The volume already referred to commences with a 'Preface to the rules concerning the Founder's mind': Considering that the duty incumbent upon all, especially the children of Wisdom in the judgment of Salomon the Wise, to honour the Lord with their substance is highly important, and that where much is given much equally may be required, and forasmuch as the scanty goodness of such creatures cannot reach to heaven or extend to our Creator but by those intermediate offices of piety and charity towards those our fellow-creatures, especially the poor, pious and excellent whom God has signallised as his substitutes-and my bounden duty towards my dear Master and so bountiful Lord who, though unworthy to be an under-steward in his house hath heaped upon me wealth and wages as much surpassing my work and deserts as my very desires and expectation-and lastly the solicitous affection I bear unto my sheep, the people whom the great Shepherd of Souls gave me in charge-these all have ripened into a solemn resolution of doing something that might be acceptable to my God and to my people. And that I might not offer unto the Lord that which cost me nothing I thought of building him an house, a poor Alms-house for his poor, which is Christi Gazophylacium, and of casting my mites into that his treasury, etc. As for my people of Burneston they were as the wife of my youth, and equally might have expected from me at my death something as it were in right of dowry, and not knowing but that soon I may put off my earthly tabernacle of this body, or that sooner in such tempestuous times as threaten us, I may be deprived of all and what I ought to prize as more precious than all my Ministry, etc. Neither would I leave an ill-savour of vain glory and ostentation behind me, as if wanting children to bear up my name I would perpetuate it to late posterity by engraving the same in these more lasting monuments of stone, for the fabric being drawn in little, is disproportioned unto a design so great. And the thing being a private school in the country rather than an Hall or College in the University where the lips of the learned do celebrate the memorials of their benefactors in anniversary solemnities, may consequently secure me from the censure and imputation of such vanity. Let thy name, O Lord, endure to all generations and ever be remembered, though my name be forgotten for ever and my place. know me no more. Write thou my name, O Lord, but in the Book of Life, and let others write it if they please in the dust. And because no human society, though never so small, can be long preserved pure or peaceable without order, I have thought fit for the better regulation of their conduct who are to be concerned in the school or hospital to give rules and instructions relating to the same, not presuming to call them by the lordly title of statutes which are vouched by no other authority than the royal law of charity, and forasmuch as pious intentions of this nature have in all times been piteous prophaned and perverted to uses far distant from the designs of their respective donors notwithstanding that noli me tangere of a solemn execration against the irreligious who should after dare either to violate the sacred will of the dead, or sacreligiously invade the rights of the everlasting God in things dedicated and devoted to him, I shall therefore forbear the fainter charm of an Anathema against such, but shall hereby declare that this my donation or endowment of both school and hospital is only granted and made with this condition and restriction, namely, that these my Rules and Orders following (especially all those relating to the profession of the true protestant religion in particular) be duly kept and observed by all concerned therein. If therefore it shall so happen that by the iniquity of the times, the reformed protestant religion (which yet is part of the Law and glory of this Land) shall hereafter be subverted (which God forbid) and that the glory shall depart from this land so that these rules can no longer be observed or permitted but that my charitable intention shall be interverted to superstition, so that Roman Catholics (as they are called) must be preferred to those places in the school or hospital which were projected to be a nursery of true protestants only, then I peremptorily will that the entire fabric shall revert and fully return to the use of the proper Lord and owner of the soil; and I further will that any lands on which I shall charge the yearly revenue or maintenance for the same shall forever be discharged from such payments and that the benefit thereof shall redound unto my executors only and to their heirs and assigns for ever. CHAPTER I. Of the number of persons to be maintained yearly in the hospital: It is appointed by the founder that there shall be one Master fit to teach the Grammar School, and six Alms people more, to be chosen out of the most poor, impotent and innocent people of the parish, as after shall be directed. Of these six Alms people, let two of them be women (or three if more convenient) the better to assist their brethren when sick or weak, and to wash their linen for them and to sweep and clean the stairs, school house and school chamber and to kindle fires in both when convenient, and to make the schoolmaster's bed, which things they are to do by their weekly turns when they are not by sickness hindered. But let the rest of the Alms people be men and aged men, three or four as the feoffees shall think fit. Let one of these Alms-men be deputed to teach the petty school of children till they can read perfectly and be fit to be translated into the Grammar School, and let one be ever chosen into that place who is fit for that employment. There are twenty-one chapters in all, relating to the feoffees and the master and their duties, etc., which may be briefly summarised. II. A yearly rent charge of £43 55. to be provided and applied as follows: Master of the Gramınar School (besides other advantages) £16; Alms master of the petty school £5 8s.; the other five Alms people £3 12s. each per annum and 5s. each additional to buy them coals. For 6 purple gowns yearly £2 5s.; for the rent of house and garden to the Lord of the Manor Is.; and for a yearly feast, to feast their brethren the Hospitallers of Firby 6s. III. The Feoffees or trustees are the Founder for life or at least so long as he shall reside in Burneston. After that, his beloved nephew George Grey, clerk, Rector of Lawton, Cheshire, if he shall succeed to the Vicarage of