; in respect of the notorietie of the fact, and that thay haif gewin thair aithes thairvpoune. Hectour Trumbill, elder, and the remainder of the purfuers, ffind Robert Home, younger of the Heuch, as cautioner, that they fhall ratify whatever Thomas and George Trumbill do in their names, in this perfuit; and Williame Erle of Angus band and obleift him, his airis, executouris and fucceffouris to warrand, releif and keip skaythles the faid Robert Home, his airis, executouris and affignais, of his cautiounrie foirfaid, and of all danger, perrell and expenffis that he may incur thairthrow.'

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Robert Wauch of Keip, chanceller, ffand the faidis perfones to be Cleane, innocent and acquit, &c. Quhairupoun the faidis perfones on pannell afkit inftrumentis.

[Mr Williame Hairi, Juftice-Depute.]
Mutilation and Demembration.

Jul. 2.-JOHNNE HAMMILTOUNE, Perfone of Crawfurd-Johnne, Air-
thour Colquhoun, than his fervand, now in Kirmure, Gawin
Murray of Vdftounheid.

Dilaitt of airt and pairt of the Hurting, Wounding and Mutilatioune of Alexander Lokhart, Tutour of Wikketschaw, of his left hand, and demembring of him of his mid-finger, nerreft his littill finger, of his faid hand: And beiring and weiring of piftolettis; committit in Apryle, I".V.lxxxv yeiris.

Robert Chanceller of Sheilhill become pledge and fouertie, that thai and ilk ane of thame fall compeir befoir the Juftice or his deputis, the thrid day of the nixt Justice-air of Lanerk, or foner, vpone xv dayis wairning, to vnderly the law, &c.


Jul. 3.-CHAIRLES CARUTHERIS of Warrambie.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Roger Gordoun in Lochinkitt. PERSEWER, Roger Gordoune, brother-fone.


Continued to the air of Annandaill, tertio Itineris, (vel fuper premonitione,) xv dierum.'

Forcing (Rape.)

Jul. 3.-WILLIAME BELL, workman in Edinburgh.

Dilaitit, accufet and perfewit be Jonet Falconer in Karingtoun, ffor the fforceing of hir aganis hir will; and drawing hir furth of the way at Boddorne-mure, betuix Caringtoun and Lefuaid, and abuseing hir in ane coill-pott-hoill; fcho being ane 3oung maid of tuelf zeiris of age, or thairby, &c.; committit the xxj day of Junij lastbypast, about tuelf houres in the day.

VERDICT. Eftir accufatioun of the said Williame Bell, be Dittay, of the faidis crymes, and verificatioune thairof be the faid Williamis Depofitiones; the Affyfe, be the mouth of James Ramsay in Caringtoune, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Wm Bell to be ffylet, culpable and convict of the faidis crymes. SENTENCE. To be tane to the mercait-croce of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit vpone ane gibbet, quhill he be deid; and all his moveabill guidis and geir to be efcheit, &c.


Jul. 4.-JAMES TAIT in Kelfo, brother to George Tait of Bairerse. Dilaitit, accufet and perfewit by Williame Tait of Chirritreis, as father, Williame and Johnne Taittis, his fones, as brether,with the remanent kyn and freindis of vmqle James Tait, fone to the said Williame Tait of Chirritreis, off airt and pairt of the crymes following, viz.

FORSAMEKILL as the faid James Tait in Kelfo, with his complices, being all bodin in feir of weir, with fuordis, knapfka-bonnettis,1 lances and piftolettis, expreflie prohibeit to be borne, worne, vset or schot with be our fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament, in the moneth of July, the yeir of God Im ̧V«. lxxxxviij yeiris, haifing confauet ane deidlie feid, rancour and malice aganis the faid vmqle James Tait, come to the Grene of Chirritreis, qubair the faid James was, in fober and quyet maner, &c., and thair fet vpone him, and with thair piflolettis and fuordis, maift fchamefullie, crewallie and vnmercifullie flew the faid vmqle James Tait: And the faid James Tait in Kelfo is airt and pairt of the faid flauchter; committit vpone fett purpois, prouifioun and foirthocht fellony, in hie and manifeft contempt of our fouerane lord, &c.

