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Treason-Forging and Uttering Base Coin, &c.

Jan. 13.-PATRIK DRUMMOND, in Lenach.

Dilatit of airt, pairt, red, counfale and conceilling of the treffonabill fforgeing, prenting, coinzeing and out-putting of false and adulterat money, fik as false fyve-pund-peices and fyve-schilling-peiceis; quhilkis, fyve yeir sensyne, or thairbye, was coinzeit be Hans Johneftoune, Fleming, and vmqle George Drummond, faidler in Perth, in the kill of Lenach and vpoun the Craigis thairof, of his knawlege and conceilling; ffor the quhilk he reffauit ten false fyftie f. peiceis. VERDICT. The Affyis, being fworne and admittit; and the pannell accufit be dittay, quhilk wes verefeit be his awin Depofitioun, and the Depofitionis of vmqle Walter Murray in Dunfermling, vmq George Drummond, saidler in Perth, and vmqle Thomas Glas in Creif, and Thomas Reid, ferwand to the faid Hans, &c.; they, be the mouth of Andro Naper, merchand, burges of Edinburgh, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Patrik to be ffylit, culpabill and convict, &c.


SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair wirreit' at ane staik quhill he be deid; and thairefter, his bodie to be brunt in asses; and all his landis, heritageis, coirnis, cattell, guidis and geir to be fforfalt, and be inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe.

House-breaking — Theft — Þorse-stealing.

Jan. 13.-PATRIK MURRAY of Galwald.

Dilatit of the cryme following, viz. Forfamekill as he, being in cumpany with vmqle Mr Williame Balfoure, brother to the Laird of Burlie, vmqle Johne Gyb, Hary Cuik, Johne Oliphant, and vtheris thair compliceis, in the moneth of ffebruar lastbypast, cam, vnder sylence and cloud of nycht, to the duelling hous of Andro Fluikar, in the Brigend of Gairny, and thair brak vp the dur of the faid hous, enterit thairin, and fteilling furth thairof his haill infycht pleneiffing in ane seak, with ane meir; and had and convoyit the famin away with thame to the place of Strowie. ITEM, for airt and pairt of the thifteous fteilling, conceling and away-taking of ane horse furth of ane ftabill in the Cannogait-heid, pertening to Tofcheoch of Monyvaird; committit twa yeir fyne, or thairby.

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VERDICT and SENTENCE. The pannel being fylit' by the Affife, the Juftice Ordanit him to be tane to ane gibbet ftandand in the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thairvpoune to be hangit quhill he be deid; and ordanit all his movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

1 Strangled.


Jan. 23.-THOMAS JAK, wrycht in Haltoune.

Dilatit, accufit and persewit, fforfamekill as he, accumpaneit with Johne Herring in Lang-Forgoun, bodin in feir of weir, with sword and vtheris wappinnis invafiue, laitlie, vpoun the xxix of Julij lastbypast, haifing confauit ane deidlie feid aganis the faid vmqle Alexander, fett vpoun the faid vmqle Alexander foirnent' his duelling hous, at the Kirk of Forgoune, and thair crewallie hurt and woundit him in the heid, and claif his harne-pan3 with fwordis, and thairby flew him; and he wes airt and pairt of the flauchter of the faid vmq Alexander Moncur. PERSEWARIS.

Andro Moncur, fone to the defunct,
Patrik Moncur of Chapeltoune,

Johne Flouris, fifter-fone to the defunct,
Mr Thomas Hammiltoune, (King's Advocate.)

The pannell, nochtwithstanding that he is innocent of the Slauchter of the faid vmqle Alexander Moncur, he becummis in the Kingis will for the famyn, and for beiring of piftulettis.

VERDICT. The Affyis, be the mouth of Robert Gyb in Lochtoune, chancillar, ffand the faid Thomas Jak to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of airt and pairt of the Slauchter.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and thair, his heid to be ftrikin fra his body, and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.3


Jan. 29.-JAMES CRUIKSCHANK, feruitour fumtyme to Mr Dauid Ogilvie. Dilatit, accufit and indytit, fforfamekill as he, accumpaneit with Andro goung alias Dauidfone, hantand* in Sanct Johnistoun, laitlie, vpoun the fourt day of Januar inftant, fett vpoun vmqle Robert Innes, merchand att the Kirk of Inch, one Carnboddo-mure, and thair, in the dawing of the day, maift crewallie (and) fchamefullie Murdreift and flew the faid vmqle Robert Innes, be cutting of his thrott: And als, thifteouslie ftall, conceillit and away-tuik fra him his pak," contening merchand-geir, with his purs and certane money thairin.

VERDICT. The Affyis, be the mouth of Robert Varnour, skynner in Edinburgh, chancillar, ffand the faid James to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the crewall Murthour of the said vmqle Robert Innes; and of the fteilling of his pak and purs, with certane money thairin.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit vpoun ane gibet quhill he wer deid; and thaireftir his heid and rycht 1 Before, immediately opposite to. 3 On the margin, ' Convict et decollat.' Literally, haunting, dwelling, but without any fixed occupation. 5 At dawn, immediately before sunrise. 6 Travelling pack, he being what is termed a 'packman,' or smallware merchant.


