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SIMONS Oelside

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Giggleswick OO Setti

Do. of foreign mesne tenants

Do. of Gospatric, of native King's Thar

Holdings stated to be waste, or which (Alric)

native mesne tenants

inhabitants, are colored

Holdings having inhabitants and be
foreign holders or mesne tenants

Holdings having inhabitants, and be
native holders or mesne tenants

Holdings whose condition as to habita
stated or certain

Most of these were probably waste

The names appended are those of nati
tenants: the numbers are those of th
priests, farmers, sokemen, villans, an
be multiplied by four, or more,
of all ages.

desert tracts which have been mentioned could have progressed as they seem to have done without immigration from a distance. Some of the Norman owners had lands in other counties, whence they have transferred some of the superfluous, or at least not greatly needed, population. I think Hugh Fitz Baldric may have done so. And Professor Phillips's observations, and to a less extent my own, as to the presence of a type that may be French in parts of the great plain, lead me to think there was a certain amount of immigration, accomplished perhaps by stages, from the Continent, where population was redundant about that time. Such a type is not common along the Upper Aire, but I think it exists. I have looked into the surnames in the Poll-tax Lists for Craven, given by Mr. Speight, but have not derived much instruction from them. So late as 1379 it is evident that surnames had by no means become fixed in the lower class; nicknames, names of occupation, and patronymics, very commonly derived from what was known as the surer side, all abound. There are a few of the old Anglo-Danish names, as Thorbrand, Swayne, Gryme, Grundolf, Gudred, Suerdson (Siwardson ?), Dolfynson, Boy, Gamle, and Horn. There are a few which indicate their derivation from some distance, such as Yris (Irish), Idonea Darbishire, Will-Walays, de Lond', Scot, Hawell (?), and a few which are certainly or doubtfully French, or indicative of foreign origin. Such are Brabaner, Maugerneys, Turpyn, Colwyl, Duket, De Grenfell, Vescy, Taburner, Daunay, Moune, Scutolyer, Beket, De Cressy, Lowpage, Lemynge (?), Malgot, Challoner, De Lyndesay, Tyrell, Juglare, and Pleynamour. But the form of the patronymic is the Scandinavian, thus Matilda Daudoghter, Elias Mabson.

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On the whole, the impression one gets is that Craven had not probably been much colonised by the English before the arrival of the Danes, and that the French took some part, though not a large one, in its repeopling after the great ravages.


The map was intended to include all the estates, i.e. manors and berewicks and sokes, mentioned in Domesday, and I believe accomplishes its object fairly well. There are doubtless other omissions, but the following eighteen are all those of which I am aware:—

Bratby and Watercroft, near Leeds; waste.

Clifton (berewick of Boroughbridge); waste.

Caldcotes, Chipperton (Kepsthorn ?), and Cuford, berewicks of
Kippax; all waste.

Cross-stones, near Todmorden; waste.

Grimshaw; an estate of Roger de Busli, with six inhabitants.

Battersby (? Batterax) in Staincliff, and Bugworth; an estate of
Roger de Busli, with six inhabitants.

Besthan and Sossacre; waste berewicks of Knaresborough.
Gamesford (De Bruis's fee).

Eastwick, on the Yore; waste.

Westerby, near Snydal; Roger of Ilbert; five vills and four


Wildthorp, near Cadeby; Roger de Busli; one plough and one priest.

Malcheton, near Tadcaster; a fishery; waste.

Thoak (?); King's waste, near Holmfirth.

It will be observed that of the eighteen, twelve are certainly waste, three inhabited, and three doubtful.

Manors and their subordinate members are generally connected by thin lines, as, e.g., in the great manor of Wakefield. Sometimes these lines are used to link properties whose holders or population are in common.

Gospatric's manor of Poppleton is probably misplaced; Mr. Brown thinks it must be a lost vill near Kirkby Malzeard.

While cultivation in many places extended beyond its present limits, in others the waste had not been reclaimed; thus there are "thwaites" in the county now, unknown to the compilers of Domesday.



