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As at mair lenth is contenit in the Dittay, quhilk wes verifeit be his awin Depofitiounis and Confeffionis.

VERDICT. The faid Williame wes putt to the knawledge of ane Affyse, and thay being chofin, fworne and admittit, be the mouth of George Frenfche in Edinburgh, chancillar, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the said Williame Creychtoune to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the crymes foirfaidis.

SENTENCE. ffor the quhilk caus, the faid Juftice-depute, be the mouth of Robert Galbraith, dempftar, ordenit the said Williame Creychtoun to be tane to ane gibbet to be affixit vpoun the Caftel-hill of Edinburgh, and thairvpoun to be. hangit quhill he be deid; and all his movabill guidis to be escheit, &c.

[Mr Williame Hairt and Mr Williame Boirthuik, Juftices-deputes.] Treason—Purchasing, Forging, and Vending of Counterfeit and Adulterated Coin-Theft, &c.

Maij 29.-THOMAS M'ALEXANDER of Drummochreyne; James Johneftoun, fone to . . . . Johnestoun in Kirkcaldie, fumtyme feruitour to Johne Johneftoune, wryter; George Dowglas, fumtyme in Bengoure, now in Edinburgh; Williame Maxwall, fone to George Maxwall in Haik; Cuthbert Home, fone to vmqle Robert Home of Reidheuch; and James Moffat, fone to . . . . . Moffet of Helbeth.

Perfewit be Mr Thomas Hammiltoune of Drumcarne, aduocat to our fouerane lord, for his hienes interes, of the crymes following, that is to say,

DITTAY against McAlexander and Johneftoune,

FOR airt, pairt, red, counfale and conceiling of the treffonabill Outing' amangis our fouerane lordis liegis, in the Tounis of Gawyefyde, Dalfarf, Hammiltoune, Clochftane, Air, Irvin, and vtheris pairtis, of certane fals and counterfit ten schilling peices, to the fimilitude of his bienes trew coinzie; committit ane yeir fenfyne in harveft. Item, for airt, pairt, red, counfall and conceilling of the treffonabill forgeing, counterfitting, cafting and prenting of xxx false ten fchilling peiceis, within the citie of Glasgw, in Dauid Hallis bak chalmer thair; quhair thay, togidder with vmqle Marioune Hepburne and ane ferwand woman of hirs was lugeit; off the quhilkis, thay treffonablie outit ane to the faid Dauid Hallis wyffe; and the faid Thomas McAlexander delyuerit twa of the faidis pieceis to the faid James Johneftoun, at the Bridgend of Glafgw; and als delyuerit to him fyve pundis wt thairof, in ane lytill gaird at the faid Brigend, quhilk he tuk bak fra him agane. Item, for airt, pairt, &c. of the treffonabill fforgeing, prenting and cafting in calmis3 of trie, fillit with calk, within the place of Tourlandis, of twa fals foure merk pecis, to the fimilitude of his Maiefteis trew coinzie of foure merk pecis of filver; quhairof the faid Thomas outit ane to ane honeft man in Air: Lyke as, the said James, be directioun of the faid Thomas, convoyit the calme out of Irving to the place of Tourlandis, qubair he and Sandie of Tourlandis wes present at the treffonabill fforgeing of the faidis pecis, quhilk wer maid of ane pew

2 Probably

4 Wood bedded with

1 This term corresponds with the modern law term ' uttering;' literally, putting out, circulating. for worth,' although it is also an usual abbreviation for wecht,' weight. chalk or plaster.


3 Moulds.

2 Y

der plait Committit in harvift, bygane thrie 3eir. Item, the faid Thomas being accufitt ffor airt, pairt, &c. of the treffonabill reffaueing fra George Dowglas, callit of Bengowre, of fourtie poundis in fals fyve pound pecis, foure pound pecis, and crounis, to haif bene outit amangis our fouerane lordis liegis, as trew and guid gold; quhairof he outit twa fals crounis to Johne Johnestoun in Mayboill, and lent the reft thairof (except ane foure pound peace and twa crounis, quhilkis he referuit to him felff) to Gilbert Makalexander in Air; and delyuerit the foure pound peace to Bruce, his feruant. Item, the faid Thomas dilatit and accufit, fforfamekill as he, accumpaneit with William Boirthuik of Johneftounburne and twa of his feruandis, betuix Martimes and will,' in the yeir of God Im. Ve.lxxxxviij yeiris,2 paft owre att the Qeinis-fferrie, towardis Caftell Campbell, or thairby, quhair thay brak ane hous, and thifteouslie ftall, concelit, reffett and away-tuik furth thairof foure hors, and cam about be Stirling to Falkirk, quhair his naig3 tyrit: And fwa, wes airt and pairt of the thifteous fteilling of the faidis foure hors. Item, the faid Thomas being dilatit of airt and pairt of the thifteous fteilling, concelling, resetting and away-taking of ane naig fra ane feruand of the Erle of Caffilis, quhilk ... Bruce his feruand stall be his directioune, and William Maxwall delyuerit the samyn to Gylbert Mcalexander.