2 Skull, brain-pan.'

hand to be strikin fra his body; to be affixit, the hand in Dunde, and the heid in Carnbodo-mure; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

Stouthreif-Cattle-stealing — Horse-stealing, &c.

Feb. 12.-JAMES VALLEM and George Vallem, fonis to Dauid Vallem of Woodwrae.

Dilatit, accufit and perfewit, be Dittay following,

FORSAMEKILL as thay, accumpaneit with Williame Ogilvie, Williame Cumming, Archebald Dowglas, . . . . . . Rikard, ... Ramfay, and vtheris their complices, commoun thevis and brigandis, in the moneth of Junij, the yeir of God Im.Ve.lxxxxvj yeiris, being bodin in feir of weir, with fwordis, fecreittis, piftolettis and vtheris wappynnis invafiue, vmbefet1 the hie way and paffage to Williame goung and James Blak, cadgearis, duelland vpoune the fouth fyde of the fferrie of Dundie, and to twa of thair fervandis, at the Coittoune of Melgum, lyand within the Sherefdome of Forfar, quhair thay wer dryvand sevin pakis of merchand-geir, on fevin horfis, towardis Brechin, to the ffair thairof; quhilkis packis pertenit to Patrick Wedderburne, burges of Dundie, and Johne Alexander, burges of Edinburgh, vmqle John Wrycht, burges thair, and Thomas Allane, tailz eour, burges of the Cannogait; and thair fet vpoune thame oppinlie, in day lycht, at xij houris in the day; and, be way of Stouth-reif, violentlie reft, ftall and away-tuke fra the faidis cadgearis, the faidis fevin pakis and sevin horfis; and thifteouslie and mafterfullie convoyit the famyn away with thame, togidder with the faidis cadgearis, to the mouth of Glenmoy, and difponit vpoune ane grit pairt of the faid merchandgeir, at thair pleafour: AND als, the faid James being accufit, fforfamekill as he, accumpaneit with Williame Cummyng and vtheris his complices, in the moneth of October laftbypaft, come to the toune and landis of Auchterlony, pertening to Johne Carnegie, grynter,3 and thair thifteouslie ftall, conceillit, reffett and away-tuke furth thairof, fax oxin and twa ky, pertening to the faid Johne Carnegie and James Pittilach his feruand; quhilk thay draif to the North and fauld, at thair plefour. ITEM, the faid James indytit and accufit for airt and pairt of the thifteous fteilling of ane qubyte horse furth of Mr Williame Gairdyn ftabill, Vicar of Abirlemnoch, pertening to Johne Mortimer younger of Flemingtoune, committit foure yeir fenfyne, or thairbye. ITEM, the faid George Valleme being indytit and accufit for the thifteous fteilling, conceilling and away-taking of ane horse fra Johne Kyd. PRELOQUUTOURIS for the pannell. Mr Thomas Craig, Mr Johne Ruffell.


Mr Thomas Hammiltoune of Drumcarne, aduocat.

It is allegeit that the Dittay fould nocht be putt to ane Affife, becaus thay fould be fummond vpoun xv dayes wairning, and thay fould haif ane copy. The Aduocat anfueris, that in respect of the Dittay, quhilk is vpoun thift, the alledgeance aucht to be repellit.

THE JUSTICE ffindis proces.


1 Forcibly beset, &c. by stopping or blocking up the way. 2 In this sense cadgers' were carriers, who travelled through the country with their pack-horses, and were employed by small-ware merchants to transport their goods to fairs and markets. At this period, all distant carriages were effected by means of pack-horses; and (as is the present custom of carriers) they usually travelled in companies, for mutual protection and security. The modern terin cadger, is commonly applied to persons who collect eggs, fowls, butter, &c. from small farmers, &c. and bring them to market for sale. Their present equipage consists of a horse or ass, with creels, or panniers, placed across the animal, when foraging and bargaining with small farmers and cottagers; but when they go to market, their accumulated store is commonly brought in carts. 3 Properly, one who keeps or takes charge of

a granary or farm. It is sometimes spelt grainter, or 'granitour.'


3 c

It is allegeit, that this mater, concerning the taking away of the pakis, fould nocht be putt to the knawledge of Affyis, becaus it is ane mater of depredatioun; and be Act of Parliament maid in the tyme of King James the ffyft, cap. xxxvij, all depredatiounis and maisterfull reiffis fould be fyrft Ciuilie difcuffit before the Lordis. The Aduocat anfueris, that the said alledgeance aucht to be repellit, in respect of the Dittay contening Stouth-reif and thift. The preloquutouris takis inftrumentis, that thay defyrit to putt thair alledgeance in writt thame felff, and to dyte itt; and that the Juftice anfuerit that he, be the auife of the Chancillar, Collectour, Thefaurer, Lord Hereis and vtheris1

THE JUSTICE Repellis the alledgeance, in respect of the Dittay.

The Pannell takis inftrumentis, that na partie comperis to perfew, bot my Lord Aduocat; and na perfoune can be putt to ane Affyis, without ane fworne Dittay. The Aduocat anfueris, that he fould nocht fweir.

