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vintoune, of his horfe and armour; and ffra James Baillie, guid-fone to the Laird of Covintoune, of his hors and armour; and ffra James Lyndfay, of his hors and armour; ffra Jok Braidwod, of his hors and armour; ffra Thomas Fischer, of his hors and armour; ffra Robert Gybfoun, of his hors and armour; ffra Williame Thomfoun, his hors and armour; Jok Fischer, his hors and armour; Jok Kay, his hors and armour; ffra Alexander Lyndfay, his hors and armour; Johnne Tod, his hors and armour ; Robert Kay, his hors and armour; George Brown, his horfe and armour: Cuthbert Boyd, his horfe and armour; Andro Haddo, his hors and armour; Jok Lyndfay of the Myll, his hors and armour ; vmqle Johnne Lyndfay and Edward Tynto, thair horffis and armour: Qubilkis vmqle Johnne Lyndfay, Edward Tynto, togidder with Symone Fifcher, feruitour to Sir James Hammiltoune of Libbertoune, wer crewallie flayne be the faidis perfones, in following of thame, to red1 leill mennis guidis, in oppin day-lycht; the faidis rebellis being rynnand ane day forrow? and heirfchip throw the countrey: AND Robert Hepburne of Aulderftoune, Leutennent of his Maiefteis Gaird, accumpaneit with ane number of the faid Gaird, being direct to affift and concur with the said Barnard Lyndfay, vpoune the ... day of Nouember lastbypast, to poynd and diftreinzie the faidis rebellis guidis and geir, for the valour3 of the faidis hors and armour, conforme to ane Decreit gewin aganis thame be Andro Lord Stewart of Vchiltrie, Leutennent and Warden of the West Marchis of this realme, in ane Court of Redres, hauldin in the Tolbuith of Drimfreis, the xxix day of December, Im.Vc.lxxxvij yeiris: Ir is of veritie, that thay and ather of thame, being foirfene of the faid Robertis cuming, thay being accumpaneit with the faidis rebellis, with convocatioun of our fouerane lordis liegis, all bodin in feir of weir, with jakis, lanceis and vtheris wappinis, invafiue, raife in hoftile maner foirfaid, vpon the day foirfaid, at aucht houris before fone ryfing, within the boundis of Efk, and thair mantenit, defendit, suppleit and affiftit the faidis rebellis, and fett upoun the faid Robert Hepburne and remanent his Maiefteis Gaird, in executioun of our fouerane lordis authoritie, in poynding of the faidis rebellis guidis; persewit thame of thair lyves, and chaiffit thame be the space of aucht myles for thair flauchteris: And fua, thai and ather of thame hes committit manifeft rebellioun aganis his Maiefteis authoritie; and he (they) oppinlie mantenit and defendit the faidis rebellis, being at his Maiefteis horne, for the faidis crymes: And thairthrow, hes contravenit the tennour of the faidis Actis of Parliament; and the panis thairin contenit aucht to be execute aganis (them.)


The Aduocat takis inftrumentis of the fweiring of the Affyfe, and protest is for Wilfull Errour, in cais they acquit. The Affyfe takis inftrumentis of the pannellis Confeffioune maid be thame, that thai arraife and persewit the Gaird.

VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of Johnne Weir of Clowburne, chancillar, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faidis Ringan and Will to be culpabill, ffylit and convict of the crymes aboue writtin.

SENTENCE. The Juftice-depute, be the mouth of James Henryfoun, dempftar of Court, decernit and ordenit the faidis Ringan and Will to be tane to ane gibbet befyde the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit quhill thay wer deid; and all thair movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

‘Falset' — Perjury—' Man-swearing'

Cruel Oppression.

Mar. 15.-ALEXANDER CHENE, in the Haltoun of Balhalvie, Alexanander Waftland, his ferveand, and Alexander Croy, feruitour

to the Laird of Auchterallane.

1 To get restoration, &c. * Literally, running a day-foray through the country, openly carrying on their violence and depredations in broad daylight. Eskdale.

[ocr errors]

* Value, avail.' Lat. valor.

Dilaitit of Periurie and mensweiring of thame selffis, in prefens of the Lordis of Secreit Counfall.

