single and widowed persons, and no children can be permitted to reside in the Hospital. None of evil fame but such as are 'piously given' and of the protestant religion; and only such as can repeat the Creed, the Lord's prayer and the ten Commandments. Such as are lame, blind or infirm may be chosen under 60, but not under 50, though never so infirm. The charity is for the whole parish and the various quarters of it are not to compete. Everyone chosen must make this engagement. I, A. B., do solemnly promise that I will observe and keep all and singular those rules and orders which shall concern me in my respective place to the utmost of my power. XV.-Alms-people duly to repair to church to attend the ordinances of God, all of them in their purple gowns, and to have one seat in the church allotted to them that their absence may be better taken notice of. Alms-women to attend their brethren and sisters in sickness, and to wash linen and kindle the school fire weekly by turns, make the Master's bed, etc. None are to beg by which practice they do rob such as are poorer than themselves; nor to lodge another in their chamber, except in case of sickness. "And for as much as the Chiefe of the family of the Harrisons att Allerthorpe is their Land Lord and as it were their second founder, as a token of their gratefull observance, lett them ever shew a Signall respect and reverance to all of that family, and lett them express it by seing their pew or seat in the church swept cleane every weeke by themselves in turns, and strawed with sweet smelling fflowers and herbs in their seasons, and lett them in their prayers remember them—and their ffounder alsoe whilst he is living." XVI.--A sufficient quantity of purple shap is provided that each may make his own gown or coat every Christmas, and a silver cognizance will be set upon the back of every said gown or vestment. Let them never be seen abroad, especially out of the parish, but in this their livery or habit, lest they learn the trade of begging. XVII.—Misdemeanours on the part of any to be met by admonition, and for a third offence expulsion. XVIII. For the maintenance of the fabric which has been newly erected from the ground-every scholar on admission shall pay 2s. 6d. (in addition to the Master's fee) to a common stock to meet dilapidations to the building--'forasmuch as time consumeth all things.' And if it please God that this stock by such means and other helps shall considerably increase' (as who hath despised the day of small things) the Vicar and feoffees may enlarge the hospital at pleasure, adding more rooms, etc. XIX.-Every one is to keep his or her chamber clean and neat, and the Master is to look into each on Saturday afternoons to see that this is done. XX. The garden and draw well are for the use of all-let all unite in keeping it clean, each having his own fruit tree with plat of ground about it, sowing it with pot herbs, roots and flowers as he shall see fit. XXI.-Once every year, upon Saint Matthew's day in September, let there be a feast to which the poor Hospitallers of Firby shall be invited. Six shillings shall be allowed by the treasurer to buy them two or three dishes of meat, and what more at their own charges or at the charges of other persons who may please to add to their collation; but no excess of strong drink which may steal upon the aged, and nothing superstitious is intended thereby but rather thankfulness. Let them all together advance by two and two walking to the church and there attend Divine Service. And after repast, repeat the solemn thanksgiving and read the 8th chapter of Deuteronomy. Then let them innocently divertise themselves and at convenient time part, setting their guests and brethren to the town's end, and bidding them farewell, so return to their places. THE POST-SCRIPT OR THE FOUNDER'S ADDRESS TO ALL THOSE THE VICARS OF BURNESTON Whom the providence of God shall appoint Reverend Sirs-Tis at a great distance I am constrained to speake to you and bespeake your tender care in watering of that which hath been my care in planting, and though I may be in the dust when these lines doe reach your eyes, yett lett not my words be buried with me, that I (poore 1 A small increase was made at the commencement of the nineteenth century, when an estate of 12 acres and 3 roods of land at Carthorpe was purchased with money arising from gifts and legacies and the voluntary contributions of the inhabi I) offering up to God this my tants-but no extension of the building has been made. Until the recent legislation, 16 of the schoolmaster's salary was always paid by the trustees of this foundation. small Eucharisticall sacrifice from an humble and devoted heart with the righteous Abel, by it, I myselfe being dead may seeme yett to speak. It may be good encouragement to you whom God shall appointe to succeed me in this place for the good of this people, that some foundation of sincere religion hath been laid by the preaching of the Gospel, att once both poore and powerfull, and that another material foundation is layd also, as a Nursery of