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VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Dauid Fairlie, merchand burges of Edinburghe, chanceller, for the maist pairt, ffand, pronunceit and declairet the faid Eduard to be Clene, innocent and acquit of airt and pairt of the Mutilatioune, &c.; in refpect, vpone thair confciences, as thay haif tryit and confidderit, the famin proceidit vpone the faid Johnne's awin default; and was committit and done be the faid Eduard, the tyme foirfaid, in defence of him selff, his wyfe and fervand, quha war invaidit and moleftit be the faidis Johnne Broune and Patrik Robertfoune, vnder nycht. Quhairupoune the faid Eduard afkit inftrumentis.

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Jun. 18.—JOHNNE BROUNE, goldfinyth, burges of Edinburghe.

Dilatit for Vmbesetting of Katherene Rae, fpous to Eduard Johnnestoune, younger, merchand burges of Edinburghe, and preiffing to fforce hir; and cauffing hir to pairt with bairne.

PERSEWAR, Eduard Johnneftoune, younger, merchand burges of Edinburghe. PRELOQUUTOURIS for the pannell, The Laird of Phillorth, Mr Johnne Ruffell, Mr James Donaldsoune. THE JUSTICE Continewis this matter to the xxvij day of Junij instant.

DITTAY against Johnne Broune.

(Jun. 27.)-FORSAMEKILL as, vpone the fevintene day of May laftbypast, the said Katharene and Eduard, bir husband, haifing souppit in pair faperis hous, and being returning eftir fupper, about ten houris at evin, fra pair faid faperis house to pair awin ludgeing, in peceable and quyet maner, lipning for na harme, iniurie or perfute of ony perfones, bot to haif paft in peceable maner throw the Hie-ftreit of pe faid burgh of Edinburghe to pair faid ludgeing, vnder Godis peax and our fouerane lordis; it is of verritie, that pe faid Johnne Broun, goldfmyth, accumpaneit with Patrik Robertfoune, burges of Aberdene, perfaueing the said Katharene to be hir felff, allane, accumpaneit allanerlie' with ane fervand woman; and finding pe gait2 to be quyet, fa that nane was pairupone, to mark pair doingis, or to stay thair intendit fchamefull and villanuse interpryfe; the faid Johnne Broun and Patrik Robertsoune refoluet violentlie to haif fforcet pe faid Katharene and hir fervand woman: And for pis effect, the said Johnne come to the faid Katharene, and brak furth in findrie vncumlie and vnhonnest speiches to hir, beleifing to haif perfwaidit bir to haif yeildit to his filthie luft and beiftlie appetite; and finding him felf difapointit of pat meane, he, in his beiftlie rage and furie, as ane poffeft with ane wikket fpreit, maist schamefullie and crewallie grippit pe faid Katbarene Rae be the gorget, and violentlie drew hir aff þe hie ftreit to ane cloife-heid, vnder ane flair; and pair crewallie, with his faldit neiffis, ftrak and dang hir in the face, and caufet hir to bleid at mouth and neife in grit quantitie; raif bir courche1 and remanent ornamentis of bir heid, and cuift pe famyn vnder his feit; and, with his kneyis, punchet pe faid Katharene in the bellie, fcho being grit with chyld; and had nocht faillit to haif abufet hir chastitie, gif pe faid Eduard, hir husband, and vperis nychtbouris (heiring hir and hir faid fervand gif pe fprache and cry5) had nocht cum, with diligence, and releiuit hir furth of his cruell grippis. Be occafioune quhairof, the faid Katharene was led hame to hir awin hous, quhairin scho hes layne continuallie bedfaft fenfyne, in grit pane and dollour, vnder pe cuir of Doctouris and chirurganes; fa that, vpone the xxj day of May laftbypaft, or pairby, fcho pairtit with ane deid bairne; and fcho hir felff hes bene, and as 3 The numerous narrow alleys running downwards from the north and south sides of the High-street of Edinburgh, are termed closes; the close-heid signifies the entrance to one of these passages. 4 Tore her curtche, a sort of cap or head-dress. Old Fr. 5.Give the alarm; the hue and cry.