PERSEWERIS, Williame Tait, Johnne Tait, as brether.

PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, Mr Thomas Craig, Mr Thomas Henderfoune. VERDICT. The Affyfe, (amongst whom, Thomas Ker of Pryoraw, Thomas

A steel bonnet, or skull-piece.

Tait of the Hoill, and Johnne Ryddell, appeirand of that Ilk') be the mouth of Johnne Mow of that Ilk, chanceller, ffand the faid James Taitt in Kelso, to be Cleane, innocent and acquit of airt and pairt of the faid Slauchter. Quhairvpone he afkit inftrumentis.

[Mr William Boirthuik, Jufiice-Depute.]

Perjury before the Lords of Council and Session.

Jul. 10.-MR WILLIAME CARBRAITHE (GALBRAYTHE), fumtyme Minifter at Pennycuik.

Dilaitit of Periurie, in deponing contrair to his former Depofitiones, eftir he was re-examinat thairupone, in the cause perfewit be the Tennentis of Laffuddane, contrair Sir Johnne Ker of Hirfell, knycht.

DITTAY against the Pannel.

FORSAMEKILL as the faid Mr Williame Galbrayth, compeirand befoir the Lordis of Counfall and Seffioun, vpone the thrid day of July inftant, as he that was fummond to compeir befoir the faidis Lordis, to heir witneffing in the cause persewit be the Tennentis of Leffudane aganis Sir Johnne Ker of Hirfell, knicht, anent the reffait of certane evidentis and writtis be the faid Sir Johnne, pertening to the faidis Tennentis, maid his Depofitioune as followis, viz.- MR WILLIAME GALBRAITHE, Minifter, of the age of fourtie yeiris, or thairby, folutus, Deponis, that in the yeir of God Im.Vc. fourscoir fevintene yeiris (the speciall tyme and day rememberis nocht,) the Deponar, being in James Kingis chalmer in Edinburghe, qubair he prefentlie duellis, qubair he faw prefent, for the tyme, Sir Johnne Ker of Hirfell, knicht, ane of the defenderis; Oliver Sincler of Ravinfnuk; Enoche Dewar, fervand to the faid Olipher; Adame Scheill, fervand to vmqle Mungo Tennent, and the faid James King; and in all the faidis perfones prefens, Oliuer Sincler prefentit vpone the buird,3 in all thair presens, ane littill box, coverit with ledder, of Flanderis mak; and the faid Oliuer faid to the faid Laird of Littildane, "Thir ar the writis quhilk I promeiffit to lat 30w fie;" and then the box being opnit, James King tuik out all the faidis euidentis furth of the faid box, in all thair prefens, and red the famyn, ane be ane. Interrogatus, vpone the perticuler contentis and daitis of ilk ane of the faidis euidentis, rememberis perfylie, that all the euidentis than red be the faid James King maid mentioun and difpofitioun of the landis of Leffuddane and Newtoun; and rememberis that ane of the faidis Chartouris bure difpofitioun of the foirfaidis landis of Leffuddane and Newtoun to Airthour Sinclair, and his airis mentionat thairin ; and rememberis necht of ony forder particuler contentis of the foirfaidis euidentis; bot fayis, that thair was ane grit quantitie of thame, all in parchement, and baiffand feillis: And immediatlie efter the reiding of the faidis writis, thay war all put within the said box agane; and ane Obligatioun maid and writtin in all the foirfaidis parteis presens, beirand the faid Sir Johnne Ker to be bundin and obleist to the said Oliver Sincler in the fowme of Fyve hundreth merkis money, how fone he or ony of his fould obtene the richt of the landis of Leffuddane: And this Deponer faw the faid Sir Johnne Ker fubferyue the faid Obligatioun; and James King and this deponer fubferyuit the fame Obligatioun, as witnes: And at the samyn tyme, Sir Johnne Ker and his fervandis tuik away the faid box with thame, and the said Oliuer Sincler tuik the faid Sir Johnne Keris Band with him; and fen that tyme, the deponer newer faw ony of the foirfaidis euidentis, in ony of the defenderis handis, nor in nane vther perfones handis; reddens caufa fcientie, becaus this Deponer was prefent, hard and faw as he deponit.'-EFTIR the making of the qabilk Depofitioune, the faid Mr Williame Galbraithe being re-examinat, vpone the fourt day 2 According to more modern form, 'purged of malice and partial counsel.' * Manufacture, workmanship, make.