DITTAY, at the inftance of Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Monkland, Aduocat. FORSAMEKILL as thay and thair complices, being perfewit befoir the Lordis of his hienes Secreit Counfall, ffor cuming vpoun the xxvj day of December laft, att mydnycht, to George Duncanis duelling hous in Ardo, quhair he, with his wyffe and famelie, wer in peciabill and quyet maner for the tyme, takand the nychtis reft, lipning' for na iniurie nor oppreffioun to haif bene offerit to thame; and thair, violentlie brak vp the dur of the faid Georgis duelling hous, enterit thairin, and tuik the said George and his wyffe, fcho being grit with chyld, out of thair naikit beddis, band thame with coirdis, and maist crewallie and vnmercifullie, but2 pitie or compaffioun of the faid Georgis wyffis eftait, scho being grit with chyld, as faid is, ftrak and dang thame with roungis3 and batounis brocht with thame for the purpoife; fa that the said George wyfe almaift pairtit with bairne; and haifing maist schamefullie ftrukin and leifchit the faid George him felff with beltis: Committing thairby maift oppin Oppreffioune. For the quhilk Oppreffioun, the faid George, haifing rafit oure fouerane lordis Letteris, and thairwith fummond the faid Alexander Chene to compeir before the Lordis of his hienes Secreit Counfall, the fourtene day of March instant, to anfuer to the faid Complaint; and haifing, be vertew of the faidis Letteris, lykwyfe fummond the faid Alexander Waftland and Alexander Crag to beir witneffing in the faid mater; quhom the faid Alexander Chene, haifing falflie fubornit to periure and menfweir thame felffis, to depone falflie aganis thair knawledge and confcience in the faid mater, and to conceill the treuth thairof: The faid Alexander Chene and remanent perfounes, compeirand before the Lordis of Secreit Counfall, the faid xiiij day of March inftant, and being deiplie fworne, be thair grit aithis, to depone and tell the treuth in the faid mater, and to beir leill and fuithfaft witneffing thairin; being vnmyndfull of thair dewtie towardis God, and haifing na regaird nor reverence to our fouerane lordis auctoritie and lawis, and his hienes maift honorabill Counfall, falflie, be thair Depofitiounes, Periureit and Menfweir thame felffis; the faid Alexander Croy and Alexander Waftland deponing, that thay wer nather prefent att the said deid, nor knew nathing in the faid mater; and the faid Alexander Chene, be his Depofitiounis, declairit, that he fould be content to be hangit,“ in caice it fould be provin or tryit that he ftrak the said George Duncan or his wyffe: And lykewyfe denying that he had fubornit the faidis witneffis, or inftructing thame to deny or conceill the treuth: AND nochtwithstanding thairof, the faid Alexander and the faidis witneffis being re-examinat, hes all deponit that thay wer all prefent att the faid ffact and Oppreffioune, and that the faid Alexander Chene ftrak the faid George Duncane with ane rung, and beltit him naikit with ane fword-belt; and wer all prefent att the said manifest Oppreffioune: And alfs confeffit, that the faid Alexander Chene had inftructit, feducit and fubornit the faidis Alexander Croy and Alexander Waftland to Periure and Menfweir thame felffis, and depone before the Lordis of Secreit Counfall, that thay wer nocht prefent with him att the faid fact, and knew na thing thairof: AND SA, thay and ilk ane of thame hes nocht only committit manifest Oppreffioun be the faid fact and hes Periureit and Menfworne thame felffis: bot alfs, hes committit manifest ffalsett; and as periureit and fals perfonis ar nocht worthie to leve; aucht and fould be pwneift, conforme to the Lawis of this realm and to the Commoun-Law; in terrour and example of vtheris faull-less perfounes, to committ the lyke Periurie and ffalfet in tyme cuming.


Robert Hog, fumtyme feruitour to my Lord of Marfchell, Johnne Ramfay of Quhytehill,
Dauid Wod, brother to the Laird of Balbegnocht,
James Stewart, agent for my Lady Atholl,
Robert Crawfurd of Caverhill,
Johnne Mowbray, portioner of Crawmond.

Trusting that no injury, &c.

The remainder are burgeffes, &c.

2 Without.

3 Cudgels.

4 Other instances are on record of witnesses perjuring themselves, and making this awful asseveration, being taken at their word. Soul-less, devoid of conscience.

VERDICT. The Affife, be the mouthe of the faid Johnne Ramfay, chanceller, ffand, pronunceit and declairit the pannell to be ffylit, culpable and convict of the crymes aboue writtin, conforme to thair Depofitiounis and Confeffioun.

SENTENCE. The Juftice-depute, be the mouth of James Stirling, dempftar of Court, decernit and ordained the faid Alexander Chene to be tane to the mercat croce of Edinburghe, and thair his heid to be ftrikin fra his body: And the faid Alexander Wafiland to be tane to ane gibbet befyde the mercat croce of Edinburghe, and thair to be hangit quhill he be deid: And the faid Alexander Croy to be fkurgeit throw the toune; as he that fyrst confeft the veritie: And all thair movable guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe, as fugitiue fra the lawis for the faidis crymes.



