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Brompton is half of the hogback on the chancel-step, sketched from a photograph. The other side is similar in design; on the ridge is a single-strap ring plait. The whole is chiselled and finely executed; the bears are picked over, as if to represent fur. The hogback measures 52 inches long, 16 inches high, and 10 inches thick at the base. (B 3?)

Another hogback of the same design, though not quite so well executed, is represented by a fragment now placed near the organ; not figured here.

Brompton shows part of a hogback in the porch, drawn from a flash-light photograph. It measures 41 by 17 by 8 inches, and is rather neatly cut, though the lower part is defaced. (B 3?)

Another hogback in the porch resembles that on the chancel steps (6), but has triquetræ in the panels; the pattern is picked with the hammer, the rest chiselled. It measures 48 by 18 by 10 inches. All these are of the same coarse brown freestone. (B 3?)

In the Cathedral Library at Durham are five hogbacks with bears and one with interlacing, which have been taken from Brompton (Nos. 58-63 in the catalogue). Other Brompton stones at Durham are three cross-heads with wheels (Nos. 52, 53, and 55), a cross-head with a draped figure (No. 54), a shaft with animals and human figure (No. 56), and a shaft with bird and beast (No. 57)—twelve stones in all.

Brompton Crosses.-The cross (d, e,) stands in a corner of the church near the organ. It measures 43 inches high, 12 by 8 inches in section at the base, and the head is 18 inches across the arms. The wheel of the head is merely rudimentary, and the lateral arms unusual in contour. (B 3.)

The shaft in the porch, of which the four sides are shown in f, g, h and i, is a fragment 30 inches tall, 12 by 8 inches in section at base; finely cut in low relief, but much defaced. On the side f, beneath two birds (cocks ?, as symbols of watchfulness, from the story of St. Peter's denial), is a pair of those composite figures in which the fancy of Anglo-Saxon artists indulged, leading to the wild zoomorphs of Viking Age design. The figure at g is indistinct, but may be holding a book; that at h may be an angel with wings, and underneath it was a basket-plait, now nearly scabbled away. (A.) In the porch is also a tall cross (not drawn), closely resembling the cross near the organ (d, e). It measures 60 inches tall, the shaft 12 by 9 inches in section at 1 foot from the base, which is broken; and the head is 15 inches across the arms. Hacked work, perhaps

finished with the chisel.

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