1 The remainder are feuars. Board, table.

of July inftant, in prefens of my Lord Chanceller and haill remanent Lordis of Seffioune, he paft fra his former Depofitioun, maid be him the said thrid day of July, and declairit the famyn Depofitioun to be altogidder ffals and vntrew in the self; and that he was nevir in James Kingis Chalmer, qubair he faw the cuidentis delyuerit to Sir Johnne Ker, nather yit faw he euir Oliver Sincler and Sir Johnne Ker, togidder, in James Kingis chalmer; nor newir faw ane Obligatioun fubferyuit be Sir Johnne Ker to Oliuer Sincler; nor nevir fubfcryuit the famyn as witnefs: And being inquyret, quha movit him to mak the faid Depofitioune? Declairit, that Dandie Plumbar fchew him ane Obligatioun, extractit and fubferyuit be the Clerk of Regifer, allegit fubfcıyait be Sir Johnne Ker, qubairin he was witnes, as was allegit; and bad him Depone, conforme to the Obligatioun: The quhilk Obligatioun, eftir the ficht thairof, movet the deponer to depone as he deponet; and faid, that he gat only fra Dandie Plumbar his dennar, yifterday, and fourtie fchillingis eftir his denner. As at mair lenth is contenit in the faidis Depofitiones. Be the making of the qubilkis tua contrair Depofitiones, the faid Mr Williame Galbraithe hes fchawin him self to be manifeftlie Periuret, ffalfe, and vntrew: FOR the quhilk Periurie and ffalfet he aucht and fould be puneischet, conforme to the Lawis of this realme, in exampill of vtheris.

Quhilk cryme aboue writtin, the faid Mr Williame confeffit to be of veritie; and offerit him felff, and become in our fouerane lord and his hienes Counfallis Will for the famyn; quhome the Juftice reffauit in will. And thairfoir the faid Juftice-depute, at command and for obedience of ane Warrand directit to him, of the dait, the tent day of July instant; subscryuit be my Lord Chanceller and vtheris Lordis of his Maiefteis Secreit Counfall; quhairof the tennour followis.

DECIMO Julij, 1605. THE Lordis of Secreit Counfall ordanis the Juftice-generall and his deputis to gif this dome following, vpoun Mr Williame Galbraithe, eftir that he be convict of Periurie befoir thame, or pat he becum in will, viz. That he fall be tane to the mercait-croce of Edinburghe, with ane paiper on his heid, declairand him to be Men-fworne, Perjuret and Infamous, and to Banifche him the Ile of Britane for euir: And that he depairt furth of the said Ile, betuix and the fyftene day of August nixtocum; and gif euir he repair within the famin Ile agane, without the Kingis Licence, or zit fall remane within the famyn, and nocbt depairt furth pairof, betuix and the faid fystene day of August nixtocum, that he fall be execute to the daith, without any forder dome to be gevin vpone him.

(Sic fubfcribitur) AL. CANCELL(arius,) SECRET(arius,) QUHITTINGHAM, R. COkburne. SENTENCE. The Juftice, be the mouthe of James Henderfoune, dempster of Court, decernit and ordanit the faid Mr Williame Galbraithe to be tane to the faid mercait croce of Edinburghe, and thair to stand, for the space of ane hour, or thairby, with ane paper vpone his heid, contening thir woirdis, in grit letteris, MENSUORNE, PERIURET AND INFAMOUS:' And to be Banifchet the Ile of Britane for euir, &c.'

[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.]

Sorcery-Witchcraft, &c.

Jul. 23.-PATRIK LOWRIE, in Halie (Ayrshire.)

Dilaittit, accufet and perfewit, be Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Monkland, knycht, aduocat to our fouerane lord, for his hienes entreis, off the crymes fol

The terms of the Council's Warrant are recited.

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