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VERDICT. The Affyfe, all in ane voce, be the mouth of Michell Hunter of Polmwid, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the said Thomas to be ffylet, culpabill and convict of the faidis crymes.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburghe, and thair to be hangit on ane gibbett quhill he be deid; and thaireftir his heid and richt hand to be strukin fra his body; and the heid to be fet vpone ane prik vpoun the ftepill-heid of Peiblis; and his richt hand to be put on the Eift-pairt thairof: And all his moveabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

Usurpation of King's Authority — Hurting and Wounding.


Jul. 29.-ALEXANDER SEYTOUN, in Boigin-Johne.

Dilatit for the taking and apprehending of Mr Johne Cardno, convoying him to his hous in Boigin-Johne, and detening him captiue and prefoner, be the fpace of xxiiij houris; and hurting of him with ane rapper' in the body, and vfurpation of our fouerane lordis authoritie vpoun him, in taking of the faid Mr Johne; committit in Nouember lastbypast.

The pannell askis inftrumentis of his comperance on pannell, and protestis for releif of his cautioner; and als, he offerris him reddie to vnderly the law for the faid cryme, difaffenting till all continewatioune.

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The Juftice continewis to the Juftice-air of Abirdene, tercio Itineris, (vel fuper premonitione) xv dierum.' James Chene of Straloch, cautioner.


Jul. 30.-GEORGE HARRETT of the Coittis.

Dilatit for the Slauchter of vmqle Williame Dowglas, in Muffilburgh, feruitoure to Williame Erll of Angus, lord Douglas, &c.; committit in the moneth of Julij, the yeir of God I".Vjc. and twa yeiris.

Marioune Wilfoun, the relict, produceit our fouerane lordis Letteris, dewlie execute and indorfat, &c. Thomas Harrett in Lintoune, his cautioner, vnlawit and amerciat in the panis contenit in the Actis of Parliament, viz. in the payne of ane hundreth merkis; and als adiudget the faid George Harrett to be denunceit oure fouerane lordis rebell, and putt to the horne; and all his movable guidis ordanit to be efcheit.


Jul. 30.-MARIOUN WARDLAW, fpous to Johne Kennedie, gantillet

maker, burges of Edinburghe.

Dilaitit of airt, pairt, red and counfall of the Murthour committit be Williame Boirthuik, tutour of Boirthuik, Johne Boirthuik his brother, and vtheris

1 Rapier.

thair complices, in cuming to James Frammis duelling-hous in the Cannogait, vnder feylence of nycht, and ftrykeing of him nyne ftraikis in the body and heid, to the effufioun of his body; and levand him for deid.

PERSEWAR, James Framme, gantillet-maker in Edinburghe.

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Continued to the air of Edinburghe, tercio Itineris (vel fuper premonitione) XV dierum.'

'Field of the Lennor ’— Slaughter of Colquhouns—
Stouthreif, &c.

Aug. 12.-DUGALL M'GRECOUR and Neill McGregour Pudrache.' Dilatit and accufit of the crymes following; to wit, the faid Neill Mcgregour of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Patrik Layng and of vmqle Johne Reid, wobfter, fervandis to the Laird of Lufe; committit in December lastwas: AND ficlyke, of airt and pairt of the thiftious Steilling of tuelf fcoir guidis furth of the Laird of Luffes boundis, in the Lennox; committit the tyme foirfaid. AND ficlyk, the laid Dougall Megregour, of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of foure men, fervandis to the Laird of Lufe, in the lait ffeild of the Lennox;3 and being in companie with the Laird of M'gregour and his companie at the fame feild; and airt and pairt of the Slauchteris, reiffis, thiftis and foirningis committit that day, in the moneth of Februare laft.


VERDICT. The Affyfe, be the mouth of James Broun, burges of Dumfreis, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faidis Neill M'Gregour Pudrache, and the faid Dougall M'gregour to be fylit, culpabill and convict of the haill crymes aboue fpecifeit.

SENTENCE. Thairfoir the said Juftice-depute, be the mouth of Walter Peirie, dempfter, decernit and ordanit the faidis Neill and Dougall M'gregour to be tane to the Burrow-mure of Edinburghe, and thair, vpone ane gibbet, to be hangit quhill thay be deid; and all thair moveabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

Incest - Adultery —Theft, &c.

Aug. 23.-GEORGE TRUMBILL, in Belfis.*

Dilaitit, accufit and persewit, be DITTAY, of the crymes following, viz. FORSAMEKILL as it is expreflie provydit, ftatute and ordanit be our fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament, that all notorious and manifeft Adultereris and Incestuous perfones fould die the daithe, and thair haill moveabill guidis to be escheit to our fouerane lordis vfe; and all fic perfones quha ar excommunicat for Adulterie, ar be Act of Parliament eftemit for notorious and manifeft adultereris; as the faidis Actis at mair lenth beiris: And trew it is, that the faid George Trumbill hes in the monethis of Januare, Februare, Marche, Apryle, Maij, Junij, Julij, Auguft, September, October, November and December, in the yeiris of God Im.Ve.lxxxxviij, lxxxxix, 1600, 1601, and I".Vc. and tua yeiris; at the leift in ane or vther of the faidis monethis and yeiris, abufet his body in the filthie cryme of Incest and Pudrache signifies of the country or district of Balquhidder. 2 See Mar. 20, 1603, &c. 4 See Jul. 9, 1603, and Aug. 18, when he had his right hand struck off for shooting pistolets, &c.