DITTAY against George Douglas, fumtyme in Bengoure, now in Edinburgh. DILATIT for the treffonabill bying of fourtie peacis of fals gold, in fyve pound pecis, foure pound pecis and crounis, and the maift pairt of them wer crounis, fra vmqle Dauid Johneftoune, quhilk he reffauit in the moneth of Junij, or thairby, in Kingorne, to be treffonablie outit; ffor the quhilk he payit fourtie merk in guid filuer, quhairof Johnstounburne, his pairtiner, payit tuentie merkis. Lykas, he, togidder with the faid William Boirthuik, William Maxwall,.. .. Moirlie and James Hoppringill his feruandis, paft, at Mydfomer was ane yeir, to ane fair in Air, for outing of the famin, quhair he, in the faid fair, coft ane broune meir;5 ffor the quhilk, he treffonablie outit and payit xxiiij poundis of the faid fals gold: And als, bocht ane naig fra James Hammiltoune, feruand to the Maifler of Cathcart; for the quhilk he treffonablie outit and payit xxvj or xxvij lib. of the faid fals gold; The quhilk gold the faid James Hammiltoune, being outand in Aire, for certane Lundoune wairis, the famin wes cryit fals; the faid James immediatlie thaireftir followit the faid George, fra the burcht of Air, be the space of foure myles, rafit the countrey and owertuik him and his cumpany, and compellit him to reffaue the fals gold, and reftoir the said naig to the said James Hammiltoune: Eftir the quhilk, he, accumpaneit with Thomas McAlexander apperand of Drummochryne, William Boirthuik of Johnftounburne and his feruandis, fatt doun be ane brae-fyde, and pairtit the fals gold quhilk he left vnoutit, and delyuerit fourtie poundis worth thairof to the faid Laird of Drummochryne, in fals fyve pound pecis, foure pound pecis and crounis; and outit and delyuerit to the faid William Boirthuik, his pairtiner, tuentie poundis worth thairof; and retenit thrie crounis thairof to him felff; quhilk he thaireftir outit and delyuerit to the faid Williame Maxwall; and fua, hes committit Treafoun.

DITTAY of Williame Maxwall, fone to George Maxwall in Haik. INDYTIT, accufit and perfewit, ffor airt, pairt, red, counfall and conceilling of the pairting of the faid fals fyve pound pecis, foure pound pecis and crounis, quhilkis George Dowglas, callit of Bengoure, pairtit and delyuerit att ane brae-fyde, cumand out of Air, att Mydfomer wes ane yeir, to Thomas McAlexander, apperand of Drummochryne, and Williame Boirthuik of Johneftounburne; quhairof he delyuerit fourtie poundis worth to Drummochryne, and xx lib. thairof to the faid Williame Boirthuik, quha delyuerit the samyn to the said Williame Maxwall, quha convoyit it to Edinburgh; and att his cuming, reftorit agane to the faid Williame Boirthuik, quha thairefter outit ane of the faidis fals crounis in and ane vther in Lauder; and thairby, the faid William Maxwall committit Treason. 4 Purchased, bought.

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1 Yule or Christmas. 6 Parted, divided.

2 Anno 1598.

7 Uncirculated.

3 Horse, nag.

5 Mare.

Item, indytit ffor the treafounable reffauing fra George Dowglas of thrie fals crounis, to be outit as guid gold amangis our fouerane lordis leigis; quhairof he delyuerit ane to Jeane Reid, fpous to James Lewingstoune, in wad' of ane faiddill, and the vther twa he delyuerit to the Guidman of Johneftounburne. Item, accufit, fforfamekill as he, being in cumpany with vmqle. . . . Morlie, and being feruandis to Williame Borthuik of Johnestounburne, be his speciall directioune and command, paft to Weft Lowtheane about Caldermure or thairabout, and thifteouslie stall, concelit, reffett and away-tuik furth thairof, twa meiris; quhilk he convoyit to the weft end of the toune, and thairfra directit thame hame with .... Morlie to Johnestounburne; and cam in him felff to Edinburgh to James Lewingftounis hous thair, qubair ye mett the Guidman of Johnstouneburne and tauld him how ye sped.