1 Only. 2 Street, way.

zit is, in grit haizard and danger of hir lyfe Committing pairthrow manifeft villany, vnder nycht, within the faid burch of Edinburghe, vpone pe Hie-streit pairof, quhilk fould be ane faiftie and place of refudge to all honeft men and wemen; fpeciallie, to the honeft nychtbouris, inhabitantis pairintill; Lyk as, pe faid Johnne Broune is airt and pairt of the famyn villany and barbarus cryme: As also, is airt and pairt of the Slauchter and diftructione of the faid Katharenes infant bairne, quhairwith fcho hes pairtit, be occafionne foirfaid. For the quhilkis, the faid Johnne aucht and fould be pwneifchet, conforme to the lawis of pis realme, as ane brigane' and Murtherour vnder nycht; to the terrour and exampill of vtheris to commit the lyk, in tyme cuming.

It is allegit that the Summondis is nocht relevant; in respect the fact lybellit is only ane naikit intentioune. It is anfuerit be the perfewer, that he conioynis the haill crymes lybellit togidder, to be tryit be the Affyfe.

THE JUSTICE ffindis the fummondis relevant, in respect of the anfuer.

It is forder alledgit, that this matter can nocht pafs to ane Affyfe, in respect it is tryit alreddie, befoir the Secreit Counfall, and ane Sentence gevin thairin alreddie. It is anfuerit be the perfewar, that the Secreit Counfall ar nocht Judges Criminall, and that na Precognition tane be thame can be in preiudice of decifioune to the Juftice, to put crymes to ane Affyfe; as was laitlie decydit betuix Johnneftoune of Newbie contrair Williame Maxwall.2

THE JUSTICE remittis this matter to the tryall of ane Affyfe.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Dauid Fairlie, merchand burges of Edinburgh, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Johnne Broune to be ffylet, culpable and convict of the Invaiding and molesting of the said Katharene Rae, vnder nycht; committit the tyme foirfaid, contenit in the faid Dittay: And declairit the faid Johnne to be Clene, innocent and acquit of the Murthour and diftructioun of the said infant bairne, committit the tyme foirfaid; in respect thair was nathing producit for verifeing thairof: Quhairupoun aither of the faidis parteis afkit inftrumentis.3

[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.]

Hamesucken-Besieging the Tower of Newbie—Shooting Pistolets – Taking Captive, &c.

Jun. 21.-WILLIAME MAXWALL of Gribtoune, Barbara Johnnestoune, his fpous, Elizabeth Johnneftoune, relict of vmqle Johnne Johnneftoune, appeirand of Newbie (mother to the said Barbara.) Dilaittit, accufit and perfewit, be vertew of THE DITTAY following, viz. FORSAMEKILL as, albeit be dyuerfe guid Actis of Parliamant and Secreit Counfall, refpectiue, oure fouerane lord hes prohibeit and discharget the beiring and weiring of hagbuttis and piftolettis vnder certane panes mentionet in the faidis Actis; nochtwithstanding, it is of treuth, that fic is the wikket difpofitioun of fum perfones, quha preferring thair awin inordinat appetite and revenge, to the dew reuerence and obedience of his hienes faidis lawis, thay and thair domestik servandis daylie and conti1 Fr. brigand.