3 See Jan. 20,

Adulterie with Marioun Trumbill, fpous to Jok Trumbill in Belfis, his brother fones wyfe; ffor the quhilk fact he is excommunicat within the Presbiterie of Jedburcht; as the fentence of excommunicatioune proportis. ITEM, for the thifteous fteilling of ane gray horse furth of the landis of Raflat, pertening to vmqle Walter Trumbill of Raflat; committit in the moneth of September, 1577. ITEM, for the fteilling of xx oxin and ky furth of the landis of Raflat, fra the said vmqle Walter; committit in the moneth of September lxxix yeiris. ITEM, for the thiftious fteilling and reifing of foure horse, fra foure mylleris of Jedburcht; committit thre yeir fyne, or thairby. ITEM, for the fteilling of ane naig fra Walter Trumbill now of Raflat.


Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Monkland, knyt, aduocat to our fouerane lord; George Rutherfurd. PRELOCUTOURIs for the pannell, Mr Johne Ruffell, Mr Williame Douglas.

It is allegit be George Trumbill, that he fould nocht be putt to ane Affyis for the crymes of Thift in the Dittay; becaus, within this moneth, he wes chargeit befoir your lordships of findrie particuler poyntis of thift and commoune thift; comprehending all pointis of thift, except itt wer for pointis of thift committit fen his clangeing. The Aduocat alledgis it is nocht relevant.

THE JUSTICE ordanis George Trumbill to be putt to the Affyfe, for all crymes contenit in the Dittay, except fic as he is alreddie clangeit of.

The Aduocat takis inftrumentis of the fwering of the Inqueift; and of productioun of the Prefbiteries Testimoniall, teftifeing George Trumbill to be excommunicat for Incest and Adulterie, contenit in the Dittay: And proteftis Wilfull Errour, in caice thay acquit. And further, produceis Letteris of Hoirning, to verifie the vther foure poyntis of Dittay, and of his lang remaning vnrelaxit ; and proteftit for Wilfull Errour, in caice thay acquit, in refpect foirfaid.-The pannell takis inftrumentis of . . . . . . . Halyburtoune of Moreiflaw comperance, and swering of the twa pointis of the Dittay, viz. of the mylleris naigis, and Watt Trumbillis naig. The Aduocat afkis inftrument of the fwering of the Dittay, be the Guidman of Moriflaw.


VERDICT. The Affife, having be pluralitie of voitis' chofen Williame Cokburne of that Ilk chanceller, thay ffand, pronuncet and declairit the said George to be ffylet, culpabill and convict of the haill crymes respectiue aboue writtin.

SENTENCE. And thairfoir the faid Juftice-depute, be the mouth of Robert Scott, dempfter of Court, decernit and ordanit the faid George to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and to be hangit on ane gibbett quhill he be deid; and his haill landis, heritageis, tenementis, annuelrentis, poffeffionis, coirnis, cattell, infycht pleniffing, guidis and geir, to be forfaltit and efcheit to our fouerane lordis vfe, as convict of the faidis crymes.

Slaughter — Houghing Oren – Stouthreif, &c.
Sep. 23.-JOHNNE JOHNNESTOUN, callit of Loch-hous.

Dilatit, accufet and perfewit be Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Monkland, knycht,


3 н

aduocat to our fouerane lord, ffor airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmqle Johnne Cunninghame, fervand to the Erle of Glencairne; committit in the yeir of God Im.Vc.lxxxxvj yeiris, or thairby, within the burch of Edinburgh. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmqle Gilbert Roriefoune. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the hoching' of Robert Cuninghames oxin. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the maisterfull and ftouthfull reveing fra James Lichtoun, Johne Kello, Johne Byres, George Cuninghame, merchandis burgeffis of Edinburgh,. . . Hunter in Glefgow, and Williame Walker at Bellis-mylne, of thair purffis and money being thairin, estimat to thre thousand (and viijo) merkis; and away-taking of thair nagis fra thame; committit in the moneth of Julij 1602 yeiris, at the Rowne-tre-barne, betuix Air and Wigtoune.

Charles Campbell of Horfcleuch,
Charles Campbell of Skeringtoun,


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George Campbell of Gelt,
Williame Campbell of Walwoid.2

VERDICT. The Affyfe all in ane voce, be the mouth of the faid Charles Campbell of Horfcleuch, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet and declairit the faid Johnne Johnneftoun of Loch-hous, accoirding to his awin Confeffioun, maid in judgement, and Depofitiones fubferyuit with his hand, to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the haill poyntis of Dittay aboue reherfit.

