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Printed for A. HAMILTON, in Falcon-Court, Fleet-Street:
HAW's History of the Province of Moray,
Dr. Priestley's Philofophical Empiricism,
Experiments and Obfervations on Air, Vol. II. 11
The Lufiad, an Epic Poem, translated from the Portuguese of
Camoëns, by W. J. Mickle
Şir David Dalrymple's Annals of Scotland,
An Effay on Public Happiness,
Harmer's Observations on divers Passages of Scripture,
Hamilton's Elements of the Practice of Midwifery,
Coturninius's Treatise on the Nervous Sciatica,
Melmoth's Obfervations on the Night Thoughts of D. Young,64
67, 146, 233, 308, 392
FOREIGN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE, 71, 149, 235,312,395,478.
Innes's Description of the Muscles,
Dr. Grant's Account of the present Epidemic Cough, &c. ib.
Dr. Marat's Enquiry into the Nature, Cause, and Cure of a
fingular Disease of the Eyes,
Wood's Strictures on the Gout,
Remarks on the different Opinions relative to the Colonies, 73
The Morality of a Citizen, in a Visitation Sermon, ibid.
Duke of Manchester's Speech against the Bill to prohibit all In-
tercourse with the Colonies,
Letter to the Author of a Pamphlet, entitled, "Confiderations
on the different Modes of finding Recruits for the Army," ib.
A new System for the Establishment, Pay, Cloathing, &c. of
Human Authority in Matters of Faith, repugnant to Chrifti-
Hints and Effays, Theological and Moral,
Whitefide's Ordination Sermon, at Palgrave, in Suffolk,
Ibbetson's Difcourses on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, ib.
Hallward's Sermon on the Doctrine of Faith and good Works, 77
Account of what Concern Dr. Gibbons has had in the late Tranf-
actions among the Protestant Dissenters of Northampton, ibid.
Dr. Downman's Infancy, a Poem, Book III.
Songs, Duets, Trios,, &c. in the Duenna,
Jebb's Address to the Members of the Senate at Cambridge, ibid.
Resignation no Proof. A Letter to Mr. Jebb,
Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre & d'Ecoffe,
Letter to a young Nobleman setting out on his Travels,
An exact Relation of the famous Earthquake and Eruption of
Mount Etna, A. D. 1699,
Mrs. Rudd's Case respecting Mr. R. Perreau, confidered, ibid.
Dr. Burney's History of Music, Vol. I. 81, 185, 271,373,433
Dr. Price's Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, &c. 90
Reflections on the Letters of the late Earl of Chesterfield, 97
Dr. Musgrave's Speculations on the Qualities of the Nerves, 1ος
Hiftory and Antiquities of Winchester,
Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em-
Essays relating to Agriculture and Rural Affairs,
Dr. Primatt's Dissertation on the Duty of Mercy and Sin of
Cruelty to brute Animals,
Dr. Ash's Complete Dictionary of the English Language, 143
Dr. Forster's Characteres Planatarum quas in Itinere ad Infulas
Maris Australis collegerunt, descripserunt, & delinearunt An-
nis 1772-1775,
The Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of A-
151, 242
Some Obfervations on a Pamphlet, entitled "The Rights of
Great Britain asserted," &c.
Remarks on the different Opinions relative to the Colonies, 152
Confiderations on the American War,
Letter from an Officer retired to his Son in Parliament, ibid.
De Tumultibus Americanis deque eorum Concitatoribus Medi-
tatio Senilis,
Thoughts on the Regulations necessary to the Appointment of
an Advocate-general,
Remarks upon the Resolutions of the House of Commons with
Bishop of Carlifle's Reflections on the Life and Character of
A Plea for the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Chrift,
Essay on Liberty and Necessity, in Answer to Toplady,
Description of the County of Middlesex,
Memoirs of Maître Jacques of Savoy,
- of Thomas Weston, Comedian,
Observations on the Case of Miss Butterfield,
Brand's (Charles) Letter to the Authors of the Crit. Review, 160
Philofophical Transactions, Vol. LXV. Part II.
Dr. Smith's Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth
of Nations,
193, 258, 361, 425