Dilaitit for airt and pairt of the felloun and crewall Slauchter of vmqle Thomas Quhippo of Leyhouffis; committit in the moneth of Junij, the yeir of God I".Vc.lxxxxv yeiris; vpoun fet purpois, provifioun and foirthocht fellony.

James Tennant of Lynhous, as fouertie, ordanit to be vnlawit and amerciat in the pane of ffyve hundreth merkis for nocht entry of the said Johnne, to vnderly the law, &c.; and als, adiudget the said Johnne to be denunceit our fouerane lordis rebell and put to his hienes horne, and all his moveabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

Messenger Forgeing and Signeting False Letters and
Executions, &c.

Mar. 28.-WILLIAME STRAUCHANE, meffinger.

Dilaitit ffor the ffalfiefeing, fforgeing, Counterfuteing, devyfeing, fubscryveing and fignetting of foure fals Charges and Executiones, with the Denunciatioun of Hoirning following thairupoune, ffalflie vfet and execute be him. Quhilkis charges and denunciatioun, and everie ane of them, are, be Decreit of the Lordis of Seffioun, of the dait the sevint day of Marche inflant, civillie and lauchfullie Improvin, and ffund be the faidis Lordis to be ffals and ffeinzeit in thame felffis, &c. VERDICT. The Affife, be the mouth of Peter McDowell of Machermoir, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the said Williame (in respect of the faid Lordis Decreit, producet aganis him, ffinding the faidis Executiones to be ffalfe and ffenzeit) to be Fylit, culpabill and convict thairof.

SENTENCE. The Juftice-depute, be the mouth of James Henderfoun, dempfter, decernit and ordanit the faid Williame to be feurget throw this burgh; and to be depryuet of his office of meffingerie and notarie, and nevir to vse the samyn in ony tyme cuming; vnder the pane of hanging, but (without) fauour; as he that was convict of the crymes aboue writtin.

Hurting-Wounding — Mutilation.

Apr. 9.-PATRIK CARKETTILL of Markill, George Carkettill, his brother,
Johnne Broune, brother to the Laird of Colftoune, and Robert

Smyth, fervand to the faid Patrik.

Dilatit of airt and pairt of the Hurting, Wounding and Mutilatioun of James Libbertoun, fervand to James Lord of Balmirrienoch of his left eie; and remanent crymes contenit in the Letteris.

PERSEWARIS, James Libbertoune, Mr Thomas Hoip, Aduocat-fubftitute.
PRELOCUTOURIS for the perfewer.

The Laird of Henderstoun, Mr Robert Lyntoun, Aduocat-substitute for the Kingis Aduocat. PRELOCUTOURIS for the pannell, the Laird of Wauchtoun, the Laird of Innerleyth, the Laird of Craigmyller, Sir Johnne Prestoun of Valafeild, Mr Johnne Ruffell, Mr Alexander King, Aduocattis. My Lord President' producet the Kingis Maiefteis Warrand; quhairof the tennour followis.



JUSTICE, Juftice Clark and 30ure deputes, We greit 30w weill. In pe tryell of pe particuler mater perfewit before 30w, at pe inftance of James Libbertoun in Neper Libbertoune aganis Patrik Carkettill of Over Libbertoun and his complices, for pe mutulatioun of pe faid James; committit be pame in pe moneth of . . . . lastbypast: In cais (it) be fund be 30w that ze can nocht, for pe prefent, reffaue pe tryall of pe faid mutulatioun, in respect of pe fchortnes of tyme intervening, and before the expyring of 3eir and day eftir pe committing of pe fact; and fwa ze falbe forceit to continew zour proceding in pe mater: In quhilk cais, it is our fpeciall will and pleafour, that 3e fall command the faidis perfounes to enter pair perfounes in waird, within pe Caftell of Blaknes, thairin to remane, quhill thay be ffynit be our Counfall pair, for pair cryme and offence committit be pame; and frome pame obtene Warrand for pair releif. Quhairanent thir presentis falbe 3our Warrand. Gewin att Grenewiche, this tuentie day of March, 1605.

THE Juftice continewis this dyet to the faxtene day of Maij nixtocum; and ordanis the perfones on pannell to entir in waird, within the Caftell of Blaknes, within xlviij houris; and to find cautioun to that effect."

Sir George Preftoun of Craigmiller, kny', become pledge and fouertie, &c.; and that thay fall enter in waird, &c. thairin to remane, and onnawayis to depairt furth thairof, quhill thay be fred be ane Warrand; and that vnder the panes following, viz. ffor the said Patrik ane thousand merkis, the faidis George and Johnne ffyve hundreth merkis, and the said Robert tua hundreth merkis.