SENTENCE. To be tane to ane fcaffald at the mercat-croce of Edinburgh, and thair his heid to be ftrukin fra his body. And all his moveabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

[Mr Andrew Kneilland, Juflice-Depute.3]

Biet continued owing to Plague in Edinburgh.

Nov. 8.-JOHNNE COLQUHOUN, younger of Campftradden, Dougall McFarlen, and Johne McConeill V'neill McFarlane and others. Compeirit Antoun Whyte, wryter, and producet ane delyuerance grantit be the lordis of Secreit Counfall, fubfcryuit be my Lord Chanceller, &c. as follows. MY LORDIS OF COUNSALL, vnto your lordfchipis humlie menis and fchawis we your feruitouris, Sir Johne Murray of Tulliebarden, knyt, and James Hadden of Glennageis: That quhair, we and ather of ws haif purcheft lettres, quhairwith we haif caufet charge Johne Colquhoun, younger of Campfiradden, Dougall McFarlane, Johne McConell V'neill Makfarlane, and certane vtheris persones thair complices, fpecifeit in the faidis letteris direct thairvpoune, to find cautioun, that thai fall compeir befoir our fouerane lordis Justice and his deputis within the Tolbuthe of Edinburgh, the aucht day of November inflant, to vnderly the law for certane crymes mentionet in the faidis letteris: At the raising of the quhilkis letteris, we and ather of ws ffand cautioun actit in the buikis of Adiornall, for repoirting of the faidis letteris, deulie execute and indorfate, at the day foirfaid, vnder the panes contenit in the Actis of Parliament. And be reffone of the fufpitioune and danger of the plaige of peftilence 1 Hamstringing. 'James Johneston of Lochwood beheidit at the crosse of Edinburgh, for oppression, slaughter, and raising of fyre and vthir maney crymes.'-Birrel. The rest of the Assise composed of merchants. 3 This Judge is first noticed, Nov. 3, 1603. 4 See p. 432, where he is said to have been killed, 7th February preceding!

within the said burcht of Edinburgh, quhilk hes intervenit fen the raifing of the faidis letteris, we nor the perfonis fummond on the Affyfe of the perfones dilaitit, may nocht guidlie repair thither, for feir of the said plaigue. Quhairthrow, neceffar it is that the day foirfaid be prorogat and continewit to ane certane vther competent day thairefter, that (gif it pleis God to ftay the faid plaigue) we may faiflie réfoirt and repair to the faid burcht of Edinburgh, to the effect aboue specifeit. Heirfoir, we befeik your lordfchipis, that ye will give command to our fouerane lordis Justice, Justice-clark and thair deputis, to continew the day foirfaid, to ane certane vther lauchfull competent day thaireftir; and to wairne the partie and the perfones fummond vpone the said Affyse thairto; quhairthrow we may the mair faiflie repair to the faid burcht to the effect aboue writtin: Quhairanent it will pleis your lordfchipis to difpenfe with us, and all panes and vnlawis, quhairinto we or ather of ws, or ony of the perfones fummond vpone the said Affyfe, may ony maner of way be vnlawit or adiudget, for our noncompeirance, at the said viij day of November inftant: And your lordschipis anfuer humlie we beseik. [FIAT UT PETITUR.] (Sic fubfcribitur) MONTROISS, CANRIUS. M. R. YOUNG. According to the quhilk Warrand, the Juftice continewit the faid dyet to the faid xxij day of December nixtocum; and ordanit the parteis to be fummond, and ane Affyfe alfo to be fummond to the faid day; and the cautioner to stand obleist for repoirting of the faidis letteris, deulie execute and indorfate, agane the faid day.


Nov. 17.-JAMES KYNNAIRD in Inchture, Williame Haitlie in Balgay, and Williame Kynnaird, fone to the Laird of Kynnaird. Patrik Bruce of Fyngafk and Johnne Kynnaird, fiear of that Ilk, amerciated in the pane of ane hundreth merkis, for ather of the faidis James, &c. for nocht entrie of thame to haif vnderlyne the law, for airt and pairt of the felloun and crewall Slauchter of vmqle Johnne Scherp, feruitour to the Laird of Ruthven; committit vpone the first day of July laftbypaft, vpone fet purpois, prouifioun and foirthocht fellony. And James Kynnaird, &c. to be denuncet rebellis, and put to the horne, &c.


Nov. 23.-JAMES CUMING, fear of Alter, Johne Cuming, his feruand. Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Thomas Hay of Edinvaill; committit the xx day of July laftbypast, betuix the place of Alter and the toun' of Edinvaill, vpoun fett purpois, provifioune and foirthocht fellony.

Williame Hay, as brother, and Robert Hay, as fone, to vmqle Thomas Hay, produced the letteris, dewlie execute, &c.-Alexander Rychardfoun, Minister of Dolefe, declarit vpoun his grit aith, tane vpoun ane buik, that the faid James Cuming wes heavelie difeifit with ane flux of natour, and ane flux of his body, and that he wes fubiect to the faid feiknes: And Mr Alexander Cuming offered to prove that he may nocht travell,' &c.-Williame Cuming, fear of Ernfyde,

1 Farm-steading.

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