DITTAY against James Moffet, fone to . . . . Moffet of Helbeth. FORSAMEKILL as he, accumpaneit with Petir Daveis Johneftoun of Kirkhill, Thomas Stewart feruand to Rob of Kirkhill, Jony Lyall and Cryftie Brydene feruandis to the Guidman of Cairtertoune, and James Wilfoune vnder Geordie of Kinmonth, in the moneth of . . . . . 1TM. Ve.lxxx . . . . yeris, cam to ane hill pertening to Mr James McMath of Dalpever, and thair thifteouslie concelit, reffett and away-tuik aff the famin, fourscoir of scheip, pertening to the faid Mr James; off the quhilk he gatt fourtene for his pairt.

DITTAY against Cuthbert Home, fone to vmqle Robert Home of Redheuch. FORSAMEKILL as he, accumpaneit with Johne Broderstanis, younger fone to Johne Broderstane, flefchour in Tranent, and Richard Paterfoune, in the moneth of March, or thairby, Im.Vc.lxxxxviij yeris, cam, vnder fylence and cloud of nycht, to John Creychtounis duelling-hous at Prestoun-grangemyll, and thair thifteouslie brak the faid hous aboue the dur, enterit thairin, and brak vp his kist, and thifteouslie ftall, concelit, reffett and away-tuik furth thairof, foure hundreth poundis worth of gold and filuer, or thairby, and maift crewallie dang the faid Johne Creychtoune and his wyff, and left thame for deid: Of the quhilk foume he gatt fiftie pound for his pairt. Item, ffor the thifteous Reffetting of faxtene schep, or thairby, pertening to Sir Patrick Hepburne of Lufnes, knycht, and Williame Caldcleuch in Eifter Gemmilscheillis, his feruand and schiphird; quhilkis fcheip wes thifteouslie ftollen be Mertene Hall: Committit in the moneth of Januar Im.Vjc. yeris. Item, ffor Commoun Thift, Commoun Reflett of thift, inputting and outputting of thift, fra countrey to countrey, fra land to land, bayth of auld and new.

FOR the quhilkis crymes, the faidis (perfounes on pannell) wer putt to the knawledge of ane Affyife, of the perfounes after specifeit; they are to say.

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The Aduocat proteftit for Wilfull Errour, in cais thay acquit.

VERDICT. Efter the accufatioun of the faidis perfounes be Dittay of the faidis crymes, quhilk wer verifeit be thair awin Depofitiounis and Confeffioun, (the Affyis) removit altogidder furth of Court to the laich Counfal-hous; quhair

1 Pledge, security.

thay, eftir chefing the faid Johne Boifwall of Afflek Chancillar, reafonit and votit vpoune the said Dittayis respectiue, and ewerie point thairof, &c.; and be the mouth of the faid Chancellar ffand, pronunceit and declarit the said Thomas McAlexander and George Dowglas, James Johnstoune, Williame Maxwall, James Moffett and Cuthbert Home, to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of ewerie poynt of the Dittayis respectiue aboue writtin, quhairof euerie ane of thame respectiue wes accufit, and quhilk wes laid to thair charge.

DOME pronounced against the Pannels.

FOR the quhilk caus, the faid Mr Williame Haert, Juftice-depute, be the mouth of Robert Galbraith dempftar, ordanit the faid Thomas M'Alexander, as convict of Treafoune and thift; James Johneftoun, as convict of Treafoun; George Dowglas, as convict of Treafoune; Williame Maxwall, as convict of Treafoune and thift; to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be wirreit at ane ftaik quhill thay be deid, and all thair landis, heretagis, takis, ftedingis, rowmes, poffeffiounis, cornis, cattell, guidis and geir, to be fforfaltit and escheit, and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe: AND als ordanit, be the mouth of the faid dempftar, the faidis James Moffett and Cuddie Home to be tane to the faid Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit vpoun ane gibbett, quhill thay be deid; and all thair movabill guidis to be escheit and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe, as convict of the faidis crymes of Thift.