2 See Jun. 21, the following Case.

3 The Sentences are not Recorded.

huallie beiris and weiris hagbuttis and piftolettis, as thair ordiner and accuftomet wappones; of fet purpois and prouifioune to put thair vngodlie determinatioun to executioune, aganis fic of his hienes peceable fubiectis, aganis quhom thay beir ony querrell or haittrent: As namelie, the faidis Williame Maxwall of Gribtoun, Barbara Johnneftoun his fpous, and Elizabeth Stewart hir mother, haifing, this langtyme bygane, borne ane fecreit and hid malice aganis the faid Robert Johnneftoune of Newbie, in respect of the dependance of certaine actiones, depending befoir the Lordis of Counfall and Seffioun, movet be aither pairtie aganis vtheris; and fpeciallie, ane actioune of Reduction intentit, and the Summondis thairof lauchfullie execute, at the inftance of the faid Robert aganis the faid Williame Maxwall, Barbara his fpous, and the said Elizabeth hir mother, for Reductioun of the Retour of vmqle Johnne Johnneftoun of Newbie, that laft deceiffit, fpous to the faid Elizabeth, and for Reductioun of his Seafing following thairupoun, and of certane vtheris pretendit Infeftmentis, allegit maid be him to the faid Elizabeth his fpous, and to the faid Barbara his dochter: And ane vther actioun and cause, perfewit be the faid Barbara and the faid William hir fpous, for his entreis, aganis the said Robert Johnneftoun, for randering to thame the Toure and ffortalice of Newbie: And the famyn actioun being oft and dyuerfe tymes callit, in prefence of the faidis Lordis, and dyuerfe guid exceptiones and defenffis proponit be the faid Robert and his procuratouris in his name, quhilk as yit ar vndifcuffit, the faidis Williame, Barbara his fpous, and the faid Elizabeth hir mother, nocht being content to abyde the event of the faidis Lordis Judicatorie in the faidis cauffis, bot rather to contempne our fouerane lordis authoritie and lawis, and to tak Juftice at thair awin handis, as gif thair war na ordiner justice within this realme; thay, during the faidis dependances, and eftir raising and lauchfull executioun of the faidis Summondis, in maner aboue writtin, haifing confultit and devyfit with Johnne McBrair, Robert Johnneftoune callit of Brwme, feruitouris to the faid Williame Maxwall, Thomas Jardane callet of Birnok, Eduard Maxwall, brother to the Laird of Conhath, and Thomas Jardane, fervitour to Johnne Lord Hereifs; the faidis fyve perfones immediatlie befoir namet, being all bodin in feir of weir,' with jakis, fuordis, fteilbonnetis, lang gwnes, piftolettis, and vtheris wappones invafiue, prohibeit to be worne in maner foirfaid, laitlie, vpone the xix day of Merche laft bypast, be directioune, caufing, command, hounding and convoy, reffett, affiftance and ratihabitioun of the faidis Williame Maxwall, Barbara Johnnestoun his spous, and Elizabeth Stewart hir mother, come ryding to the place of Neubie, pertening to the faid Robert Johnneftoun, and being in his peceable poffeffioun, than, and dyuerfe monethis ofbefoir; quhair the faid Robert was deidlie feik for the tyme: Eftir thay had fend bak thair horfis fra thame, quhairby thair being thair fould nocht be knawin, thay privatlie, be the moyane of the faid Elizabeth Stewart and Barbara Johnestoun, convoyit thame felffis, vnder clud and filence of nycht, within the laiche hall and houffis of the faid place of Neubie, inhabeit be the faid Elizabeth Stewart and Barbara Johneftoun, be quhome thay war reffett within the faidis houffis; and thair, the faidis perfones, awaiting thair awin opportunitie, be way of foirthocht ffellony and hamesukin, and vfurping vpone thame our fouerane lordis authoritie, befaiget and invaidit the faid Tour,3 thay being in the faid Robert Johnneftounis poffeffioune, as fone and appeirand air mail and of tailzie1 to the faid vmqle Johnne Johneftoun of Neubie, his faither: And the faidis fyve perfones maift fchamefullie, crewallie and vnmercifullie preiffand, be violence and vnlawfull force, to affage and tak the said Tour and fortalice, invaidit and hurt the faid Eduard Johnnestoun, brother to the faid Robert, and maift crewallie schot him throw the body with ane piftolet; and alfo maift crewallie invaidit, hurt and woundit the faid Airthour Johnneftoun, fervand to the said Robert, in the face, with the schot of ane vther piftolett; to the effufioune of thair bluid in grit quantitie, thay being in cumpany and feruice with the faid Robert, and in defence of him and his Tour and fortalice of Newbie; and than, per force, be way of ffoirthocht ffellony and Hamefukkin, as faid is, and vfurpeand and takand vpone thame our fouerane lordis authoritie, thay enterit within the faid Robertis Tour and fortalice of New1 In warlike array. 2 Low or under-hall. 3 Tower. 4 Son and apparent heir-male and of entail, 3 N