piety and charity (viz.) for the instruction of the young and sustentation of the old. Some rules and orders I have prescribed for the preservation of that small society in purity and peace, pursuant to those ends att which I designed. Now, since the good wills of the dieing by all good men living ought to be held as sacred, I most humbly but passionately and earnestly desire and beseech of you that you will see these my instructions (especially those that relate to the protestant religion, the sincerer knowledge and purer worship of God) faithfully put in execution by all those that are to be concerned in them. And since you I make my trustees herein, and you only (soe far as is the power of a private person) the alone visitors of this my schoole and hospital, and guardians for the orphant whose father is in heaven, to see all things ordered aright according to the true intention of the testatour, and for the better promition of Christian profession and piety-you I must charme and adjure by whatever is or ought to be to you dear and sacred, and as you will answer at the last day for your neglect herein, not to myselfe but to God the judge of all, that you will dilligently watch over this my little fflock as well as the greater committed to your charge by the great Sheepherd of Souls. If you love the Lord ffeed his Sheep and take care of the Lambs too, and the weak of the flock-those crazed creatures that belong to the ffold. And what was the last desire of our dear Lord and common Master is now the last request of an unworthy Servant of that Lord and-Your fellow servant in the Lord, Matth: Robinson (when Vicar of Burnestone). There follow forms of prayer which are directed to be used at the opening and closing of school, after a chapter read from the Gospels. Also private prayers for the Alms-people when they rise from and lay downe to rest; and two long Graces to be said by the Alms-master at the annual feast or collation-one before and one after meat, Mr. Robinson's apprehension lest the Roman Catholic religion should gain ascendency in England (which did in fact happen a few years later) is very apparent all through his Book of Regulations; but his care lest his flock should adopt practices opposed to the Protestant profession is perhaps nowhere more manifest than in 'An Advertisement to the Master' which he leaves :: For that clause in the Evening prayer of the Alms-people, the founder desires the Master to take care that it be used no longer than he liveth with any reference to himself, except they intend living benefactors. But rather after his death change it into this. O Lord, we bless thee that thou in thy grace hast raised up those in their generations who have been instruments under thee of making provision for the poor and desolate. Grant, Lord, that we and others. may by their devout examples press forward to that prize which they have laid hold of, and, with those departed in the faith, may have our perfect and consummate bliss in thy everlasting kingdom. A PAPER PRESERVED IN THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL CHEST AT GUISBOROUGH. TRANSCRIBED BY REV. J. F. WILLIAMS. The articcles to be inquered of by the Justic' apoited in northalverton the ij of Jeari, '93 [1593]. ffirste. Imprims to visit all Colledgs hospitalls almeshouses & other houses & places whatsoever ordeyned or appointed for Releefe of the poore in ye partes of northridinge in the cuntye of York aswell within lybbertyes as wthout & to inquere seerch & fynd owte aswell by examinatio of witnesses as by all other good & lawful meanes whatsoever where everye of them standithe & by what speciall naimes the same are comanlye called or knowen & of what Condition & qualletye the Rulers maisters or governors weer apponted to be & howe manye of them be of the ereccion & fondation of anye of the kings or quenes of England & in what tyme & by wch of the same kings or quenes everye of them were erected or endued & howe many of them be of the ffoundation or endowement of anye of the subiects of this Realme & by what psons & in what tymes the saime were fonded or indowed & by what naime of foundation or incorporation & yf ther hathe bene anye change ffro the ffirste fondation to inquere how the same hathe bene changed & by what athorytye. 2. I' of what sexe order & Condicion the poore of everye suche Colledge hospitall almeshouses or other houses & places were ordeyned or appontid to be as men or women sicke or wholl leprus or wayfayringe & soch other. 3. I' what other lands tenements Rents Revenewes somes of monye lesses goods or Chattells dyet pvisyon or other maintenance haithe bene ordeaned given assigned or apõted for the maintenance or Releeff of the said poore & everie of them or for anye other good or charretable uses or for mendinge of bridgs or highe wayes or exhebitions for scollers or soche like in everye of the said howses & places & unto what yeerlye vallew over all charge & who haithe taken the Revenewes & pfits therof for thes ten yeeres now laste paste & by what auctorathye Reighte or meanes & how moche therof |