[Mr Williame Hairt, Juflice-Depute.] Treason-Uttering base Coin, &c.

Jun. 6.-THOMAS GLASS in Fowles, and Johne Gib at the Wodheid of


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THOMAS GLASS was dilatit for the treffonabill Outing of xij falfe fyftie-schilling peiceis of gold, to the fimilitude of our fouerane lordis trew coinzie, amangis his hienes liegis; off the quhilkis peiceis, he reffauit foure fra vmqle Walter Murray in .... foure fra Johne Murray his brother, and foure fra Patrik Drummond of the Lenach. Item, for the treffonabill reffauing fra George Drummond, faidler in Perth, of twentie peice of false fyve-pund peiceis, hat-peiceis, and fyftie-fchilling peiceis; and for the treffonabill outing thairof amangis our fouerane lordis liegis, as trew gold; quhairof he gaif ane pairt to Robert Schedden, nolt dryuer. AND ficlyke, JOHNE GYB, for airt and pairt of the cumming in cumpany with vmqle Mr Williame Balfoure, brother to the Laird of Burlie, Johne Oliphant and vmqle Harie Cuke, his ferwandis, Patrik Murray of Galwallis, his ferwandis, in the moneth of Februar laftbypast, vnder fylens and cloude of nycht, and thair thifteouslie breking vp the dur of the said hous, entering thairin perforce, and thifteous fteling, conceling, reffetting and awaytaking furth thairof, ane purfe with foure fcoir and twelf merkis, pertening to the faid Andro; quhilk the faid Johne delyuerit to the faid Mr Williame; togethir with ane horse and ane meir, and his haill infycht pleneissing.

VERDICT. The Affyis, be the mouth of William Stalkar, goldfmyth in Edinburgh, Chancellour, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faidis Thomas Glass to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of the crymes aboue writtin, quhairof he was accufit; and als, ffand and pronunceit the faid Johne Gib to be ffylit, &c. of the crymes whairof he was accufit and persewit.

SENTENCE. THOMAS GLAS to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be wirreit at ane staik quhill he be deid, and his bodie to be brunt in affes; and all his landis, heritageis, takis, stedingis, rowmes, poffeffionis, coirnis, cattell, guidis and geir to be forfalt and efcheit to our fouerane lordis vse, as convict of the crymes foirfaidis: AND als decernit and ordanit the said JOHNE GIB to be tane to the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit quhill he be deid; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit, &c.

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Jun. 18.-NICOLL. alias NIKKIE MOFFETT, at the Brigend of Cramond, and Dauid Adiefoune, fone to Johne Adiefoune, in Dyfert. NIKKIE MOFFETT was dilatit and accufit for airt and pairt of the thifteous fteling of twa naigis fra James Bannatyne, tennent to the Laird of Cleghorne, twa yeir fenfyne or thairbye, furth of ane burnefyde beveft' Calder. Item, for airt and pairt of the thifteous fteling of ane blak naig fra Patrik Clarkfoune in Blakburne; of ane gray meir; and for commoune thift and commoune reffett of thift.-AND ficlyke, DAUID ADIESOUNE being accufit for the fteling furth of Margret Strathauchinis hous, in the Cannogait, of ane naipkyn, quhairin thair was xij aucht mark peiceis, ane hairt of gold, ane pair of grene filk gartonis, and ane cloik of Inglis hewit grene claith, pertening to Dauid Drummond, feruitour to Sir Johne Ramfay, committit at Martymes lastwas: Item, for bryking of Mark Lord Newbottill chalmer, and fteling furth thairof ane veluot cloik, ane raise veluet goune furrit, and vtheris guidis and geir: Item, for the thifteous fteling furth of Robert Erfkyne houfe, in the fit of the Cannogait, of certane gold, filuer, claythis, guidis and geir, with thre hundreth markis: Item, for commoune thift, &c.

VERDICT. The Affyis, be the mouth of Hector Dauidfoune, fword-flipper in Edinburgh, Chanceller, ffound the pannels to be ffylit, &c.

SENTENCE. To be tane to ane gibbet, ftandand vpoune the Caftell-hill of Edinburgh, and thairvpoune to be hangit quhill thay be deid; and all thair movabill guidis to be escheit, &c.

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