bie, and tuik the faid Robert and the faid Airthour, his fervand, captiues and priffoneris; the faid Robert being lyand deidlie feik and bedfaft within the famyn; crewallie invaidit thame, band thair handis behind thair bakis, and violentlie and perforce fchot' thame and thair haill cumpanie furth of the faid Tour, thay being our fouerane lordis frie fubiectis. QUHILKIS crewall, fchamefull and abhominable crymes aboue writtin, viz. Vfurpatioune of our fouerane lordis auctoritie, Hamefukkin, Beir. ing and weiring of piftolettis, and remanent Invafiones, factis and deidis respective aboue specifeit, was done and committit be the foirfaidis fyve perfones, of the fpeciall command, hounding out, directioune, confulting, devyfe, reffett, affiftance and ratihabitioune of the faidis Williame Maxwall, Barbara Johnestoun his fpous, and the faid Elizabeth his moder: And thairby, thay, and everie ane of thame, ar airt, pairt, red and counfall, and ratiefearis of the faidis baill crymes aboue expremit, and everie ane of thame, viz. Vfurpatioun of our fouerane lordis authoritie and Befageing and taking of the said hous, Convocatioun of his Maiefteis leigis, Beiring and weiring of hagbuttis and piftolettis, contrair the tennour of the faidis Actis, Invaiding, fchuiting, hurting and wounding of his hienes frie lieges and fubiectis, and Invaiding and taking of thame captiues and priffoneris, be way of Hamefukkin and ffoirthocht ffellony, binding of thair handis behind thair bakis, fchuiting and expelling of thame violentlie furth of thair awin houffis, but2 Commiffioune; thay being our fouerane lordis frie legis and fubiectis, in maner foirfaid.


Robert Johnneftoune of Newbie, Eduard Johnneftoune his brother, Airthour Johnneftoune, fervand to the Laird of Newbie, Sir Tho' Hammiltoune of Monkland, knyt, Aduocat to our fouerane lord. PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell.

The Laird of Gairleis,

Mr Alexander King,

The Laird of Hempisfeild,

Mr Robert Lyntoun,

Andro Ker of Fentoun,
James King.

It is allegit be Mr Alexander King, prelocutour for Barbara Johnnestoun, that na proces can be led aganis hir, becaus fcho being convenit ofbefoir, befoir the Lordis of Secreit Counfall, vpone the haill contentis of this lybell, factis and deidis lybellit, at the inftance of my Lord Aduocat and Robert Johnneftoune, perfeweris, fcho is affoilzeit fimpliciter, be Decreit of the Lordis of Secreit Counfall; and that thairefter the faid Lybell was admittit to the faid Aduocat and Robert Johnneftone's probatioune, and thai fuccumbit thairintill: For verificatioune quhairof, thay producet the faid Decreet-abfoluitour, of the dait, at Edinburgh, the fecund Maij last.—It is anfuerit he the perfeweris, the allegeance aucht to be repellit, becaus nathing done befoir the Secreit Counfall, ather be Sentence abfoluitour or condampnitour can stay the Juftice to proceid in ane Criminall caufe; as was practiket betuix Eduard Johnneftoune Younger and Johnne Broune: And gif the Counfall can nocht judge vpone fa heich crymes as ar lybellit, or geve ony penall fentence vpoune the famyn, conforme to the law, thair precognitioune can nocht stay the proceiding of the Juftice. Laft, the fummondis befoir the Counfall was fund relevant, and the abfoluitour proceidit vpone nocht probatioune; and as crymes capitall can nocht be provin be Wit

