The party then proceeded along the ridge of Quantocks, to Will's-neck, and thence to Crowcombe, and returned by Cothelston House, where refreshments had been provided for them by E. J. Esdaile, Esq. THIRD DAY. Thursday, September 14th, 1854. In spite of the unpromising state of the weather, which soon became very wet, a considerable number of the members of the Society started at eleven o'clock, on the second excursion, through Trull, Corfe, and Thurlbear, to StapleFitzpaine, where they were hospitably entertained by the Rev. F. B. Portman; and a Paper on Castle Neroche, which is given in Part II., was read by the Rev. F. Warre. The visit to Castle Neroche being deemed undesirable on account of the rain, the party having visited the churches of Bickenhall and Ashill, closed their meeting, and separated at the latter place. The Museum. THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN DEPOSITED AS LOANS. A valuable collection of Illuminated Missals. - DR. SYDENHAM. A collection of Roman Coins, found at Holway.— W. BLAKE, ESQ. Pair of Jack Boots and Sword, about the time of Monmouth; found inside a partition in the Manor House at Burrow.-CAPT. BARRETT. Two Antelope Heads.-MRS. BICKnell. Specimens of Roman Pottery.-W. P. PINCHARD, Esq. Five Guinea piece of the reign of Charles II. Spear-heads and other Roman Remains, from Prythrop Park, Oxfordshire.-REV. F. WARRE. PURCHASED BY THE SOCIETY. The Palæontographical Society's Journal. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED DURING THE YEAR 1854. Textrinum Antiquorum, or, The Art of Weaving among the Ancients, by James Yates, M.A.; Pamphlet on the use of the terms Acanthus, Acanthion, &c., in the ancient classics; Do. on the Bulla, worn by the Roman Boys, the Proceedings of Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, 1853 to 1854.-JAMES YATES, ESQ. Architectural Studies in France.-By the author REV. J. PETIT, M.A. A Crustacian from the Lias at Curry Rivel.— W. MUNKTON, Esq. Two Blind-fish, and specimens of Stalactites from the Mammoth cave, Kentucky.-W. E. SURTEES, ESQ. A Pamphlet on the Faussett Collection. C. ROACH SMITH, ESQ. A Pamphlet on the science of Geology and its application; a collection of Devonian Limestones, with Corals; a Geological Map of parts of Somerset.-J. D. PRING, Esq. Zoological Journal, 1824-29, 4 vols.; Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 10 to 20; Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, 4 vols. and 3 parts; Robert of Gloucester's and Langtoft's Chronicles.- SIR W. C. TREVELYAN, Bart. The Proceedings of the Architectural Society of Scotland, session 1853-4.-By post. The Book of the Axe.-By the author MR. G. P. R. PULMAN. The defence against the reply of P. C., by J. Whitgift, 1574.-J. A. YATMAN, ESQ. Fossil specimens of Trilobites, Ferns, &c.; from Scarborough and Dudley.-C. WINDLE, ESQ. Head of Antelope; Case of Arrows.-Mr. P. TAYLOR. Specimen of Ore, containing silver and copper, from a newly discovered mine at Ashburton; and silver and lead Ore from Cornwall.-MRS. G. H. PAYNE. Specimen of the First Printing done at Taunton. H. NORRIS, Esq. Specimens of Stalactite, from Holwell cavern. J. D. PRING, Esq. A series of rock specimens, from Scotland.- SIR W. C. TREVELYAN, Bart. Two fossil Ink-bags, from Ilminster.-C. MOORE, Esq. Three Medals, commemorative of Alliance between France and England, &c.; Pamphlet on the Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries, and a catalogue of the drawings, miniatures, cameos, &c., illustrative of the Bonaparte family; through THOMAS DAWSON, ESQ. Copy of Magna Charta.-MR. E. JEBOULT. Bones of Rhinoceros tichorinus, from the excavations at the Gaol at Wilton. A Block of Timber from the same. Stuffed Swan.-F. C. JOHNSON, ESQ. Coins-of Harold, struck at Bristol; Canute, struck at Bruton; Edward the Confessor, struck at Hastings. REV. T. F. DYMOCK. Large head of Alligator; head of Wild Boar; three Vampire Bats, &c.; through J. F. NORMAN, ESQ. Fourteen specimens of Zoophytes, from Minehead.— MISS GIFFORD. Pottery from Castle Neroche, and from Bath; Roman horse shoes from Staple Fitzpaine.-Rev. F. WARRE. Gorgonia Verrucosa, from Seaton; Sertulariæ, &c., mounted in spirits; Internal Shells of the Sepia and Loligo, together with their mandibles and ink-bags; Various specimens of the same, mounted in spirits; a specimen of the Aphrodite or Sea-mouse.--REV. W. A. JONES. The following Publications have been received during the year 1854, in exchange for the Proceedings of the Society: Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of Northampton, York, the Diocese of Lincoln, and Bedfordshire, for 1853. Sussex Archæological Collections, vol. 6. Journal of the British Archæological Association, April, July, and October, 1854. 1854, PART I. D * The Committee earnestly solicit the assistance of Members in different parts of the county towards the following objects: I.-The collection of a Complete Series of the Rocks and Minerals of the County, to be deposited in the Museum. II. The formation of a Bibliotheca Somersetensis, including the Title-page of all books or MSS. written by Natives of Somerset, or relating to, or printed in, the County. III. The Collection of the Heraldic Bearings of Somersetshire families. |