VERDICT. The Affyis, be the mouth of Alexander Kerfane in Balbethie, chancillar, ffand the faidis George and James Vallemes to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the crymes respectiue aboue writtin, laid to thair chairge.

SENTENCE. To be tane to ane gibbet at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and thairvpoune to be hangit quhill thay be deid; and all thair movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

[Mr William Boirthuik, Juflice-Depute.] Slaughter-Bearing of Pistolets, &c.


Mar. 3.-PATRIK LORD GLAMMIS; Johnne Lyoun, fone to Johnne
Lyoun in Rouchalhill; Johnne Lyoun, fone to . . .
burges of Dundie; Johnne Scrymgeoure, Johnne Edmestoune,
and Fargus Murray, feruandis to the faid Patrik Lord Glammis;
Williame Lyoun, feruand to the faid Johnne Lyoun, fone to
Johnne Lyoun in Rouchalhill.

Dilatit for airt and pairt of the Slauchter of vmqle Patrik Johneftoune of Moftoun; and for beiring and weiring of pistolettis, contrair the tennour of the Actis of Parliament; committit vpoun the faxt day of September last bypast. Comperit Mr Williame Oliphant, and produceit ane Warrand, direct be his Maieftie; quhairof the tennour followis.


JUSTICE, Juftice clark and 50ure deputes, We greit 30w weill. Forfamekill as the thryd

1 Assessors to the Justice. The sentence is left unfinished; but it is probable that it referred to the right of the Justice to dictate the allegeances' and replies, in cases where the matter was disputed between the King's Advocate and the Counsel for the pannel. 2 The xiv of Februar, twa brether hangit, viz. Dauid Volume and his brother, for oppreffion and spuilzie.'-Birrel's Diary.

day of March nixtocum is appointit and affignit to Patrik Lord Glammis, and certane his friendis and feruandis for pair comperance before 30w, to vnderly oure lawis for pe flauchter of vmqle Patrik Johnneftoune; nochtwithstanding, for certane cauffis moving ws, it is oure will, and We command 30w to continew the said dyet, vnto pe tent day of Mairch nixtocum; and that ze difpens with the perfonall comperance of the faidis perfounes, and tak new cautioun of pame, that thay fall compeir befoir 30w, the faid tent day of March nixtocum. As 3e will anfuer to ws pairvpoun. Quhairanent thir prefentis falbe to 30w ane Warrand. Subferyuit with our hand, At Halyrudhous, the faxtene day of Februar, 1602.

(Sic fubfcribitur)

JAMES R. MONTROIS, Canrius, S. G. HOME,' The".

Quhilk Precept the Juftice admittit.

The quhilk day Sir Johne Murray of Tillybairdyn, knycht, comperand be Mr Williame Oliphant, his Aduocat, be his letteris obligatouris, subscryuit with his hand, at Glammis, the last day of Februar, 1602 yeiris, become plege and fouertie for Patrik Lord Glammis, &c. that they fall compeir befoir our fouerane lordis Juftice or his deputtis, the tent day of Marche nixttocum, &c.

The quhilk day, Johnne Gordoun of Boigis, Sheref-depute of Abirdene, and Johnne Arbuthnett of Carnedaw, oft tymes callit as cautioneris and fouerteis, coniunctlie and feuerallie, for reporting of our fouerane lordis letteris, dewlie execute and indorfat, and persewing thairof, purchest be Margaret Arbuthnett, the relict, Johnne, Robert, Gylbert and Alexander Johneftounis lauchfull bairnis, with the remanent kyn and friendis of vmqle Patrik Johneftoune of Moftoune, &c.; lauchfull tyme of day biddin, and nocht produceand the faidis letteris dewlie execute and indorfat, and nane compeirand to perfew thame; thairfoir the Justice-deput, be the mouth of James Lowrie, dempftar, decernit the said cautioneris, conjunctlie and feuerallie, to be vnlawit and amerciat, for nocht reporting thairof, and for nocht perfuit thairof aganis the faid Patrik Lord Glammis, in the pane of . . . thowfand poundis; and vpoun ilk ane of the remanent fax perfounes, in the pane of ane hundreth merkis."

[Mr Williame Haert, Juflice-Depute.]

Stealing the Poor's Box of Cockpen — Adultery, &c. May 21. WILLIAME NORWALL, fcolemaifter in Cokpen.s Dilatit, accufit and perfewit, for the thiftious fteilling, away-taking and conceling of the puir folkis box, furth of the Kirk and Seffioun-hous of Cokpen, vpoun the xj day of Apryle lastbypaft; quhairin thair wes aucht poundis money, or thairby, gewin in almous to the pure; quhilk he brak vp at the watter-fyde, befyde Mountounhall. ITEM, ffor the cryme of Adulterie, committit fourtene or fyftene yeir fyne, or thairby, with Christiane Dowglas; he haifing ane mareit wyffe, callit Margret Morifoune, than on lyffe.

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1 Sir George Home, afterwards Earl of Dunbar, Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. faurario deliberat.' * See June 9, 1602.


• Monktonhall?


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