1 Thrust, ejected. 2 Without. made matter of precedent or practique.

3 Absolved, acquitted, freed. 1 Yielded. 5 Decided,

See the preceding Case, Jun. 18 and 27, 1605.

neffes, bot be the tryell of an Affyfe, fa the nocht probatioune of the famyn, befoir the Counfall, can nocht ftay the fame to pas to ane Affyfe.

It is anfuerit be the pannell, that the abfoluitour befoir the Lordis of Secreit Counfall will stay the Juftice of ony forder proceiding: And as to the Practique betuix Eduard Johnnestoune and Johnne Broune, the famyn militatis nathing in this caice. That in that caice, Johnne Broune was convenit befoir the Counfall, for the wrangus Invaiding of Eduard Johnneftoune's wyfe, vnder clud and filence of nycht; and the proces befoir the Juftice was ane perfute, perfewit at the inftance of Johnne Broune aganis Eduard Johnnestoune, for Mutilatioune; fua that the Decreit of Secreit Counfall nawayis met that perfute befoir the Justice: And alse, as for the authoritie and power of the Lordis of Secreit Counfall, the perfeweris can nevir be hard to oppone the famyn; in refpect thay authorizet that judgement, callit and persewit befoir thame, as Judge-ordiner, for the factis lybellit, led and deducet probatioune eftir that the summondis was fund relevant in their fauouris, and thaireftir fuccumbit, as faid is; and thairby, can nevir be hard to impunge the faid Decreit and fentence. In refpect quhairof, the allegeance ftandis relevant.-The Aduocat adheris to his former anfuer.

The Juftice ffindis proces. Quhairupoune the Aduocat afkis inftrumentis. It is forder allegit, that we ar nocht difputing heir vpone the authoritie of the Counfall or of the Justice, bot infiftis only on this poynt, that thai ar maid fré of the fact afoir the Counfall.-It is anfuerit be the Aduocat, he is nather acquit be ane Affyse, nather yit be ane Remiffioune.

The Justice Repellis the allegeance, locoquo; referving the pannelis informatioune thairof to the Affyfe.-The Aduocat takis inftrumentis of the Juftice interlocutour.

It is allegit that the Summondis is nocht relevant, in respect that the ffactis and deidis lybellit ar nocht capitall, and can nocht be put to the knawledge of ane Affyfe.—The Aduocat anfueris, aucht to be repellit, in respect of the Summondis. The Juftice ffindis the fummondis relevant; and ordanis the famyn to be put to the knawlege of ane Affyfe.-The Aduocat takis inftrumentis of the Interlocutour.

George Hadden of that Ilk,
Thomas Portious of Glenkirk,
Williame Twedie of the Wrae,
Mr Alex Menzies of Culterrawis,
Patrik Lanctoun elder of Erlef-


Robert Frenche younger of William Hay of Lynplum,

James Flemyng of Spittel,
James Crawfurd, goldfmyth, bur-
ges of Edinburgh,
Alex' Fairlie elder of Braid,

Johnne Tennant of Kairnis,
Williame Sincler of Roifling,
George Hay of Monktoune,
Ja' Cranstoun of Monktonhall,
Sydferff of Ruchlaw.


The Aduocat takis inftrumentis of the fweiring of the Affyfe; and Protestis for Wilfull Errour, gif thay Acquit.

The Pannell repeitis the allegeance proponit of befoir to the Affyfe; and in respect that the Decreit of Secreit Counfall gevin aganis the perfeweris, efter probatioun

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