IN 1901 I had the honour of editing, for the Yorkshire Archæological Society's Transactions (vol. xvi. pp. 369-423), four Pardons or Letters of Fraternity granted by the Trinitarian Friars of St. Robert of Knaresborough for the Redemption of Captives in 1412, 1480, 1501, and 1527, together with one Letter of Fraternity issued by the York. Franciscans or Greyfriars in 1479. One of the originals belongs to the 'Bradford Antiquarian and Historical Society' (and permission to examine it was obtained through the kindness of J. Lister, Esq., of Shibden Hall, Halifax), and the remainder belong to the Rev. C. S. Slingsby, of Scriven Park, Knaresborough.

More recently, through the kindness of Mrs. Tempest, of Broughton Hall, Skipton, I have been allowed to examine two other Knaresborough Letters of Fraternity, issued respectively to Sir W. Bakerston in 1495, and Richard Gelybrend, chaplain, in 1512, and now in the collection of Edmund Starkie, Esq., of Huntroyde, Padiham, Burnley, by whose kind permission I have made the transcript and translation now presented to the reader. As in my former paper, I will give the translations first.

The initial "F" of the first of these documents is ornamented in the centre with a shield, argent, bearing a cross ancrée, the upright member being (I think) tinted gules, the horizontal bar, azure. The cross figured in the representation of a Trinitarian friar in Dugdale's Monasticon (vol. vi., between pp. 1566-7, after Hollar), shows the (eight-pointed) cross, worn embroidered on the breast of the habit, and also on the left shoulder of the cloak.




ROTHER RICHARD, minister of the house of St. Robert by Knaresborough, of the Order of Holy Trinity and the Redemption of Captives, who are imprisoned for the faith of Jhesu Christ by the paynim, To Sir WILLIAM BAKERSTON greeting and sincere love in the Lord,

Whereas among privileges apostolic granted of old time to us and to our Order aforesaid by the Holy Apostolic See, and by the same See canonically confirmed anew, certain spiritual' benefits to the following effect are contained :

To all persons truly penitent and confessed, who shall have given a helping hand for the maintenance of the said Order, we remit six years and eighty days of penance enjoined. We also grant that all brethren and sisters associate of the confraternity of the said Order, who shall have given a certain portion of their goods and contributed benevolences yearly to the brethren or messengers (collectors) of the said Order, may choose each year a fit priest as their confessor, who, after hearing their confessions diligently, may enjoin salutary penance for their sins committed, unless these be so grave as to require that the Apostolic See be duly consulted thereupon.


To [parish] priests and clerks, and other secular priests, and religious men of whatsoever religious rule or habit, as well as nuns, if they shall have sent contributions of their goods to the said house, whatever they shall have omitted through inability, negligence, forgetfulness, or bodily weakness, in divine service and canonical hours, it shall be utterly excused them. And each associate shall have a writing of the said fraternity; and church burial shall not be denied. him, unless he were expressly excommunicate by name. If any benefactor die within the year, he is of our special favour absolved of all his sins truly lamented and confessed, the Chapter "Abusionibus" notwithstanding." We, considering the sincere affection wherewith thou dost humbly crave to be entitled to the freedom of the said Order, do by virtue of these presents admit thee by this authority allowed to us; and under the form and effect thereof we grant that thou mayest truly enjoy the aforesaid as well as other privileges conceded. to the associates of our Order, to thy soul's health. We add for thee, moreover, of special favour this benefit, that when, next after thy decease, these present letters shall be exhibited in our conventual chapter, the same service of commendation shall be performed for thee as is customably done there for our brethren departed. In witness whereof, our seal is appended to these presents. Given in our said house, A.D. 1449.

(?) "C (or T)... L(?) ee."-The signature (or the amount) appended by the pardoner or collector is illegible, having been written with inferior ink.

1 "Spalia" may equally well stand for "special."

2 Compare the verses on Cases Reserved, "Per papam: Feriens clerum, falsarius, urens," &c.

3 Abusionibus: See Corpus Juris Canonici, in Clementinis, lib. v. tit. ix. cap. 2, ex Concilio Viennensi (A. D. 1312), where eight evil practices of pardoners are stigmatised.

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