Intercommuning with MacGregors.

Apr. 26.-COLENE BRUCE in Middilhauch of Ruthven (Huntingtour,)
Patrik Bruce thair and Alexander Bruce thair.

Dilaitit ffor the treffonable Reffet, Supplie and Intercowmoning with Johnne Dow Galt M'gregour, Johnne Dow M'ewin M'gregour and Gregour M'ewin, 1 James Lord Balmerinoch, President of the College of Justice. was farther delayed to May 29, but no entry occurs of that date; so that it is likely the parties compounded with the Treasurer and private party, by payment of a stipulated fine.

2 The case

cowmone theivis, tratouris and rebellis to his Maieftie; and that within thair houffis in the Middill-hauch of Ruthven and dyuerse vtheris places, mony and dyuerfe tymes, in the yeiris of God, I.Vjc. and thre and foure yeiris; eftir the Murthour of Glenfrwne,' and eftir the faidis perfones war declairit rebellis and tratouris, and all our fouerane lordis leigis war lauchfullie prohibeit and difcharget to reflett, fupplie, affift or intercommown with the faidis M'gregouris, rebellis and fugitiues, as faid is, vnder the pane of Treffone.

For the quhilkis crymes aboue writtin, the faidis perfones on pannell becum in our fouerane lordis will. Quhairupone Sir Thomas Hammiltoune (of Monkland, kny', Aduocat to our fouerane lord) askit inftrumentis.

Aug. 6. THE KING'S WILL was this day declared against the pannels, as follows.


JAMES, be pe grace of God, King of Gritt Britane, France and Ireland, defender of the ffaithe. To our Juftice, Juftice clerk and 3our deputis, greting. Forfamekill as Colene, Patrick and Alexander Bruces in the Mydilbauch of Huntingtour, being callit and convenit befoir 30w, ffor the Affifting, Reffett, Supplie and Intercowmoning with the CLANGREGOUR, aganis the tennour of our Proclamationes maid pairanent; thay ar becum in our will for the fame: And albeit thay haif incurrit and mereit the pane of deathe, for that cryme, git We, of our speciall grace and mercie, ar content to dispense with the rigour of the law; and haif declairit and declaires our Will as followis, to witt: That pe faidis perfones fall be Baneift the haill boundis of our dominiones, during pe haill dayis of pair lyftymes; vnder the pane of deid, and to be hangit but forder proces: And that thay find fufficient and refponfall cautioneris and fouerteis, actit in the buikis of our Adiornall or Secreit Counfall, that betuix the day and dait heirof, and the tuentie day of Auguft nixtocum, thay fall depairt and pass furth of our dominiones; and nocht returne agane within pe samyn, during thair lyftymes, vnder the pane of ffyve thoufeand merkis, to be payit be the faidis cautioneris coniunctlie and feuerallie, in cais pe faidis perfones or ony of thame failzie in the premiffes; the ane half of the said pane to ws and our Thefaurer in our name, and þe vper half to Dauid Lord Scone, our Comptroller, befydis the pane of deid to be incurrit be pe criminallis pame selffis; with this prouifioun, that in caice the faidis criminallis or ony of thame fall happin to returne within our dominiones, and nawayis commit ony violence, harme or iniurie aganis ony of our fubiectis afoir pair apprehenfioun, in that caice pair cautioneris persewand and apprehendand thame, and presenting thame to Juftice, the executioune of pe faidis criminallis fall liberat pe faidis cautioneris of all payment of the pecuniall fowme foirfaid: And gif thay fall happin to commit ony violence or harme aganis ony of our fubiectis, eftir þair returning within our dominiones; in that caice, pair cautioneris to be fubiect to the payment of the pecuniall fowme foirfaid, and the criminallis thame felffis to vnderly the perfonall pwneifchment foirfaid: Commanding heirby 30w our faid Juftice to pronunce this our Will judiciallie; and to caus thir prefentis be infert in the buikis of our Adiournall. Gevin att Grenewiche, the . . . day of Junij, 1605.

(Sic fubfcribitur) MONTROIS, Commiffionar. AL. Cancell. Patrik Bruce of Fingafk and Mr Alexander Bruce, fear of Cultmalindie, become cautioners, and the Bond is registered at length; the witnesses are George Bruce of Carnok, Sir Johnne Bruce of Airthe, knycht, Johnne Kincaid, writer, and Johnne Kemp, his feruitour.

1 See Jan. 20, 1604. * Sir David Murray of Gospertie, afterwards Viscount Stormont, whose name so frequently occurs in the matter of Gowrie's Conspiracy. 3 Alexander Lord Fyvie, Chancellor, afterwards Earl of Dunfermline.


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