Burneston and for so long as he shall be resident. The standing Trustees are the following persons and their heirs for ever, so long as resident in the parish: Thomas Harrison of Allerthorpe the elder, esquire, Thomas Harrison of Grays Inn the younger, esquire, the Vicar of Burneston for the time being, Richard Willey of Burneston, gent., Richard Firby of Carthorpe, gent., John Tanfeild of Carthorpe, yeoman, John Warcoppe of Gatenby, gent., John Burnett of Theakston, yeoman, Richard Sadler of Exilby, now a minor, Leonard Fothergill of Leeming Street, yeoman; and John Danby of Carthorpe and William Hunton of Theakston, the two last during their lives only. Vacancies are to be filled by the surviving trustees, and in such election Harrison of Allerthorpe who is lord of the soil and the Vicar of Burneston are to have double votes. IV. The Trustees to meet in the Church every Christmas after evening service to choose a treasurer from their number, pass accounts and transact business generally. V. The schoolmaster to be paid £4 every quarter; and the Alms-master, 9s. with 6s. for each of the other Alms people on the first Sabbath or Lord's day of every Almanac month. VI. The choice of the Master and Alms people rests with the Founder for life, then with Rev. George Grey as above, and afterwards with the Feoffees, the Vicar of Burneston and the Chiefe of Allerthorp that shall be lord of the Soyle having double votes. VII. Forasmuch as the school is designed for a nursery of learning and piety also, and that Christ's cross is the beginning of all learning, and Christ crucified the a and of all knowledge, the Master of the School must play the usher to fit and season youth for the school of Christ that they may be his disciples, and the Master is to have a kind of pastoral charge over that little flock of his. He must therefore not be a man of common parts and conversation but singularly hopeful, a graduate in the University, competent in Greek and Latin for the instructing of youth, in which let him be examined by the Vicar of Burneston, the Minister of Kirklington and the Parson of Bedale. To be learned in divinity, sound in the faith, orthodox in judgment, no papist nor popishly affected person lest others be infected by him. To be sober, pious, industrious, serious, etc., and I solemnly require it of all those I have instructed herein as they will answer for it at the last day that no raw youth be admitted nor one that hath been wild or bebauched, or was ever known to be drunk or noted for a company keeper, etc. The same to be a single man unmarried and without children lest he bring a charge upon the parish, and if ever he marry let him quit his place and his salary cease. VIII. Master to receive in addition to his salary 2s. 6d. from each scholar at entry; and at Whitsuntide yearly a horse load of coals or else one shilling from every scholar. IX.-Master to keep a register; also let him lay constantly in the school chamber at nights that he be not seduced by ill company abroad, neither let him make his chamber the rendez-vous of idle persons. X.-Let him teach Lilly's Latin Grammar and Cambden's Greek Grammar, not posting on his boys beyond their abilities, but grounding them carefully, etc., from 6-30 a.m to 5-30 p.m. in summer, and in winter from 7-30 to 4-30. No other holidays than ten days before Christmas and 5 days before Easter and Whitsuntide. Prayers at the commencement and close of school hours daily, and a chapter from the New Testament read by one of the boys. Each scholar to get the Church Catechism and the Lesser Assembly's Catechism by heart. Scholars also to attend church each Lord's day forenoon and afternoon, and at all other solemn times of worship, and to sit in the choir for better observation. Any prophaning the Lord's day by public sports, or heard to tell a lie or swear an oath or curse to be corrected or discharged from the school. XI.-Master to pay the Alms-people duly, to visit any who are sick, giving them ghostly counsel and comfort and to rebuke the disorderly and uncharitable. Let him see that the Alms-people constantly and unanimously repair to the public worship every Lord's day and at other solemn times, and also let him call them to the school chamber (by the sound of an hand bell) every Lord's day when public worship is over and spend an hour with them in repeating the sermon heard, expounding the Scriptures, or in reading some part of the Whole Duty of Man or such like practical treatise in Divinity. XII. No scholar to throw any stone whereby to break any of the glass windows neither let any presume with his knife or otherwise to cut any of the stalls or seats or set his name upon them, but let him be punished who shall be found so doing. To prevent all disorders that are incident to schools by barring out of the Master, it is ordered that there shall be no barrings out at all at any time of the year, but in lieu thereof 20 days before Christmas the scholars may offer to the Master and propose their orders, not demanding above 10 days' cessation from school before Christmas and 5 days before Easter and Whitsuntide, and the Master is to accept and allow them. But if any shall presume to bar out the Master and shut the doors of him let the Master send for the parents of all those that are found in that rebellion and mutiny who are to command their children to desist and to see them corrected, but if the said children shall refuse to surrender or cease from disorder, or if the parents shall neglect to correct them for their offence, all such children shall be removed from the school, the Master being discharged from teaching all such disorderly and incorrigible persons. XIII.-The Alms-master to be competent to teach the little children of the parish to read English distinctly. Let him not be popishly affected, nor permit his 'punys' to lie, swear, curse, steal, or profane the Sabbath. His salary is £5 8s. per ann. to be paid monthly on the first Lord's day of every almanac month, with 12d. from each scholar at entrance and 12d. more or a load of coals yearly. Let him on all church days march in his habit at the head of all the rest of his Alms-brethren and listers unto the place of public worship. XIV.-Alms-people to be chosen from all the quarters of the parish of Burneston, not by favour but desert, as their poor condition and more pious inclination shall merit christian consideration and pity. None under 60 years of age, nor possessed of £5, nor with 20s. yearly income, nor with relatives able to support them. Only |